Chapter 9:

Cracks appeared on the woman's face, and she stared at Wen Zhiqian in disbelief for a moment.

[System: Why is she looking at you like that? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Maybe she didn't expect that I would respect her."

Tmall Elf suddenly realized.

[System: Touched? 】

Wen Zhichu nodded.

When the woman had just learned about the quality education in the entire carriage and ran away, Wen Zhichu did not discriminate against her but respected her choice.

This can't be moved to cry!

[System: Young man, you are so kind. 】

Wen Zhichu: "It's okay, it's okay."

Just after going through a criticism meeting, everyone in the car was looking at them, and the woman couldn't get angry for a while, so she had to swallow this breath back.

After arriving at the station, Wen Zhichu returned home happily with the system's rainbow fart.

The sound of the key being inserted into the lock is always very pleasant. Wen Zhichu opened the door with a smile on his face, and raised his hand to turn on the switch on the wall. For a moment, the lights were brightly lit, but the boy's smile froze on his face for a moment.

I saw tiny, dense little creatures crawling around on the ground.

[System: A lot of small animals. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

There was a sound of pressing the password on the electronic door. Qin's mother, who was playing with the youngest son with building blocks, hurriedly carried the youngest son back after hearing the sound, "Quick, brother is back."

Qin Jiahe's big round eyes lit up when he heard Qin Jiashu's return. He stopped playing with building blocks for a while, but stood up and jumped on the carpet with his calves, "Brother! Brother!"

After speaking, she stretched out her hands and threw them into her mother's arms. Qin's mother was so anxious that she didn't even put on her slippers, and hurried to the entrance with her youngest son in her arms.

The schoolbag of the young man who had returned from the journey was casually hung on one shoulder. He was bending over to change his shoes at this time. His shoulders were very broad, and it could be seen when he stood up straight that the bending was even more obvious now.

Qin Jiahe stayed in his mother's arms, saw Qin Jiashu with a pair of eyes, and said in a cheerful and cautious voice, "Brother."

Qin Jiashu looked up at the mother and son.

Mother Qin looked at her son with a smile, "Jiashu is back, how are you tired today?"

"Not tired." Then he asked, "Why haven't you rested yet?"

First middle school and second year self-study at 9:30 in the evening, and Qin Jiashu arrived home at 10:00. According to the usual time, the two mother and son should be in the room now.

Hearing the eldest son's question, Qin's mother hurriedly carried the younger son and took two steps forward, and continued: "Xiaohe refused to sleep just now, and said that he would wait for his brother to come back, isn't Xiaohe?"

The four-year-old Xiao Baozi nodded, a smile bloomed on his immature face, "Brother, brother Xiaohe wants to mess with you."

Qin Jiashu looked at the mother and son with a smile on his face, but this smile was no different from the mask he usually put on his face. He glanced at the little guy and said with a clear voice, "Really?"

Qin Jiahe nodded fiercely, as if expressing affirmation.

Qin's mother turned to one side and let her son in.

Qin Jiashu lowered his eyes, "Why don't you wear shoes?"

Only then did Mother Qin realize with a smile, "I forgot."

He weighed Qin Jiahe in his arms, "Now that my brother is back, let my brother take Xiaohe back to sleep, okay?"

"Okay." The little guy whined, and stretched out a pair of small hands towards Qin Jiashu.

With a calm expression, the young man raised his hand to hug the little guy into his arms, and planned to go upstairs without saying anything.

Qin's mother hesitated standing there, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Jiashu, how are you doing at school today, do you have anything interesting to tell mom about?"

With a tall back, the young man glanced back at her, then smiled and said, "No."

Then he turned and went upstairs.

Qin's mother dropped her shoulders in frustration for a moment. How could a mother not know the gap in her son's smile.

Father Qin, who came back from the company, saw this scene when he came back, and stepped forward to put his arms around his wife's shoulders, "What's the matter, are you downcast? Did you lose a card game today?"

Qin's mother gave him a dissatisfied look.

Qin's father could also guess in his heart, "Jiashu is back?"

Qin's mother nodded, and said guiltily: "I always feel that Jiashu is against us, if only we could spend more time with him when he was young."

Qin's father didn't take it seriously, "There is no barrier, I am not his father or you are not his mother, we live under the same roof every day, it will be fine in a few years."

"Isn't that what you said before? It's been five years since the previous transnational projects were completed. In the past five years, we are not as busy as before. You and I can go home every day. Jiashu is not close to us."

When Qin Jiashu was born, the company was on the rise, and there were many projects and chores. The husband and wife also put their careers first. Tutor, I don't come back several times a year.

With the promotion of the company, the name and power have also been obtained. When the consciousness can be distributed to the children, Qin Jiashu has also grown up. This guilt has always been filled in the hearts of the husband and wife, so after the completion of the big project, they shifted their focus. Back to the family, but at this time Qin Jiashu was already thirteen years old.

But to their surprise, Qin Jiashu was not as rebellious as they imagined, and could even be said to be very understanding.

Qin's mother once asked him, do you blame your parents for always being too busy to accompany you.

Qin Jiashu, who was only thirteen years old at the time, shook his head and said with a smile, "No wonder."

Although the child said so, the husband and wife still felt uncomfortable, and wanted to make up for it elsewhere, but found that Qin Jiashu could handle everything by himself, and they didn't need to worry about it at all.

Mother Qin felt uncomfortable, "Jia Shu didn't tell us anything.

"Children have their own ideas when they grow up, so you don't have to be so anxious."


Qin's father patted his wife on the shoulder, "Okay, don't think about it, Jiashu has been sensible since he was a child, so he should know our hard work."

Only then did Mother Qin nod her head, but her heart was still stuffy, unable to get up or down.

Qin Jiashu carried Qin Jiahe to the children's room on the second floor, then put the little guy down without saying anything and planned to leave.

Qin Jiahe looked at it, and hurriedly stretched his short legs and stretched out his hand to grab his brother's sleeve, "Brother, I listen to stories every day when I sleep. Mom and Dad tell me stories every day. Tell me today, okay?"

The little guy's big eyes were full of anticipation, and then he ran to get a story book, with a bright and innocent smile on his immature face, "Brother tells this book."

Qin Jiashu found it dazzling, and refused coldly, "It's not good."

Qin Jiahe was taken aback, "Why brother, mother said that children listen to stories when they sleep, please tell me, brother."

The little guy took out his nirvana. Usually, if his parents don't agree to something, he will act like a baby like this, trying everything.

Unexpectedly, Qin Jiashu was completely immune as if he had been vaccinated with a special vaccine. He said with a blank expression, "I can't read."

Qin Jiahe:!

Then he walked away and went back to his room on the third floor.

Qin Jiahe was left alone in place as a brat.

For a while, he couldn't accept his omnipotent elder brother, who was a big illiterate.

After Wen Zhichu drove the cockroaches away, she collapsed on the sofa, as if all her strength had been drained.

[System: Boy, they come to you in groups, why do you drive them away? Didn't you say that small animals are good friends of human beings? 】

Wen Zhichu said weakly: "I'm not suitable to be friends with them."

[System: Why? 】

Wen Zhichu's face was numb, "I don't fit in."

It seems to be the truth.

[System: You are quite self-aware. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

After Wen Zhichu took a shower, he sat on the bed and began to count his small coffers.

No more, no less, exactly two hundred and five.

He collected the two hundred and fifty, not less than one yuan, after all, it was not money, it was his life.

[System: Look at your worthless appearance. 】

Wen Zhichu had a profound expression on his face, "You don't understand."

The next morning Wen Zhichu got up to go to school as usual, opened the curtains and it was a light rainy day, took the umbrella in his hand and went out.

The summer rain made the weather much cooler, so Wen Zhichu took the bus and rushed to school as usual.

"It's raining outside, mom asks the driver to take you."

Qin's mother looked at Qin Jiashu who was standing in front of the door, and persuaded, "Xiaohe just arrives at the kindergarten at eight o'clock. I'll ask the driver to take you to school first."

Qin Jiashu glanced at the weather outside and did not refuse.

Qin's mother looked at it, and hurried to empty the schoolbag for the youngest son.

Qin Jiahe, who was still wrestling with the socks in the room, saw his mother come in, his immature face was full of doubts, "Mom."

Qin's mother said, "Xiaohe, how about going to school with my brother today?"

Qin Jiahe immediately regained his energy when he heard this, "Okay, let's go with my brother."

The kindergarten provides breakfast, and the little guy doesn't need to eat at home. When he appeared in front of Qin Jiashu, he was carrying a schoolbag on his back, holding his little umbrella in his hand, and looked at Qin Jiashu excitedly.

"Brother, let's go."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him and said nothing, opened the door and walked out.

The two brothers sat in the car, Qin Jiashu looked out the window, Qin Jiahe kept calling in his ear like a little cuckoo, and his little mouth never stopped along the way.

The driver drove to No. 1 Middle School first, and Qin Jiashu took his schoolbag and wanted to get out of the car, but at this moment he felt his sleeves being pulled.

Turning around, he met Qin Jiahe's big eyes.

Qin Jiashu looked at him with a calm voice, "What's the matter?"

Qin Jiahe: "Brother, remember to study hard."

The little guy kept remembering his brother's illiteracy all night long.

Qin Jiashu: ...

The rain had stopped outside, but the sky was still gloomy. I didn't know if it would rain again this day. Qin Jiashu responded casually, took an umbrella and walked out of the car.

Seeing his brother leaving, the little guy lay on the car window and watched.

The driver looked at it and drove away without haste. The young master has always been very polite and refined, but for some reason he was a little too indifferent towards this younger brother.

But the young master also surprisingly likes his brother.

Seeing Qin Jiahe laying on the car window without moving for a long time, the driver said, "Xiaohe is reluctant to part with brother?"

Qin Jiahe blinked his big eyes, "My brother took my Ultraman umbrella away."