Chapter 1:

"Fuck you, I'm just talking about you with some money, who cares about your money?!" The big man standing in front of him said while putting the thirty yuan he had snatched into his school uniform pocket. stuffed.

Say no with your mouth, but be honest with your body.

Wen Zhichu shrank his neck and was blocked in the corner of the wall, staring blankly at the thirty yuan that was robbed of him. It was the money he saved from skipping lunch for two days to buy his cousin a birthday present.

The skinny man next to the big man looked a little dissatisfied, "Damn, why are you sending such a small amount of money to beggars?!"

Wen Zhichu: "Yes."

The skinny man twisted his rough face, "What did you say?!"

Wen Zhichu shook his head in fright, "No..."

The big man glanced at Wen Zhichu up and down, raised his hand and patted his cheek, "You're lucky today, next time you bring me some money, do you know?"

Wen Zhichu grabbed the school uniform tightly, the fabric was wrinkled, "Your behavior is wrong, it is school violence!"

"" My heart pounded nervously in my chest, "Aren't you afraid that I'll tell the teacher?!"

As soon as he said that, the two people in front of him seemed to have heard some shocking joke.

Ironic laughter exploded in the silent equipment room, spreading wildly in every corner.

The big one laughed until his face ached, "Just you?"

This mocking question severely stepped on Wen Zhichu's self-esteem.

He gritted his teeth and straightened his thin chest, "It's just me."

The big man sneered, "Do you dare?"

It can be said that he didn't take Wen Zhichu's threat seriously at all, and raised his hand to pat his cheek again while speaking.

The strength is not strong, but the crisp sound of slapping is very clear, which makes people's ears hurt.

"Tomorrow is still the time, bring me five hundred yuan, don't forget."

As he said that, he turned around and planned to leave with the thin man.

Wen Zhichu stood on the spot, clenched his hands into fists, his thin chest heaved up and down.

Really bullying!

They are the same age, what they don't have, can he have it?

Open your mouth is five hundred! !

He knows that he is meek and wimpy, but the rabbit will bite people when it is in a hurry!

Wen Zhichu straightened her bowed back, "Wait a minute!"

In the hot summer, the big man in front took off his school uniform jacket, revealing his exaggerated arms, "What are you doing?"

Wen Zhichu plucked up his courage, "...there is a threshold ahead, remember to lift your feet."


Big guy: "Laozi is not blind."

Although he didn't really care about it, Wen Zhichu's words just now still left people with lingering fears. The thin man followed him and said, "Let's go and rob the fat man in the second class tomorrow."

The big man looked puzzled, "Why?"

"Are you really not afraid that he will sue the teacher?"

"Only him?" There was another sneer, "He's the kind of coward who babbles, and labor and capital would not dare to lend him eight courage."

The footsteps of the two gradually drifted away, but the voice of mocking and ridiculing was repeated in Wen Zhichu's mind.

With less campus bullying, the equipment room after school is much quieter.

After an unknown amount of time, a faint and abrupt sound resounded in the silence.

"I'm not a coward..."

Wen Zhichu walked out of the campus dejectedly. After his parents passed away, he was adopted by relatives in turn, but during the past ten years of growing up, he was kicked around like a football.

He has been living under the roof of others, knowing that his relatives think he is troublesome, so in order to make him more pleasing to his relatives, he does not dare to make troubles and make troubles. He has developed a temperament of swallowing everything and acting cautiously since he was a child.

Now I am staying at my aunt's house. Of course I have to express my cousin's birthday today, but just now he was robbed of the money he saved to buy his cousin's birthday present.

Wen Zhichu stood at the intersection in distress, not knowing how to get home for a while.

An exaggerated voice suddenly came from the side, the immature voice was outrageous, "What, he dared to **** my woman?!"

"What should I do, brother?!"

"He dared to pass a small note to Zhang Jianing, let's go, let's go back and block him now!"

"Brother, don't get excited."

Unexpectedly, the elementary school student raised his hand, "It has been blackened."


Wen Zhichu silently turned his head, watching the elementary school students' love and hatred.

Shaking his head.

At a young age, I learned to fight for love.

Unexpectedly, the two primary school students were about to cross the road as soon as they were blackened.

Wen Zhichu frowned, and almost instinctively stepped forward to stop him, "It's a red light now."

His voice was not loud, and he could even be said to be very soft persuasion.

But being blocked in the way of preaching, the two elementary school students were obviously a little upset, "What do you know!"

Wen Zhichu slowly put out a question mark.

The elementary school student called "Big Brother", "Heroes are all retrograde!"


As he spoke, while Wen Zhichu was not paying attention, he suddenly slipped out from under Wen Zhichu's arms.

"Hey!" He turned around in fright, but the other elementary school student also took advantage of his turning and slipped out.

"Come back!"

Wen Zhichu was in a hurry for a while, and wanted to reach out to pull the nearest child back, but his hand only wiped the other's schoolbag with Ultraman printed on it.

The high-hanging red light was dazzling, vehicles were speeding by on the road, and a child with a schoolbag suddenly jumped out from the side of the street, killing the driver by surprise.

Seeing those two small figures shuttle back and forth on the road, the people watching were worried and their scalps were numb.

"Who... whose child ran off on the road!"

The people on the side of the road realized something was shouting loudly, and then there was a piercing whistle.

I saw a van loaded with goods driving towards two elementary school students uncontrollably. Because they jumped out suddenly, it was too late to brake.

Wen Zhichu's pupils constricted, and the sirens and people's sharp voices exploded in his mind.

no, no...

This sentence is no good, I don't know if it is to the elementary school students on the road, or to himself.

Contradictory thoughts in his heart kept clamoring, and the number of red lights kept jumping, but he felt that it was extremely long. He didn't know how long it took him to think for the last time, so he ran out on the wind.

The reflection of the red light flashed across the youth's jade-like face.

"That student! Come back! Come back!"

What the person behind shouted, Wen Zhichu couldn't hear clearly, the young man faced the sunset light, his hair fluttered with the wind while running, his back was determined.

His legs didn't seem to be as weak as he imagined.

But ask him if he is afraid?

Wen Zhichu can also say with certainty,

He's terrified to death! !

With this run, it is estimated that all the courage in his life has been exhausted.

The screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground, people screaming in horror, and the crying of children not far away.

Wen Zhichu fell to the ground and couldn't hear it anymore. Blood poured out from the boy's whitened school uniform, and then continued to spread. Finally, the thin cloth could no longer bear the dark red penetration, and the blood fell on the asphalt road and turned black. .

Wen Zhichu's body was so numb from the pain that he couldn't move or scream, his eyes were open but it was pitch black, and he couldn't see anything.

If he could see, he would know that what he thought was a long thought was really only a second.

Did he also count as a hero?

He just said, he's not a coward.

The boy only felt that the air in his chest was getting less and less, and it hurt like **** to breathe out.

In the end, unable to bear the pain as tortured by an evil spirit, the boy closed his eyes.

Wen Zhichu, you are so brave...

[Today, a traffic accident occurred on the streets of our city. Two elementary school students ran a red light without safety awareness, and were almost hit by a vehicle. They were rescued by high school students on the side of the road at a critical moment. 】

[Wen Zhichu, the student who saved lives, died on the spot. 】

Wen Zhichu opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling above his head, and blinked twice.

Is this heaven?

The decoration of Paradise doesn't seem to be very good, the wall is still peeling.

An abrupt mechanical voice sounded in my mind, 【This is not heaven. 】

Wen Zhichu's body that was trying to move froze instantly.

Hell's decoration also plays the role of plaster? !

No, that's not the point, the point is that he saved people and went to hell!

[System: This is not **** either. 】

Wen Zhichu sat up on the bed in fright, "Who...who is talking?!"

[System: Me. 】

Looking around, there is not even half a person around.

But luckily not, after all half a person might scare him to death.

Wen Zhichu turned over like a little pig and got up from the bed, swallowed, and began to look for the second person in the room with some fear.

Under the quilt, behind the door, after looking around to no avail, he looked at the trash can again.


Seeing that there were no outsiders, Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief and sat back on the bed. It turned out that he was hallucinating.

[System: It's not an auditory hallucination, it's me talking. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed suddenly, "Concussion!"

[System: You have a concussion! I am the system. 】

In order to prevent the boy from offending it again, the system simply introduced itself.

[System: I am the system you are bound to in this world. You are already dead in your original world. Seeing your pity, the Lord God chose you to complete the task. 】

In addition to being surprised, Wen Zhichu still made a puzzled voice, "What mission?"

[System: Villain mission, you are the villain of this world now, all you need to do is run fast on the road that blocks the protagonist, you are the stumbling block on the protagonist's road to success, the screw for the progress of the plot, and you are crushed by the protagonist in the end superior…】

Wen Zhichu raised his hand to interrupt, "I have a question."

[System: What's the problem? "]

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "Surely the Lord God sees me as pitiful, not as hateful?"


[System: These are not important, the important thing is that you have to complete the mission of the villain, and then accept the ending and go to sleep on the street. 】

Wen Zhichu, who was told by his mother since he was a child that he is delicate and cannot sleep on the street:!

"Then...then I won't do this villain mission anymore."

[System: Then you will be deducted money and go to sleep on the street earlier. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

No matter what, I'm going to sleep on the street anyway, it's just sooner or later.

As soon as the system's mechanical voice fell, memories that did not belong to him rushed into his mind.

He transmigrated into the villain with the same name and surname as him in this book, because the school belle sister whom he had a crush on liked the protagonist Qin Jiashu, and what he did every day was to plot against the protagonist and play tricks on the protagonist.

In the beginning, the villain’s family was an upstart who won the lottery, and spent a lot of money to get into the best middle school in the city, but the family is an upstart, so the villain often looks down on others, and looks down on the students who study even if they don’t study. Poor temper, gloomy and wretched, always saying in his mouth, "What can I do if I study well, I will not work for my dad in the future."

It can be said to show people's suspicion to the fullest, but just half a month ago, my parents were in an air crash, most of the money was used to pay off the debt, and a small part of the money was all spent a week ago.

Wen Zhichu got up and walked around the house, the living room was full of garbage piles, and there were many instant noodle buckets on the coffee table that had already smelled bad.

At this time he was penniless.

The opening and the collapse.

[System: Boy, are you ready to accept the mission? 】

Wen Zhichu asked cautiously, "Can I untie it?"

[System: No! I urge you to withdraw this dangerous thinking as soon as possible. 】

Wen Zhichu sat down on the sofa a little decadently, holding his hands tightly together, the uneasiness in his heart was infinitely magnified, it was scary for this unfamiliar person.


[System: Why are you sighing at such a young age? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

[System: Other people's hosts will give their own systems a nice name, and now I will hand over this honor to you. 】

Wen Zhichu didn't even think about it, "Concussion."

[System: ... Are you polite? 】

Then the system calmed down.

[System: I am generous to give you another chance, I hope you cherish it. 】

Wen Zhichu couldn't figure it out, and asked the other party's thoughts, "What kind of name do you want.

[System: The kind of international style, anyone who hears it will call out a few words unconsciously, you can also treat me as a close friend, who you chatted with the most in the past, these are the sources of your name for me, but important The most important thing is not to forget the original intention, to be fashionable and friendly to the people. 】

Wen Zhichu was silent for a while, and then burst out a name from his mouth.

"Tmall Elf."