Chapter 8:

Wen Zhichu swallowed his saliva after making a fatal speech, and then looked up at the other party. From his angle, he could clearly see that the expression on Qin Jiashu's face sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He couldn't help taking a step back.

"Hey... Lynx Elf?"

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu's legs were trembling for a while, "Quick... Hurry up and complete the mission."

[System: Why? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I'm afraid you won't see me for a while."

[System: Aren't you just standing here, how could you not see it? 】

Wen Zhichu tremblingly said: "His fist is hard."


His heart seemed to be beating a drum in his chest, and just when he was fully expecting the task to be completed, the mechanical voice said coldly: [Cannot be released. 】

Eyes slightly opened, "Why?"

[System: Why are you asking me? Ask him. 】

Wen Zhichu looked up at Qin Jiashu.


This guy is really strong mentally.

Haven't been disgusted by him yet? !

But seeing the darkened expression on the other side, he no longer dared to say anything further.

He was afraid that he would be kneeled on the ground before he could speak.

[System: Then do you still want the fifty yuan? 】

The retreat in my heart was crackling, but Wen Zhichu said timidly, "I want to..."

It perfectly interprets what is a big food addiction.

[System: Come on boy, what you need now is self-confidence. 】

Wen Zhichu nodded in agreement, "Blind self-confidence."


He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to bite the bullet: ", my little thoughts were exposed by me, don't know how to speak?"

Qin Jiashu looked down at the other party. The young man standing in front of him kept his head down, stammering and trying to speak. From time to time, he raised his head and looked at him cautiously, like a mouse seeing a cat.

When Qin Jiashu heard these words, a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of Qin Jiashu's mouth.

Wen Zhichu felt chills down his spine in an instant, and his voice became smaller and smaller like a mosquito, "You, you, you don't have to be shy, after all, I'm good, it's hard not to be liked."

[System: The task is completed, the villain value is 6%, and the reward is RMB.50]

As soon as the system words came out, it seemed as if dawn suddenly appeared in front of Wen Zhichu's eyes.

Wen Zhichu almost turned his head and wanted to leave, "Look at your shyness, I'll go first, goodbye."

Never see you again.

As soon as Wen Zhichu finished speaking, he was blocked by someone before he could take a step. Qin Jiashu stood in front of him like a human wall.

Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded for a moment.


The other party's elegant voice came, but the words in his mouth were full of jokes, his eyes were like a wolf in the dark night, and those eyes were faintly glowing with a dangerous green light.

Wen Zhichu was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe out.

Qin Jiashu's face was dark and frightening. In his eyes, Wen Zhichu was almost like a dirty thing. The dirty and sneaky things he did in the past made him look down on him and made him extremely disgusted. What the other party said just now meant to him Also an insult.

Outright insult.

"I like you?"

Wen Zhichu seemed to be nailed in place, Qin Jiashu raised his hand to pinch the lower half of the person's face, covering the face with his wide palm, and exerted a slight force, leaving only the other person's eyes looking at him in horror.

[System: Give him a match! 】

Qin Jiashu gave him a condescending look.

【System: Mi...】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The palms on the face only slightly withdrew some force, and he broke out in a cold sweat. Qin Jiashu's tall body moved closer to him, "I won't even look at a dirty thing like you if it is stripped and thrown on the side of the road."

Wen Zhichu's heart skipped a beat.

At this time, the footsteps of the students gradually came from the corridor. Qin Jiashu put the hand that was pinching the person, and the elegant smile returned to his face. The pair of big hands that had restrained him patted his thin shoulders lightly.

"Student Wen's Class 11 is on the third floor, so don't make a mistake next time." Then he walked into Class 1.

Wen Zhichu: ...

Tmall Elf: …

[System: What just happened? 】

Wen Zhichu: "A traditional art culture."

【system:? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Change face."

Seeing Wen Zhichu still standing there stupidly, the Tmall Elf hurriedly urged: [Hurry up, let's go. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Why are you stuttering too?"

[System: Marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog. 】


The system didn't want to admit that he was also frightened by Qin Jiashu just now.

He looked at Qin Jiashu for a while, and then at Wen Zhichu.

The decency in the book, the front and the back have two faces, and the hypocrisy is horrible and pretends to be a good person.

The villain in the book stammers when he has no money or power, and only knows the quotations from Puxin when he is in a hurry.

It's beyond words.

[System: Why are you still not leaving? ! 】

Wen Zhichu supported the wall, " legs are weak."

In this way, Wen Zhichu supported the wall for a long time, and then slowly wandered back to Class 11.

At this time, there was still some time before the evening self-study, Wen Zhichu was slumped on the table like a jelly from exhaustion.

He suddenly felt his nose itchy, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the penultimate man was holding a finger under his nose to breathe out.

Wen Zhichu was weak, "You...what are you doing?"

The penultimate: "See if you are still angry."

As he spoke, he moved a chair and sat next to Wen Zhichu.

"Hey, tell me how you got so many points in the test."

Wen Zhichu: "Fuck...fuck..."

The penultimate saw that he was struggling to speak, so he continued: "Relying on hard work?"

"Rely... rely on the brain."


Wen Zhichu hurriedly said, "I don't mean... that you have no brains."

The penultimate one didn't bother with him, but said: "You help me review before the next monthly exam. If I still take the last one next time, I should be beaten by my mother."

Wen Zhichu looked at him, "Yesterday...did Auntie beat you up yesterday?"

"No, I told my mother that I failed the exam because I was tired of tutoring others before the exam."

" you believe me?"

The penultimate one patted his thigh, "Of course, my mother also praised my spirit of being a candle."

Wen Zhichu:?

"Light up others and burn yourself."


The penultimate one shook his head, "It's so **** great."

Then he raised his hand and patted Wen Zhichu's shoulder, "I hope you can inherit my mantle and help me in return, so that the veteran will pass on the torch."

Wen Zhichu: " this sentence used like this?"

The completion of today's task has already made him feel relieved. In the next evening self-study, Wen Zhichu finished his homework at school and reviewed some physics knowledge, then began to pack his things and plan to go home.

The bell after school was like the sound of a beast coming out of the cage. As soon as it rang, a large number of students rushed out. Wen Zhichu didn't dare to go head-to-head. After all, others were hurt and he lost his life.

I had no choice but to walk slowly behind.

The campus in the dark night was illuminated by Dazhan's street lights, and the teenagers after school were carefree, and their energetic cheers were as dazzling as the stars in the night sky.

Wen Zhichu walked to the bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive. The students passing by were in groups, looking at her unconsciously, with unstoppable envy and yearning in their eyes.

[System: Boy, are you lonely? 】

Wen Zhichu bowed his head and said nothing. It might be a lie to say that he is not lonely, but he also really yearns for other people's lives.

But compared to his previous life, he is not alone. Anyway, there is still a system by his side to talk with him.

Not long after, the bus came from a distance, Wen Zhichu put a coin on the bus, luckily, he sat on the last vacant seat.

At this moment, there were disturbing voices in my ears, and there seemed to be a quarrel behind the bus.

"What's your position? I've been optimistic about this position in the morning." An aunt who was nearly fifty years old stood on one side, pointing at the old lady on the seat and yelling, "You're getting old, if you still want to show some face, get up quickly!" .”

The aunt had dyed red hair that was popular among middle-aged people, and her loud voice could be heard in the entire car, making the originally comfortable leisure time very dull and heart-wrenching.

The old woman sitting on the seat didn't move, her voice was old and old, "I sat down first."

"Why did you sit down first, don't let me rely on the old and sell the old to me, get up quickly.

When she got on the bus, she originally wanted to sit in the back. As soon as she sat down, she saw that there was still a seat in the middle, so she wanted to sit in the middle. Unexpectedly, when she turned her head, the old woman sat in her original seat, pointing at people and yelling at her.

The old woman had bad legs and feet, and she still had a cane by her hand.

At this time, the huge carriage was full of women's noisy and harsh voices. Wen Zhichu looked at the face of the old lady who dared not speak, and felt a little uncomfortable. Then she shook her hands and stood up, her voice was louder than before, "I...I Don't sit down, sit down."

He stuttered, was timid, and didn't dare to go forward to argue with the woman. After all, if there was a quarrel, he would not be able to quarrel. The only way to stop her quarreling was to give up his position.

Such an approach is bad for a good person and aggrieved. He is not afraid of being laughed at by others, because this is also a cowardly way for him to act bravely.

The woman was taken aback, as if a student gave her a seat and made her lose face, "Use you to be a bad person here, whoever takes my seat will go to another place, I will sit here today, I don't need you .”

However, what the woman didn't expect was that gradually, some people began to reprimand and refute her.

Wen Zhichu was the first person to speak out, the first spark to ignite, someone who dared to stand up and then he could rely on him, making the angry and hesitant people feel that there are people who think the same as him, and there are people who follow him He was just as angry.

"I said that you are going too far, the little classmate gave you a seat to give you a step, why don't you know how to restrain yourself and shout here?!"

"It's so annoying. Whoever takes the seat will own it. You can sit, but others can't?"

"The old lady sat down because she saw you didn't sit down, and she didn't **** you. Don't think that you are justified by your loud voice."

The woman's face turned red for a moment, "I'm too lazy to argue with you bastards."

After speaking, he walked to the middle and stood next to Wen Zhichu's position.

The meaning on the surface was obvious, but Wen Zhichu stood in front of the position without moving.

Wen Zhichu looked up stupidly, seeing the distressed look on the woman's face, she hurriedly said, "You... don't worry, I'm a member of the Communist Youth League."

As he spoke, he sat down on the seat, with a serious and solemn expression on his small face, "It's not against the wishes of women."