The upper boundary, appears extremely empty, Jilei three people are suspended in the starry sky, following the bird emperor all the way toward a certain place. "Originally, poor Qi was imprisoned in southern Sirius. He was the father of dark iron to guard him. Now poor Qi is dead, so the father of dark iron has gone to the lower limit." The sparrow emperor said to Ji Lei and the southern emperor that there was not much intersection between the emperors of the ten wars when the fierce beasts did not make trouble. In other words, only when the disaster broke out would the ten war emperors join hands to fight together. "The remaining three constellations are the East Green Dragon Star guarded by shuiluoxing king, the Beiyang star guarded by the king of all spirits, and a Western Heaven palace, which is guarded by the black devil. In fact, these three stars are actually the prison for the fierce beasts. But now, all the fierce beasts have been sealed again, so there is no need for the other ten war emperors to stay in the upper world." The bird emperor explained this to Jilei. Jilei understood the reason why the upper world was so empty. However, it also aroused Jilei's curiosity about what the star constellation was like when the beast was imprisoned. The bird emperor, with Jilei and the southern emperor of heaven, landed on a star that was suspended with dust and gravel. The star was very small, and there was only a palace. Now, the palace has been dilapidated. Now, the palace is a little bit shabby.

"Once poor Qi was imprisoned here, now poor Qi is dead, so here is very empty, this palace looks so dilapidated, it is also because of the war with poor Qi here." "In order to seal off poor Qi, the father of dark iron was seriously injured, or was attacked by poor Qi." The bird emperor seems to be indulging in the past. Ji Lei looks around and says, "where are the other three fierce beasts? The poor are dead, so there is no use for it here? " The bird emperor nodded and whirled. Even if he and Jilei flew to the East a little closer, Jilei could see a star with dark green light all over his body. A green breath surrounded the star, which looked like a dragon.

"This is the East Green Dragon Star. This dragon is the seal we put on to seal chaos." The bird emperor points to Ji Lei from a distance. Ji Lei hears the speech, nods and immediately says to the bird emperor and the South emperor, "let's go and have a look." Near the East Green Dragon Star, the faint green gas seems to have some changes. Somehow, it becomes more vivid. Ji Lei looks at the bird emperor in doubt, and the bird emperor explains to him, "the seal is imposed by me. Seeing me coming, it will be much more active."

Jilei nodded, "I see...

" hmm? What's going on? " One side of the South emperor suddenly frowned. Ji Lei looked at the southern emperor with some doubts: "what's the matter?"

"I just seemed to feel something..." the South emperor's eyes looked around, and then fell on the green green dragon seal, with a slight cluster of eyebrows, and then flew towards the green dragon seal.

"Master!" Ji Lei and bird emperor see the South emperor plundering East Green Dragon Star, and quickly follow up.

Green Dragon Seal, close to the eyes of the three, the southern emperor suspended in front of the seal, looking at the dragon head, eyes dignified.

"What's the matter?" When Ji Lei sees that the South emperor is calm, he can't help but ask in some doubt. At this time, the bird emperor suddenly stops Ji Lei who is trying to speak, and then he also keeps quiet. His eyes are fixed on the green dragon that is walking.

"Here..." in the eyes of the bird emperor, there was a sharp light. He looked at the green dragon. The green dragon, which was swimming around the East Green Dragon Star, suddenly changed its swimming track and rushed towards Jilei!

All of a sudden, the color of the green dragon changed into a frightening black! Open a huge mouth, roar a roar toward the bird emperor rushed away!

The bird emperor's expression was slightly dignified, but not flustered. The palm of his hand was in front of him. Then a breath burst out from his palm and rushed towards the black dragon!

"Pheasant feather!" In the palm of the bird emperor, countless breath turned into sharp feathers like a knife blade. When facing the black dragon, it was rushed away. After being impacted by countless feathers, the black dragon's body suddenly roared, and its body suddenly broke out. A figure came out from inside and glared at the bird Emperor: "Green Pheasant bird! You lock me in here. If you have seed, you will come down and I will kill you

"This is... Chaos?" Jilei looked at the angry figure, and her expression gradually became dignified. Chaos even directly attached to the seal of the bird emperor! This kind of strength can not be described as terror. "It's just the embodiment of chaos. He's more weird than poverty." The bird emperor said lightly, and then looked at Ji Lei and the southern emperor of heaven, "it seems that chaos has once again found out the pattern of my seal, so I must strengthen the seal. The seal is in the Qinglong hall, and chaos is there. The ability of chaos is to create all the illusions that exist in your heart. If you are lost in the illusion, you may not be able to get out all your life. Therefore, when you enter the East Green Dragon Star, remember not to float too much emotion, especially anger. Chaos likes anger most. "Ji Lei naturally remembered the words of the bird emperor. After the southern emperor nodded, he even landed with the bird emperor to the East Green Dragon Star, which was full of flames. Jilei landed with the bird emperor on the East Green Dragon Star. Like Sirius, the only thing that existed was a lonely green dragon hall. The green dragon hall seemed to be covered by a ring of green light. When Jilei approached the ring, he could feel the burning temperature on it. Jilei reached out and touched it, and the flame immediately ignited Jilei's clothes, Jilei saw this and rushed to put out the fire.

"The green dragon fire is the unique flame of East Qinglong star. It is quite fierce. If the light is hotter, it should not be inferior to your incomparable fire."

Hearing this, Ji Lei nods, and then pushes the gate of the green dragon hall with the bird emperor. When the door of the hall opened, there was a green table with a ball tied by a chain. The bird emperor explained to Jilei, "the chaotic body is in this sphere. Look at the broken chains, if all of them are broken, the chaos will be broken The seal has been opened, and it must be repaired in time. "

Said, the bird emperor then toward the ball to go, but the ball suddenly stirred, inside spread a sharp voice: "get out of the way!"

Bird emperor looked at the ball lightly, then indifferently said: "you give up, don't struggle." "Well, do you think a few chains will bind me? You think too highly of yourself Inside the ball, came the voice of chaos disdain, smell speech, but the bird emperor felt a little funny: "can you come out? If you can come out, I will let you act. "

"Wait and see!"

When the emperor saw the scene, his eyebrows were slightly clustered. Then, a voice suddenly rang out in his ear, a roar of dust laden in his heart for a long time! Old and vicissitudes! , the fastest update of the webnovel!