Chapter 5:

Before he recovered from the lingering fear of falling from the wall, he opened his mouth, his heart still beating, and he didn't know whether it was the fall or Qin Jiashu's fright. It sounds worse than pulling glass.

Wen Zhichu regretted it after singing, pretended to be calm and blinked twice at the person.

I have heard it, I must have heard it.

Sister Lin, the heroine of the old saying is top-notch.

Qin Jiashu's face darkened, "I've never heard of it."

Wen Zhichu:! !

He hadn't heard a word from the other party, which made him even more uneasy, so Wen Zhichu had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, " doesn't matter, you have heard it now."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him, and said indifferently, "Then I have to thank you?"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head shyly, "'re welcome."


Qin Jiashu's handsome face suddenly darkened, and his voice was like a knife in the cold sky, "Get off me."

There are many things around me recently, Chang Jifeng asked him in the morning if he would go to the Internet cafe in the evening, and he realized that he hadn't relaxed for a long time.

After coming out of school, he planned to contact the other party to confirm the location, but before the call was answered, Qin Jiashu looked down at Wen Zhichu, and was smashed by this "exotic object".

Wen Zhichu is not as arrogant as before at this time, is it pretending that he is too lazy to care about it.

But the other party is a habitual offender, hitting him was definitely on purpose.

Wen Zhichu hurriedly wanted to stand up when he heard this, "Horse... right now."

He was so scared by the other party that his whole body was shaking, and his calves were trembling uncontrollably. When he got up, he subconsciously supported the other party's shoulders.

Seeing Qin Jiashu looking at him, Wen Zhichu smiled powerfully, "Give me a hand."

However, the other party's eyes were too frightening, Wen Zhichu's hand slipped and fell back onto the person's lap when he was halfway up.

The two looked at each other unexpectedly,

Back to the original starting point...

Qin Jiashu: "Restore the scene of the crime?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

He wanted to die for a while, so he didn't dare to look at Qin Jiashu this time.

He won't beat him, he really won't beat him! !

Seeing the opponent's arm raised slightly, Wen Zhichu was frightened and subconsciously hugged his knowledge-filled head. He thought he would be beaten, but the next moment his body felt suddenly empty, and he sat on the ground before he recovered.

Like pulling out a mushroom, Qin Jiashu pulled Wen Zhichu up and buried him on the ground, then patted his sleeves and stood up.

Wen Zhichu slowly opened his eyes, and saw the tall figure taking a few steps forward, bent down to pick up the mobile phone on the ground, then fiddled with it a few times, and after confirming that it was scrapped, he said something rough in a low voice.

His heart trembled upon hearing this.

At this moment, Qin Jiashu was a different person than he was in the daytime, and the swearing did not match his gentle and elegant face at all.

Wen Zhichu sat on the ground and pursed her lips, "Mobile...I will pay you for the mobile phone."

However, the other party didn't even give him a look, and walked away.

The figure of the other party disappeared completely, and he was relieved.

"Tmall Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

Looking at the pitiful appearance of the other party at this time, the system thought that the other party called him out because he was frightened just now, the Tmall elf smiled charmingly, and words of comfort were ready to come out.

However, before the words came out, Wen Zhichu said: "You should send the money."


[System: The task is completed, the villain's value is 2%, and the reward is rm□□. 】

When his legs were no longer weak, Wen Zhichu got up and patted the dust off his body with his hands, and then went to get the schoolbag not far away.

[System: Did you just say you wanted to pay for someone else's phone? 】

Wen Zhichu nodded after hearing this. After all, Qin Jiashu was just on the phone just now, and he fell from the wall and smashed the person, and even caused the other person's phone to break.

No matter from which aspect, he should be obliged to compensate others.

[System: Do you know how much his mobile phone costs? 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "I don't know, do you know?"

[System: My last host used this brand, and the price of 8,000 yuan is not the latest model. 】

The boy's eyes widened in an instant, and his mouth opened in surprise.

At the least, he would have to pay Qin Jiashu 10,000 yuan.

The Tmall elf shook his head tut-tsk, and for a moment suspected that the other party was not the lucky one chosen by the main god, but the unlucky one chosen by the main god.

Unlucky bears are not as unlucky as him.

The utility bill of 200 yuan has not yet been paid, and he is burdened with a huge debt.

[System: It really doesn't work, let's turn off the hard mode. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

He wanted to cry for a while but had no tears. Could this be something he could shut down if he wanted to?

But if you think about it carefully, he has not always been so unlucky, at least when his parents were still alive, his entire childhood was carefree, and it was the sun in his heart that was the light in his heart.

Wen Zhichu put away his heavy emotions and walked towards the bus stop, but soon discovered Huadian.

The last host of Tmall Elf could afford a mobile phone worth 8,000 yuan, so the amount of rewards for the subsequent missions should not be small.

As long as he worked hard to do the task, the debt that was less than 10,000 yuan should be paid off quickly.

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, "Tmall Elf."

[System: What's wrong, boy? 】

"How many tasks did your last host buy the phone?"

[System: One. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, his first mission was only ten yuan, "Why did your last host get so much reward for doing the mission?"

[System: No, it's all ten yuan. 】

Wen Zhichu was a little puzzled, "Did he bring cash with him when he passed through?"

[System: He bought a lottery ticket with the ten dollars. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

[System: Ten thousand won. 】

Wen Zhichu was a little moved when he heard that, when the sky cleared and the rain stopped, he felt that he could do it again.

There was a smile on the corner of Wen Zhichu's mouth, and his voice was eager to try, "Then I..."

[System: Are you worthy? 】


Are you polite?

[System: With your luck, the ten yuan will be for naught. 】

Wen Zhichu froze in place for a while, and what Tmall Elf said seemed to be reasonable, and silently stuffed the ten yuan he took out back into his pocket.

[System: But don't worry, the rewards will definitely increase in the future. 】

Wen Zhichu just nodded, took out the coins and got on the bus.

Paying for the other party's mobile phone may be a long-term struggle. Compared with buying lottery tickets, it is more reliable for him to take a summer job while on vacation.

Wen Zhichu went to the fruit and vegetable supermarket after getting off the bus, bought some green vegetables and cooked noodles for dinner.

Just a few steps into the house, he stopped suddenly. When he left in the morning, he opened the window for ventilation, leaving only the screen window. Now the screen window is falling dead on the ground. It’s almost six o’clock in the evening, and I don’t know what it is It fell from time to time, but it is certain that many mosquitoes must have flown in.

Wen Zhichu froze instantly.

The heart that was still thinking about whether to buy a lottery ticket fell silent in an instant.

He doesn't deserve it.

But I still comforted myself silently in my heart, mosquitoes are mosquitoes, at least they are better than cockroaches.

He went to the window and closed it, took out the steamed buns that he didn't have time to eat in the morning from his school bag, and heated them up, and made a simple bowl of vegetable noodles.

After dinner, Wen Zhichu started to study. If he skipped evening self-study, he had to make up for it at home.

Before going to sleep, Wen Zhichu asked, "Tmall Elf, will there be any tasks tomorrow?"

[System: Yes, as long as you want to do it, you can refill it indefinitely. 】

Wen Zhichu didn't reply, he'd better look at the first task tomorrow first.

However, before Wen Zhichu's mission came the next day, the dean was waiting instead.

After class in the second period in the morning, it was time for intermission exercises. Just as Wen Zhichu was about to go out to do exercises with the flow of people, he was stopped by the monitor.

The other party's tone was not salty, "The dean asked you to go to the office."

Wen Zhichu was surprised, "Me?"

"Yes, it's you."

The squad leader handed over the words and left.

Wen Zhichu sighed, what should come still has to come, and then walked towards the teaching office.

[System: Young man, have you thought about what to say? 】

Wen Zhichu was dejected, "No."

The Tmall Elf also began to think hard.

[System: If it doesn't work, just say that your family members are sick. 】

Wen Zhichu: "There is no one in my house."


If there is, then it is not necessarily human.

He stood in front of the door and knocked, and after hearing "Come in", he straightened his school uniform before walking in.

But when I looked inside, I was stunned. There were at least five or six people in this office, all of whom skipped class yesterday and skipped evening self-study.

But Qin Jiashu was alone.

When the dean saw that everyone was present, he began to give lectures.

"What did you say when the national flag was raised on Monday, strictly check the morals! Especially skipping classes, skipping school, skipping evening self-study, I specifically emphasized on stage, you are all acting like a trap, don't you guys know what you are doing? !"

The dean, who was in his forties, was so angry that he tapped the heads of the students one by one, and when Wen Zhichu saw him shrink his neck, he slightly withdrew his strength.

"You are committing crimes against the wind!"

Ji Fengchang put his hands in his pockets and stood beside him without pain or itching.

"Long monsoon!"

Suddenly being called, Chang Ji Feng stood up straight in an instant, "Here!"

"Tell me! What did you do last night!"

Ji Fengchang hesitated, "My brother has a fever."

The dean raised his hand and thought, "Fever, fever, your brother has a fever eight times a month, does your brother know?!"

"Tell me! Did you go to an Internet cafe yesterday!"

Ji Feng ran around with his head in his arms after being beaten for a long time, "Yes, yes."

Wen Zhichu looked aside and swallowed, wondering what would happen when it was his turn.

This is the Tmall Elf also whispering quietly.

[System: Stop using the excuse I gave you just now that your family members are sick. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...he didn't plan to use it at first.

The dean stopped after hearing his confession, "Go back, make a 5,000-word self-criticism, and read it under the national flag next Monday."

Ji Fengchang said incredulously, "Five thousand words!"

He has never written so many words in eight lifetimes.

The dean frowned, "Will you write or not!"

Ji Fengchang hugged his head in fright, and said cheaply: "Write, write, how can I not write, haven't you already spoken?"

After speaking, he quickly evacuated from the teaching office, and glanced at the room before leaving.

Oh, that annoying spirit is here too.

After returning to the classroom, Chang Ji Feng sat down on the seat, wondering if he could pay for a ghostwriter for the 5,000-word review.

As for why Qin Jiashu was not called to the office, he has long been familiar with it. The top three good students in the school, skipping class, is it called skipping class? only eye.

Besides, the other party was also very low-key when doing these things, not as blatant as him.

After the exercise, it was time for activities, and Qin Jiashu came back to drink water.

Ji Fengchang saw that the man came back, and hurried over to hook his shoulders with him, "Guess who I saw just now?"

Qin Jiashu: "Who?"

"It's annoying." Chief Ji Feng said, "He's in the dean's office right now. If you didn't see it yesterday, you will definitely see it today. Just wait for him to bother you."

Qin Jiashu slapped the opponent's hand away, "I met you yesterday."

Ji Fengchang was taken aback, "Have you seen it? When?"

Qin Jiashu pointed to the new mobile phone in the table hole, Ji Fengchang understood instantly.

"Hahahahahahahaha, I said why did you suddenly change your phone? It was that kid who co-authored it."

Seeing that no one spoke, Chief Ji Feng began to change the subject, "Yesterday's round was really awesome, how about it, will we go today or not?"

"No, let's talk about it next time."

But it's hard to say when the next time will be. Although the two of them have been mixed together since they were young, the other party is very well-planned in everything, and it's a blessing to come out occasionally.

Ji Fengchang spread his hands, "Okay, if you want to go, remember to tell me in advance, I'll make an appointment."

After Ji Fengchang left, the teaching director began to give lectures one after another, and Wen Zhichu was the last one to come, so he was at the end.

Looking at the students being lectured one by one, he was frightened for a moment, and the students who had been lectured left one by one, and finally he was the only one left standing in the teaching office.

Talking too much, the dean took a sip of tea tiredly, and took a look at Wen Zhichu.

"Wen Zhichu!"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly said, "Here."

"Stand straight!"

He straightened his back slightly. He had a bad habit since he was a child. He always walked with his head down and his shoulders shrunk. He looked like he was bullying and stealing money.

The dean looked at him and said, "I didn't say anything about you when I didn't come to school for a week ago. I thought you improved a little bit in class yesterday, but who knows it's still the same virtue."

The more he talked, the more he got up, the whole second year of high school, he was most worried about this Wen Zhichu.

Today is better than before. If in the past, this kid got impatient and left, he didn't even have a fart.

"Even if you came back to study yesterday to pretend to be someone, then you have been pretending for a long time. You deliberately asked your name for late study and you still dared to skip class for me. Did you not take me seriously at all?! "

Wen Zhichu shrank her neck when she was told, "Yes..."

It's my fault. "


The dean took a deep breath, "Don't think I don't know, you dare to do it next time!"

Seeing what the other party wanted to say, the dean added: "I am the roundworm in your stomach!"

Wen Zhichu: ...

It's a **** close relationship.

[System: It's not easy for the teaching director. Educate students to injure the enemy one thousand and injure themselves eight hundred. 】

Wen Zhichu's hands were tangled together, and he honestly admitted his mistake, "Teacher...teacher, there really won't be a next time, never...don't dare again."

The boy drooped his fluffy head, with self-blame on his face, and his mouth was deflated, as if he really knew he was wrong.

It was the first time that the teaching director had seen such an appearance of obediently admitting mistakes in Wen Zhichu's body. It was completely different from the dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water before.

The child's current family situation suddenly came to mind, and he didn't say anything serious. After all, the other party is also a problem student who needs to be cared for now, and his original serious tone was slightly lighter, "I hope you really realized the mistake .”

Wen Zhichu nodded.

"Tell me how to correct it yourself."

"Don't skip class...don't be late, study hard and make progress every day."

The dean: "You said that. Are you still chasing Meng Yan from Class Nine?"

It's not that the dean is well-informed, it's that the original owner is too blatant in chasing others.

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook his head after hearing this, "No...don't chase, I already...understand."

The dean looked at him unexpectedly, "You really want to understand?"

The boy nodded, "Well, I is more important."

"After all, no matter how beautiful Meng Yan is, even if I read her a hundred times, it's not mine, but if I read the book a hundred times, the knowledge is mine."