Chapter 16:

Sun Bin:!

Sun Bin's heart skipped a beat, his pupils narrowed sharply, and he was at a loss for a moment, ""

Not only Sun Bin's heart was hanging, but some students were also scared to have a heart attack.

Nima, luckily the phone is turned off.

Otherwise, Wen Zhichu's siri would be a one-shot.

The math teacher stepped forward with a dark face, "Take it out."

Sun Bin didn't dare not take it, gritted his teeth and took a look at Wen Zhichu, then took out the phone from the table hole and handed it to the math teacher.

The math teacher glanced at him, "At the end of the semester, I asked your parents to come and pick it up from me, did you hear me?"

Sun Bin held his breath in his heart, "Got it."

"Apologize to Wen Zhichu."

Sun Bin clenched his fists and said in disbelief, "I'm sorry."

The math teacher said a few more words before continuing the class. Wen Zhichu returned to his seat and sat down, lowering his head to write the formulas on the blackboard.

【System: Hi~】

Wen Zhichu:?

【System: Hi~】

Wen Zhichu: "The next class is English class."

[System: ...Hi~]

Wen Zhichu blinked his eyes, "Tmall Elf?"

[System: It's Hi! Tmall Elf! 】

Wen Zhichu hurriedly said, "Hi! Tmall Elf!"

[System: Why? 】

"Why do you speak so strangely?"

[System: Where am I being weird? 】

At this time, Wen Zhichu's mind was full of Hui Ci, and then said: "Because you keep saying Hi to me, you don't usually do this."

[System: So what do I usually do? 】

Wen Zhichu said truthfully, "Say it without saying hello."

[System: ... You say I'm rude? 】

Wen Zhichu: "No."

[System: Then what did you just say? 】



The Tmall Elf was bored for more than ten minutes before she spoke, 【Don't you think you should explain it to me? 】

Wen Zhichu, who took the notes, didn't know why, "Explain what?"

[System: Who is that little **** named Siri? ! 】

Wen Zhichu muttered, "Why do you speak so badly?"

[System: You still protect him. 】

"No, Tmall Elf."

[System: It's Hi! Tmall Elf! 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

"It's just an artificial intelligence just now, do you care?"

[System: None. 】

After a few minutes of silence.

[System: Why is its name in English. 】


Very good, quite concerned.

After Wen Zhichu explained, Tmall Elf was satisfied.

[System: Then I also want an English name. 】

Wen Zhichu used his poor English to think of Tmall Elf, "skycat."

The Tmall Elf smiled charmingly, expressed his satisfaction, and enthusiastically gave him a task.

[System: Villain task, steal what the protagonist wants, the villain value will increase by 4% if the task is successful, a reward of 100 yuan, and a fine of 100 yuan will be deducted if the task fails. 】

Wen Zhichu has gradually become accustomed to the weird mission content of the villain mission, but he still can't help being moved when he hears that the money is given.

It's like first love.

But I was a little surprised when I heard the growth value and the amount of villains this time, "I gave a lot this time."

Compared with the previous few times, it has increased by half.

[System: It should. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: The probability of being beaten this time is also higher than the previous few times. 】


At this point, it was as if ice water was poured on the head, and the heart that was still beating like first love instantly went into shock.

After the English get out of class, Wen Zhichu sorted out the difficult points of this class. He has serious partial subjects, and the focus is on Ingles, which is the most pulling point of all subjects.

The scores in the last month's comprehensive science test were all okay, and both mathematics and Chinese also jumped from 110 points, but only in English, they started to fall in a straight line, and the grades did not reach 55 points.

While Wen Zhichu was studying hard, the English class representative came over.

The representative of the English class was a quiet and timid girl. When she walked to Wen Zhichu's side, she didn't know how to talk to him. After all, she didn't like him like most of the students.

And one time when she came to visit her aunt, she took the aunt's towel from the cabinet and let the other party see him. He also laughed at the troublesome girl. She dared not argue with such a bad person, but she still remembered this matter now, and she was very upset. Comfortable

Wen Zhichu felt someone standing by the table, looked up and saw the embarrassed expression of the English class representative.

Some unexpectedly said, "Excuse me... what's the matter?"

Seeing that the other party spoke first, the English class representative breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The English teacher called you to come to your office."

After hearing this, Wen Zhichu asked, "Yes... what's the matter?"

"I don't know that."

"Oh... thank you then."

After saying that, Wen Zhichu got up and went to the English group.

He has always been afraid of the teacher. Whether the teacher criticizes him or asks him to talk about things, he is always in a very uneasy mood, and he is also cautious in speaking and doing things.

He came to the English group and knocked on the door, but there was a lot of talking inside, which directly covered up the knocking.

Wen Zhichu slowly opened the door and walked in. Before he found the English teacher in his class, he caught sight of Qin Jiashu.

The other party stood in front of a desk, and a group of English teachers held an article in English in their hands, full of praise.

"This first prize is definitely no problem. Jiashu, your grades have always been outstanding, and the teacher is happy that you can apply."

Qin Jiashu still had the same smile on his face, "The rest of the process will be troublesome for the teacher."

"No trouble no trouble, just help to hand in."

"If there is nothing wrong with the teacher, I will go back."

"Well, let's go."

Qin Jiashu turned around calmly, but when he saw Wen Zhichu who was standing stupidly at the door, his smile froze for a moment.

Wen Zhichu shuddered the moment he saw him, and quickly flashed away from the door.

[System: Young man, you look so embarrassed when you run away. 】


At this time, the English teacher in Class 11 also noticed Wen Zhichu and beckoned the students to come over.

Wen Zhichu looked at it and hurriedly walked over.

The English teacher sat on the office chair and looked at him, "Do you know why I asked you to come?"

Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded like a goose with no direction. He didn't seem to have done anything against discipline in English class recently, so he shook his head in a daze.

The English teacher slapped the report card on the desk, "Look for yourself."

Wen Zhichu: "Teacher..."


"The report card... I read it three days ago."

"..." The English teacher took a deep breath, "I'll let you read it again."

Wen Zhichu read it again obediently, " it."

"Did you see anything?"

"One... classmate's name was misspelled."


The English teacher raised his finger on the report card of Class 11, and his hand was very accurate and impartial, and it happened to land on Wen Zhichu's name.

It can be seen that I have not practiced less at ordinary times.

"Look at your English score yourself!"

She recently heard that Wen Zhichu had started studying. At first she didn't believe it at all, after all, she only scored 55 points in the last monthly exam.

However, looking at the report card, the good guy has started to study, only English is not taught to her.

English teacher: "Wen Zhichu, tell the truth, do you have any opinion on the teacher?"

Wen Zhichu quickly shook her head in fright, ""

"Then what happened to your English score?"

Wen Zhichu clasped her fingers and was speechless for a while.

"Your English was taught by the biology teacher next door. What's your score?"

The biology teacher was shot innocently.

Seeing that Wen Zhichu was about to answer the standard answer, the English teacher hurriedly added, "Don't say I taught it."

Wen Zhichu: "Self-taught."


Very good, skipping over her directly.

The English teacher had a headache for a while, and then he hated the iron and said: "I hope you will pay attention to every English class in the future."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly nodded, "Yes... yes."

"You study hard, there is a lot of room for improvement."

[System: Of course there is a lot of room for improvement if you fail. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The next time is the final exam, and the English teacher said, "Then tell me how much you can improve your English in the next final exam."

Wen Zhichu froze for a moment, then stretched out a palm, and the English teacher was satisfied after seeing this.

"Let's go back."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly walked out of the English group in three steps and two steps.

[System: Fifty points more, why don't you know how to leave yourself a way out? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Stay... stay."

【system:? 】

"The teacher didn't ask how many points, if you pass the test, you will agree to fifty points."

[System: Then did you fail the exam? 】

Wen Zhichu blushed, "Five points."


You can't take the exam at 50, but you can work hard with 5 points.

After class in the afternoon, Wen Zhichu went to the cafeteria to have dinner and ordered one meat and one vegetable. After eating, he felt a little salty, so he planned to go to the school supermarket to buy a bottle of water.

It was 5:30 in the evening, and it was still bright in summer. He walked into the supermarket and came to the water shelf, intending to buy the cheapest one, but he found something surprising.

A small bottle of water costs 2 yuan for 500 milliliters, but a large bottle of water costs 6 yuan for 1,300 milliliters.

Wen Zhichu muttered, "It's not suitable in terms of conversion, will anyone really buy it?"

[System: It's not a question of whether you have money or not. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: It's a question of being stupid or not. 】


Wen Zhichu wanted to get a small bottle of water at first, but when he glanced sideways, he saw something fell from the shelf on the other side, and he didn't even think about going to put the fallen goods back on the shelf first.

However, when he turned around, he froze suddenly, and saw Qin Jiashu, whom he had only seen in the English group in the afternoon, walking towards him at this moment.

Wen Zhichu turned away in fright.

The opponent seemed to have just finished playing, wearing a black jersey with white numbers and stripes.

The companion on the side said, "Brother Qin, the sports drink you often drink is sold out."

Before Qin Jiashu could speak, another person said happily, "Everyone who brought water to Brother Qin had a bottle, how could there be more, I have to buy it in advance before playing next time."

Qin Jiashu turned a deaf ear to the other party's teasing, "You can also buy water."

After speaking, he walked to the water shelf, and took a large bottle of water under the shocked eyes of Wen Zhichu and Tmall Elf.

Wen Zhichu: ...

Tmall Elf: …

Wen Zhichu almost subconsciously stepped forward and snatched the water from the person's hand.

[System: The task is completed, the villain value is 14%, and the reward is RMB.100. 】

Wen Zhichu:!

Looking at the other party's indifferent eyes, Wen Zhichu didn't know how to explain it for a while. If he directly said that the other party would feel that he was laughing at him for his bad math.

The breath of the other party broke into his nose, and it was not unpleasant to smell a faint scent of pine and snow. Standing tall in front of him gave a full sense of oppression.

Wen Zhichu was silent for a while before stammering, "Buy... you can't buy big bottles of mineral water."

Qin Jiashu folded his arms and looked at him.

Wen Zhichu: "Add...a lot of water."
