Chapter 29:

Seeing the other party coming out angrily, Wen Zhichu took two steps back in fright, and explained: "I...I said it, but you didn't listen."

Shen Jun glared at him, "Blame me?"

Wen Zhichu looked at the other party's suffering, and shook his head kindly, "I don't... blame you."

After hearing this, Shen Jun felt much more at ease.

However, the next moment, I saw the timid little stammer, raised his finger and pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "Blame him."

Shen Jun: ...

Her self-esteem was shattered all of a sudden, she might as well blame him.

This day was a disaster for him. First, he met a homosexual whom he hated, and then he made a mistake in the debate competition. He wanted to provoke Qin Jiashu, but who knew that stealing a chicken would not pay off.

Seeing Shen Jun break through the defense alone, the Tianmiao elf looked at him for a while and felt a little sympathetic to him.

[System: Maybe God is fair? 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: I didn't give him a good brain, but I gave him a good father. 】

Wen Zhichu had a strange brain circuit, "Are you saying I'm smart?!"

Tianmiao Elf denied it, [This little classmate, please don't make up your own mind. 】

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, as if feeling a little unfair, "Then what did God give me?"

I saw that the mechanical voice in my mind suddenly became a little shy.

[System: A good system. 】

"..." Wen Zhichu: "Can I not?"

[System: This is your blessing! ! 】

Wen Zhichu turned his head and muttered, "Do you want this blessing for you?"


Then the Tianmeow Elf suddenly thought of something, and continued to ask questions.

[System: You obviously watched it too, why didn't you act like him? 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled: "What kind?"

[System: Not human-like. 】

Wen Zhichu smiled heartlessly, and said nonchalantly, "Qin Jiashu is the protagonist, so he must have the aura of the protagonist. It is certain that he is bigger than others, and it is normal."

The voice of the Sky Meow Elf came faintly.

[System: He won the second prize in the previous provincial selection. 】

Wen Zhichu's heart rang out, "What do you want to say?"

[System: The protagonist's aura doesn't seem to have appeared on him. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, and was instantly assimilated by Shen Jun.

Since then, there has been another sad person in the world.

Although the tone is indifferent, but the heart is a group of people who care.

It turned out that he and Shen Jun were both fallen in the world.

[System: Farewell, he is a much more powerful father than you. 】


Simple words, extreme sarcasm.

For a while, the two stood at the door in frustration, and came out after making a phone call in the bathroom. Qin Jiashu who saw this scene: ...

Thinking of the inexplicable scene in the bathroom, he took a deep breath for a while.

I didn't look at the almanac when I went out today, and I felt a headache when I saw the two of them, so I gave them a cold look, and then walked away.

Shen Jun looked at the back of his head, "He provoked me!"

Wen Zhichu:? ? ?

They didn't say anything?

In case the other party was mad and attacked indiscriminately, Wen Zhichu also stepped up and wanted to leave.

"You provoke me too?!"

Wen Zhichu's face was full of question marks, does the back of his head resemble Qin Jiashu?

Shen Jun gritted his teeth, "Aside from that, how can I be inferior to him?!"

Wen Zhichu looked him up and down.

There was a damned silence for a moment.

Shen Jun jumped, "Don't I have any advantages?"

Wen Zhichu nodded as if he was doing charity work to show his love.

"have it."

This bar is very reluctant.

"You have a... district chief father."

Shen Jun: "..."

Seeing that Shen Junda had a posture that he would not give in until he was satisfied, Wen Zhichu quickly smeared his feet and slipped away.

There is no evening self-study today. Before he goes home, he can go to the supermarket and buy some vegetables and fruits to prepare at home.

I walked out of the campus with my schoolbag on my back, put my coins on the bus, and it was bright and hot at four o'clock in summer.

Wen Zhichu got off the bus one stop earlier and went to a large supermarket.

First, I went to the fruit and vegetable section. When I was about to leave after paying the bill, I unconsciously looked at the shelves in the snack area not far away, and swallowed my saliva.

In fact, he didn't like snacks very much since he was a child, but sometimes he would buy some for himself when he wanted to taste the taste. Looking at the skittles on the shelf, he felt that there was no taste in his mouth for a while.

I haven't eaten for a long time.

But now the funds are limited, Wen Zhichu gritted his teeth, turned his head and left.

When I got home, I started counting the things I bought today, and sorted out the vegetables, but found that something was missing.

What about garlic?

What about my garlic?

Wen Zhichu picked the plastic bag containing the vegetables twice more, and found that the garlic he had asked the supermarket aunt to pack before was gone.

Seeing the bewildered face of the man, Tianmiao Elf was puzzled, 【Are you a wooden man here? 】

Wen Zhichu: "No."

[System: Then what's wrong with you? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I lost garlic."


Wen Zhichu took out the receipt from his pocket and looked at it, and found that there was no money on it, probably he forgot to take it.

Wen Zhichu went to school early the next morning, and the first period after self-study was the head teacher's class.

Teacher Dou walked into the class with a book under his arm, and said, "Everyone stop what you are doing, there is something you want to tell your classmates."

Seeing the eyes of the students gather, Teacher Dou said, "Friday is the debate match between the No. 6 Middle School of the neighboring city and our school. Does anyone want to go?"

At this time, there was a complete silence.

"There is a special bus, and you can watch it for free, and you don't need to attend classes at school."

At this time, a classmate said, "Teacher."

Teacher Dou: "Tell me."

"You just said that you have half a day off on Friday afternoon."


Very good, I have been cheated once and I am no longer fooled.

It can be said that children can be taught.

Teacher Dou didn't care either, and said with a smile: "The registration time is until Friday morning, and students who want to go can come to me."

As he spoke, he began to attend class.

Wen Zhichu didn't take it to heart, after all, who would go to the debate competition when they could have a vacation?

This is clearly a disrespect for the five-week half-day holiday.

However, Wen Zhichu woke up in the morning at the beginning of five weeks, and received a random villain mission.

[System: The villain task, let the protagonist be surprised, the villain's value will increase by 4% after the task is completed, a reward of 100 yuan, and a penalty of 100 yuan will be deducted for failure. 】

Wen·Disrespect Holiday·Zhichu:…

Sure enough, the flag cannot stand.

As soon as Teacher Dou walked to the door of the office, she saw Wen Zhichu waiting there.

"Wen Zhichu, what's the matter?"

Wen Zhi said resignedly in the first day of junior high school, "Teacher... the bus to go to the Sixth Middle School to watch the debate competition, can I still sign up?"

Five minutes later, Wen Zhichu walked out of the office dejectedly, and had already confirmed the half-day trip to the No. 6 Middle School in the city next door this afternoon.

Qin Jiashu and his classmates from the school team followed the teacher to the No. 6 Middle School in the neighboring city yesterday, but they didn't see anyone at all. If he wanted to complete the task, he had to go.

But Wen Zhichu hadn't thought of what kind of surprise Qin Jiashu made.

It wasn't until noon when I got on the bus that I hurried over with the borrowed things.

As soon as he got in the car, he found that there were only a few people here and there, but to his surprise, there were their English class representative and Meng Yan from Class Nine.

The English class representative was sitting in the back reading a book, and Fang Mengyan was sitting with her companion on the right side. At a glance, there was no third boy in the car except Wen Zhichu and a boy who was sleeping soundly.

Wen Zhichu looked at it, and took a seat in the front row with her schoolbag in her arms.

Two hours later, we arrived at the No. 6 Middle School in the neighboring city. Wen Zhichu looked around curiously. This was the first time he had been to another place since he came to this world.

Looking at Wen Zhichu's curious eyes, Tianmiao Elf asked.

[System: What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Expand the map."


Soon the students of No. 1 Middle School followed the teacher's lead into the campus.

It may be that I don't know many people, so the English class representative took the initiative to come forward to chat.

"Why are you here?"

Wen Zhichu was a little surprised, pointing to himself, "I... Me?"

He didn't expect the other party to talk to him.

English class representative: "Otherwise?"

Wen Zhichu: "Just... I just want to see other campuses."

The English class representative was surprised, "You were expelled?!"

Wen Zhichu: ...

Not at all.

The representative of the English class looked at his walking posture and was a little puzzled, "Why do you walk with your shoulders shrunk?"

Ever since the English teacher asked her to urge Wen Zhichu to study, she was surprised to find that Wen Zhichu had changed a lot compared to before, not only his walking posture, but also his previously flamboyant personality had become restrained.

After thinking about it, it might also be because of an accident at the other party's family. Although she didn't like him before, she got along well recently. The main reason is that she still has some sympathy for the other party in it.

Wen Zhichu was taken aback after hearing this, "Xi... I'm used to it."

English class representative: "If you stand up straight, you should be 1.8 meters."

For boys, there is nothing more attractive in this world than a height of 1.8 meters.

However, Wen Zhichu only straightened slightly, and then retracted after walking a few steps.

The English class representative watched, this was the first time she had carefully observed Wen Zhichu's appearance.

The appearance of the other party is completely opposite to the bad impression he left on people before. It can be said that he is very clean and handsome, with a youthful air on his body.

Along the way, the English class representative asked, "What do you think is the difference between Sixth Middle School and our school?"

"Birds...not as fat as our school's."

"..." English class representative: "What else?"

"They seem to have objects."


The two talked to each other and soon arrived at the hall where the Sixth Middle School held the debate competition.

At this time, the inside was full of students, and the teacher who led the way also went to the side of the stage and asked them to find a place to sit.

Wen Zhichu found that there was still a seat in the front row, so he touched the shoulder of the English class representative very carefully, "There... you go and sit."

"Aren't you going?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "I...I'll go to the back row."

He had other things to do, so he turned and went to the back.

The debate began soon, and when No. 6 Middle School appeared, there was a lot of voices on the field, and the momentum of encouragement seemed to break through the beams of the house.

After the introduction, there was overwhelming applause.

When it was the turn of the No. 1 Middle School, they were not so enthusiastic. No. 1 Middle School came on stage. Although there were some students cheering, because there were mostly girls, the voices were negligible. There was only a male voice, who was sleeping in the bus. People, "Jiang Yu, give labor and management a win!!"

Although Wen Zhichu also yelled, it was almost negligible compared to this brother.

All the students in the middle of the field cast envious glances at Jiang Yu.

After a while, I started to introduce myself. After introducing Qin Jiashu, Wen Zhichu found the right time, took out the loudspeaker borrowed from the uncle downstairs from his schoolbag, and pressed the audio recorded earlier in the morning.

The sound instantly resounded through the hall.

"Qin Jiashu, come on! Qin Jiashu are the best!"

"come on! Come on!"

For a moment, the eyes of the whole hall were focused on the loudspeakers in the back row. Wen Zhichu knew this would happen, so she put on her sweater and hat, and pulled the hat rope to isolate herself from the world.

But because of the embarrassment, his face was as hot as a fire.

However, there was no sound of mission completion.

Qin Jiashu stood on the stage, and envious eyes focused on him this time, but he didn't feel any pain or itch. After all, he had seen the crazier way of cheering before, so he wasn't surprised.

He turned his eyes to the back, looking at the tightly wrapped braised egg, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing Wen Zhichu still waiting, the Tianmiao elf spoke.

[System: It may be a small scene for the protagonist. 】

Wen Zhichu paused for a moment.

Wouldn't it be impossible to complete the task? !

When the recording was about to end, Wen Zhichu wanted to cry but had no tears and completely gave up.

"Qin Jiashu will win!" The recording ended, and the loudspeaker held above his head continued to play, and the voice was refreshing and **** familiar, "Take the rags~ pay back the rags~~~"

Wen Zhichu:!