Chapter 23: Ah, so you have finally come... my prey!

Chapter 23: Ah, so you have finally come... my prey!

A day after Veli got kidnapped,

Completing the mission assigned to her, Bi Shiyue returned to the sect with a happy smile.

She was excited to be able to finally unite with Veli after such a long time, although it had only been a few days. She missed her beloved sister the whole time, she was on the mission.

Now, without any delay, she entered the sect. At first, she found it odd as she had expected Veli to wait for her outside the sect to welcome her back, however, ignoring this, she moved towards her residence.

The anticipation of finally meeting her dear sister made her heart beat faster.

She entered the house, shouting: "Veli, I am back"

She expected Veli to come running to hug her, however, she got no response, whatsoever.

She moved inside the house, traversing multiple rooms, looking for her sister: "Veli! Veli! come out, this isn't funny"

As she searched through every single room in her house, her pace and heartbeat increased. A panicked expression occupied her face as she called out for her little sister: "Veli, Don't scare me, If this is a prank, then it's enough. See, I am already scared enough, you can come out now"

However, only silence welcomed her ears. Now, she was starting to get worried. She had already met a few disciples on the way who informed her that Veli wasn't at the usual places that she would visit.

And right now, it was night, so there was no way that Veli would be playing outside, this late. She also knew about the fact that Yujin was in close cultivation right now, so she couldn't be with him, either.

As multiple possibilities crossed her mind, making her more worried and panicked, her sight fell on a letter placed on top of the table in the hall, where she was standing.

She didn't recognize that letter and hence, decided to open it.

Opening it, she began to read it in a hurry as her eyes widened in surprise and fear.

The letter stated:

[Hello dear Shiyue,

I have kidnapped Bi Veli and don't worry, she is safe with me. Now, before you start to panic, rest assured, I will not harm her, unless, you refuse to obey me.

Also, don't get any funny ideas about informing the sect or your family about this. If I find out that you even attempted to do so, I will make sure that Veli suffers the consequences of your actions.

Now listen, I have a debt to collect with Wang Ashen and I need you to bring him to the outer layer of the Spirit Beasts Thicket, alone. The location is marked behind this letter.

Once you make him come to this location alone, I will send your beloved little sister to your house without a scratch on her.

A smile appeared on her beautiful face as she murmured: "Good, Now, I just need to have him eat this pill and if this plan fails, I can always overpower him with my strength. He is just a Body Transformation realm cultivator after all"

This purple pill was a basic sleeping pill that would make Ashen fall into a deep sleep. This pill could be concocted by any beginner alchemist, therefore, Shiyue decided to employ this.

Next, she took out five round green fruits from her space ring that were similar to oranges before beginning to take out their juice.

It didn't take long before she had a jug, filled with green colored juice in her hand. She put that pill inside the juice, mixing it well to not let Ashen spot something wrong.

After she was done with all the preparations, she went ahead, exiting her house with the jug of juice in her hand and a black cloth covering her face.

It was already late at night, hence, not many disciples were outside.

Shiyue moved carefully while hiding her face with the black cloth.

Before long, she was outside Ashen's house.

*knock* *knock*

She knocked on Ashen's main door, waiting for Ashen to open the door.

The door had a sound transmitting talisman installed on it, which would transmit the knocking sound to Ashen's room.

Ashen revealed a clever smile on his face as he murmured:

"Ah, so you have finally come... my prey!"


(A/N - Sorry for the late updates, I am not a full time author and have another work which required my time. This week, I was given all the work that was possible. I don't even know how I passed this week.

Saying that, I will just say that I cannot update daily, but, I promise to do my best to continue this novel.

I want this novel to be interesting, therefore, I may take my time to decide on how the story will progress.

I hope you will understand and if you feel that it is not worth the wait, then, you can drop my book. I will understand. You can come back after there are more chapters.

Lastly, this will be the last free chapter and I will make the next chapters premium. I hope until here it was enough to decide whether it is interesting enough to make you spend coins.

Thanks for reading. ^..^)