Chapter 37:

After Jiang Yu left, Qin Jiashu's dark eyes turned. He knew very well that there were many people who liked and pursued him. There were not a few people who came to see him secretly and inquired about his whereabouts. Wen Zhichu was just one of the more difficult ones.

If everyone who likes him has to respond to everything, he is probably not as busy as a courtesan.

Wen Zhichu woke up from a nap, sat up from the bed, and the shadow was printed on the wall by the sunlight.

[System: Why is your shadow so strange? 】

Wen Zhichu didn't understand, so, "What's wrong?"

The Tianmeow Elf continued to make up the knife.

[System: It's like holding an umbrella on your head. 】

Wen Zhichu touched his hair that was slightly curled up because of sleeping, and thought it was okay.

Glancing at the time, there were still ten minutes before class, so he simply cleaned up and planned to go back to the classroom.

The heat in the summer afternoon was still there, Wen Zhichu tried his best to find a shady area on the road.

[System: You still know to walk in a cool place. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...he just stuttered, not stupid.

Then something came to mind, Wen Zhichu said, "Sky Meow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu pursed his lips, "Do you think Qin Jiashu will come this afternoon?"

[System: Do you think I look like him? 】


Ok, know you don't know anymore.

Wen Zhichu sighed, if the other party didn't come, then today's mission would fail.

On the way to the teaching building, passing by the supermarket, Wen Zhichu glanced in casually, and saw the lollipop bucket on the cash register through the glass door of the supermarket.

Suddenly, I felt a little tasteless in my mouth.

He has been in this world for three months, and indeed he hasn't eaten a single bite of snacks.

The Tianmeow Elf followed Wen Zhichu's gaze.

[System: Buy it if you want it. 】

Wen Zhichu didn't stop, "Qin Jiashu didn't come today, so if you don't complete the task, you won't spend any money."

[System: Qin Jiashu didn't come today, the task cannot be completed, and the money you don't spend will be deducted by me. 】


Wen Zhichu, who was still walking forward, suddenly turned around and headed towards the supermarket without looking back.

The lollipops were not expensive, so Wen Zhichu bought two, and immediately walked to the teaching building in a good mood.

The penultimate saw him come in, and glanced at his two curled hair, "The shape is good."

Wen Zhichu looked at his own shadow, raised his hand to press it, but when he took his hand away again, the two strands of hair were still standing there, and he didn't take care of it after looking at it.

[System: You just gave up. 】

Wen Zhichu: "It's too tenacious."

[System: So? 】

"Join if you can't beat it."

[System: ... that's fine, it fits your temperament quite well, and this style has been popular recently. 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled: "What wind?"

[System: Beggar Wind. 】


Not long after Wen Zhi first arrived in the classroom, he rang the class bell. He put the candy he was going to take out back into his pocket, and after class, he went upstairs non-stop and rushed to class one, like a bird returning to its nest, he had already put the candy in his pocket. Sugar is forgotten.

Wen Zhichu quietly came to the back door of class one, class one is a physics class, because a problem is not finished, and now it is procrastinating.

Wen Zhichu was afraid of disturbing the teacher's lecture, so he walked lightly and sneaked by the back door.

Looking inside, his eyes lit up instantly, and he saw that the seat that was vacant in the morning was already occupied.

Wen Zhichu stared at Qin Jiashu closely.

[System: They can't complete the task until after class, why are you staring at him for so long? 】

Wen Zhichu sighed, "Do you think he looks like two hundred dollars?"


It might be that his gaze was too hot, Qin Jiashu turned his head to look at the other party, and caught Wen Zhichu's excited and glowing eyes. Looking at it, the originally round eyes suddenly bent slightly with a smile, like the bright moon in the sky, clean and pure.

Qin Jiashu's hand holding the pen paused slightly, feeling that he had an illusion for a moment, and glanced again.

I saw Wen Zhichu standing by the back door poking his head out, with two curled up hairs fluttering in the wind.

Doesn't look too smart.

It was indeed an illusion.

Qin Jiashu looked away, ignoring his existence.

When Wen Zhichu saw someone look over, he panicked for a moment, but he automatically put on the money tree filter in his heart, which was very deceptive. At this time, the other party was his two hundred dollars.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to say hello silently, the other party turned his head and looked away.

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment: "Why doesn't he look at me anymore?"

[System: Maybe two hundred yuan also has its own ideas. 】

Wen Zhichu understood, and decided to respect the two hundred dollars.

However, I don’t know if this physics problem is a bit out of line. The physics teacher didn’t finish the lecture before class. Wen Zhichu stood outside the door and waited. Seeing that class was about to start, he didn’t dare to be late for English class, so he had to go back to the classroom first.

At the last minute before class, the physics teacher collected the materials and left.

"Students, after class, do what you should do."

As soon as the physics teacher left, many students rushed out.

"Fuck, get out of class is over, it's killing me."

"Who asked this question, stand up for me!!"

That classmate was also very daring, "It's me, I'm guilty, I'll do it again next time."

"Fairy, take a punch from my aunt!"

The classroom was noisy, Qin Jiashu put away his physics textbook, and glanced at the back door by accident.

The people who were standing there watching him had already left.

At 7:30 in the evening, during the break of the first evening self-study, Qin Jiashu received a call from Qin's mother.

He walked to a more secret place in the stairwell, and then pressed the answer button.

"Jiashu." Came the other party's gentle voice.

He responded lightly, "Yeah."

"I heard from the aunt in charge that you didn't come home last night?"

Qin Jiahe cried a lot last night. Before leaving, Qin's father and Qin's mother promised that Qin Jiashu would come back to accompany him. Unexpectedly, Qin Jiashu never came back last night. The aunt who took care of Qin Jiahe had no choice but to call Qin's mother.

Knowing that her eldest son didn't come home all night, she was a little worried and wanted to make a call, but Qin Jiashu's cell phone was turned off.

"Go to Monsoon Chief."

"Then why didn't you tell mom?"

Qin Jiashu's movements froze, a little surprised, his originally indifferent tone became calm for a moment, "Something happened yesterday..."

"Xiaohe cried and wanted to see you yesterday, saying that she missed her brother."

The low-stringed and elegant voice cut off, and he said: "I will go back tonight."

Qin's mother realized that she had said the wrong thing, and she was also very worried about Qin Jiashu in her heart, but the conversation between mother and son was always so unembarrassing. Sometimes she didn't know what to talk about, so she used her younger son as a medium to find topics. She could also see that Qin Jiashu didn't like his younger brother, so in some places, he would talk about how Qin Jiahe missed him and wait for him to come home eager for quick success, with a full sense of flattery.

I hope Qin Jiashu can accept Xiaohe and ease the relationship with the family.

"Mom didn't mean to blame you, but I heard that you didn't go home all night and was worried about you."

"Yes, I see." Qin Jiashu was silent for a while, and then said, "Mom."

"What's the matter, Jiashu?"

"I'm an adult now, so I don't need to worry about it."

After saying that, she hung up the phone. Qin's mother looked at the phone for a long time and didn't regain her senses. Although Qin Jiashu only said one sentence at the end, it seemed that the meaning was more than one sentence.

Qin's mother looked at the call log with some disappointment. Jiashu was already eighteen, past the worrying age, he was no longer needed.

When Qin Jiashu returned to the class, Ji Feng was planning to go up to find something to talk to, but he backed away after seeing the other party's expression.

This dog is a group that is in a bad mood right now.

Since there was no chance to get close to Qin Jiashu in the afternoon, Wen Zhichu changed his strategy and planned to block people after school. After all, Qin Jiashu was in charge of turning off the lights in the classroom and was the last one to leave every day.

The school bell rang, and Wen Zhichu packed her schoolbag unhurriedly.

[System: How slow you are to clean up now, how embarrassing it will be to catch the bus in a while. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu took everything with him, and went to Class 1 with his schoolbag on his back. At this time, a large number of students were walking down, and only Wen Zhichu went backwards alone.

Arriving at the door of Class 1, Qin Jiashu was still sitting on the seat writing something, Wen Zhichu was standing at the door watching, the other party was expressionless when he was studying, his face was full of seriousness, his big bony hand was holding a black writing pen and turning it on the paper .

"Tianmeow Elf, have you found it?"

After hearing this, the Tianmeow elf also stared carefully. Qin Jiashu's face was not only handsome, but he was afraid of hurting him by speaking out, so he asked back.

[System: What did you find? 】

Wen Zhichu: "His pen is smoother than mine."

[System: ... Oh. 】

When the other party got up, Wen Zhichu hurriedly walked to the back door to reveal himself, let the other party see him, and then began to shuttle back and forth at the back door, jumping sideways repeatedly.

I'm in, I'm out, I'm in again...

Seeing his bewildering behavior, Tianmiao elf felt a little disgusted.

[System: What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu said frankly, "Do things he hates."

The Tianmeow Elf didn't understand:?

"Go through the back door."


Going through the back door can be said to be very superficial.

However, who knew that Qin Jiashu put away his things without even looking at him, and then walked away.

Wen Zhichu looked at it for a moment and panicked, "Qin...Qin Jiashu, don't...don't go away."

Hearing the call, the other party turned back subconsciously, and quickly looked away when he saw it was him.

Wen Zhichu:!

Seeing that the person was about to leave again, Wen Zhichu hurriedly took a step forward. The person who was planning to leave only felt the cloth behind him being gently pulled, and turned his head to meet Wen Zhichu's longing eyes.

It's that look again.

Wen Zhichu was afraid that the person would run away, but when he met Qin Jiashu's eyes, he didn't dare to hold him any longer. For a while, his hand holding the person's clothes was a little tangled, so he hurried back to the back door while he was still patient, and he stammered and added "" Qin...Qin Jiashu, look at me."

Then, like a groundhog, he went in and out of the back door of the first class, jumping repeatedly.

Qin Jiashu: ...