Chapter 2:

[System: What did you say? 】

Wen Zhichu: "...I said you are an elf."

[System: I didn't expect that I would leave such a good impression on you when we first met, so my name is Tmall Elf. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu was forced to accept the reality and sat on the sofa for a while, but luckily at least he still had a place to live.

Scanning the room, seeing the messy cups and dishes, he got up and planned to clean up the room first, otherwise there would be no place to stay.

Wen Zhichu went around the room, trying to find some cleaning tools, but in the end he only found a toilet.

[System: Boy, what are you going to do? 】

Wen Zhichu rolled up his sleeves, "Clean up."

[System: I can help you, as long as you complete a villain mission now. 】

Looking at the toilet in his hand, Wen Zhichu pursed his lips, obviously a little moved, although it's not that he hasn't done housework before, this house is really no different from a garbage dump.

He pondered for a while, "What mission?"

[System: Villain task 1, go to the neighbor's door to throw garbage, the villain's value will increase by 1% after completing the task, and reward a tidy house. 】

Wen Zhichu's face was numb.

[System: The first mission usually has preferential treatment, the content is simple, and no fines will be deducted if you fail, I believe you, young man. 】

However, as soon as the system finished speaking, Wen Zhichu saw Wen Zhichu start working with the toilet.

[System: Hey! What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Just now I suddenly understood a truth."

[System: What's the reason? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Depending on others is worse than relying on oneself"

[System: I am not human. 】

Wen Zhichu: "...I won't do this task."

Although he rewards his heart, he is still moral, and he doesn't have the guts.

The Tmall Elf was a little puzzled, [Why? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Because I am a member of the Communist Youth League."


The system instigated from the side without giving up, [You are not afraid. 】

Wen Zhichu paused with the hand holding the instant noodle bucket.

[System: If you have my Tmall elf here, what are you afraid of? Even if you are found while doing the task, if the neighbor wants to fight with you, I will help you. 】

Wen Zhichu put the bucket of instant noodles into a garbage bag, and asked perfunctorily, "How can I help?"

[System: Come on for me. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It doesn't matter if you don't help.

He once again expressed a strong rejection to the system.

[System: My host is a stubborn and timid human being. 】

Wen Zhichu: "What are you doing?"

[System: Writing a human observation diary. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Why are you writing this?"

[System: Of course, it is to better understand and understand human thoughts, and to maximize the system's business and responsibilities perfectly. These are all necessary items to reflect an excellent system. 】

Wen Zhichu said, "Homework."


Wen Zhichu lowered his head and hummed while cleaning the room, not knowing whether it was luck or misfortune to come to this world.

"Tmall Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

It's **** familiar.

"Will my ending in this world be going to sleep on the street?"

[System: 99.99% will go. 】

Wen Zhichu sighed decadently after hearing this.

[System: Don't sigh, there is still a 0.01% possibility that you won't go. 】

Seeing people depressed, the system comforted: [I once had a host who was that 0.01%. 】

Wen Zhichu's originally dark eyes instantly became bright.


[System: Of course, he originally ended up in a mental hospital. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Then what did he do in the end?"

[System: In prison. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

"Thank you for your comfort."

[System: You're welcome. 】

After that, Wen Zhichu didn't chat with the system too much, and began to concentrate on cleaning the house.

Start with the room and bathroom, then work your way to the living room.

Wen Zhichu dug out a pair of rubber gloves from the bathroom cabinet, and began to throw the rotten food and fruit on the coffee table in the living room into the trash bag.

After tidying up, I started to move to the garbage pile beside me. I was just about to pick up the garbage bags that had been piled up on the ground for several weeks when I heard a rustling sound.

Wen Zhichu's scalp went numb for a moment.

Take a closer look, the bottom of the black garbage bag seems to be shaking slightly.

He swallowed and took a few deep breaths.

Crouching down, he picked up the garbage bag suddenly, and a small piece of cockroaches fled around immediately.

Wen Zhichu: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

The boy got up, raised his legs, and stomped wildly when he landed. The movement was done in one go, screaming while stomping.

The system didn't know what kind of human confusing behavior it was for a while, but it still silently wrote it into the human observation diary.

Wen Zhichu didn't know how many times he had escaped, but when his feet disappeared, he stood there with a vicissitudes of life.

[System: What were you doing just now? 】

Wen Zhichu didn't want to recall, " drive away the small animals."

After hearing this, the system gave a surprised "Oh~", 【The original owner is so wretched, I didn't expect to be so caring to raise small animals at home. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

[System: Then why did you drive them away. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Because I don't have love."


The system added "unloving" after timid.

After Wen Zhichu cleaned up a few piles of cockroaches, he collapsed on the sofa exhausted physically and mentally.

He is no longer happy.

Wen Zhichu raised his hand and hugged a pillow in his arms, his eyes swept away inadvertently, and found that there seemed to be something in the gap of the sofa where the pillow was originally placed.

Thinking of the pile of cockroaches before, he swallowed.

When I got up to look, I saw a thin slice-like corner exposed in the middle of the tight gap.

Wen Zhichu sat there and looked at it for a long time. In this room, even if it is just a small corner, there are infinite possibilities behind it.

[System: What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I'm observing."

[System: Do you humans have clairvoyance? . 】

Wen Zhichu: "No, but I think it must not be a small piece of paper."

[System: What is the basis? 】

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "Sixth sense."


Wen Zhichu put the rubber gloves on the coffee table back on again, then stretched out the kimchi national defense gesture, and quickly pulled out the corner with a thunderous force.

The boy's pupils narrowed sharply, with a look of shock on his face.

This red, thin and kindly smiling face printed on it.

What is not rmb? !

Wen Zhichu almost instinctively grabbed it in his hands, not missing a single corner.

[System: What did you find? 】

Wen Zhichu smirked and said, "I found a treasure."

As he spoke, he unfolded the money in his hand, which was a full one hundred yuan.

The system was also stunned when it saw it, [You are lucky, enough for me to deduct twice. 】

Wen Zhichu first heard that he looked like a squirrel hoarding food, and hurriedly stuffed the one hundred yuan into his pocket.

When everything was packed, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, and there was nothing in the refrigerator. Although he didn't know how to cook, it was still possible to cook some noodles.

I went to the kitchen to take a look and found the unopened bucket of beef noodles.

Wen Zhichu soaked the noodles first, and then began to recall the memory just now.

The situation at this time is similar to the situation in his previous world. They are both high school sophomores and have no friends. It's not pleasing to the eye, and it's not pleasing to others to see him.

But no matter how you say it, you still have to study.

Then he seemed to suddenly realize something, took out the phone he found and looked at the date, it's Monday.

He has been afraid of teachers since he was a child. Every time he meets a teacher, he always feels an uncomfortable oppressive feeling. Not to mention playing truant, he has never been late for class.

Wen Zhichu muttered uneasily, "It shouldn't be a big deal not to go to school for a day..."

[System: You haven't been to school for a week. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

After eating instant noodles and packing up, Wen Zhichu simply packed his schoolbag, washed his school uniform and hung it on the balcony.

It's summer, and clothes can be dried overnight.

After taking a shower, I lie on the bed and prepare to fall asleep.

"Tmall Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

Although I am alone in this world, I feel less uneasy when I have a system to accompany me, "Good night."

The next day, Wen Zhichu was woken up by the alarm clock on his mobile phone. He obviously couldn't remember the huge project yesterday, and he lay on the bed for a long time before getting up.

The boy said lazily, "Tmall Elf."


There is no sound.

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Tmall Elf!"

[System: What are you doing! 】

Wen Zhichu said shyly, "Good morning."

Wen Zhichu took a simple wash and went out with his schoolbag on his back. He wanted to take the bus, but he didn't have any change, so he could only use his own No. 11 bus.

There will be a few breezes in the summer morning, the sun is not gathered as it is in the afternoon, and it is scattered in every corner, the road is full of foliage, and the air is full of vitality.

When approaching the school, Wen Zhichu's eyes were unconsciously attracted by a place.

I saw the boss standing at the stall in front of the shop and yelling, "Buns, freshly baked hot buns."

Wen Zhichu swallowed, and touched the one hundred yuan in his pocket.

[System: If you want to spend it, you can spend it, anyway, you will earn more when you do tasks later. 】

Thinking about the wicked task, Wen Zhichu whispered, "I won't do it."

[System: If you don't spend it, I will deduct it all. 】

Wen Zhichu decisively took the money to buy steamed buns at the first hearing, "Old...boss, how... how do you sell steamed buns?"

The boss smiled and said, "Two pieces of meat and one piece of vegetarian food."

Wen Zhichu stretched out his hand and gestured three times, "I want...two meat ones and one vegetarian one."

He was relieved when he got the bun and took a few steps.

He has had this bad habit since he was in elementary school. He is cautious in everything he does, and he has to think for a long time even when talking to people. He sometimes changes schools and has a quiet temperament and no friends. Over time, he stutters nervously when talking to people.

Only when you are in a hurry can you speak coherently.

[System: What did you stutter just now? 】

Wen Zhichu held a white and fat bun in his hand, "I'm nervous talking to people."

[System: Why aren't you nervous talking to me. 】

Wen Zhichu: "You are not human."



The school was not far ahead, and he planned to save the steamed stuffed buns until after self-study in the morning.

However, just a few steps away, I heard the discussion in front of me.

"Qin Jiashu! Qin Jiashu!"

"Qin Jiashu is here!"


Wen Zhichu froze for a moment, isn't the name Qin Jiashu the protagonist's name? !

The girl in front raised her hand and pretended to point casually, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

Wen Zhichu mingled behind the group of girls, followed quietly, and saw a handsome young man with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, riding a beautifully assembled bicycle into the campus.

From Wen Zhichu's angle, he could only see his side face. Compared with the face that could be said to be a masterpiece of God, Wen Zhichu focused more on the other's strong forearm.

This is what he will destroy in the future...

"See it, see it?"

The **** the side: "I see!"

"how do you feel?"


[System: Did you see it, did you see it? 】

Wen Zhichu: "... I saw it."

[System: How do you feel? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I feel like one punch can kill two of me."