"Feng woke up?" This is the best news that the bird emperor has heard in recent years. Hearing this, the bird emperor said to him in a hurry: "Jilei, go to the medicine hall with me quickly!"

In the medicine hall, a pair of Phoenix eyes opened, half squinting at the roof beam above, suddenly gave birth to a kind of unreal feeling.

Isn't he in the upper bound? How did he get here?

"upper bound..." Feng suddenly felt a headache, and it seemed that there were tens of millions of pieces cutting his brain, which made Feng very painful. At this time, the gate was suddenly pushed open, and Feng saw two figures coming in from outside.

The bird emperor saw that Feng had really woken up and asked in a hurry: "how do you feel?"

Seeing the bird emperor, Feng was relieved. He knew that he was already in the palace. However, when the bird emperor asked himself, Feng suddenly recalled something and covered his head with a look of pain.

Ji Lei sees the situation, and quickly goes up to take Feng's wrist and pulse it carefully. After a moment, he is relieved and says to the bird emperor, "there is no sign of recurrence of internal injury in the body."

"Well, this..." the bird emperor hesitantly looked at the Phoenix that was showing pain at the moment. Ji Lei could only sigh and say, "maybe it's something you want to remember. It's hard to remember for a while. It's true. Don't disturb him."

When the bird emperor hears the words, he closes his mouth. Then, Feng raises his head and looks excited. He says to Jilei and bird emperor, "the upper bound is dangerous."

"What?" When the bird emperor and Ji Lei heard the words, they all looked dignified. Ji Lei leaned down and said to the Phoenix, "master, don't worry. Speak slowly. What's wrong with the upper bound?"

"Haven't all the fierce beasts in the upper world been sealed?" The bird emperor had some doubts, but Feng shook her head and said to the bird emperor, "we are all wrong! There are more than four beasts in the world! There are other beings in the upper world

"Apart from the other doubts, there are also some other things about the fierce beast

"I don't know." Feng heard the speech and shook her head blankly: "who attacked me and Huang? I can't remember clearly, but I have never felt such a powerful force. This power is not in this world at all!" Feng's words make Ji Lei and que Di all frown tightly. Then Ji Lei is puzzled, not questioning the authenticity of Feng's words. Ji Lei had already speculated about the possibilities of the upper bound when Feng fell into the lower bound. After all, the scene of the upper bound could not be known in the lower bound. Although Ji Lei was suspicious, he could not help it I want to find out the upper bound. "All the fierce beasts have been locked up, so the upper bound should be quiet... What is it that can knock down the lower world as powerful as the emperor of the tenth war..." Ji Lei murmured in a low voice, but it's useless to think about it. After all, Feng still needs Feng to give the answer. However, no matter what Feng thinks, all of them can't answer why. This makes Ji Lei very upset 。

After walking out of the medicine hall, Ji Lei is solemn and serious. He thinks that maybe it's time to do something he didn't dare to think about before...

"I think we should go up and have a look." Ji Lei suddenly opens his mouth and says to the bird emperor. The bird emperor is shocked and looks at Ji Lei and says, "are you kidding?" "I'm not kidding," Jilei shook her head seriously, and said to the bird emperor, "what Phoenix encounters in the upper bound must not be as simple as the fierce beast. All the other fierce beasts have been sealed, and the Phoenix is still injured. This proves that my previous conjecture

is right. There is really something in the upper world, which is even stronger and more dangerous than the fierce beast Danger

"Don't you think it's a dangerous place for us to go The bird emperor said in a deep voice.

"What if he comes down?" Ji Lei suddenly said that the bird emperor was shocked and was stunned for a moment. "If he really goes down to the martial god, it will not be easier to deal with it than poverty."

"That's right." But how can we not even find out the way to subdue him

Ji Lei's words seem to have moved the bird emperor. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally nodded his head and said, "I know. Let's go up. By the way, take the southern emperor with you. Three people can also be safer."

He nodded.

"To the upper bound?" After hearing Ji Lei's idea, the southern emperor's eyebrows gradually sank, and his tone was dignified: "if it's really necessary, it's OK to go there. The upper boundary is dangerous. Pay attention to safety."

The South emperor did not refuse, and readily agreed, which made Ji Lei feel relieved. The three did not publicize the trip to the upper world. Ji Lei claimed that he needed to be closed for a period of time, and the two people, the bird emperor and the South emperor, were also closed. The nine Zun Yuxuan palace blocked the news, and only a few people in the interior knew about it.There were three streamers in the sky. Feng was lying on the bed, looking at the sky outside the window and murmuring, "I hope you can come back safely..." how to get to the upper boundary, Jilei and Nan Tiandi don't know. Only the bird emperor who has experienced this kind of experience knows that. In the high air, the bird Emperor stands against the wind, and a seal appears in his palm, and the seal knot becomes bigger and more The high sky flies slowly.

At a certain height, the printing knot then hovers in the air and grows larger. The black gas gushes from the center. The mysterious scenery inside seems to be calling for people to go in and find out.

"Let's go." The bird Emperor gave a light voice, and then he took the lead in flying towards the center of the Indian knot, passing through it and disappearing into the sky. Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven followed suit.

Ji Lei's eyes are suddenly dark. Ji Lei is stunned. The voice of the bird emperor suddenly rings in his ear: "close your eyes."

Ji Lei is busy closing her eyes. When the bird emperor makes them open their eyes again, Jilei opens them. The scene around him is dark. Ji Lei looks around him blankly and finds that he is floating in the air. If you look at it carefully, the scene of the upper boundary is like the night sky, with stars. Except that he can't touch the ground, it's no different from wushentian.

"Pretty?" The bird emperor suddenly appears beside Ji Lei and looks at the boundless night sky. He says to Ji Lei. Ji Lei hears the words and nods. The southern emperor also appears and asks the bird emperor, "where are we going now?" "Go and see the fierce beasts. If they know it, it's not impossible to force questions." The bird emperor said, and his body quickly swept away in one direction.

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