Chapter 1034: Overfulfilling the bargain

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1034: Overfulfilling the bargain

Suddenly, Ballesha's lips moved, and she attempted to speak, but her words were stifled once more. Her fiery gaze remained fixed on Orion.ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

Orion looked at Ballesha curiously, pondering what she wanted to say. He redirected his attention towards Eleanora. "Unbind her," Orion said, directing his gaze towards Eleanora. Without hesitation, Eleanora stepped forward to remove the chains and untie the cloth around Ballesha's mouth. If it had been before, she might have hesitated. However, after becoming one of Paradise's most treasured individuals, such thoughts were far from her mind.

Once freed from her bondage, Ballesha lunged towards Eleanora, her eyes filled with intense bloodlust. However, just as she attempted to do so, an enormous pressure crashed upon her, pressing her body against the bed and dulling her senses.

Even though the dense energy wasn't focused on her, Eleanora could still feel the overwhelming pressure. She steeled her will and stepped back as Orion stepped forward.

Ballesha trembled. The pressure on her was far more than she had ever experienced from her sister. She realized that if she made any more sudden movements, the masked figure might kill her.

Suddenly, Orion's voice resonated loudly, "I am here because I've made a bargain with your sister-to find a cure for your severe illness." He went straight to the point.

Instantly, Ballesha was stunned, her eyes widening in astonishment as she turned to look at her sister with a complex mix of emotions.

Eleanora bowed her head, her hands nervously clasped together.

Meanwhile, Orion furrowed his brows, thinking about how to handle the mess before him. He needed to uphold his end of the bargain and heal her, securing Paradise as an entity that always stayed true to its promises. Yet, he couldn't do that if she was actively trying to kill herself.

Orion pondered, thinking of a solution.

"Aren't you tired of living like this? Your sister is soon going to be nurtured and protected by Paradise. Even if you have nothing to live for, you don't possess the strength or authority to harm her or make any decisions of your own." Orion said, pausing and observing the reactions of both sisters before continuing, "I think I may have the best solution for this: Paradise will not only find a way to treat and heal you of your illness, but we will also nurture your ascent through the hierarchy of power, so you'll be able to enact your revenge."

Orion watched as Ballesha's and Eleanora's expressions froze in shock and bewilderment, their mouth wide open, not expecting his sudden choice of words.

"Of course, because we'll be overfulfilling the bargain made with Miss Eleanora, there are two conditions," he added. "First, Miss Eleanora, who presented the bargain, must agree. Second, until Miss Eleanora's deal with Paradise has been fulfilled, you're not allowed to harm her in any way. After that, you can do as you wish, and we will no longer interfere between you."

As Orion finished speaking, he observed Ballesha and Eleanora's expressions. "Miss Eleanora, is this acceptable to you?" he asked, his gaze locking onto her. If she refused, they would need to find another way to ensure her treatment. However, if she agreed, it would be an opportunity to showcase Paradise's benevolence.

Given the unusual nature of the proposal, Orion needed to be more certain about her response. "Yes, I agree," Eleanora responded, nodding swiftly. She hadn't expected the Supreme Leader of Paradise to suggest such a thing, but she would agree to anything if it kept her sister close and gave her the will to live.

Orion couldn't help but wonder if Eleanora was equally mentally unstable.

Ballesha, astonished by her sister's words, smirked. "You should withdraw and keep this generous offer for Sy'ra's full recovery. Otherwise, I promise you'll regret this day," she said, her fierce gaze challenging Eleanora.