Chapter 1033: The Mysterious Map (2)

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1033: The Mysterious Map (2)

However, she could sense his consumption when using the Morphic Puppet, so she understood adding another Divine Artifact of unknown origin might do him more harm than good.

Orion exhaled tiredly, nodding his head in response. He took Aerialia's advice to heart.

"Is there anything else?" Orion asked curiously, noticing Aerialia's pondering gaze. "The draconic energy around her is too potent for someone who doesn't possess a draconic lineage," Aerialia responded, then shook her head. "Forget it. It might merely be the effects of the Legendary Art she's practising. Who knows what other effects it possesses?"

Aerialia added. "Just watch her since this is related to a Divine Artifact."

"Okay. I will," Orion responded before re-summoning Aerialia and the Crimson Greatsword into their small Crimson Greatsword mark. Orion then soared towards Eleanora's direction.

Eleanora, standing partly clothed and protected by the oppressive energy around her, with the raging emotions still within her, couldn't help but feel her muscles tightened when she sensed the familiar fierce magical signature approaching her.

"You can pull your clothes back up, Miss Eleanora," Orion said as he arrived behind her.

Eleanora swiftly adjusted her attire, then turned to face Orion. "I've confirmed the authenticity of the map," Orion continued, "but you'll need to master it before we can decipher its secrets fully."

Upon hearing this, Eleanora's shoulders sagged in relief as though his words had lifted a great weight from them. "I'll do my utmost to master it so we can begin the search for the Divine Artifact," she said, her voice filled with gratitude as she bowed her head towards Orion.

"One more thing," Orion added, "Paradise will take care of your needs to ensure you can focus on mastering the Legendary Art. While you'll be given special treatment from now on, be warned: if we discover that you're not meeting expectations, the consequences will be far worse than you can anticipate."

"I will do my best, Supreme Leader, and I won't let Paradise's resources go to waste," Eleanora replied, her voice filled with decisiveness as she quickly shook off her stunned expression.

Within the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City

Queen's Palace

Orion followed closely behind Eleanora until they arrived before a door. Two of the gods' chosen stood at the entrance, but that wasn't what drew Orion's interest; instead, it was the door. It was fortified with four locks, each seemingly excluding an otherwordly aura, indicating that they were enchanted.

Eleanora channelled her draconic energy into the locks and released them individually. With each lock that clicked open, ancient runes etched themselves into the door's surface before


As Eleanora pushed the door open, revealing the room beyond, Orion followed her inside, and she closed the door behind them.

The sight that greeted Orion stunned him.

A young woman lay on the vast, lavish bed, her wrists and ankles bound with sturdy enchanted chains anchored securely to the bedposts. Her long, dark hair poured over the pristine white sheets, and she wore a thin white nightgown.

As if sensing their presence, her eyes shot open and scanned the grand room, finally locking onto their figures. Panic, then fear and anger surged through her as she began to take heavy breaths, her attempts to speak stifled by a cloth gagged tightly around her mouth. Her chest heaved, and the chains rattled as she struggled against her restraints, her gaze fixed intently on Eleanora.

"Is she your younger sister, Princess Ballesha?" Orion asked, his curiosity rising. He hadn't expected that the young woman's mental state would be so severe that she was confined and shackled within her room.

Eleanora nodded, "Her mental health is deteriorating every single day, leaving us to worry for the worst if things continue like this," she responded.

Soon, Ballesha no longer fixed her fiery gaze on Eleanora but on Orion.