Chapter 1040: Mysterious Identity

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1040: Mysterious Identity

The bartender's tone was tinged with frustration. Her heart ached at the thought of refusing such a lucrative deal. Yet she couldn't afford the risk and grew even more suspicious of the mysterious figure before her.

Realizing that further negotiation would be futile, Orion finished the last of his steak and stood up. "Thank you for the delicious meal. It's the best I've had in forever. I'll be-"

Before he could finish, the bar's door burst open, and a figure stormed in.

"Help me, Great Warriors! My wife has been kidnapped! Please help me!" The man screamed, pleading desperately. He collapsed on the floor, too terrified to walk further or look at the intimidating figures within the bar.

A solemn silence descended upon the bar.

The warriors and gods' chosens gripped their weapons tightly, rising from their seats one by one. Deep frowns appeared on their faces as they scanned the room.

Orion remained in his position, his acute senses detecting several individuals surrounding the bar.

"It seems you're in luck today because they are here," the bartender said, taking Orion's tray and cleaning up the space where he had eaten.

"Aren't you worried they'll break in and destroy your bar?" Orion asked curiously. Considering the number of warriors and gods' chosen packed in here, it seemed the perfect place for the enemy to sabotage if they wanted to eliminate any hindrances obstructing their plans.

Suddenly, a warrior rushed forward, dashing out of the Midnight Butcher Bar. Almost instantly, another one followed suit, not wanting to be left behind.

Then another...

Even those upstairs soon realized what was happening and rushed downstairs, dashing out the door one by one. The gods' chosens soon followed, each armed with a weapon and eyes radiating an intense intent to kill.Finnd new chapters at sorry, Mr., but it seems you'll need to find another opponent to challenge and play hero," the bartender said, her tone cold and rigid. It was a stark contrast to the pleasant demeanour she had displayed earlier.

"Are you sure?" Orion asked, frowning. Though he didn't know the bartender's full capabilities, he could see that the gods' chosen before him held his own against two others, using one hand to fend them off while clutching a small child in the other.

"Miss Kerensa!!..." A distressed voice echoed from the bar's upper level, followed by the sight of a woman racing toward them.

She was joined by a man whose face was etched with fear and worry. Both were Dragmins, dressed in similar attire to the two servers Orion had seen earlier.

They arrived before Orion and the bartender.

"Miss Kerensa!! Little Zeya hasn't returned from the market..." The woman's voice faltered as she saw the battle raging in the distance, her eyes widening in shock.

Although the battle unfolded too quickly for her to grasp fully, the flashes of the child in the cloaked figure's arms stirred a haunting familiarity in her mind.

"Little Zeya!!" the woman cried out, her voice a mix of fear and desperation. She tried to rush forward but was quickly restrained by the man beside her.

The man turned to the bartender with pleading eyes, "Miss Kerensa, please help us save Little Zeya. We can't lose her now."

"Enough with the pleading," Kerensa replied, clearly irritated. "Haven't I clarified that I'm responsible for your safety as long as you work for me? Tsk! You'd all be dead by now if I weren't keeping watch over you amidst all the enemies we make daily." She then ordered, "You stay here and don't move. You, fetch my Gearweaver!"

The woman nodded, standing firm while the man dashed back into the bar to retrieve her Gearweaver.

Orion observed the scene unfolding before him and quickly grasped the situation.

"As you can see, Mr., these people have touched a nerve by harming one of my own," the bartender said, her eyes blazing with intense fury as she briefly glanced at the mysterious cloaked figure beside her.