Chapter 4:

Qin Jiashu held water in his hand and looked at the person in front of him with bottomless eyes.

In the morning, Chang Jifeng said he was coming, but he thought it was a joke.

I didn't expect to see the effort to drink water after changing the scene, so I glanced at it.

Not seen for a week, still as annoying as ever.

But no matter how much he hated the other party, Qin Jiashu didn't show his emotions on his face.

Hearing the mechanical sound in his mind, Wen Zhichu froze in place for a moment.

He wanted to say a few words of praise, but he stuttered when he got nervous.

The sentence was originally "I was conquered by you just like that", but I cut it in half when I was nervous, and I heard the reminder that the task was completed before the words were connected, and I was in a fog for a while.

"Tmall Elf, is the mission complete?"

[System: Yes. 】

Wen Zhichu looked up at Qin Jiashu with some fear, "But he's smiling."

[System: What's the use of laughing. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: He is upset. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Emotions flashed across Qin Jiashu's dark eyes, and his usual beguiling smile hung on his face.

But Wen Zhichu felt that he couldn't smile enough.

Wen Zhichu swallowed, and took two steps back, thinking that he could get a few punches from the opponent.

Looking up and down at each other, Qin Jiashu just got off the court, with his hair tied back, his body full of sunshine and toughness for this age group, and the muscle lines on his arms are still slightly bulging because of the exercise just now.

If you do,

Probably just one punch.

[System: Young man, as far as I know, the power and potential of human beings are infinite. I won't allow you to look down on yourself like this. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

OK, two punches then.


Just when Wen Zhichu was thinking about the posture to fall to the ground, the other party said, "Student Wen, do you think it's normal?"

Fang Junyi's face did not show any signs of displeasure, his tone was flat and he didn't care, but his eyes were fixed on him.

Wen Zhichu's heart skipped a beat, as expected, all the girls who had surrounded Qin Jiashu turned their heads dissatisfied.

"You are just jealous of how good your senior is at playing basketball."

"Sour grapes."

Meng Yan also gave him a dissatisfied look, "Jia Shu is very handsome."

"No matter how much you slander classmate Qin, it's useless. Classmate Qin is excellent."

It took Wen Zhichu a long time to escape from the overwhelming chatter, but when he looked up again, Qin Jiashu had long since disappeared.

With three minutes to go before class, Qin Jiashu and his companions returned to the teaching building.

Just as I was going up to the fifth floor, I saw the English class representative of Class 1 at the corner holding a stack of exercise books that had just been collected, planning to leave for the English office of the previous year group.

The English class representative is a girl, and there are a lot of workbooks. The class is about to start, and there are many students coming and going in the corridor. The class representative has to dodge and dodge, walking on eggshells.

"Do you need help?"

A refined voice came from above, and the English class representative raised his head and met Qin Jiashu's handsome and gentle face, blushing for a moment.

"Ma... I'm in trouble."

Qin Jiashu smiled and took all the exercise books from the opponent's hand, "It's okay."

The English class representative looked at it, and hurriedly said, "Student Qin, please give me some books."

"Need not."

The other party's tone was very light, and he spit out two words concisely.

The companion on the side looked at him and said, "Brother Qin, let's go back first."

Qin Jiashu nodded, and took the exercise book to the English team office.

Ji Fengchang didn't go to play because he was sleeping, so he looked at the students who had returned to the class and asked, "Where's Lao Qin?"

Classmate: "Brother Qin helped the English class representative move things to the office."

Chief Ji Feng yawned, "Oh, I'm pretending."


In the eyes of everyone, Qin Jiashu is a very dazzling existence. He looks handsome and has a superior family background. He is also a top-notch student. Participating in various competitions can be called a decathlon. He is well-mannered and educated, perfect like a robot.

But other people don't know about Qin Jiashu, but Ji Fengchang knows it all too well. He grew up together since he was a child.

But it happened that everyone followed him, from an eighty-year-old woman down to a five-year-old cub, even his mother.

The roots of my ears are going to be cocooned by my mother.

"Look at your grades, I'd be ashamed to tell you about it! Jiashu is a three-good student in the province this year, and his mother is proud and respectable when she comes out to get together for a beauty treatment. Look at you again!"

There are only those who can talk in the circle of ladies, and the world is certain, except for talking about husbands and children, and then assets and luxury goods.

Ji Feng doesn't hurt or itch, "Woman, don't compare yourself too much."

Ji's mother raised her hand and thought, "I'm not motivated at all, and I'm just as virtuous as your father."

Ji's father, who was lying innocently on the gun while reading the newspaper, glanced at him silently.

His eyes seemed to say,

What are you messing with her for?


When Qin Jiashu came back, Chang Ji Feng asked, "Would you like to go to the Internet cafe at night when it's dark?"

Qin Jiashu glanced at him.

Although the other party didn't speak, Chief Ji Feng knew that he agreed.

Ji Feng said cheaply: "Brother Qin, it's up to you to take the flight tonight."

When Wen Zhichu returned to class, his beating heart gradually calmed down, and he took out a water glass to drink a few sips of water.

[System: Boy, how does it feel to complete the mission? 】

Wen Zhichu: "It's okay."

[System: You are the fastest to complete the task since I brought the host. 】

Being praised suddenly, Wen Zhichu was suddenly a little embarrassed, stroked his hair and said with a smirk, "Actually, there isn't any."

[System: Others need painstaking planning to be a villain, but you don't. 】

When Wen Zhichu heard this, something seemed wrong.

[System: You are very talented. 】


Wen Zhichu seemed to be force-fed poisonous sugar, "Thank you."

[System: What is modesty. 】

Wen Zhichu was speechless for a while.

[System: You are the most worry-free host I have ever brought. 】

Wen Zhichu asked suspiciously, "How many have you brought?"

[System: Two. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Good guy, the last one went to jail, so he is the most worry-free one.

Wen Zhichu ignored Tmall Genie, took out a pen and began to make up physics notes.

[System: Young man, you seem a little unhappy. 】

Wen Zhichu lowered his head and wrote, "No."

[System: You can touch your pocket now, and you will be happy. 】

He touched it suspiciously, and in his pocket was the ten-yuan note he got for completing the task.

Wen Zhichu: "Tmall Elf."

[System: You don't need to thank me, this is what you should. 】

Wen Zhichu: "I..."

[System: I've already said it, don't use it if you're grateful. 】

"No, I just want to ask if it can be exchanged for coins. I want to take the bus home."


In the end, Wen Zhichu got ten coins as he wished. He had seen it when he looked at the stop sign this morning. In the second year of senior high school, he went to self-study at 9:30 in the evening, and the last bus left until 10:00.

You don't have to cook your own dinner, you can eat it at school.

Just when Wen Zhichu was happily thinking about his little calculations, the mechanical voice in his mind rang in his ears like a devil whispering.

[System: Villain task, escape from evening self-study, reward fifty yuan for task completion, increase villain value by 1%, and deduct ten yuan for task failure. 】

The smile on Wen Zhichu's face froze instantly.

"Tmall Elf?"

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu couldn't laugh, "Are you the roundworm in my stomach?"

Unexpectedly, that mechanical voice was a little shy, 【We are not so close that we don't know each other. 】


As soon as I was smug in my heart that I could have dinner at school, I was told about this villain's mission.

He lowered his head and glanced at the ten coins in his hand. If the mission failed, it would be spent wherever he earned money, and he would not even want to take a penny home.

In the last self-study class in the afternoon, the dean came to inspect, and slipped around the corridor symbolically, passing by Class 21, looked into the class through the back door, stared at the class with a serious face, and then walked in.

Class 11, which was still whispering, was instantly quiet.

The dean walked up to the podium and scanned around. There were no students in the class doing anything unrelated to study, and even Wen Zhichu was reading.

The dean was a little surprised.

This kid is quite good at pretending.

"Ahem! Everyone stop your pens and listen to what the teacher has to say."

The students put down their pens one after another and looked up at the dean.

Wen Zhichu felt guilty because of thinking about playing truant, so he still lowered his head.

The dean frowned, "Wen Zhichu!"

Wen Zhichu was startled, "I... I didn't take a pen."


Meaning he has no pen to put.

The dean skipped over this little episode, and said, "The monthly exam is just a few days away. I also noticed that your class is much quieter and more progressive than before. This is worthy of praise, but..."

Wen Zhichu knew that once a but appeared, what happened next would be different.

"But don't be proud. Recently, the school has to rectify the school spirit and strengthen management, especially the truancy of truancy, truancy and late self-study! I will accept those students who have small plans in their hearts."

As he said that, he walked to Wen Zhichu's side, "Student Wen Zhichu, do you know?!"

He swallowed, "I know...I know."

The dean pushed his glasses, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, I'm the roundworm in your stomach."

Wen Zhichu shrank her neck, "Old... Teacher, we are not so close that we can't tell you apart."


Tmall Elf: …

The dean was stunned for a moment, then coughed and said, "You better know, if you play truant, don't get caught by me."

Wen Zhichu was relieved until the dean's figure left the classroom and was completely out of sight.

[System: What are you going to do next? 】

Wen Zhichu thought for a while, and said, "Listen to the teaching director."

[System: Don't play truant? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Don't get caught by him."


In fact, after Wen Zhichu was named, he also thought in his heart that he would not run away. After all, he didn't have the guts, but he suddenly thought of something.

When he went out this morning, he found a utility bill pasted on the door, totaling two hundred. If he didn't pay it this week, the water and electricity would have to be cut off.

However, all his belongings are only 107 yuan now, and there is still 20 yuan in the meal card. The 50 yuan rewarded by this mission can be said to be his life-saving money.

The Tmall Elf didn't expect Wen Zhichu to be so teachable, and the villain's mission was so easy after completing one mission.

[System: Okay, I just know that you are very talented. 】

Wen Zhichu couldn't laugh at all, just this time, he kept hypnotizing himself in his heart, just once, he would run away this time.

When the last self-study get out of class in the afternoon was over, Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, then got up and walked out of the classroom with arrogance.

[System: Are you nervous? 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "No."

【System: "Really not?"

Wen Zhichu seemed to be cheering herself up, "No."

[System: Alright, you're on your way. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Although Wen Zhichu was playing truant for the first time, he was not stupid. Knowing that truant could not go through the main entrance, he began to look for a wall to climb.

With a sweep, he suddenly saw a familiar figure, that person was tall with broad shoulders and long legs, and his back alone was very imposing.

Wen Zhichu's eyes widened unconsciously, who else could it be if it wasn't Qin Jiashu? !

Is he going to skip school too?

Why did the other party appear here? Wen Zhichu didn't dare to think about it, and was going to find another wall.

However, in the next moment, I saw the figure jumping over with a few braces of hands, with a nimble posture and no sloppy movements.

Wen Zhichu's eyes suddenly lit up, the other party's movements were so relaxed that Wen Zhichu had an illusion.

He thinks he can too.

[System: Very good young man, this kind of self-confidence is what he wants! 】

Wen Zhichu nodded, stepped forward confidently, and then imitated Qin Jiashu's movements just now.

One run, two braces and three jumps.

There was only a muffled sound, and Wen Zhichu fell firmly on the ground.

There was severe pain in the buttocks, Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded.

Why is it different from what he imagined.

[System: Maybe there is a gap between people. 】


Wen Zhichu perfectly explained what is, the eyes have learned, but the body has not.

But why do I still have to escape this evening's self-study.

Wen Zhichu rubbed his **** with a wrinkled face, then found a few stones in other places to put his feet on, and then managed to climb up the wall.

The wall didn't look high, but it was scary when it went up, and Wen Zhichu's calf was shaking for a while.

This is definitely the most exciting project he has ever done in his life.

However, as soon as he climbed up, he suddenly fell to the other side with an unstable center of gravity.

The sense of weightlessness hit, Wen Zhichu was so frightened that he quickly closed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

But the imagined pain didn't come, Wen Zhichu was a little surprised, then opened his eyes to look at the wall, it didn't seem so difficult to be complacent.

"How long are you going to stay with me?"

When the indifferent voice came, Wen Zhichu froze for a moment, looked sideways and met those indifferent eyes.

Shouldn't Qin Jiashu have left early? !

I saw that he just hit the other party impartially.

There were no outsiders here, and Qin Jiashu didn't have the elegant and friendly smile on his face like in the daytime.

The other party's eyes were cold, and Wen Zhi was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at first.

"Have you…have you ever heard a song?"

Before the other party could answer, Wen Zhichu stammered and sang.

"Sister Lin fell from the sky."

Qin Jiashu: ...