Chapter 1052: Mass Execution

Name:Village Head's Debauchery Author:
Chapter 1052: Mass Execution

The warriors dragged ten nobles up to the stage, and their cries of desperation filled the air. "Please, spare us!" one noble, a Dragmin, wailed, collapsing to his knees. His head was bowed on the hallowed space of the platform, and his bound hands were clasped in frantic prayer. "We can make amends!... Please!!"

Another Dragmin noble stumbled forward, his face contorted with fear. "It wasn't our fault! We were just following orders! Please, you must understand! We have families who need us!"

"This is insane! Surely we can negotiate something in exchange for our lives!" shouted another noble, his once fine robe dishevelled as he tried to cling to even a shred of dignity, his voice trembling with fear.

A younger noble, appearing to be a young man, cried out in panic, tears streaming down his face. "I don't know what's going on! I had no part in this-please don't kill me!"

An older Dragmin noblewoman clutched desperately at the warriors' feet, her once regal demeanour now twisted with terror. "I beg you, show mercy! I'm too old to flee or fight! I'm not a threat to you! Please, let me live!"

As the nobles were dragged to the stage one by one, their pleas grew more desperate. Some choked on their sobs, while others spoke incoherently, struggling to find the right words to ensure their survival.

"I'll swear my loyalty to you! Just let me live!"

"We were deceived by our clan elders!"

"Please think about the children! They are innocent!"

Yet, the voices of the crowd grew even louder.


Recognizing that actions spoke louder than words in such a moment, Seth took a sharpened cutlass from a warrior and brought it down decisively on the nobleman before him.


The House of...!!

After five and a half hours, the scene was suffused with the thick stench of blood as each household met its end. The blood pooled on the ground had risen so high that moving through it splashed it up to their upper legs.

As an additional six hours passed, the clouds began to glow with a bright morning orange hue, indicating the approaching sunrise. The area was soon illuminated, casting a light on the gruesome stage and the surrounding slaughter, revealing the full extent of the night's horrors to everyone present.

Even Orion, Seth, and the warriors were momentarily moved by the scene around them, but they did not falter in their tasks. Undeterred, other warriors stepped in and continued the grim task.

It wasn't until another six and a half hours had passed that the last of the nobles drew their final breath.

Instead of cheers of excitement, the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City inhabitants stared at the warriors with eyes filled with fear, holding their breaths as though afraid to make a sound.

Though their faces were hidden, their actions were methodical, each warrior taking their turn as if completing a routine task rather than participating in the slaughter of an entire ruling class. They had asked for blood; however, the bloodshed was far greater than anyone had imagined, and it left the onlookers stunned.

Such ruthlessness!

The crowd couldn't help but wonder: if Paradise could efficiently dispatch such formidable warriors to deal with the nobles, what would stop them from doing the same to anyone who stood in their way? They couldn't help but gulp at the thought.

However, not everyone in the crowd shared this worry.

"NO MORE LEADERS!! NO MORE NOBLES!! ONLY PARADISE!!" shouted several voices from the crowd, their fervour breaking through the stifling silence.

Paradise had already clarified what was expected: total submission and devotion in exchange for a vastly improved livelihood. So why should they be afraid?

Unless they were plotting a rebellion, none were foolish enough to do so, especially not after witnessing the events unfolding before them.

On stage,

Orion focused on a warrior. "Bring the former leaders of the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City. Let's begin with the former Commander Edmar," he said.