Chapter 28:

Some people are alive but dead.

As soon as Qin Jiashu said this, the students on the stage all looked at Shen Jun, wanting to see the beauty of that vegetable leaf.

He was the most arrogant when he spoke harsh words just now. His words were full of provocation and contempt, which made the students of No. 1 Middle School feel uncomfortable.

After finishing speaking, he still looked complacent and smiled happily.

After Qin Jiashu's words came out, his face froze, and his bared teeth retracted instantly.

Shen Jun: ...

Jiang Yu was the second debater, standing beside Qin Jiashu, and turned to look at the other party after hearing what the other party said.

These words are really ruthless. They don't attack the surface and go straight to the heart. It is estimated that the other party is packing up his things in his heart and preparing to escape from the earth.

Qin Jiashu still had the same smiling face on his face, and looked at Shen Jun, who blushed momentarily and had a thick neck, and now his mind was full of food from his teeth.

Not only the students of the No. 1 Middle School, but even the students of the No. 6 Middle School couldn't hold back their laughter until their faces ached.

To say that the other party was a kind reminder, but he said it again on stage.

But to say that the other party did it on purpose, and politely didn't use the microphone, so that the people in the audience could not hear it.

Although Ji Fengchang has a **** personality, he is known to be a good guy who hangs out with the teacher in the class. At this time, he is standing on the side of the stage with a class teacher.

He looked at the tall man standing on the stage with a habitual expression.

Others don't know what Qin Jiashu is like, how can he not know?

That **** is purely bad and likes to torture people.

At this time, the audience couldn't hear the words on the stage clearly, and they started discussing one after another.

"What did Qin Jiashu say? Why is there no sound?"

"Senior Qin's microphone has no sound, please change it for him quickly, don't delay the enjoyment of my ears."

"Although I couldn't hear Qin Jiashu's voice, I felt that the students on the stage seemed to be holding back their laughter."

"Is there anyone who can tell the host on the stage holding the microphone, if it doesn't work, let's just laugh, I can't hold back the pig squealing."

Wen Zhichu poked his head out and looked at the stage.

[System: I can't hear what they said on stage. 】

Wen Zhichu looked at the stage, "I didn't hear it either, but I can guess."

The Tianmeow Elf was surprised.

[System: You still have this skill, I thought you would only do useless things, like that pretending to be blind. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...Are you polite?

[System: What was said on stage, let's listen to it. 】

Wen Zhichu was serious: "I spoke Chinese."

[System: ... I don't know if they speak Chinese? I ask you what are they talking about? ! 】

Wen Zhichu: "Whisper."


[System: Then why are everyone on stage holding back their laughter. 】

Wen Zhichu suddenly realized, "That may also be a joke."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

It's all about guesswork.

When the host wanted to pass the microphone to Jiang Yu who was next to Qin Jiashu to continue to speak harshly, Jiang Yu waved his hand to indicate that there was no need.

Qin Jiashu pulled the damage value to the peak with only one person, and the people on the opposite side were all dead, and they even made up the knife, which was a bit unkind.

Soon the two sides were seated and the debate began.

At this time, Wen Zhichu noticed that there were a lot of people in the school auditorium. Those people were around his age, and they were wearing red and black school uniforms. He took a quick glance and saw that they were classmates from the No. 6 Middle School next door who came to watch the debate competition. .

It may be that Qin Jiashu's words made people care too much. Every time Shen Jun expressed his opinions, he spoke in a strange way, with his lips wrapped around his teeth, his words were in a low voice, and words were missing from time to time.

"My not, my point"

Wen Zhichu looked at the stage suspiciously, "He stuttered no matter what."

The Tianmeow elf said something faintly.

[System: Maybe it was infected by you. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

In the end, the debate match ended with a victory.

At the end of the debate, the host asked the captains of both sides to shake hands to express the friendship between the two schools.

Qin Jiashu walked forward with a calm expression, gentle and elegant, with a proud aura.

After this scene, Shen Jun was almost scratching his head, even if there was a manuscript to read, he stuttered, focusing on his own teeth.

But the position of captain was what he wanted before, and now, no matter how displeased Qin Jiashu was, he had no choice but to step forward.

Qin Jiashu stood there, taller than Shen Jun by a large margin, looking down at him from a height, with no pride on his face, nor any intention of mocking him.

Ji Fengchang silently stood at the side of the stage watching Qin Jiashu pretend to be a man.

Shen Jun stepped forward, and the two shook hands.

At this time, a whisper came from my ear, the voice was like the strings of a qin, with a low rhythm, "In fact, the food on your teeth has long since disappeared."

Shen Jun's eyes widened for a moment, and he looked at the other party in disbelief.

Qin Jiashu still had the elegant smile on his face, but that smile was vile, he looked at Shen Jun as if he was looking at something he could play with.

"Just before you came on stage."

Shen Jun:!

Shen Jun's pupils constricted. Qin Jiashu did it on purpose. He said it to him at the beginning, and it's the same now at the end.

As for whether there is food on his teeth, he can't be sure now.

Shen Jun's eyes were scarlet from anger for a moment, "You..."

However, before Shen Jun could speak, the latter raised the microphone, "The friendship between the No. 1 Middle School and the No. 6 Middle School will last forever."

Shen Jun ate Coptis chinensis all of a sudden, he couldn't tell what he was suffering from, his molars clenched tightly creaked for a while, his eyes were full of humiliation and resignation.

What a peerless dog.

At the end of the debate, the students stood up one after another. Wen Zhichu stood up. There was no late self-study this afternoon. He could go home directly, but he had to go back to get his schoolbag because it was still in the classroom.

When Wen Zhichu returned to the classroom, his classmates had already left for a long time. After seeing that the time was more than ten minutes away from the nearest bus, he planned to go to the bathroom first.

Wen Zhichu packed her schoolbag and left the class, and went to the men's bathroom. Maybe she was busy going home or going out to be cool now, but there was no one in it at this time.

He stood in one place, and just as he unbuttoned his belt, he heard footsteps coming from outside the bathroom, and they were getting closer.

He didn't care at all, soon there was a second person in the bathroom, Wen Zhichu didn't look up, and focused on his own affairs, it could be said that he was single-minded.

Due to the failure of the two positions on Wen Zhichu's left side, although the person who came in was a little hesitant, he had to stand beside him.

Wen Zhichu was going to wash his hands after fastening his trouser belt, but he was taken aback when his eyes swept away inadvertently.

For a moment, a pair of eyes widened, staring at him without blinking.

In his previous life, the men in his class would also compare secretly, but he never discussed it because he felt bored and out of group, but now looking at the things of the person in front of him, a sense of inferiority arises spontaneously.

Different from ordinary people, with extraordinary talents.

"How long do you have to watch?" A blunt voice came from above his head, and Wen Zhichu froze instantly when he looked up. remember

I saw Qin Jiashu frowning at him.


Wen Zhichu panicked for a moment, "I...I..."

Because of his nervousness, his face turned red for a moment, and he also realized his impoliteness just now.

Qin Jiashu looked at the blush rising on the opponent's face, and suddenly remembered what Shen Jun said before the debate started, and his already stern face turned darker for a moment.

It took Wen Zhichu a long time to hold back a sentence, "I...I didn't do it on purpose."

The other party stared at him for a long time, Qin Jiashu obviously didn't believe Wen Zhichu's words, but the other party didn't look like he was lying.

Not intentional…

Qin Jiashu's face was cold and hard, could it be that he couldn't control it?

The boy opposite had a black backpack obediently on his back, his school uniform was neat and tidy, and he watched him dodge with his eyes, like a small animal that had been found to have done something evil, trying to make excuses.

The belt that Qin Jiashu had just unwrapped was forced to be fastened again.

"Your hobby?"

Wen Zhichu's head was shaking like a big windmill for a while, "No...not."

Qin Jiashu looked at his face as cold as ice, but seeing the flushed and flustered face of the other party, he didn't say the harsh words in the past.

"Let's go now."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly ran out of the bathroom when he heard that.

[System: Young man, the back view of your escape is so skillful that it makes people feel distressed. 】


After Wen Zhichu came out, he breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought he would beat me up."

[System: I thought so too. 】

[System: So why didn't he do anything, no one was inside, and no one saw his negative image. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Maybe he is really in a hurry."


Who hasn't had a hard time yet.

After all, he was watching from the side, and the other party was not easy to act.

The person's face and height are very memorable, and adding that he only greeted him at noon, Wen Zhichu recognized him almost immediately.

Shen Jun.

At this time, the other party was on the phone, swearing and crazily outputting.

Unlucky today, being played like a monkey by the surname Qin, Shen Jun couldn't swallow this breath, but he still wanted to have dinner with him later.

The dinner was organized by the teachers of No. 1 Middle School and No. 6 Middle School. He invited the students of the debate competition to dinner. He couldn't avoid it and had to go. He was complaining on the phone at this time.

When he came to the door of the bathroom, Shen Jun hung up the phone, looked up and saw the little stutter who had a crush on Qin Jiashu.

His complexion suddenly turned ugly.

Wen Zhichu watched the other party looking at him, and politely waved his hands.

Shen Jun didn't even look at him, and planned to walk in.

"You... are you going to the bathroom too?"

Shen Jun said angrily: "Otherwise, you can't see it?!"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, her face a bit embarrassed, "How about... you should go later."

"Why, labor and management don't!"

Wen Zhichu: "It's... for your own good, really."

Shen Jun saw that his face was not right, as if he knew something, he sneered and said, "Qin Jiashu is inside."

Wen Zhichu blushed and nodded.

Shen Jun had a provocative look on his face. He guessed that the other party also knew the identity of his district chief son, and said brazenly, "Why, are you afraid that I will go to the record to trouble him?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head sincerely, "I'm afraid... I'm afraid you'll feel inferior."

However, Shen Jun didn't believe it at all, he gave Wen Zhichu a disdainful look, and walked in swaggeringly.

Within ten seconds, the bathroom door was opened with a bang.

Shen Jun: "Fuck, you didn't **** say it earlier!"