Chapter 6:

The dean looked at Wen Zhichu in a daze, but he didn't expect that the words came from this kid.

I thought that the opponent's dog couldn't spit out ivory, but it really said a few human words.

"You said these words yourself, and I wrote them down for you. If you do something stupid in the future, it won't be as simple as it is today!"

[System: villain task, contradict the teacher, the villain value will increase by 2%, reward 50 yuan for task completion, 50 yuan will be deducted for task failure. 】

Wen Zhichu paused for a moment.

"Tmall Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

"If you want me to die, you can just say so."

[The system voice is shy: That's so embarrassing. 】


The dean still raised his head and sighed, "The teacher knows that your nature is not bad, but you have not kept up with the education before, and you are actually a good boy.

Wen Zhichu firmly grasped the school uniform pants, took a deep breath, "No...I'm not a good boy."

The dean was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the other person in surprise. Could it be that what he said just now was serious, causing some psychological problems for the child? !

The recent changes in Wen Zhichu's family can be said to be extremely serious. As the teaching director, he must give timely care and love to the students at this time. Even if this student was in the same group as before, he can't wait for him to hang up and smoke, but he can't waver. He treats students equally, and must pull Wen Zhichu out of the wrong path.

Education is not just scolding, but also encouragement and love. Now is the time for him to spread love.

The dean raised his hand and patted his thin shoulder, smiling kindly, "No, you are."

Wen Zhichu shook her head like a rattle, "No."

The dean was also a little anxious, "How can you not be a good boy? Look at you when you went back to school yesterday and pretended to be... No, you still studied."

Wen Zhi was nervous and even forgot to stutter in the first day of the junior high school, her brain was running fast, and she counted the anti-discipline and anti-discipline things she and her original body had done, "Yesterday, I even escaped from late-night self-study."

Dean of Teaching: "You take the initiative to admit your mistakes and know how to repent."

Wen Zhichu: "I swear at the teacher."

The dean was taken aback, " just don't commit any more crimes in the future."

Wen Zhichu looked up at him, "I even gave you a nickname."

The dean's kind smile froze a bit, "Teacher doesn't care."

The tolerance came so suddenly, Wen Zhichu was a little dumbfounded, twisting the hem of his clothes with his fingers, "I'll post a small advertisement in the principal's office."

Dean: "You did this too?!"

The other party's volume suddenly increased, scaring Wen Zhichu into a fright.

Seeing the child trembling when he shouted, the dean closed his eyes, took a deep breath, "It's okay."

Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded for a moment, looked at the dean in disbelief, and made a suspicious voice. "what?"

The teaching director exuded the light of fraternity, "Wen Zhichu, although you skipped class, swearing and calling yourself a nickname, and posted small advertisements in the principal's office, you are a good boy."

Wen Zhichu: ...


They suddenly felt that the teaching director was not something ordinary people could do.

As if he was afraid that Wen Zhichu would say something further, the dean hurriedly said: "Wen Zhichu, if you can actively admit your mistakes, this is the first step for you to make changes and lead to a better road. As for the previous things..."

The teaching director paused for a moment, but still said generously: "As for the past, the teacher won't bother with you, as long as you earnestly correct your mistakes and learn from the past, it's fine, remember the teacher's words, the sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and you will be right when you turn around. "

Wen Zhichu whispered: "Teacher... this sentence belongs to the Buddhist school."


The dean looked calm and pretended not to hear, "Okay, since you already know that you made a mistake, then go back first, and do a 5,000-word self-criticism like the other students, next Monday the national flag will be lowered."

When Wen Zhichu heard that he would be released from prison, he nodded his head like a chicken chopping rice, and let go of the big stone in his heart, "Thank you...thank you, teacher."

The dean waved his hand, "You're welcome, this is what the teacher should do. Go back to class soon, don't be late."

[System: Ding! The task is completed, the villain value is 4%, and the reward is RMB.50. 】

Wen Zhichu politely responded, then turned around and planned to leave, but just as he walked to the door, he was suddenly stopped.


[System: Ahhhhhhh! 】

Wen Zhichu: "...what's your name?"

[System: Startled me! 】

Wen Zhichu was speechless for a while, it can be said that he was double frightened, then he turned around slowly, and asked cautiously: "Teacher... is there anything else?"

The dean coughed, and his eyes were a little guilty, "You didn't tell anyone about posting a small advertisement in the principal's office."

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "No."

The dean heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, and sure enough, the kid wasn't so stupid.

The next moment, Wen Zhichu saw the dean pointing at himself, "I won't say anything."

Turning the direction of the finger, he pointed at him again, "If you don't tell me, no third person will know about this matter."

[System: Concealment is the same crime as the principal criminal. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that the dean wanted to cover him up. Suddenly, he wasn't so afraid of the other party, and the corners of his always pursed lips had a rare smile, "Guard... our little secret together."

The dean was also amused for a moment, and slapped him on the back, "Your kid is smart at this time, so hurry back."

Wen Zhichu held his breath, and was almost sent away by the palm.

Then he opened the door, but before he could go out, he froze in place, only to see Qin Jiashu standing outside the door impartially.

Not only Wen Zhichu, but even the dean was surprised.

For a moment, the two of them seemed to be working together to steal the granary of the big landlord's house. I don't know how long the other party has been standing here, and whether they have heard their conversation

The dean opened his mouth first, "Jia Shu, what's the matter?"

Qin Jiashu had the usual elegant smile on his face, "I left early last night, and the teacher didn't come to ask, so I'll report it."

The other party's smile was very dazzling, but Wen Zhichu didn't dare to look at it, his whole body felt weak, he had seen both faces of the other party's front and back, and knew the other party's real appearance.

The dean was stunned for a moment, "Oh, remember to tell me in advance if you want to ask for leave next time."

Qin Jiashu looked down at Wen Zhichu who was pretending to be quail there, with a friendly smile in his voice, "Student Wen seems to be feeling a little uncomfortable, do you need help?"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook her head in fright.

Hearing that he was uncomfortable, the dean patted Wen Zhichu, "You have nothing to do here, go back to class."

Wen Zhichu glanced at him gratefully, and then quickly fled from the teaching place as if there was some beast in troubled water behind him.

For a while, only Qin Jiashu and the teaching director were left in the room.

The dean glanced at him, "Jiashu, did you hear what I said to classmate Wen just now?"

Qin Jiashu looked calm, "No, I'm just here too."

The dean was relieved after hearing this, Qin Jiashu also saw this scene, he heard the conversation between the two just now.

"The teacher also knows that you are not such a child." He said and began to make amends for himself, "Actually, I just enlightened this child Wen Zhichu. You also know that there has been a change in this child's family recently. I have educated him about the things he did before. He's dead, and I also know that this kid has provoked you before, I hope you don't care about him. "

Qin Jiashu's tone was very generous, as if the previous incident didn't hurt him, "Of course not."

The dean was very pleased, "The teacher knows that you are magnanimous, regardless of previous suspicions, I am also relieved of you as the student council president."

Qin Jiashu's excellence is obvious to all, so he turned a blind eye to some small flaws. After all, the honors and awards he brought to the school are very proud.

Being able to remain humble without taking credit for the countless compliments around him is definitely not something ordinary people can do, let alone at this young age.

"If classmate Wen needs help in the future, I can also help."

Dean of teaching: "You are a good boy, you know how to help and care for your classmates."

He couldn't help but smile, "It should."

After coming out of the teaching office, the smile on Qin Jiashu's face faded.

Wen Zhichu went all the way back to the classroom.

He got another fifty yuan just now, and his utility bill of two hundred yuan has already been settled, but the debt is still a long-term war, and he has to find a way to earn some extra money besides doing tasks.

Wen Zhichu came back to the class just in the morning for English class, he knocked on the door, the English teacher was walking around the class taking dictation in high-heeled shoes, saw Wen Zhichu didn't speak, and gave the other party a "going" look.

Wen Zhichu looked at it and hurried back to his seat. In his previous life, his English score was the worst among all subjects, which can be said to be very poor.

The monthly exam will be the day after tomorrow, so he has to hurry up and study.

In the past two days, Wen Zhichu suddenly started studying, and some students were surprised, but they didn't take it too seriously, except for one.

"What are you doing?"

Wen Zhichu was writing math problems with his head down, when he heard a voice from above, he looked up and saw a male student with a lazy face.

I don't know why the other party talked to him, but he still politely replied: "I'm... studying."

The male classmate frowned, "What are you studying for?"

"Friday...the exam is on."

The male student seemed to feel the crisis suddenly, and his voice was raised a little, "You covet my penultimate position?!"

Wen Zhichu: ...

It was rare for someone to talk to him, Wen Zhichu nervously shook the pen in his hand, "Want...together?"

The penultimate moment was taken aback, suddenly a little embarrassed.

Wen Zhichu:?

The penultimate one: "Why are you looking at me like that, I really can't do anything about you."

As he spoke, he moved a chair over and sat down on his buttocks, "Tell me, which question you can't know."

Wen Zhichu: ...

If he remembered correctly, the original body had zero duck eggs, and the penultimate one was five points higher than him.

The penultimate one muttered, "In fact, exams are also particular. Look at the multiple-choice questions. Three long and one short are the shortest, and three short and one long are the longest. One point is given for the answer to the big question."

Wen Zhichu: "Is...really?"

When the head teacher came to check the evening self-study, he saw this amazing scene.

The penultimate one gives the penultimate one the lecture topic, one dares to speak and the other dares to listen.

It can be called a world famous painting.

But it was rare for these two to be serious and quiet, so he didn't bother.

The study time is always short, after passing the monthly exam on Friday, Wen Zhichu relaxed on the bed after returning home.

The exam is over, and the water and electricity bills have been paid, which can be described as a relaxed one.

Then he took out his mobile phone and planned to have some entertainment. He had just come to this world not long ago and was unfamiliar with everything. He wanted to learn more about the living environment around him, so he clicked on the school forum.

He glanced roughly, and there were actually posts about him. Without thinking about it, he knew it would not be good information, so he filtered it as if he hadn't seen it.

The next new post popped up, [Urgently need to write a review for a fee. 】

Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly raised his hand and clicked in.

Post content: Looking for a ghostwriter to review, 5,000 words, before next Monday, price 300, add V if interested.

Wen Zhichu saved the contact information left by the other party, opened WeChat and sent a message to add friends.

Passed within a few minutes.

Ji Fengchang waved his mobile phone in front of Qin Jiashu, "You see, as long as you give money, someone will write it for you."

Qin Jiashu glanced at the nickname, then looked away.

"Greenhouse mushrooms."

[Greenhouse Mushroom: Do you still need to write it? 】

[Tornado: Need it, is it from No. 1 Middle School? 】

[Greenhouse Mushrooms: Yes. 】

[Tornado: Five thousand words, give it to me on Monday morning. 】

[Greenhouse Mushroom: Yes. 】

[Tornado: OK, □□. 】

The two agreed to a ten-minute deal before the flag was raised.

After the monthly exam, the two-day holiday on Saturday and Sunday is more than enough to write a review.

Before the national flag was hoisted on Monday, Wen Zhichu came to the designated place with two self-criticisms.

[System: Young man, why are you such a dog. 】

Wen Zhichu: "You don't understand, this is an underground black deal."

[System: Please use human words. 】

Wen Zhichu: "I can't see the light."


Wechat news.

[Tornado: Are you there yet? 】

[Greenhouse Mushroom: Arrived. 】

As soon as the news was sent out, there was a transfer of 300 yuan, and Wen Zhichu accepted it happily.

When Ji Feng grew to the place, he saw a figure from behind and said, "Hey, give me the review."

Wen Shichu turned around, "Okay."

Unexpectedly, the other party was stunned when he saw him, and looked at him with a pair of eyes in surprise, "Why is it you?!"

Glancing at the other party holding two self-criticisms, "Are you a greenhouse mushroom?"

Wen Zhichu looked at the other party's fierce face, took a step back in fear, and nodded.

Ji Fengchang was annoyed for a while, "You are **** me!"

I didn't expect that the ghostwriter I was looking for was actually this annoying spirit.

Wen Zhichu stuttered in fright, ", your review."

Ji Fengchang picked it up, opened it to see that it was really a self-criticism, the handwriting was neatly written, then he glanced at him again, and left with a bad face.

"You're lucky this time."

It didn't take long for the flag-raising ceremony to begin. The dazzling red flag fluttered in the wind. After the students finished their speeches under the flag, the students who had skipped class last week went to the stage to prepare for their self-criticism.

It's hard to die, Ji Fengchang happened to be next to Wen Zhichu.

When it was Ji Feng's turn, he adjusted the height of the microphone and began to read from the script, "In the days to come, I will definitely"

Seeing words that people don't know, Wen Zhichu started his own after-sales service very dedicatedly, "Keep... abide by the rules."

Chang Ji Feng's face darkened, "You tell me!"

But soon it started to get stuck again, "I must abide by the discipline in the future, continue...continue..."

Really unable to read it, Chang Ji Feng whispered to Wen Zhichu: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Wen Zhichu: "You... you give the money, whatever you say is right."

Long Monsoon:…