Chapter 1051: Leading By Example

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1051: Leading By Example

Orion scanned the area to ensure the possessed god's chosen had been eliminated. Satisfied that nothing remained, he nodded at the two shapeshifted warriors.

The shapeshifted warriors roared to the sky once more before soaring upward into the clouds and disappearing from view.

After thorough questioning, it was revealed that the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City leaders were fully aware of the atrocities committed by the nobles but had chosen to feign ignorance. They neither warned nor informed Paradise, opting to stay on the fence, hoping to reap the rewards while avoiding the consequences from either side.

Initially, they believed that Paradise's mercy would be extended to them again and that they wouldn't be held directly responsible for the rebellion. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Paradise decided to make an example of them, demonstrating their resolve to others and winning the hearts of the entire population of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

Once word of this spread, all those whose loved ones or close friends had died or been freed before they could be sacrificed felt their hearts stirred.

The memory of the overwhelming battle that had unfolded in the sky was still fresh in everyone's minds. Any doubts about Paradise's strength were extinguished, replaced by an even more unfathomable sense of power. No one dared to question the news of Paradise's warriors wiping out the entire Trekking Flamingo Runaway City's authorities and installing their own.

In fact, they were exhilarated, as it signalled that Paradise was committed to ensuring their safety. As a result, every inhabitant who could manage it rushed to the market hub to witness the spectacle.


In the Market hub, Orion surveyed the vast crowd that stretched as far as the eye could see. He then glanced back at the stage, where a line of beautifully dressed individuals stood with their heads bowed in submission.

These were the nobles awaiting their fate. After dealing with them, they would address the leaders individually.

"Will our warriors really be the ones to carry out the executions?" Seth, now standing beside Orion, asked.

Despite the crowd surrounding them, their voices were only audible to each other through their masks.

Orion considered Seth's words before nodding in agreement. To everyone present except the warriors, Seth was the only key leader of Paradise, while Orion appeared as just another warrior. It made sense for Seth to initiate the event.

Besides, it wasn't as if the executions would be carried out one by one-ten platforms on the stage, each prepared for a warrior to ensure the task was completed swiftly.

With Orion's approval, Seth accompanied him to the stage.

On stage, eight warriors stood beside platforms resembling pillories, though these lacked the upper board to lock down the necks.

The crowd surged with excitement as the event was about to begin, chanting fervently in expectation.

"THEY SHOULD PAY FOR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE!" a man near the front roared, his fist clenched and raised toward the sky.

"JUSTICE FOR MY CHILDREN! JUSTICE FOR MY HUSBAND!" cried a woman, her body covered in numerous injuries, revealing her as one of the captives freed by the warriors. Her anguished words reverberated through the crowd, echoing the pain of countless others.

"NO MERCY! LET THEM SUFFER!" another voice shouted, fueling the rising fervour.

Seth turned his attention to the warriors below, ensuring the nobles were securely restrained, and signalled for them to bring them to the stage.

The warriors nodded in acknowledgement and carried out the command without delay.

For the nobles facing impending doom, their once proud and aloof demeanour had melted into sheer terror. The grand surroundings that had once symbolized their power and authority now felt like an inescapable cage, trapping them.