Chapter 10:

The driver wanted to stop Qin Jiashu, but he had already entered the campus, so he couldn't leave Qin Jiahe's little bun on the car.

Qin Jiahe saw his illiterate brother disappear completely, so he obediently sat back on the seat.

Little Baozi said like an adult, "Let's go, go to work."


What kind of work is going to a kindergarten.

The fan was a folding umbrella, and it was wrapped with an umbrella cover. Qin Jiashu didn't notice anything unusual, but conveniently put it in the net pocket on the side of the schoolbag.

The dazzling boy is walking on the campus road, even if he is wearing a uniform school uniform, he can be noticed in the crowd at a glance. The school uniform on his body is clean and tidy, and he will not wear it indiscriminately for the sake of being cool. and raunchy.

Qin Jiashu walked in front, and many people came up to say hello.

"Good morning."

Qin Jiashu smiled, with a gentle curve on his mouth, "Good morning."

Someone started, and naturally someone followed. The shy girl walking aside mustered up her courage, "Good morning, Qin."

Qin Jiashu turned his head sideways, "Good morning."

"Senior Qin, good morning."


No matter in terms of family knowledge or appearance, everything is perfect.

But what no one noticed was that Qin Jiashu's steps were bigger than when he first entered the campus.

Ji Fengchang stood in front of the sophomore teaching building and saw him from a long distance away. As a brother, he would naturally stop and wait, and then watched Qin Jiashu walk over pretending to be a man.

Ji Fengchang imitated the appearance of the female classmate just now, partly shy and partly timid, "Senior Qin, good morning~"

The arc of Qin Jiashu's mouth straightened instantly, "You are disgusting."

Long Monsoon:…

Doggy! Well said brother!

Ji Fengchang looked at the other party left and right, and found that Qin Jiashu didn't have any water stains from the rain, "Did the driver bring you here today?"

Qin Jiashu responded indifferently.

Chief Ji Feng whistled, "It's really strange."

In fact, Qin Jiashu used to be his family's driver until he was fifteen years old. He started to ride to school by himself after he entered high school, and would take a taxi or hail a taxi in case of special weather.

Although he didn't say it himself, Chief Ji Feng knew it in his heart.

It's just an excuse for the other party to go to school. The real purpose is to spend less time with the newborn son of the Qin family. Although this elder brother doesn't show it on the surface, he has already been annoyed by this younger brother in his heart.

The rain stopped not long after getting off the bus. Wen Zhichu put away the umbrella and shook it, shaking off most of the water droplets on the umbrella surface, then put the umbrella into the plastic bag prepared in advance and carried it.

Looking up at the sky, the gray area looks dark and heavy, and the mood is quite heavy.

"I hope it doesn't rain again today."

[System: Isn't it raining? 】

Wen Zhichu had a serious expression on his face, "What you can't get is the best."


Today is Friday, and because of the two-day holiday tomorrow, many students are a little sloppy going to school today.

When the second class was about to start, the class leader hurried back from the head teacher's office, stepped onto the podium, saw the commotion among the students, raised his hand and knocked on the blackboard, saying in a serious tone, "Students."

Looking down, there was a lot of chatter, and no one paid attention to him.

Monitor: ...

Then he raised his hand and knocked again, "Students!"

This time, there were three or five eyes looking at him.

Based on the principle that something is better than nothing, the squad leader raised his hand and stretched out his **** to push the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Because there is water on the green grass in the playground, and there is a lot of splash when you step on it, so today's interim exercises are cancelled. "

There was a burst of cheers after each remark, and the cancellation of the intermission meant that they had half an hour of extracurricular activities.

Some students asked, "How do you know that there is a lot of splash when you step on it?"

Class monitor: "The dean has tried."


A good teacher of the real people.

Wen Zhichu sat on the seat and looked out the window, praying again to God not to cry.

However, happiness is always short-lived. When the students came back after having a crazy game between classes in the second period, they ushered in unfortunate news.

The sports committee stood on the podium breathlessly, "Students, I have received the latest information. In the fourth period of physical education class, the boys will take the 1,000-meter physical test, and the girls will take the 800-meter physical test."

The exhausted students who had just returned from outside wailed, and Wen Zhichu even stepped into the Nantian Gate.

A female classmate asked, "Didn't it mean that there is water on the playground, how to measure it?"

Sports Commission: "There is no such thing as a plastic track."

"how do you know?"

"The physical education teacher tried it."


A good teacher of the real people.

At this moment, Wen Zhichu silently looked out the window, praying sincerely in his heart.

"God, let it rain."

[System: Didn't you want to rain before? If you don't get it, it's the best. 】

Wen Zhichu had a deep expression on his face, "You don't understand."

【system:? 】

Wen Zhichu was far behind, "You only know how to cherish some things when you lose them."

Tmall Elf: …

Although my heart is full of resistance, the fact cannot be changed, what should come will always come.

In the fourth quarter, the Physical Education Committee took the students to stand in a row on the playground in advance. There were also Classes 1 and 9 who also had physical education classes, but only Class 11 took the physical test.

The physical education teacher of the other class simply explained a few words and then disbanded on the spot. The students in Class 11 all cast envious eyes.

This is the same person with different fate.

But Wen Zhichu was the only one who didn't dare to look at it. After all, Qin Jiashu was standing at the head of the line. He still remembered what the other party said yesterday that he was going to strip him naked and throw him by the side of the road.

The teacher of Class 11 came late, and seeing that the platoon had already stood up, he said without hesitation: "The organization of the sports committee is good."

Then he opened the roster in his hand, "The sports committee will take the students to do some stretching first, and then start the physical test, first the girls are 800 meters, and the boys are 1,000 meters."

Pai Li suddenly wailed, "Ah~"

The physical education teacher frowned, "Ah what."

A boy said: "Teacher doesn't care about other classes."

PE teacher: "Then go to another class."

Wen Zhichu: ...

I thought that only his teacher in his previous life would say that, but he didn't expect that this kind of speech was unified by the teacher.

Some of the students started whispering while stretching.

"Hey, you can run with me later."

"Take me one, let's hug together."

"If I run slowly, add me, everyone."

[System: They are so united. 】

Wen Zhichu listened silently without making a sound.

"Qin Jiashu is on the other side of the playground. I'll see him running in a while, and I'm sure he'll be able to run down."

"Hahaha, why don't you just let Qin Jiashu wait for you at the finish line?"

"Isn't there a saying that goes like this, on the physical test track, you will watch the person you like insist on running down."

After the stretching, the girls prepare for the physical test.

As soon as the whistle sounded, the large army that had agreed to run together was instantly torn apart.

【system:? ? ? Didn't you agree to run together? 】

Wen Zhichu: "You also know it's just lip service."

[System: You humans are really hypocritical. 】


Soon after the girls finished the test, it was time for the boys.

"The brothers agreed to work together, whoever runs first is the dog!"

"Fuck, who do you take me for?!"

Tmall Elf watched silently, you can say whatever you want, if you don’t run away, I lose.

Then his gaze shifted back to Wen Zhichu.

[System: Boy, others are watching the person they like running, but you don't, how do you run? 】

Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, "The first 300 meters depends on strength, and the last 700 meters depends on swearing."


Although the Tmall Elf didn't understand, he was greatly shocked.

Wen Zhichu came to the starting position to get ready, when the physical education teacher blew the whistle, most of the people rushed out instantly, cursing while running on the track.

"Fuck, didn't they all talk together?!"

"I shouldn't have believed you if the dog forced me!"

"There is no one more dog than you!"

Wen Zhichu ran behind silently, and said in his heart: "Yes."

Then he looked to the side unconsciously, Qin Jiashu was standing there.

Almost halfway through the run, Wen Zhichu lost his strength, his breathing gradually became heavier, and his nasal cavity gradually smelled of rust, as if his throat was dry and sore in the desert.

Then his eyes fell on the figure in the distance, Wen Zhichu gritted his teeth, and finished the 1,000-meter run with the fifth-to-last best result, and then walked half of the playground staggeringly before sitting down.

[System: Young man, you look so embarrassed when you run. 】

Wen Zhichu was speechless for a while.

The Tmall Elf began to express doubts.

[System: Why did you run to see Qin Jiashu just now? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Follow the flow."

[System: The girl is imagining him running ahead, what are you looking at? 】

Wen Zhichu said weakly: "Imagine him chasing after you."


[System: Your taste is really unique. 】

Wen Zhichu was sitting in the shade of a tree exhausted, raised his hand to take off his school uniform jacket because of the sultry air in the cloudy weather, and only wore the blue and white short-sleeved summer school uniform.

He raised his hand and brushed the hair sticking to his forehead, revealing a smooth forehead, delicate eyebrows and eyes, and eyelashes drooping lazily.

Just when Wen Zhichu thought about just sitting under the tree for a class, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[System: villain task, spoofing the protagonist, the villain value increases by 2% after the task is completed, 50 yuan is rewarded, and 50 yuan is deducted for failure of the task. 】

Wen Zhichu looked at the lush branches above like a dead fish for a while, yesterday he just finished messing with someone, and today he has to prank him to complete the task.

He seemed to suddenly understand why the original body would sleep on the main street, if he were Qin Jiashu, he would also let him sleep on the main street.

[System: Young man, you actually don't have to do it. 】

Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up, "Then can you not deduct the money?"

[System smiles: No. 】

Wen Zhichu had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and get up, but at this moment he didn't dare to provoke the other party, after all, the present is not what it used to be, and he didn't have the strength to run away when he provoked people.

At this time, Qin Jiashu had already gone to the basketball court. The students in several classes seemed to be playing a friendly match, and there were already many students sitting around watching.

Wen Zhichu stood watching from a distance, pursed his lips and walked towards the basketball court, when he was stopped halfway, "Why are you following Meng Yan again?"

He looked at the girl in front of him for a moment, it was the girl who was with the school belle sister on the basketball court before.

Being misunderstood made Wen Zhichu flustered, ""

The girl didn't believe it, "Why didn't you blush? Did you look at Meng Yan and blush?"

Meng Yan slightly hid beside the girl.

Wen Zhichu waved his hands in a panic, "No... no, I just finished running."

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed to his cheek, wanting the other party to know that his blushing was due to exercise.

"Who would believe it? Who knows what nasty things are on your mind all day."

Wen Zhichu was driven into a hurry, and it became more and more difficult to speak, "No...I...I am..."

"Okay, I'm too lazy to listen to you, I warn you not to follow us anymore, Meng Yan doesn't like you at all!"

As he spoke, he dragged Meng Yan into the basketball court.

Wen Zhichu was speechless for a moment, but there was still a task to be done. After they walked in for a while, they followed.

Wen Zhichu found a hidden corner and stood there, thinking about how to spoof Qin Jiashu, the more he thought about it, the more guilty and guilty he felt.

He treats people well, but he just wants to go up and provoke them.

After thinking for a long time, Wen Zhichu suddenly came back to his senses, yes, he can take some pictures of Qin Jiashu and make graffiti, this should be considered a spoof.

While lamenting his wit, he took out his mobile phone, because there were too many people, he raised his mobile phone slightly in the corner.

On the field, Qin Jiashu had an outstanding demeanor and was also very agile. He took many pictures but they were just blurred images. In the end, he abruptly held up his phone for most of the class. It wasn't until Qin Jiashu finished the field that he took a satisfactory picture. He smiled happily for a moment squinted.

When Qin Jiashu was playing, he noticed the arm holding the mobile phone in the corner, and the camera followed him until he finished drinking water.

The sharp eyebrows and eyes were slightly frowned, and the crowd over there dispersed slightly, revealing Wen Zhichu who was holding his mobile phone and smirking.

The young man's eyes were twinkling with starlight, his eyes were full of smiles looking at the phone screen, his fingers kept sliding on the screen, his fair face was blushing, as if he was very satisfied.

The water bottle in Qin Jiashu's hand was slightly clenched, and the veins on his arms were knotted.

After the physical education get out of class, the students left the playground in groups of three and four. After Wen Zhichu took the photo, before he had time to graffiti, he remembered the school uniform jacket that had fallen under the tree, and hurried back to get it.

When I ran under the tree, I saw that the school uniform jacket was still slightly relieved, and bent over to get it, but when I got up, I was shrouded in a shadow.

Wen Zhichu was frightened for a moment and froze.

Seeing Qin Jiashu standing in front of him leisurely, although he had just finished playing, there was no smell of sweat on his body, just exuding vigorous heat, Wen Zhichu immediately took two steps back.

"Good...what a coincidence." Wen Zhichu lowered his head in panic, trying to cover up his guilty conscience by looking for something to say.

Qin Jiashu set his eyes on his left hand holding the mobile phone, then raised his arm, "Give it to me."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "What...what?"

"cell phone."

Wen Zhichu clenched his hands tightly for a moment, then shook his head in refusal.

"I'll say it again, give it to me."

Wen Zhichu's legs trembled in fear, "That's privacy."

However, the other party had already lost patience, and reached out to grab it. The screen of the phone was not locked, and Wen Zhichu tried to **** it in a panic, but he was held down by someone.

Qin Jiashu looked at him, "My photo, your privacy?"