Chapter 429: Riley, Silvie, and the Verdict

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
Chapter 429: Riley, Silvie, and the Verdict

"Wait, what the fuck is going on!? Why are the two of you guys going along with this!? Wait, no. You weren't even involved in this at first, Riley!"

"Silv, not cool, sis! Gary just got yeeted away by Megawoman and now you also dipping!? What about the crew!? Katrina, say something here!"


"At least don't actually treat her like a prisoner! Take this stupid pillar thing off!!"

With one of the Themarian's spacecraft landing on the ruined streets, several silver pillars also landed and surrounded Silvie— before lighting up with some sort of green laser that acted as a shield; or in this case, a cage.

The pillars floated in the air, circling Silvie like elongated drones.

As for Riley, his eyes were covered by a silver blindfold, and his hands were bound by a cuff that also produced a green glow.

"It's fine, everyone," Silvie just shook her head as she voluntarily walked towards the entrance of the ship, "Aside from feeling a little uncomfortable, this thing doesn't hurt at all."

"Of course," Dr. Vella, who had just been watching the entire scenario from the start, nodded her head as she touched one of the pillars, "This was made by a renowned themarian scientist a very long time ago— it's specifically made to capture themarians and dampen their power. Even now, I can't reverse engineer the technology, so I can only really add to it. Did you kn—"

"No one asked!" Hannah did not let Dr. Vella explain further as she blocked Silvie's path to the ship, "Silv!?"

"It's fine," Silvie shook her head and smiled, "I… feel like there's nothing for me to do here anyway. I guess I'll count this as some sort of break from all the superhero stuff?"


"I will make sure she is comfortable," Vera could really only sigh as she placed her hand on Hannah's shoulder, before signaling her people to escort Silvie onto the ship.

"...Take your hands off my shoulder if you want to keep them," Hannah's eyebrows quickly furrowed as she tilted her head while looking at Vera, "Even if just one strand of my friend's hair has gone missing when she returns, I won't care if you're royalty."

"I… have a feeling you don't care now," Vera forced a chuckle as she stepped back, "I promise you, Ms. Silvie and your brother will be returned safely."

"...You think I'm worried about my brother?" Hannah also forced a chuckle as she looked at Vera and the other evaniels that were there,

"This planet's mortality rate will drop by 90% the moment he boards your ship. You think you can just put him on handcuffs and—"

"S… Sis, that ain't something to be proud of. The Princess of the evangels already promised Silv's safety, we should just wait."

And before Hannah could start her rant, Bella started pulling her away; with Katrina following them in silence.

"..." Vera could really only let out a small sigh, before turning her attention to Riley; who was now just willingly boarding the ship without even as much as a word or a struggle. Which is weird, because his eyes were fully covered.

Aerith did tell them to avoid Riley at all costs— but Vera was an active member of the Council, and her obligation forces her to do this. Aerith should be able to understand, after all… she was also a part of the Council in the past.

And since Aerith is acquainted with both Silvie and Riley, she should be making another appearance soon. But with the issue with her son, it might be at a later time.


…nothing happens before then.






Inside the evaniel's colossal ship, Silvie and Riley were currently locked in transparent cells opposite each other.

She had been looking at Riley for the entire duration they were in there now because that's really all there is to do there.

"Do you wish to say something, Silvie?"

"Wha— I thought we can't hear each other!?"

To her surprise, however, she suddenly heard Riley's voice whispering as if he was behind her. She then once again focused her eyes on Riley, only to see him just sitting on the floor with his eyes closed.

"That's because I'm inside your cell, Silvie."


Silvie then quickly stood up from the bed she was sitting on, only to see… a miniature version of Riley also just casually sitting there.

It wasn't Little Riley, no— but a literal doll-sized version of Riley.

"How… long have you been there?" Silvie took in a small gulp as he looked back and forth between the small Riley and the original Riley.

"A few minutes from when they placed you here, Silvie," small Riley said as he leaped from the bed, "But as for how long this clone has been here, I left it when I infiltrated the ship last time."

"You… can do that?"

"You didn't visit my Guesthouse?" Small Riley blinked a couple of times, "My clones can pretend to have a life of their own until I erase them. This one, in particular, I was hoping to go to the evaniel's planet."


"Hm," small Riley nodded, "I won't be able to possess its body any more, though. I have been trying to connect to the clone I left in Hotis 4J, but I suppose there's a certain area limit….

…I would like to believe it is behaving there and not wreaking havoc."



"I… forgot how talkative you were." And after a few seconds, Silvie let out a deep breath as she sat back on her bed,

"We… haven't really had the chance to really talk since you came back from the dead."

"Is that why you were staring at me?"

"Partly…" Silvie's tone suddenly lowered as she looked at Riley's original body, "...But mostly trying to figure out what you're trying to do."

"Just relieving my boredom, Silvie," small Riley shrugged his shoulders as he started walking around the cell, "In my experience, interesting things happen in prison."

"Technically, we're in a jail… and there's like only two of us locked in this massive place," Silvie sighed,

"What do you think they are going to do with us?"

"Hopefully find a way to kill me."



"...You never really change, do you?" Silvie closed her eyes, "Just a man following his nature. I can blame you for all the deaths and crimes you have committed, but I can never blame you for how you were born."

"I am actually trying to change, Silvie. I have been trying different personalities ever since I returned to Earth."

"A personality isn't a shirt, Riley. You can't just decide what to wear."

"Why not? You do it all the time."


"Are you regretting how you were born?" Small Riley did not let her say another word as he also sat back on the bed, slightly struggling to get up.

"...What?" Silvie could really only blink a couple of times as she was slightly taken aback by Riley's sudden question.

"That is the reason why you are here now, after all," small Riley said as he looked Silvie straight in the eyes,

"It must be pretty difficult? For someone like you, who has been trained, brainwashed, and programmed to follow the law to the latter, to know that her very existence is a crime in the eyes of the Universe?"

"..." Silvie just returned small Riley's gaze for a few seconds, before closing her eyes and once again taking in a deep breath,

"It… does hurt a little. I've never thought I would be saying this line, but… my only crime is that I was born."

"But didn't you steal Katrina's boyfriend?"

"That… that's technically not a crime," Silvie's eyes twitched, "It… was a mistake."

"Did you know Tomoe had the man assassinated?"

"We… had our suspicions," Silvie shook her head. Just a few minutes after starting a conversation with Riley, and now they were suddenly talking about murder,

"...But there wasn't any conclusive evidence. Anyway, my statement stands— my only crime is that I was born, literally."

"Only because the evaniels stated it so," Riley shrugged, "We don't have that law on our planet."

"Well… I suppose 'Ignorance of the universal law excuses no one' is applicable here," Silvie then let out a small chuckle, before clearing her throat and sitting up straight as she noticed that Riley didn't really have a reaction in her attempt at a joke,

"...I wish we were still in the Academy. Life… was just simpler then. Minus all the evil things you've done, of course."

"Silvie, may I tell you something?"


"Your birth is not a mistake," small Riley then said as he once again looked Silvie in the eyes,

"If anything, you being born is one of the most beautiful events to ever happen on Earth."

"...What?" Silvie could really only take in a small gulp as she instinctively slightly moved away from small Riley; her heart, slightly raising. Come to think of it, didn't she have a little crush on Riley before they all found out that he was a mass murdering psychopath?

"Yours is a perfect existence, Silvie."

This… is bad. Why do killers have the tendency to be entrancing and charming?

"S… stop it. I don't want to hear that coming from—"

[...Is that a smaller Riley you are talking to?]

And before Silvie could finish her words, a voice suddenly echoed inside her cell, with Vera now standing outside.

"Hello again, Princess Vera,] small Riley waved his hand.

"Princess Vera," Silvie quickly got up and stood in front of Vera, "...And yes, it's one of Riley's clones."

[Hm…] Vera could really only squint her eyes as she glanced back to look at Riley's original body just sitting on the floor with his eyes closed,

[...I suppose this saves me time. I am here to deliver the Council's verdict.]

"...Already?" Silvie took in a small gulp, before nodding her head and gesturing to Vera to continue.

[Silvie Savelievna. After much discussion with the Elders…

…They have yet to reach a conclusion on what to do with you.]


[You're Princess Aerith's clone, and she knows and approves of your existence… the Elders would need to talk to her first,] Vera could really only sigh as she shook her head,

[I am afraid you will be staying here for a while. But as for you…] Vera then turned her eyes towards small Riley,

[...That is you, right?]

"Yes," small Riley only nodded.

[What you did is a major crime. And in any other case, you are to immediately be executed without any chance of salvation. But once again, since Princess Aerith is involved, further investigation needs to be done to reach a final conclusion,]

Vera once again let out a sigh,

[The Elders, however, are ordering you to present yourselves to them personally.]


[You are to be escorted to the Council.]


[Don't look at me like that,] Vera forced a chuckle as she noticed small Riley looking at her weirdly,

[Honestly, I think they just want to meet the creature that even a themarian is wary of. They are preparing the ship that would take you to— !!!]

"I don't think so, Princess Vera."

"R… Riley!?"

And before Vera could finish her words, she heard a small rumble whisper from behind her. She looked back, only to see the original Riley just casually stepping out of his cell from a hole he made.

"I might have agreed to go to them any other time, but Aerith is still here. And mother is also planning something with my other mother, I sort of want to see it come to play first," Riley then said as he slowly approached Vera.

"But… this… is an edict from the Elders themselves," Vera could really only raise her palm, presumably gesturing to her people not to do anything,

"We can't disobey."

"...Oh?" And as soon as Riley heard that, a small smile suddenly started to grow on his face,

"What happens if we do?"

"They… will send for a Guardian to forcefully escort you there." For some reason, Vera had a feeling she shouldn't have said that.

"A Guardian? Whatever could that be?" The smile on Riley's face grew by the second, "Is it possible for you to send a reply to these Elders?"


"Tell them if they wish to see me…

…they should come to Earth."