Chapter 7:

The corner of Ji Fengchang's mouth twitched slightly, he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Tell me a little longer!"

Wen Zhichu looked at him shyly.

Ji Fengchang frowned, "Hurry up, you don't want to?"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, "This...this is another price."


When he yelled just now, he didn't expect this annoying spirit to hold a grudge.

Seeing the dean look at them, Ji Feng gritted his teeth, "I'll add another two hundred to you afterwards."

When Wen Zhichu heard it, her eyes lit up a lot, "Yes... yes."

Then he reminded in a low voice: "Ji...Ji sundial burning ointment."

The next five minutes was almost Ji Feng's long recitation of several paragraphs. He reminded him that the other party would finish reading and stand aside soon.

Standing aside, Chief Ji Feng breathed a sigh of relief, but as soon as he turned his head, he met the death gaze of the teaching director.

Dean: "You just ask him to read for you."

Long Monsoon:…

Purely spending money to find guilt.

Ji Fengchang left and arrived at him, Wen Zhichu couldn't help becoming nervous, raised his hand to adjust the microphone to a height suitable for him, but found that his hand was shaking uncontrollably.

Summer is hot, it is inevitable to make people impetuous.

He couldn't control the height of the microphone a little bit, and the adjustment time was a little longer, and there were some voices from the audience.

"Let's not talk about it anymore, Da Xia asked us to stand here, it's annoying to death."

"Whether the people on the stage talk or not, labor and management are going to suffer from heat stroke!"

"Who is that on stage, can you still do it?"

"Wen Zhichu, a sophomore in high school."

"He, it's all right."

"That's him on the stage. If you say that, I'll be in good spirits. In fact, I'm looking forward to what he will say, hahahaha."

After Wen Zhichu adjusted the height, he looked down at the review in his hands, his palms were sweating nervously, and the paper was wrinkled by him.

"Big...everyone monkey, I'm..." There was an unstoppable vibrato as soon as he opened his mouth.

[System: Come on boy, be confident! 】

He wanted to too, but he was afraid of being beaten after reading the self-criticism.

Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, "I...I'm in the 21st grade of high school...Class 11..."

"Hahahahaha what's the matter with him, he talks so funny."

"Why did he stutter?"

"Hahahaha no more."

"You, you, can you read it?"

There was laughter from the audience, Wen Zhichu's nervous and pale face instantly flushed, and his lips trembled for a moment.

The classmates in the audience were laughing at him.

Sweat slid down the side of his face, the young man lowered his head and his eyes trembled uneasily. Looking down the stage, there were smiling faces. They all had smiles on their faces, but they were not in good faith.

It's not easy to talk to a single person, let alone read the review in front of the whole school.

Wen Zhichu's face was full of bewilderment, he looked at the playground shyly, it was crowded with people, but when he looked back, he was taken aback, unconsciously attracted by one place.

The man was tall and tall, standing at the head of the first class, with a straight and vigorous figure, standing in the sun like a proudly standing pine.

His handsome face was indifferent, and there was no hint of making fun of him on his face.

Even though there were laughing and talking voices all around, Qin Jiashu's face didn't move at all, as if he was alone in the world, deaf to everything around him.

He didn't laugh at him.

Didn't make fun of him because of his stupid mouth, his embarrassment.

Wen Zhichu forgot to be afraid for a while, and looked at him twice more. When the two eyes met, he hurriedly lowered his head, but it didn't take long before he started to look quietly again.

Obviously the other party didn't say a word, but Wen Zhichu looked at him and began to talk about the content of the review.

He couldn't be the face-to-face review of the whole school, so he pretended to speak to Qin Jiashu alone.

"Wen Zhichu from Class 11...10, I...I feel deeply...profoundly regretful for my previous behavior of skipping class..."

The other party's gaze was too blatant, Qin Jiashu raised his eyes and saw Wen Zhichu trembled for a moment.

The young man's eyes did not fall on the paper in his hand, but looked at him without blinking, his face was full of panic, his eyes were as restless as a small animal that had been thrown out of its shelter.

Qin Jiashu narrowed his eyes.

He could see clearly that the other party was afraid of him, but he couldn't take his eyes off him.

When it was about to end, I didn't know whether it was because the young man was restless, or because he was happy to be able to step down because he was almost finished reading, the handsome young man with bright eyes and bright teeth suddenly smiled.

The corners of the mouth were slightly curved, but those eyes couldn't hold back the smile.

Qin Jiashu frowned, turned his head and looked away.

Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief when he finally finished reading. The time was so long that he thought he had spent his whole life on stage.

Then he lowered his head and quickly walked to Chang Ji Feng's side to stand up.

Ji Feng's long mouth was tightly pursed, he gritted his teeth as if he was enduring something, and the muscles on his face were twitching slightly.

Wen Zhichu was startled, " had a stroke?!"

"..." Ji Fengchang took a deep breath, "It's not because of you."

Wen Zhichu looked up in doubt, "Me?"

Ji Fengchang imitated the way the other party spoke just now, "Why are you so **** stuttering?!"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, "I... nervous."

As he said that, he glanced at Qin Jiashu who was in the audience, and seeing that the other party didn't look at him, the big stone in his heart dropped.

After the problem students finished speaking, the dean picked up the microphone and said a few words, and then dismissed the free activities.

Just when Wen Zhichu was about to go back to work to drink water, he was suddenly stopped.

The dean slapped his face, "Master Ji Feng, Wen Zhichu, you two come here."

Wen Zhichu:!

But he couldn't pretend he didn't hear it, so Wen Zhichu had to walk over with his head down.

The dean folded his arms and looked at the two, "What happened to you two on stage just now?"

Chang Feng: "I can't read."

Wen Zhichu: "I...I stutter."


The dean took a deep breath, "Master Ji Feng, you are illiterate, how did you write the self-criticism?!"

Ji Feng glanced at Wen Zhichu with a guilty conscience, "I wrote it with a pen."

"Okay, Wen Zhichu, how do you know the content of his review, did you write this review for him?"

Wen Zhichu lowered her head, "shi..."

Ji Fengchang was startled, and his heart instantly rose to his throat.

Wen Zhichu tried hard to say: "Sight...good."

Dean: "You really didn't write this review for him."

Wen Zhichu shook his head guiltyly, but couldn't say a word.

The dean looked at the two of them again, "It's better not."

Then he slammed closer to Chief Ji Feng, "Yes, it's best not to be caught by me."

Looking at the sudden big face in front of him, Ji Fengchang: ...

When the dean left, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Fengchang glanced sideways at Wen Zhichu, who was holding mushrooms, and raised his hand to give someone two hundred dollars. Although the other party was not pleasing to his eyes, he was not short of the two hundred dollars, and he didn't want to owe this annoying person any favors. He felt awkward Panic.

A notification sound came from the mobile phone, Wen Zhichu took it out to look at it, and whispered: "Huan... welcome to visit next time."

Ji Feng's long face darkened, "Who the **** will come next time with you."

With that said, he left in his pocket.

Wen Zhichu didn't care, after all, he was used to this kind of treatment, and then looked at the screen of the phone, happily accepting the two hundred yuan.

During the break after the first get out of class in the afternoon, the results of last Friday's monthly exam also came out.

The head teacher put the report card in front of the podium and asked the students to read it by themselves. As expected, they were surrounded by a group of students as soon as they put it down.

The homeroom teacher looked up at Wen Zhichu, and seeing him sitting at the last table, he was a little excited and wanted to come over to have a look, but he didn't dare.

At this moment, a classmate said, "Teacher, is there a typo on this report card?"

The head teacher looked down, "No, it was all checked by the year group teachers."

"Then why are you stupid... no, why is Wen Zhichu ranked ahead of me?"

There are a total of 38 students in the class, and Wen Zhichu is ranked sixteenth.

As soon as this student opened his mouth, the other students followed suit.

Although the sixteenth in the class is not outstanding, and he is not ranked well in the grade, it will be different if this person is Wen Zhichu.

The bottom one who handed in blank papers all the year round, who didn't listen to lectures in class and went home and didn't study, how could he be ranked 16th in the class, not to mention that the other party hadn't come to school a week before.

The second-to-last was also surprised in his seat, he didn't care about the grades at all, but when he heard that Wen Zhichu was the sixteenth in the first class, he suddenly looked at Wen Zhichu.

Then he looked shocked, "You are the sixteenth..."

Wen Zhichu swallowed.

The penultimate one covered his mouth in surprise, "Then I won't be fifteenth."

[System: Did the boy see it? This is the confidence you lack. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Before the start of the exam, he taught Wen Zhichu his life's secrets on the subject.

The penultimate student suddenly stood up stiffly, "Fuck, it's the first time that labor and capital take the fifteenth exam."

After speaking, he went to the front to look at the report card, but he was taken aback when he saw that he was the last one.

Then he quickly came to Wen Zhichu, as if he had been betrayed, he looked at him in disbelief, "You secretly study behind my back?!"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook her head, "I...I didn't."

"Then why did you say that you ranked sixteenth, and that you didn't learn from me?"

Wen Zhi was also a little flustered in the first day of junior high school, "No... no, I..."

Penultimate: "You what?"

Wen Zhi didn't stutter when she was anxious on the first day of the junior high school, "I learned it in front of you."

second last:…

Learn aboveboard.

Thinking about it, it seems to be the same, Wen Zhichu has been studying for the past two days and asked him in a low voice if he wants to be together.

The penultimate one calmed down, moved a stool and sat next to him, "Then you are pretty cool, you can take the sixteenth exam, will you use the method I taught you?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "English...used."

The penultimate one raised his head proudly, "You still have to rely on me."

As he spoke, he went to the front to take a look at Wen Zhichu's grades. English was fifty-five, the lowest score in all subjects.

second last:…

Used it but doesn't seem to work.

"Why is he ranked 16th? He can't be plagiarized."

"It's cheating at first glance, how could he be ranked sixteenth."

"It's okay for him to copy it in a reliable manner. The sixteenth is afraid that others will not know that he copied it."

Discussions came from the position of the podium, reaching Wen Zhichu's ears in disbelief, and he looked up in disbelief, but after meeting his gaze, the students who were discussing not only did not restrain themselves, but also deliberately amplified their voices, "This copy is too obvious gone."

Wen Zhichu's heart was stung, and his face turned red for a moment, "I...I didn't...copy."

The classmate next to Wen Zhichu said, "You didn't copy what you stuttered, it's just a guilty conscience."

The homeroom teacher who had gone out to make a phone call frowned, "Sun Bin!"

Sun Bin was not convinced, "Teacher, I will report Wen Zhichu for cheating."

Wen Zhichu immediately stood up anxiously, "I...I didn't, it's all...I wrote it myself."

Wen Zhichu's grades were not without the teacher's doubts, but Wen Zhichu didn't make any small moves throughout the exam, and the invigilator didn't find anything unusual about him, and he even adjusted the monitor that day, Wen Zhichu did answer the paper honestly in his seat.

"How could he..."

The head teacher looked serious, "The grades are all real. Wen Zhichu's admission is the result of his own hard work."

Sun Bin gritted his teeth and stopped talking.

But he still gave Wen Zhichu a dissatisfied look, although he didn't continue to refute, but in his heart Wen Zhichu's cheating had already been established, whether he didn't admit it or the teacher helped him to speak, he didn't believe it.

A person who came to No. 1 Middle School by relying on money to rely on connections is not worthy of him sitting in a classroom. The other party's stupid brain must be copied.

[System: If so, I'll go up and give him a match. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Today, he received a total of 500 yuan in the account, thinking whether to pay Qin Jiashu some money in installments first.

Wen Zhichu looked at the money in WeChat.

"Tmall Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

"Can I exchange some cash with you?"

[System: How much to change? 】

Wen Zhichu: "For three hundred first."

Almost in the blink of an eye, three hundred yuan was missing from WeChat, and banknotes turned into cash appeared in his pocket.

Wen Zhichu took it out and looked at it twice, planning to give it to Qin Jiashu in his spare time for dinner.

[System: villain task, disgusting protagonist, 50 yuan reward for task completion, 2% increase in villain value, 50 yuan deducted for task failure. 】

A mechanical sound sounded in his mind, and he sighed secretly.

Soon it was the last class in the afternoon. After class, Wen Zhichu quickly settled the dinner, and then walked to class one. Wen Zhichu poked his head at the door of class one for a long time to make sure no one was there before walking in.

There are several rows of cabinets behind each class, for the convenience of students to store things.

He would definitely not dare to ask him to repay Qin Jiashu's money in person, so he had to write a small note and stuff the money into the other party's cabinet.

Wen Zhichu walked in timidly like a thief.

[System: Young man, are you conducting an underground black transaction that never sees light again? 】

Wen Zhichu: "How do you know?"

[System: Because your dog followed you. 】


Qin Jiashu's cabinet was on the top row, and it was unlocked. Wen Zhichu secretly opened a gap and stuffed the note and money into it.

When everything was done, he walked out with brisk steps.

Wen Zhichu was in a great mood, humming a little tune, but as soon as he turned a corner, he collided with Qin Jiashu.

Wen Zhichu: ...

[System: Boy, this is a great time for you to complete the task. 】

The appearance of the other party made Qin Jiashu frown instantly, "Why are you here?"

Wen Zhichu froze, "I...I..."

Qin Jiashu's face was indifferent, "What are you?"

Wen Zhichu: "I... I'll come and see you."

As soon as the other party spoke, Qin Jiashu ignored it and walked over.

Thinking of the fifty yuan, Wen Zhichu's heart broke, "Don't...don't pretend, I know you're happy."

Qin Jiashu stopped and looked back at him.

Wen Zhichu blushed, " look so good-looking, don't you just attract my attention?"