Chapter 3:

Wen Zhichu swallowed, "I don't think the villain's mission can be completed."

Before he could finish, he was beaten to death.

The opponent doesn't have to beat him.

He is a little rookie, he will die if he is strangled.

[System: Young man, don't be intimidated by the appearance of some things, you have to have confidence in yourself, trust me, you can do it. 】

Wen Zhichu, "Tmall Elf."

[System: What's wrong? 】

Wen Zhichu: "What I want is confidence."

[System: Hmm. 】

Wen Zhichu: "It's not blind self-confidence."


After a small episode, Wen Zhichu entered the school with his schoolbag on his back, and came to the teaching building of the second year of high school based on his memory. For some reason, he was still a little nervous, so he took a deep breath, and then walked in.

He came to the third floor, and the first class was his high school class 21.

Wen Zhichu scratched his sleeves nervously, the unfamiliar environment was also a new beginning for him.

He tried his best to reduce his sense of presence and walked in. The noisy class was silent for a moment, but it quickly turned back.

Wen Zhichu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment, there were discussions in his ears.

"Why is he here?"

"I thought he stopped reading, why did he still come, it's so annoying."

"Our class is fine without him. He might do something annoying when he comes."

"This Friday exam, he came back to lower the average score of the class."

Wen Zhichu's body froze uncontrollably, and then quickly found his seat and sat down.

As soon as I sat down, I saw the classmate in front of me twist the chair forward, and the legs of the chair rubbed against the ground, as if he was some kind of flu virus and didn't want to mess with it.

[System: Young man, the situation doesn't seem very optimistic. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Actually, I have already imagined the picture of myself being hated, but..."

[System: Just what? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I didn't expect to be hated so much."

Original owner! What the **** did you do! Only in this way can dogs shake their heads when they see it now.

Wen Zhichu was timid at first, even if someone told him he wouldn't dare to talk back, but he didn't come this week, what he got in return was not only the boredom of his classmates, but also a pile of test papers on the table.

He looked at the hillside on the table and swallowed. He didn't study well, he could only be considered above average.

Gathered the test papers on the table, at least there were eleven or twelve. One morning self-study, he struggled to make one. Then he glanced at the hole in the table and found that it was full of textbooks. No wonder his schoolbag was empty and his head was also empty.

Wen Zhichu took out a math book casually, and found that the book was brand new. After a quick glance, it was no different from the lessons he had learned in his previous life.

Sure enough, odds change and evens remain the same until death, and the symbols look at the quadrant.

Just when he was about to start writing the test paper, he found that he had no pen at all.

"Tmall Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Do you have a pen?"

[System: Yes, one fifty. 】

Wen Zhichu: "What pen is so expensive?"

[System: Electronic pen, but if you do the task now, I can give you a discount. 】

Wen Zhichu: "...Forget it then."

There are still two minutes before the morning self-study, and it is obviously too late to go to the school supermarket to buy it.

It just so happened that the classmate in front dropped an eraser, and the round rubber rolled to his feet.

Wen Zhichu looked down, picked it up, pursed her lips and said, "Student... your eraser fell off."

Unexpectedly, the front desk suddenly turned around, snatched the eraser back from his hand, and frowned impatiently, "You say it!"

Wen Zhichu retracted her hands, and took back the words that came to her lips to borrow a pen.

His position is the last row by the window, the position is protruding, there is no deskmate, and there is no one talking to him.

Wen Zhichu had no choice but to change his strategy, to study some knowledge points first with his eyes in the early morning self-study, but he managed to stay up until the end of the early self-study, and caught up with the head teacher to come back to occupy the time for the small class meeting, so there was no time to buy a pen.

When the head teacher looked at him, his smiling face instantly collapsed.

In fact, if Wen Zhichu comes next week, the homeroom teacher will not do this. After all, their class has been sitting at the bottom of the grade for a long time. If there is no Wen Zhichu, maybe they can keep the second and earn the third. Now when he comes back, he will sit at the bottom of the class again.

After a hasty morning meeting, it was mathematics class. The teacher who taught mathematics, Mr. Li, was in his forties. Because of his rough appearance and tall stature, he was nicknamed King Kong.

He is very serious in class, and generally no students dare to make trouble in his class.

Teacher Li walked into the classroom and saw Wen Zhichu's expression didn't change, but started the class in an orderly manner, which was about geometry.

Five minutes later, Mr. Li said, "Now students count the parallel lines with pens."

While the students were studying with their heads down, Teacher Li went down to inspect, and when he reached Wen Zhichu's place, he frowned and stopped, "Wen Zhichu, why don't you count?!"

The tall figure of the other party loomed above, and Wen Zhichu was a little frightened to turn over the textbook.

Seeing that no one answered, Teacher Li asked again sternly, "Why don't you count!"

Wen Zhichu's mouth was frightened, "There are no b numbers."

Teacher Li:…

Students around: …

For a while, the classroom fell into a deathly silence.

As soon as the words came out, Wen Zhichu suddenly felt that he was dead...


The students in the classroom who couldn't hold back laughed lowly and quickly pressed them back.

Wen Zhichu blushed and hurriedly wanted to apologize, and a pen was placed on the table the next moment.

Teacher Li gave him another serious look before leaving.

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, looking at the pen on the table, his eyes were full of gratitude.

After class, Wen Zhichu hurried to the supermarket to buy some stationery, but now the cost is limited and he can only buy cheap ones.

[System: villain task, provoking the protagonist, reward ten yuan for completing the task, increase the value of the villain by 1%, and deduct twenty yuan for task failure. 】

Wen Zhichu was surprised when he heard this, "Didn't you say that the first mission will not deduct money?"

[System: Why are you bugging me here? 】

Wen Zhichu smiled shyly, "Can you?"

[System: No. 】

Wen Zhichu's face collapsed in an instant, what should come still has to come.

The original owner will not die if he doesn't do it, and he can't do it if he doesn't want to. He didn't go up to provoke at all, he went up to find a beating.

Recalling Qin Jiashu's strong forearm in his mind, his calf trembled for a while.

[System: Boy! 】

Wen Zhichu: "What's wrong?"

[System: The target appears. 】

After hearing this, Wen Zhichu's fluffy head shook, and then he looked around like a thief, and as expected, Qin Jiashu stepped into the store the next moment.

The young man was tall and handsome, and he walked in surrounded by people, standing out from the crowd.

[System: Your chance has come. 】

what chance?

Any chance of hitting the road?

Without even thinking about it, Wen Zhichu hurriedly paid the bill and fled the supermarket.

[System: Young man, you make me look down on you so much! 】

Wen Zhichu had lingering fears, "Did you see how many people were around him just now?"

[System: What does this have to do with the number of people? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Without Qin Jiashu's hands, I can leave this beautiful world with one punch from each of them."


Wen Zhichu returned to the classroom with the stationery, it seemed that the only way to complete the task was to find another opportunity.

"Fuck, I was delusional just now, I seem to have seen an annoying spirit?!" Ji Fengchang said in surprise.

The male student on the side smiled and said, "That guy hasn't shown up for a long time, you think he's hallucinating."

Ji Feng felt goose bumps all over his body after a long pause, "Fuck you, are you disgusting?"

"Old Qin, have you seen it?"

Qin Jiashu took a sports drink and glanced at him, "How about you take a sip?"

Long Monsoon:…

Old dog.

Okay, he was the only one who saw it.

Ji Fengchang: "I can see him coming, just wait for him to bother you."

Qin Jiashu listened perfunctorily, his left ear went in and his right ear went out, he didn't care at all.

Although the task had already been issued, the two were in different classes, and Wen Zhichu had no time to do anything other than attending class and sorting out notes all morning.

I didn't find the opportunity until the recess in the afternoon.

"Hey, Qin Jiashu is playing on the field, do you want to go and watch?"

The female classmate and Wen Zhichu stood up together.

Female classmate: "Go."

Wen Zhichu said in his heart, "Go."

Soon he was among the crowd on the basketball court. There were quite a few onlookers. The teenager was sweating on the court, but it was Qin Jiashu who attracted the most attention.

This brother belongs to the type that it is difficult for others not to look at him.

On the court, Qin Jiashu was wearing a summer school uniform. His figure was not as thin as some boys who were still in the developmental stage. His shoulders were broad and his back was very tall. When he dribbled, his arms would protrude slightly with veins.

In the hot summer, he raised his hand and put his hair back on his forehead. Every time he scored a goal, he cheered everywhere.

"Let's go to the bench. Qin Jiashu's water is there. I'm sure I'll drink some water after I rest."

Meng Yan was a little embarrassed, "Is it okay?"

"Why not? Let's go."

Wen Zhichu listened to it and quietly walked over.

When they arrived at the place, the girl who was pulling Meng Yan in front turned around and saw him, her eyes widened instantly, "You...what are you doing here?!"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Look... watch basketball."

The female classmate pulled Meng Yan back, "Fart, don't think I don't know you're here to follow Meng Yan."

Wen Zhichu heard the name familiar, but couldn't remember who it was for a while.

[System: Sister Xiaohua. 】

Wen Zhichu hurriedly explained: "No... no, I... came to see..."

He was anxious, "I'm here to see Qin Jiashu!"

The sound was loud, and for a while, many people's eyes gathered here.

As soon as Wen Zhichu finished speaking, Qin Jiashu happened to shoot a three-pointer.

The girl just wanted to tell you who would believe what you said, but when she saw Qin Jiashu taking a break to drink water, she immediately put Wen Zhichu behind her.

When Qin Jiashu came, he was immediately surrounded by crowds.

"The goal at the end was amazing."

"Senior, you are so handsome in playing basketball."

"Student Qin, can you teach me how to play basketball if you have time?"

Meng Yan replied shyly: "Jiashu, your three-pointer just now was really amazing."

Qin Jiashu came over, he didn't care what they said, he just thanked him with a polite smile, then reached out to grab the water on the bench, and happened to meet Wen Zhichu's eyes when he raised his eyes.

Wen Zhichu froze for a moment.

Are you looking at him?

Does he want to say something?

Then he articulated, "That's it?"

Qin Jiashu gave the hand holding the water a pause.

[System: Ding! After the task is completed, the villain's value is 1%, and the reward is RMB10. 】

Wen Zhichu:! !