Chapter 15:

Looking at the two glowing red banknotes in his hand, Wen Zhichu hastily stuffed them back, with panic on his face, ""

Jiang Yu wondered, "Not enough?"

He waved his hands in the air, "No...don't."

"If there is anything you can't ask for, you can take the money." He said with a gesture of fortification.

Wen Zhichu quickly hid back, ""

"Take it."

"You...take it back."

"Take it."

"No...don't, don't.

At this time, there are still more than seven months before the New Year, and this warm scene that can only be seen during the New Year is staged in advance at the gate of Class 11.

It's still early this year.

Jiang Yu frowned, "Why not."

Wen Zhichu lowered his head and tightly covered his school uniform pocket, "My mother... My mother said that you can't take things from strangers."

If you want it, you have to pay it back with something else.

Jiang Yu was surprised, "You don't know who I am?"

I saw the latter nodded.

"Then why did you send the love letter for Xiao Mian?"

Wen Zhichu corrected, "War...war book."

"..." Jiang Yu: "Okay, the letter of war."

Wen Zhichu glanced at him, "It's it possible, have a name on your cabinet."

Jiang Yu: ...

Seeing that the other party swore not to want the money, Jiang Yu said, "I have written down your favor, and you can come to me if you have any troubles in the future."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, he sent a letter of challenge and a favor, and he was relieved to see that the other party left with the money.

[System: Why didn't you want the money just now? 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Huh?"

[System: Oh what, pie in the sky! 】

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, "Do you think it's normal for such a lucky thing to happen to me?"

[System: Abnormal. 】

"Then do you still think you should?"

The Tmall Elf was at a loss for words for a while, [ shouldn't. 】

Wen Zhichu walked into the class and sat down. Before the chair was warmed up, he saw the penultimate student come over and pat his desk.


He corrected seriously, "Wen Zhichu."

"What do you call me?"

"Second to last..." Wen Zhichu was stunned after saying it, "Then...then you should call me sixteenth."


The penultimate one suddenly realized something, "You don't know my name yet, do you?"

The latter pursed his lips and nodded.

The penultimate one stepped forward and grabbed Wen Zhichu's neck, "Fuck, you are still not a friend."

Wen Zhichu looked at each other with a little surprise on his face, "We...are we friends?"

"Why not, otherwise my candle would have been for nothing before the last exam."

The corner of Wen Zhichu's mouth curled up, and before he could open his mouth, the penultimate man continued: "Lend me to copy the math homework yesterday."

He hesitated, "How about...I'll teach you."

The penultimate one was taken aback, "Huh?"

After a while, the representative of self-study math class in the morning was about to collect the exercise book, and scratched his head at the penultimate one, "Lend it to me first and then tell me after you finish copying it, otherwise it will be too late to take it away later."

Wen Zhichu understood, and handed over yesterday's homework.

Near the end of the morning self-study, the penultimate man rushed to him with his homework, "I finished writing, I didn't expect to leave so much."

Wen Zhichu: "No, I only left two pages."

The penultimate: "I said the school is now."


The good guy made up most of the book in one go.

The penultimate one: "Fortunately, I have you. The representative of the last class said that I was called out in the spot check today."

Thinking of the scary face of the math teacher, Yu Sheng said, "If there is no you today, then there will be no me today."

Wen Zhichu: "...You're welcome."

The penultimate said to put his exercise book on the table, Wen Zhichu looked down, "Is this your name?"

As he spoke, he pointed to those three words, Ji Cuyi.


Wen Zhichu: "It's... quite special."

"Don't mention it. When my dad named me, he was afraid of running into someone else's dictionary, so he found a difficult one."

Wen Zhichu looked at the strokes of the second character, "Will there be some time delay during the exam?"

"My dad has also considered this." He pointed to the one, "so stop the loss in time for the third word."


Father's love is like a mountain, and every aspect is taken care of.

After self-study in the morning, Wen Zhichu got up and went to the homeroom teacher's office, walked to the door and knocked on the door, and then opened the door and walked in after hearing the answer from inside.

The head teacher of Class 11 looked up and saw Wen Zhichu coming in, he was a little surprised, "What's the matter?"

"Yes...I have something to do." Wen Zhichu walked to the head teacher's desk, "Teacher...I want to apply for a dormitory for lunch break at noon."

"Dormitory." The head teacher took out the folder from the side drawer and looked through it. Generally, dormitories have two people in one bedroom, but he also knows that Wen Zhichu is special among his classmates.

extremely annoying...

In order to avoid unnecessary student conflicts, the head teacher specially arranged for him to find an empty dormitory that was not occupied by anyone.

Then he signed the application form with a black ballpoint pen, "Just take this to the dormitory building H building at noon and give it to the dormitory teacher, and she will give you the key."

Wen Zhichu took it with both hands, "Thank you, teacher."

The head teacher waved his hand, "You're welcome."

Wen Zhichu put the key in his pocket and left the office, much smoother than he imagined.

After Wen Zhichu left, the head teacher of class 9 next to him poked his head over, "Wen Zhichu? Chasing Meng Yan from our class?"

"Well, it's him."

"Why did he suddenly apply for a dormitory?"

"It may be that the child wants to have a good rest, so he is arranged in a separate dormitory."

The head teacher of Class Nine was puzzled, "Why?"

"Nip violations of discipline in the bud."


The head teacher knew exactly what would happen if Wen Zhichu shared a dormitory with someone else.

After lunch at noon, Wen Zhichu took the application form and went to the dormitory building. The dormitory teacher gave him the key. He followed the number on the key to find the dormitory. disgust.

"Why is he here?"

Seeing him twist his face, Sun Bin said, "Fuck, who is he sharing a dormitory with, it must be bad luck."

Since the last time the results were announced, Wen Zhichu knew that Sun Bin was hostile towards him.

Knowing that the other party intends to target him, Wen Zhichu also intentionally broke down and criticized him when he saw him. Although he is a soft bun, he will show it when he hates anyone.

Sun Bin glanced at him, "It's really bad luck."

Then he walked into the dormitory, and the door slammed loudly.

[System: Not polite at all, put him in my last host's book and hang up at the beginning, don't take it to heart. 】

Wen Zhichu nodded, "Tmall Elf."

[System: What's wrong? 】

"I found that you have been a little caring recently."

[System: Not recently. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: It has always been. 】


Although his dormitory is a double room in 402, he is the only one living there. Seeing that there is only one mattress on the bed, he realizes that he has to bring his own pillow and quilt.

But today you can make do with it, the summer is hot, Wen Zhichu opened the window slightly and then lay down on the mattress, his whole body relaxed like a lump of mud, he had nothing but sleep.

When the lunch break was over, Wen Zhichu returned to the classroom with disheveled hair.

The penultimate looked at it, "Fuck, you went out to get a haircut at noon, and it was quite fluffy, I will go someday."

Mainly looking at the hair is quite a lot.

Wen Zhichu looked at him suspiciously, ""

The penultimate, "Then how did you get your hair done?"

"I... went to bed."


Can meet but not ask for.

The first period in the afternoon was math class, Wen Zhichu was still a little sleepy, so he raised his hand to pat himself on the face.

After class, the math teacher was writing formulas on the blackboard with his back to them. He stared intently at them and accidentally glanced at a bright light in the front row.

Someone is playing with a mobile phone.

That person was none other than Sun Bin, as if he was a bit guilty of playing with his mobile phone in class, the other party looked left and right, and when Wei Wei turned his head, he met Wen Zhichu's eyes.

Sun Bin's heart skipped a beat, and he shoved his phone into the hole in the table in fright, as if he was a teacher.

Wen Zhichu looked away, and he didn't intend to tell the teacher, after all, it has nothing to do with him whether the other party learns or not.

Sun Bin turned his head and gritted his teeth to look at Wen Zhichu, his eyes full of warning, but the other party didn't look at him at all.

Very well, this is provoking him.

After that most of the class, Sun Bin stared at Wen Zhichu intentionally or unintentionally. It was common for Wen Zhichu to play with his mobile phone in class. When he saw Wen Zhichu lowering his head and doing something in the table hole, he sneered in his heart. He was caught.

Then he stood up abruptly, "Teacher, I will report Wen Zhichu for playing with his mobile phone in class!"

Wen Zhichu was startled, and looked at Sun Bin in disbelief.

Could this be the legendary thief shouting "Stop the thief!"

The digital teacher turned around and looked at the two with a cold face.

Wen Zhichu stood up and stammered, "I...I didn't."

"Impossible, I have seen it all, otherwise why would I report you."

"Because... you lied."

Sun Bin didn't give up, Wen Zhichu used to play with his mobile phone like that, he had already seen through it.

The math teacher walked to Wen Zhichu's side, "Are you playing?"

"...No." Wen Zhichu shook his head, then walked out of the seat to show the teacher the hole in the table, there was only an eraser half-stretched by the ruler inside.

The math teacher looked at it, and then looked at Sun Bin.

Sun Bin blushed a little, and then gave Wen Zhichu a hard look.

Wen Zhichu was a little upset when he saw it, and turned his mouth, "Teacher... Sun Bin is playing with his mobile phone in class."

Sun Bin said, "You fart!"

He shrank his neck after meeting the math teacher's gaze.

Sun Bin: "If you say I'm playing with a mobile phone, you need evidence. Without evidence, it's a false accusation!"

Tmall Elf rolled his eyes, as if he had just presented evidence.

[System: Bah! 】

Sun Bin walked out of the seat just like Wen Zhichu just now. He had already hidden the phone in the hole dug out in the book and stuffed it, even if he turned the hole in the table, he couldn't get it out.

Complacent on the other side, Wen Zhichu pursed his lips and stepped forward.

Sun Bin looked at him, "Why didn't you look for it?"

Wen Zhichu: "I'm... giving you a chance."

"what chance?"

"Hand it in by yourself."

Sun Bin's face was ugly, "I didn't hand in anything at all?"

Wen Zhichu: "Hi, siri~"

"I'm here."

Tmall Elf:!

He has another dog outside behind my back! !