Chapter 22: Sister, Please don’t abandon me!

Chapter 22: Sister, Please don't abandon me!

Ashen gazed at him through his nose, looking down at him, he muttered in a cold tone: "Become my Subordinate! Follow me as your master!! Swear loyalty to me!!!"

"WHAT??" Mo Chen's mouth gaped open wide as he shouted in disbelief and anger.

"Are you deaf? Want me to repeat it for you?" Ashen asked with a sinister smile playing upon his lips.

Mo Chen, who came to his senses, fumed with anger, shouting at the top of his lungs, he said: "Y-You want me to accept you as my master? How dare, you, a commoner, ask for such a thing?"

He belonged to a prominent and powerful family, how could he accept being under someone lower than him in status? Even if Ashen was stronger than him, was he stronger than his family?

Without any backer to support him, Mo Chen would never accept such a thing.

Mo Chen sneered: "Just because you are stronger than me, Do you think you can make me your subordinate? It seems you don't know how the world works. Wait till I inform my family about you, let's see how you will deal with cultivators stronger than you".

His family had multiple cultivators who were stronger than Ashen, anyone could make him know his place. How dare this lowlife ask him to become his subordinate?

However, just as he finished his sentence, Ashen began laughing loudly before asking him with a smile: "Hahaha... Who said I was a commoner? Feast your dog eyes on this and tell me if I deserve to become your master or not?"

Ashen took out the imperial token, lifting it in his hand for Mo Chen to see. Every member of the royal family had one, with one side of the token, having the royal emblem carved on it while the other side had the emblem representing the owner.

Ashen obviously had one assigned to him.

As soon as Mo Chen's eyes fell on the imperial token, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief. He obviously recognized the token as he asked: "W-Who are you?"

Ashen, however, instead of answering him, threw his token towards Mo Chen for him to catch.

Mo Chen caught the token with both of his hands, turning it to see the emblem representing the ninth Prince of the Empire.

His eyes widened as he knelt down on the ground in a hurry: "Mo Chen greets His Highness, the Ninth Prince"

He paid his respects without wasting a second. When Ashen displayed this token, Mo Chen had doubts whether it was fake, however, upon touching it, he was sure that it was real.

The material it was made from, couldn't be forged anywhere other than the royal smithy. The emblem was also fully authentic.

Even the description of the Ninth Prince's appearance matched with Ashen's, heck, even the names were the same.

Ashen wore an amused smile on his face, raising his eyebrows, he asked: "Oh, you don't doubt my identity?"

"I don't dare! I don't dare! No one other than the Ninth Prince himself can have this royal token" Mo Chen shook his head, answering in a revered tone.

Ashen, maintaining an amused smile, asked: "So? Now do you think I deserve to have you as my subordinate?"

Mo Chen, without wasting a second, answered in a loud voice: "Of course, My Prince"

He raised three fingers of his right hand, facing the sky as he announced: "I, Mo Chen, swear my eternal loyalty to you. I shall not have another master other than you, my Prince"

Ashen nodded in satisfaction as he ordered with a smile: "Alright, now stand up. I have instructions for you!"

"Yes, My lord"

Mo Chen stood up, standing close to Ashen with a bowed head, paying attention to Ashen's words.

Veli, who was listening to their conversation couldn't help but widen her eyes as she murmured: "Origin aurora flowers?"

These flowers were rare in the area and were helpful for Nascent soul cultivators to form their foundation to advance to the origin realm. Even the Bi family only had three of these flowers in their treasury.

This flower would be helpful to Bi Shiyue who was at Nascent soul realm and Veli wanted to gift it to her.

The two disciples continued to converse as Veli approached them before asking: "Excuse me, I heard that there are three flowers, can you let me have one? I will also help you to fight those beasts."

The disciples turned to face her, their eyes widening as they recognized her. "Bi Veli?"

They stood up from their chair, asking in surprise: "You want to join us? Doesn't your family already have these flowers?"

Veli nodded: "Yes, however, those flowers belong to my uncle's children. He wouldn't let me have them." Veli made an upset expression as she finished her statement.

The female disciples wore a sympathetic expression as they smiled at her, nodding: "Alright, you can join us. We also didn't know how to split the last flower"

Veli jumped in excitement, thanking them with a cheerful expression: "Thank You, Sisters"

Saying that, they left for the Spirit Beasts Thicket, On the way they introduced themselves to Veli as they discussed their plan.

After they had entered deep into the Outer layer, Veli decided to ask politely: "Sisters, How far is the cave where the flowers are located?"

One of the female disciples smiled at her before answering in a calm tone: "It is just ahead Sister Veli, Have patience"

And just as she said this, Multiple cultivators, wearing black clothes that covered their faces, appeared before surrounding them.

"What is happening? Who are these people?" Veli asked the female disciples as she hid behind them.

The female disciples covered her, assuring her: "Don't worry sister Veli, We will protect you"

Hearing this statement, one of the cultivators in black, laughed as he asked: "You will Protect her? Then, who will protect you from us?"

Saying that the cultivators in black released their auras, revealing their cultivation.

"Nascent Soul realm?" The female disciples blurted out in disbelief.

There were seven nascent soul and three body transformation realm cultivators among the black cultivators.

The female disciples had despair cover their faces as they understood their situation. This wasn't a fight they could win.

Noticing their despaired expressions, A nascent soul cultivator stepped forward, offering: "Let me tell you, our goal is Bi Veli, hence, we will let you two leave unscathed if you cooperate, otherwise, we wouldn't mind having some fun with you two, hehe"

The two female disciples looked at each other, considering their options. Veli tightened her grip on the female disciple's hand as she muttered: "Sister, Please don't abandon me"

The female disciple looked at her, apologizing: "Sorry Sister Veli, however, this isn't a fight we can win. We need to make an intelligent decision and at least save ourselves. We have our family depending on us."

Hearing each word made Veli shed tears before she felt a palm striking the back of her neck and her eyes rolled backward as she fell unconscious.


(A/N - Thanks For Reading. ^..^)