Chapter 428: Paraphrasing

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
Chapter 428: Paraphrasing


Perhaps that was the only question that should be persisting in the air right now. Riley had always been adamant about not hurting or involving any of the Baby Crew in whatever madness it is he was doing.

Any of Hannah's friends were off limits— that was why he did not mess with Silvie in the first place and just let her be, even after fully knowing that she was Megawoman's clone.

So why?

Why Gary?

"...What are you trying to say!?"

Even with Riley holding his neck, Gary's muffled words still tried to struggle in the air. His feet, kicking Riley's torso but failing to really do anything.

"It is as I said, you can't fly. I have been moving you all this time," Riley only tilted his head as he slowly pulled Gary closer to him, "I wanted to let out experience it before you die, Gary."

"W… what?"

"The moment you entered the shelter, Gary. I have been closely monitoring your movements and making it seem as if you have become stronger."

"..." And as Riley's words reached his ears, his feet that had been struggling without end very slowly stopped moving; his eyes, now looking Riley straight in the eyes.

"Since you didn't notice Little Riley hiding in your pocket, it stands to reason you didn't even notice he was controlling you," Riley then let out a sigh as he finally let go of Gary.

"!!!" Gary tried to stretch his hands up, hoping that he would be able to stay in the air; he closed his fists, wanting to grab at least a semblance of the air— but no, his back just landed straight back to the ground.

"..." Riley looked down on Gary for a few seconds, before once again letting out a sigh and descending to the ground. Just standing beside Gary, before also suddenly lying on the ground.

"The reason you think you have become faster is because Little Riley was moving you, Gary. The reason why you were able to break free from Silvie in the shelter was also my doing," Riley then said,

"The Baby Crew was really convinced that you also powered up. I think all of us can agree that this was very entertaining, no? You certainly had fun as well."

"F… fuck," Gary stuttered as he covered his eyes, "That… that's so fucked up, man."

"I suppose," Riley breathed out and closed his eyes, "I have been becoming more and more creative ever since I met Paige."

"Why… why didn't you just kill me, man?"

"Because I wanted Aerith to be the one to kill you. I thought it was the proper way to finally have closure with the Darkday and Megawoman saga. But as I said, Aerith would just find a way not to kill you. I was planning on suddenly removing the telekinetic shield once she strikes, and I did— but Aerith almost instantly noticed your flesh becoming soft. Ha…

…Aerith, the things she is capable of are truly… otherworldly. Get it? Because she's from—"

"Why would you kill Chihiro?"

"That is where you are mistaken, Gary," Riley then let out a small sigh as he turned his head to Gary, "You are the one who killed Chihiro. The only thing I did was place her between us. You also killed the little girl right there."


"But that is it," Riley then said as he sat up, "The other deaths, I take credit for. I tripped you on the freeway, those deaths are on me. This destruction, I also take credit for— you wouldn't normally be able to do something like this."

"...Just stop talking, man," Gary closed his eyes as he took in a very deep breath, "Just kill me. Just end this before you get to the speech that power quickly corrupted me."

"It didn't corrupt you," Riley shook his head, "You were on the Potential Villain list, Gary. You have always been capable of evil, you were just too weak to commit to it."

"If you're not going to kill me…" Gary then sat up, "...Then I'm just going to have to kill myself."


"This is where you are wrong, Riley. I don't want to become evil— and before I truly do, I will stop myself as my last act as a hero."

"I wish I had that choice, Gary," Riley nodded, "Go ahead, maybe you will be more successful than Victoria in trying to kill yourself."

"Man… you're one cold motherfucker," Gary then said as he placed his hand on his neck, before gripping it in a way that the end of his fingers dug through his throat, "Fuck you, man."

And with those words, Gary closed his eyes— perhaps for the final time.


But before he could fully tear his own throat, Aerith suddenly appeared in front of him and flicked him on the chin, knocking him out almost instantly.



Aerith then very gently lifted and carried him up, before turning her eyes towards Riley.

"..." Riley quickly returned her stares as the two of them just looked at each other in silence. But after a few more moments, Aerith let out a very long and deep breath as she flew away without saying a single word.

"..." And so, Riley was left sitting alone on the ground; with the destruction he himself caused surrounding him. He then blinked a couple of times, before standing up and whispering to himself,

"...I'm bored."

And with those words, a ripple suddenly started to form beneath Riley's feet. Since he had already started destroying this city by using Gary, he might as well finish the job.

"W… what are you doing, Riley!?"

Hannah, who was watching from afar, decided to fly towards Riley as soon as he was alone; Silvie and the others, also standing close by behind her.

"Sister," Riley just nodded, "I thought since I am already in my Darkday outfit, I might as well wreak havoc. It has been a while since I destroyed something."

"What the fuck kind of reasoning is that!?"

"Efficient reasoning, sister," Riley said as the ripple waving on the ground started to become stronger— the entire street, now seemingly turning into water with the way its concrete surface now moved.

"Just stop!" Hannah screamed, "Aren't you tired of—"

"Okay," and as Riley shrugged his shoulders, the street that seemed like it was about to sink onto the ground stopped quivering.



"That… that's good," Hannah said as she landed softly on the cracked pavement, "It… it's good to know you still listen to me from time to time."

"You're still my older sister, sister," Riley looked Hannah straight in the eyes, "It would feel weird not to obey you until we break that contract. Speaking of which, since mother and father are still technically present somewhere, we should ask them permission to annul my adoption papers."

"...No," Hannah raised her eyebrow, "It doesn't work like that, Riley."

"I could just kill everyone in the registry and ask Tomoe to erase anything that pertains to me being your—"

"Stop," Hannah sighed, "Let's… all just rest. I don't really know how we can pursue Gary any further since she's with Megawoman. Fuck…

…the law is fucked nowadays."

"It's anarchy," Silvie then joined the conversation as she flew and landed behind Hannah,

"The world has been thrown into anarchy with the existence of Riley and Megawoman."

"This world has always been fucked," Hannah scoffed as she shook her head, "We're just noticing because we're involved now. Not to mention there are literal aliens around us now."

"But an alien has been on this planet long before any of us were born, sister. Aerith is—"

"So, you really are Princess Aerith's clone?"

And before Riley could finish his words, the three suddenly found themselves surrounded by the evaniels.

Katrina and Bella wanted to rush in, but two evaniels blocked their path.

"...What the fuck do you want now?" Hannah raised an eyebrow as she scanned the evaniels circling them, before staring Vera straight in the eyes.

"I don't know if Princess Aerith informed you of this," Vera, however, did not return Hannah's glare as she stood in front of Silvie,

"The act of cloning people from the Higher Races is extremely prohibited and against the Universal Law, somewhere in Article 46."

"Stop pulling some random words out of your ass, princess."

"I am not," Vera shook her head, "And sadly, as an active member of the Council, I am obligated to investigate and if needed, apprehend you."

"..." Silvie could really only blink a couple of times as several evaniels started approaching from behind her. She then turned to look at Vera, before her eyebrows started to furrow,

"Are… you sure that law is applicable to us? We are not even part of—"

"Fuck, Silvie! Why are you even worrying about the law right now!?" Hannah then said as the air around her started to distort, "Look, Princess— your laws don't apply here."

"Unfortunately they do," Vera sighed and shook her head, "It is called the Universal Law for a reason, Ms. Hannah. But none of you have to worry, since Princess Aerith is fully aware of your existence and even publicly accepted you as her child— she would probably submit a plea for your release, to which I would be happy to oblige. But for now…

…I need you to come with us back to the ship."

"...I'll go."

"What the fuck, Silv!?" Hannah's eyes could not help but widen.

"It's okay," Silvie said as she looked at Hannah, Bella, and Katrina, "I… have been wanting to check their ship anyway."

"Thank you for cooperating, Ms. Savelievna," Vera said as she gestured to her people to surround Silvie, "I assure you, this is all just routine. We won't terminate you."

"...Terminate?" Silvie blinked a couple of times, "What do you mea—"

"The Universal Law."

And before their discussion could come to an end, Riley stepped forward and spoke,

"Aerith told me about it when you arrived," Riley then said as he looked Vera straight in the eyes, "I think I broke a couple of those laws."


"Riley!?" Hannah could really only groan in frustration.

"There is one in particular that she told me to hide from you," Riley completely ignored his sister as he stood close to Vera,

"I destroyed one of the planets next to this one, Princess Vera. I think it is somewhere at Article 12?"


"Destroying of planet or planets close or next to a naturally habitable planet; Destroying of planet or planets that orbit a star capable of naturally creating life is punishable by death— Well, I am afraid I am paraphrasing, Aerith only showed me a glimpse of it."



"That's…" Vera could really only look around to see if everyone was as perplexed and confused as her, "That's…

…kind of a major one."