Chapter 13:

The sky was bright outside the window, and the sunlight shone into the room through the gaps in the curtains, forming strands of bright beams of light, and the dust appeared and floated in the beams.

Qin Jiashu opened his eyes, raised his hand and sat up between his brows, with a tiredness that was unusual on his handsome face. He picked up the mobile phone next to the bed and checked the time. It was eight o'clock in the morning.

Qin Jiashu went downstairs wearing loose home clothes, his strong and muscular figure seemed to be invisible under the thin and comfortable clothes.

Seeing Qin Jiashu coming down, the servant hurried forward and asked, "Master, do you need breakfast?"

Qin Jiashu responded lightly, and only after sitting down did he realize that the villa was surprisingly quiet.

"where are they?"

The servant was taken aback for a moment, and then hurriedly said: "Madam and sir accompanied the young master to the kindergarten to participate in the sports meeting."

Qin Jiashu paused holding the spoon, looked at the fish porridge in the bowl and said nothing.

In the city's international kindergarten, Qin Jiahe was chatting with a group of little guys about the heroes in their hearts.

"Of course the doraemon is the most powerful, it can change anything!"

"No, Ultraman is the most powerful!"

"No! It's Sailor Moon!"

Qin Jiahe squatted there with a dazed face, listening to this and that, and then asked sincerely, "So who is the most annoying?"

The little **** the side affirmed: "Of course Sailor Moon is the most powerful!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her little arm, and showed Qin Jiahe the picture of Sailor Moon in her children's watch.

Qin Jiahe frowned, "It's a girl paper duck."

"What's wrong with the girl, Sailor Moon saves the world just like Ultraman!"

Qin Jiahe's eyes lit up, "Then which one of them is tired?"

"Of course it's Sailor Moon! Ultraman isn't cool at all!"

After experiencing that Ultraman failed to protect his brother yesterday, Xiao Baozi said, as long as you hate Ultraman, then we are good friends.

Qin Jiahe stood up with his fleshy little body, "Sailor Moon is the cutest!"

At noon, the parent-child sports meeting in the kindergarten was over, and the little guy sat on the child seat and turned his head to look at Qin's father eagerly.

Noticing the younger son's gaze, Qin's father raised his hand and squeezed the little bun's face, "What's wrong with Xiaohe?"



"Papa, let's go to the mall."

Qin's father said, "What are you doing in the mall, what do you want, Dad will send it to you directly.

Unexpectedly, the little guy shook his head and kept going to the mall.

Qin's father and Qin's mother had no choice but to take the youngest son there. As soon as the little guy entered the mall, he ran to the children's area, and then stood still at the place where the umbrellas were sold.

Qin's mother was puzzled, "Does Xiaohe want to buy an umbrella?"

The little guy nodded, then glanced quickly, his big eyes lit up and he raised his fat finger, "I want that."

Mother Qin refused, "No."

Qin Jiahe's small body trembled instantly, and a pair of big eyes looked at Qin's mother pitifully.

"Mom bought you an umbrella you liked before, but you didn't cherish it, so I won't buy it this time."

When he went out this morning, Qin Jiahe hugged his brother so much that he was about to lose the Ultraman umbrella, no matter how much he persuaded him, he didn't twist the little guy until the end and lost the umbrella.

Qin Jiahe grabbed the hem of his clothes with his small hands, and pursed his mouth, "Mom."

Qin's mother firmly refused, "It's useless."

Although an umbrella is not worth mentioning, you can't get used to your child's bad habits.

Unexpectedly, the little guy said, "There are mothers and monkeys in the world, and there are mothers and children who are like bags~"


I see you like a bag.

Qin's mother stood still for a while, not because she was moved by her son's singing, but because the little guy sang too badly, and it was the same tune as his brother's singing competition when he was young.

After enduring the youngest son's singing, Qin's mother still said firmly: "No!"

Seeing that his mother couldn't do it, the little guy shifted his front and looked at Qin's father, "Monkey father, monkey father, I have a monkey father~"


They didn't participate in Qin Jiashu's childhood. For Qin Jiahe, they were parents for the first time, and they couldn't stand the child acting like a baby.

Qin's father couldn't bear to look at his youngest son's appearance, and just about to say buy it, he received a warning look from Qin's mother.

Father Qin: ...

Seeing that no one would buy it, Qin Jiahe's little face collapsed and she pretended to cry, but the small mouth of the Chinese Xiaoqu library did not forget to continue, "No one loves, no one loves, I'm a little cabbage from the ground~"

Mother Qin: ...

If I had known earlier, I would not have listened to these nonsense songs for him.

Qin's father and Qin's mother saw that Qin Jiahe dropped the golden beans, and hurriedly picked up the youngest son, "Buy, Xiaohe can buy back whatever he likes."

Father Qin took the umbrella from the waiter, and Qin Jiahe hugged it in his arms with a snotty nose and smirked, "Hey..."

He stopped crying for a while, and continued to whisper in his father's ear, "Monkey father...Dad, I have a monkey father~"

Father Qin: ...

Just looking at the pink and tender umbrella, the couple fell into deep thought. On the way home, the little guy held the umbrella and didn't let go. As soon as he got home, he kicked off his little shoes and ran inside.

He shouted while running: "Brother! Gege Xiaohe is back!"

However, the little guy bounced around and didn't find his brother.

Qin Jiahe held an umbrella and looked at the servant, "Where's brother?"

"The young master went out after dinner in the morning."

Qin's father frowned, "I don't know how to rest at home on weekends, I just know how to run around."

Mother Qin was dissatisfied, "What are you talking about?"

"Am I wrong?" Father Qin looked at his youngest son's disappointed expression, and said, "I know to go out with his dubious friends, and not to mention playing with Xiaohe at home."

"Why are you talking so badly? What are you talking about? That child from Ji's family is at most a little bit old."


Wen Zhichu took out his mobile phone while gnawing on a carrot and posted a chapter on the campus forum.

[Title: Including writing review, love letter, wrong question collection, those who are interested can add contact information. 】

I don't know if I can earn extra money, but it can be regarded as a business here.

The Tmall Elf looked at it and asked a question.

[System: How much do you write this once. 】

Wen Zhichu had a radish stuffed in his cheek, "It depends on the number of words, but it will not exceed eight hundred at most."

[System: So if someone asks you to write 50,000 words, it's only 800? 】

Wen Zhichu nodded.

[System: Why? 】

Wen Zhichu puffed out his chest in a very righteous manner, "The manuscript fee is 810 and I pay taxes. Although I am self-employed, I cannot evade taxes."

The party and the people are watching.


The Tmall Elf was speechless for a moment, and Wen Zhichu's ears were filled with the sound of Wen Zhichu gnawing on carrots.

Ten minutes after he finished posting, seeing no news, he swiped his phone boredly.

[System: Are you eating these today? 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "Go shopping later."

As he spoke, he glanced at the money in WeChat, it was three hundred in total, and his meal card was about to run out, and he planned to put most of the money left over after buying groceries into the meal card. After all, his only relatively large consumption was at school dine in.

After Wen Zhichu calculated the distribution of money, he didn't know what to think of, and then asked nervously, "Are there any tasks today?"

[System: No, our system responds to the call for weekends. 】

Wen Zhichu was overjoyed for a moment, "Really?"

[System: If you want, I can also publish it for you. 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head like a rattle, and smiled brightly, "No, I just like the feeling of not being able to get it."

After eating the radishes, Wen Zhichu dressed up and planned to go out, and took the cloth to wrap things when he left.

Wen Zhichu took the bus all the way to the shopping mall, and went to the living area after buying vegetables and fruits.

Then he looked up at the items on the shelf, struggled for a while, and finally took the cheapest insect repellent spray.

Tmall Elf is curious.

[System: What is this? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Small animal burp medicine."

【system:! ! What are you buying this for? 】

Wen Zhichu put on an innocent and well-behaved face, "Make the little animal burp."

The meaning is very literal.

[System: Why are you so cruel! 】

After speaking, he opened the human observation diary again, and added a thick stroke of cruelty to Wen Zhichu's attributes.

[System: Such cute little animals, what did they do wrong, you want to treat them like this? ! 】

Wen Zhichu said truthfully, "They robbed me of food."

Thinking about the mosquitoes, he continued: "Eat me."

Wen Zhichu has always been concerned about the fact that there are cockroaches in the house, but he couldn't find a nest, so he went out this time to buy some insect repellent spray, which can also drive away mosquitoes and the like.

After Wen Zhichu bought something, he walked out of the shopping mall with a cloth bag in his hand. There are many vehicles in the bustling area of ​​the city center, and sometimes it will be blocked if any accident occurs. The sound suddenly sounded.

[System: What are so many people doing over there? 】

After hearing this, Wen Zhichu looked over and gave a pause to the hand holding the cloth bag.

"It's really not easy to ask you out." Ji Fengchang sat next to Qin Jiashu, "How about it, are you going to the clubhouse or boxing today?"

Qin Jiashu: "Punch."

Ji Feng's long eyelids twitched, "Let's go to the clubhouse. Boxing will only be exciting for a while. There are a lot of games in the clubhouse, so I've already ordered wine."

Unexpectedly, the other party was not interested at all, "Punch first."

"Okay, let's punch and punch." Ji Fengchang slapped the opponent's shoulder, "This time it's a deal, let's punch first before going to the clubhouse."

Then he did not forget to say: "I won't practice with you this time, you can find a replacement yourself."

Thinking back to the last time the opponent punched him to the ground, I still feel a little pain in my body now.

This horrible muscle memory.

There is a traffic light intersection ahead, and the vehicles gradually come to a stop.

Chang Ji Feng casually glanced out, his eyes filled with surprise, "Fuck, isn't that annoying?"

The other party was wearing simple white short sleeves, his skin was already a little red under the strong sunlight at noon, and he still stretched his head to look forward from time to time.

Qin Jiashu looked sideways and saw Wen Zhichu in the crowd almost at a glance.

It's not that the other party is easy to recognize, it's just that he stands out from the crowd.

I saw the young man standing in a team of old men and women, and within a few minutes he followed the team and took a step forward.

And at the end of the line was a huge red banner with big golden characters branded on it.

"Scan the QR code to get the eggs."