Chapter 12:

The moment the umbrella was opened, it seemed that the world disappeared in an instant, and the silence was terrifying.

Wen Zhichu squinted his eyes subconsciously, as if he was looking directly at the sun just now.

Tiga, Gaia, and Taro are smiling at you hand in hand.

Wen Zhichu's eyelids twitched, the good guy is quite sweet-hearted, he only likes Di Jia.

Not for anything else, only free for Dijia, and members are required for others.

Turning his head, he could clearly feel the stiffness of Qin Jiashu's limbs. It was rare for him to show surprise on his calm face. His eyes, which usually contained a hypocritical smile and gentleness, were unexpectedly filled at this moment. Qin Jiashu was motionless with the umbrella in his hand for a second.

Qin Jiashu looked at the umbrella in his hand, his eyes went dark for a moment, his mind was drawn into a cordon, and all his thinking ability was blocked from the line. For a while, the pouring rain outside seemed to stop falling, and the silence in his ears was terrifying.

The hand holding the handle of the umbrella tightened unconsciously, the wrist was tense and trembling with great strength, and one didn't need to think to know whose umbrella it belonged to.

At this time, the teaching director stepped forward and patted Qin Jiashu's generous shoulder, and said with a smile: "You are quite childlike."

After these words, Wen Zhichu saw his complexion became even uglier.

Some people still have a glimmer of life, but if they make another cut, they will die completely.

The teaching director held up the umbrella with a smile, "Meng Yan, come with me."

As he spoke, he glanced at Wen Zhichu vigilantly, and every word carried the belief of the people's teacher sonorously, "I don't have any students who fall in love with each other!"

Wen Zhichu: ...

"Hey! What are the boys and girls doing over there! Separate them quickly!"

The dean stepped into the rain curtain as he spoke. Meng Yan followed Qin Jiashu and said shyly as she passed by Qin Jiashu: "Student Qin, I didn't expect you to be so childlike."

Wen Zhichu:!

The world is sinister,

People are dead enough to be dragged out and flogged.

After Meng Yan left, the door of the building returned to silence. Wen Zhichu took a look at the other person, and then carefully comforted him: "It''s okay."

Qin Jiashu turned to look at him stiffly.

Wen Zhichu: "A... lifetime will soon pass."


When the people around were almost gone, Qin Jiashu took a deep breath, raised the bright and dazzling umbrella above his head, "Let's go."

Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded for a moment, then hurriedly followed.

He could feel Qin Jiashu's resistance, even if he was walking under an umbrella, the distance between the other party and him was deliberately opened, and when he looked up, he saw his expression stinks to death.

Just now when the dean asked the other party if he could send him off, he clearly saw the freeze in the other party's smile.

The two walked under the umbrella. Tonight, the campus lights were off and the road was dark. Qin Jiashu looked ahead, but his heart collapsed. There is no more embarrassing day than today.

An umbrella of humiliation in his hand, surrounded by annoying people.

There was a small puddle in front of them. The two of them spontaneously walked to both sides to avoid it. The Ultraman umbrella was not too big. For a moment time tilted in his favor.

His pupils were slightly opened, and when the two went back under the umbrella together, the other's shoulder had already been beaten thoroughly by the rain from the sky.

Wen Zhichu pursed his lips, and stammered gratefully: "Thank you...thank you."

The words came out, but the other party didn't give him a look, as if they didn't want to talk to him at all.

Wen Zhichu didn't bother himself, and obediently shut up.

The rain made people upset, Qin Jiashu's brows became tighter and tighter, "How long is it until the bus station?!"

Wen Zhichu shuddered in shock, "Leave the school... the door is only a hundred meters away."

After that, the two didn't talk any more, and walked forward side by side.


There was a muffled sound from the side, and Qin Jiashu, who was walking forward, looked sideways:?

What about people?

The next moment his feet slipped, "Damn!"

Wen Zhichu, who had been tripped in the puddle at first, watched the tall figure in front of him fall down with a loud curse.

"You... are you okay?"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly thought of helping someone, but her leg just hit the ground and slipped in pain.

Qin Jiashu at the side watched Wen Zhichu roll around in the dirty puddle like a drum washing machine.

Qin Jiashu: ...

The umbrella was left on the side because he dropped his hand just now, and the bean-heavy rainwater hit his body without a trace, and the wet clothes stuck to his skin. Qin Jiashu looked down at the lingering shadow of his body, and his patience finally reached its limit.

Looking at the drum washing machine not far away, his eyelids twitched, he gritted his teeth and said, "Are you a **** pig?!"

Speaking of which, he got up aggressively, and stepped forward to lift Wen Zhichu up.

All the usual pretense completely collapsed at this moment. The impeccable good student in the eyes of the teacher and the handsome and educated school girl who was admired by the classmates turned into the irritable and black-faced Qin Jiashu.

Wen Zhichu's mouth trembled with fright, "I'm sorry."

Qin Jiashu's face was terribly dark, and now that both of them were wet, they didn't need to hold umbrellas anymore.

After standing still for two minutes and calming down, he regained his sanity and picked up the umbrella again.

Seeing that Wen Zhichu was still standing there in a daze, he said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the station."

What was in his mouth was endless boredom, Wen Zhichu hurriedly followed with his schoolbag in his arms.

When passing by the place where Qin Jiashu fell just now, he kicked the stone that tripped him just now.

[System: What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Be brave when you see justice."


When they got to the station, Wen Zhichu said sincerely, "Thank you for sending me here."

Standing under the sheltered eaves of the bus station, Qin Jiashu took off his coat and wrung half of the water out. The lines of his arms fluctuated with his movements. The other party was obviously drenched in the rain, but there was no trace of embarrassment on that exquisitely crafted face. The eyelashes are very long, Wen Zhichu can see the small drops of water dripping from them, and the face is clear, but now his face is serious.

Wen Zhichu dared to say that Qin Jiashu was definitely the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

The next moment, the other party suddenly turned his head to look at him, and Wen Zhi quickly looked away in shock.

After a few minutes of silence, Wen Zhichu quietly turned his head to wonder if the other party was still looking at him, but as soon as he turned his head, he met Qin Jiashu's sharp eyes.

The young man at the side hesitated, his hands protruding from his sleeves were tightly intertwined, his healthy blood-colored lips were slightly pursed, Qin Jiashu frowned, "What are you thinking about?"

Wen Zhichu's face flushed red, ""

[System: Young man, you look like an idiot right now. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Qin Jiashu put the clothes on his shoulders and took the umbrella again.

" did you go back?"

"Don't worry about it."

Wen Zhichu looked at the back of the other party, and tried to speak: "Thank careful on the road."

Not long after the bus came, Wen Zhichu put in a coin and got on the bus. Because he was wet, he didn't sit on the empty seat, but stood holding the safety handle, afraid that the muddy water on his body would stain the seat.

Fortunately, it was raining today, and there was no one on the bus, so it was not very crowded.

Holding the school uniform in one hand, Qin Jiashu looked for the Qin family's car in the night with an umbrella in the other. The high-hanging street lamps were a little dim in the rainy night, but the falling rain was thoroughly illuminated by the lights.

When he came out, the students had already left for a long time. At this time, there were not many cars around the school, so it was very easy to identify them, but he searched around and couldn't find the Qin family's car.

Qin Jiashu stood under the streetlight with an umbrella, and waited for the cars around the school to leave before raising his hand and taking out his mobile phone to call a car.

The villa area located in the bustling area was brightly lit. Mother Qin was relieved after asking the driver to send the guests away, and then asked the servant to help father Qin, who was drunk, back to the room.

At this time, Qin Jiahe, who had been obediently building blocks in the room, came out, and walked down the stairs tremblingly step by step to find his mother. The servant behind him looked terrified.


Mother Qin looked back at her youngest son, "What's wrong, Xiaohe?"

Qin Jiahe pursed his lips, as if a little unhappy, "Where's brother?"

Qin's mother stared out of the window in a daze. The heavy rain outside the house completely covered the window. She was too busy to pay attention to the guests who came to the house today. She completely forgot that Qin Jiashu didn't ride a bicycle today. The driver went to see the guests off, but he forgot to pick up his son alone.

Qin's mother was a little flustered for a moment, and just as she was about to contact another driver to pick her up, there was the sound of the door opening from the entrance.

After hearing this, Qin Jiahe quickly ran over on short legs, "Brother! Brother, you are back!"

The little guy laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, the raindrops on Qin Jiashu's body fell on the little guy's hands, and the little bun was stunned, "Brother, why are you so dirty?"

Qin Jiashu didn't answer, but kicked off his muddy shoes.

Qin's mother looked at it and asked someone to bring a towel to come over, and then covered her son's head, her eyes were full of distress, and she said guiltily: "Jiashu is sorry, I am really sorry, there are guests at home today, mother..."


Qin's mother gave her son a hand to wipe his hair.

There was a smile on Qin Jiashu's rain-drenched face, "It's okay."

Then he took the towel from the other party's hand, and walked in nonchalantly, "It's not a big deal."

Mother Qin took a few steps forward, "Jiashu..."

Qin Jiashu looked back at her, with nothing unusual on his face, "I'm dirty, I'll go up and take a shower, and you guys should go to bed earlier."

Qin Jiahe looked eagerly at the mud on his brother's body, and then at the Ultraman umbrella his brother brought back.

Didn't Ultraman protect his brother?

With a twist of his small mouth, he suddenly disliked Ultraman a little.

Qin Jiashu returned to the room and threw all the clothes on his body into the dirty clothes basket. After taking a shower, he came out wearing a bathrobe. The water from his hair fell to the floor with his steps. He walked to the desk and opened the bottom drawer , What catches the eye is the certificate of second place engraved, the commemorative plaque without ranking and the thick article of failure, which are not worth mentioning compared with the golden trophy commendation placed in the display cabinet on the first floor.

But if you take a closer look at the time, it's all a long time ago.

Qin Jiashu raised his hand and peeled them off, revealing the cigarettes and e-cigarettes hidden inside.

This drawer is full of his failures and bad habits.

It was already half past ten when Wen Zhichu came home. After taking a shower, he put the school uniform into the washing machine, and fell on the bed as limp as jelly.

This sleep lasted until eleven o'clock in the morning. If he was not awakened by hunger, he might continue to sleep.

The sky was bright outside the window, Wen Zhichu struggled to get up from the bed.

[System: Pigs can sleep without you. 】

Wen Zhichu said in a daze, "You don't understand?"

【system:? 】

Wen Zhichu stretched, "Wake up naturally is the most basic respect for the holiday.


Wen Zhichu got up and went to the kitchen wearing slippers. He had been eating at school for the past few days and didn't buy food at all. He rummaged through the cabinets and found only a carrot and a tomato.

For a while, Wen Zhichu stood there staring at the vegetables.

[System: Will you do it? 】

Wen Zhichu was silent for a moment, "Forget it."

【System: When did you secretly learn to cook?】

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "High-end ingredients only need simple cooking methods."

[System: Boiled? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Eat it raw."