Chapter 1041: The Formidable Strength Of The Owner Of The Midnight Butcher Bar!

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1041: The Formidable Strength Of The Owner Of The Midnight Butcher Bar!

She then turned her full attention back to the battle. "So, I'd appreciate it if you found another place to play hero and left this one to me."

One of the gods' chosen had already sustained injuries to both arms, weakening his strikes and steadily draining his strength. Meanwhile, the other gods' chosen was slowly being overpowered by his opponent.

"I'll stay and watch in case you need help," Orion said with a nod. He needed to inform Seth to send warriors immediately to the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City to manage the situation. Revealing his identity seemed unnecessary. After all, what would people think if rumours spread that the Supreme Leader of Paradise was entangled in a crisis caused by the nobles of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City?

Such rumours would tarnish the untouchable and incorruptible image of Paradise, which he had worked so hard to build. For now, he had decided to present himself as an ordinary warrior under Paradise, using this opportunity to demonstrate the strength of Paradise's forces rather than just its leaders.

"I assure you that I won't need it," Kerensa responded with a smirk, her eyes still blazing in fury.

The man swiftly returned with her Gearweaver. Collecting it, Kerensa immediately charged forward.NewW novels updates at

Surprisingly, her hooves seemed to fade into near silence, almost as if they were vanishing. Without his acute senses, Orion would have missed her movement entirely. In that instant, her speed surged dramatically, making it appear that she had vanished and appeared to the right side of the assailant.

Orion finally had a clear view of her appearance. Kerensa had a calm, confident expression, her rich brown, wavy hair pouring down her back. Gold earrings and a forehead ornament adorned her, sparkling with precious stones.

She wore a simple black bodice accentuating her ample chest, designed with intricate strings crisscrossing at the neckline. The bodice extended into two split fabrics that covered her powerful, robust legs. Over this, she wore a long white robe, which bared her shoulders but covered her arms and extended backwards to cover her entire four-legged form. The robe had a slit for her tail to emerge and sway freely in the wind.

Her entire appearance radiated both brute strength and a sophisticated aura. She swiftly swung her Gearweaver Sword down, successfully striking the arm of the cloaked god's chosen, inflicting a deep, terrible wound.

The cloaked god's chosen immediately released the child from his grasp and retreated, distancing himself from Kerensa.

Once he finished, Orion deactivated the connection with Seth and moved back toward the door to assess the strength of the combatants in the ongoing battle outside.

At this moment, one of the gods' chosen lay battered on the ground, his body marked with numerous cuts. Kerensa and the cloaked gods' chosen faced off, the latter's face now revealed as a Dragmin. He supported himself upright with his Gearweaver Sword, his eyes burning with anger as he glared at Kerensa.

[ Energy Level - 1,868 BEM.]

Orion raised an eyebrow as he examined Kerensa's base energy measurement. The figure far exceeded that of Commander Sy'ra and Vargoth. He now understood why Kerensa was so confident in her abilities-her strength backed her words.

[ Energy Level - 1,744 BEM. ]

Orion surveyed the defeated assailant, noting the two injured gods' chosen who had fought him earlier.

[ Energy Level - 1,729 BEM. ]

[ Energy Level - 1,608 BEM. ]

Even though he wanted to flex the strength he had laboured so hard to attain and enjoy the thrill of combat, the opponents were too weak to challenge him. He removed his mask and

continued to observe with a calm expression.

At a distance from the Midnight Butcher Bar: "When I first heard about the disappearances, I suspected a conspiracy by secret factions from other Runaway Cities-or something even more alarming. I certainly didn't anticipate that a Dragmin would be involved," Kerensa said, her expression marred by disappointment as she sighed heavily.

"So what if I'm a Dragmin? My actions are meant to ensure that the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City ascends to become a Grade Two Runaway City. Your interference is nothing short of sabotage!" the gods' chosen retorted, his voice seething angrily. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"