Chapter 38:

Seeing Wen Zhichu going in and out by the back door, jumping sideways repeatedly, Qin Jiashu frowned.

what is he doing...

The Sky Meow Elf also fell into a brief silence.

[System: Wen Zhichu. 】

Wen Zhichu: "What's wrong?"

[System: Stop acting like a fool, okay? 】

Wen Zhichu was a little confused.

[System: Too similar. 】


When Wen Zhichu saw Qin Jiashu looking towards him, he stopped, waiting for the mechanical voice in his mind to announce the completion of the mission.

One second, two seconds... five seconds...

"Sky Meow Elf, talk."

[System: Say what, say you acted well. 】

Knowing that his behavior just now didn't annoy Qin Jiashu, Wen Zhichu pondered for a while, but the other party didn't see his provocation, "He's underestimating me."

[System: How is it possible, don't think about it. 】

Wen Zhichu felt that it made sense after hearing it, maybe Qin Jiashu didn't understand the meaning of him going through the back door.

The next moment, I heard the Tianmeow Elf say: 【He just didn't take you seriously. 】


Sure enough, Qin Jiashu glanced at him helplessly and indifferently, then turned around and started to leave.

Wen Zhichu took a look and quickly stepped up to follow behind the person.

The other party was tall and strong, with a schoolbag casually slung over one shoulder, Wen Zhichu took a deep breath looking at the man's broad shoulders, and said, "Qin...Qin Jiashu."

The other party ignored him, and continued to move forward without stopping.

He was in a very irritable state throughout the evening self-study, his heart was in a mess, a thread became a dead knot, and the lines were also implicated. The pressure and irritability were vented and emptied last night, and within a day, he filled another half. Full.

The low pressure on Qin Jiashu's body was obvious, and his face was dark and ugly.

However, at this moment, Wen Zhichu followed him closely like a chick that just broke its shell, and kept calling, which made his already restless thoughts even more disturbed.


Wen Zhichu only felt a pain in his back, and his whole body was directly pressed against the wall. Seeing the pupils of the person in front of him shrink suddenly, he was too frightened to move for a while.

I saw Qin Jiashu turned around and raised his hand to clamp the man's chin. His big bony hands covered the man's mouth and nose, leaving only a pair of frightened eyes. The corridor was dimly lit, and the shadows and lights intersected. with him.

The soft flesh on the cheeks was squeezed and concentrated in the middle of the face, Wen Zhichu's frightened legs began to tremble uncontrollably, the mouth and nose were covered for a while, and the thin chest rose and fell, trying to get some weak air.

With each breath, the smell of tobacco from the other party's fingertips filled his mouth, Wen Zhichu was not used to it, and frowned slightly, but at this time it was more fear than discomfort.

Now the other party is not the touching two hundred dollars.

Qin Jiashu could clearly feel the trembling of the other party, and admired the terrified expression of the other party at this time with loose eyes. His eyes were like sharp blades plundering other people's land, scanning Wen Zhichu's expression at this time, driving people to a corner, throwing away the helmet and throwing away First.

There was a soft touch from the palm of his hand, at this moment Wen Zhichu's face was pale with fright, and those eyes that still had starlight when he looked at him in the afternoon were filled with fear at this moment.

Qin Jiashu's voice was low and hoarse, "Do you understand Jing Jing?"

Wen Zhichu nodded in fright, her eyebrows drooped pitifully, and her eyes trembled slightly as she looked at him. Because of this small movement, her lips rubbed slightly against the palm of the person, Qin Jiashu frowned, and there was a moment of stiffness between the movements.

Seeing that the person nodded, he removed the hand that was restraining the person. At this moment, a lark opened its mouth, "Cuckoo..."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Sky Meow Elf:!

[System: Ding! The task is completed, the villain is worth 50%, and the reward is 200 yuan. 】

After the news of the completion of the task was released, the Tianmeow Elf hurriedly said, 【You don't want to die! 】

Wen Zhichu's fearlessness always appears at inexplicable times.

Wen Zhichu was already terrified, ready for a while when the other party punched and hugged his intellectual head, if he couldn't hug him, he would take the Tianling cover to catch it.

However, after fighting in fear for a long time, the other party did not make a move. Wen Zhichu raised his eyes and saw Qin Jiashu's brows and eyes twitching, obviously holding back.

"He didn't hit me."

[System: Maybe he knows that beating a fool is breaking the law. 】


Looking at the person in front of him, Qin Jiashu suddenly remembered the day when the other party recognized the Mathematical Olympiad as English, and then he let out an ugly breath, turned around and left.

Wen Zhichu looked at the back of the other party, walking in this silent corridor seemed lonely, then hurriedly stepped forward and stammered: "Yes...I'm sorry, you...don't be angry."

After all, he was the one who made people feel bad, Wen Zhichu felt in his heart that he was responsible.

Unexpectedly, the other party walked so fast that he didn't even look at him.

"Qin Jiashu...wrong, I'm sorry." Wen Zhichu trotted beside the person, raised his head to look at the gloomy side face of the person, and tried to stay close to the person's ear with a very soft voice, "Don't...don't be angry, it won't happen again next time."

That sound swept across people's hearts like a feather, and Qin Jiashu stared forward with a dark face, feeling a little incomprehensible to the other party's behavior for a moment.

Seeing people really ignore him, Wen Zhichu was also a little anxious, feeling that he was too much to provoke people just because of the task.

Then he thought of something, hurriedly took out the lollipop he bought after the lunch break from his pocket, and stuffed it into someone's hand in a panic.

There was a cool touch in the palm of his hand, Qin Jiashu avoided it almost subconsciously, and looked at the other party unbearably, his voice was full of anger, "What are you going to do?"

Wen Zhichu looked at him pitifully, and those who didn't know thought he was bullying.

Wen Zhichu stopped when he saw the person, and tried to stuff the candy into the person's palm again, "Here, don't...don't be angry."

Qin Jiashu was taken aback when he saw the things in the other party's hands, and said impatiently, "What are you doing for me?"

Wen Zhichu was afraid that the person would not want it, so he stuffed the candy into it firmly, and then grabbed the person's hand and held on to it. The other party was strong, so he grabbed the person's fingers.

"I made you unhappy just now, I will compensate you, don't be angry."

The other party's eyes were sincere, and the originally white and tender cheeks were still glowing with red fingerprints because of his aggressive behavior just now, which were very clear and eye-catching on the fair face.

Qin Jiashu suddenly couldn't understand Wen Zhichu, until the other party gently pulled his finger, Qin Jiashu suddenly signaled that Wen Zhichu was coaxing him.

Because he just annoyed and bored him, she was coaxing him with candy.

This behavior was a bit beyond his understanding, and no one had ever coaxed him with candy when he grew up.

This feeling is strange and gripping, almost making Qin Jiashu's self-mechanism instinctively produce a sense of rejection.

Staring at people faintly, coupled with such a handsome face, it is charming and dangerous in this dark stairwell.

"Take it away."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Here...for you.

Qin Jiashu raised his hand and shook it away, and said indifferently, "No need."

Who knows that the other party still perseveres after being rejected, "I want...I want it."

He said while holding the two candies and looking at him, "You... smoke, if you eat candy, you can quit."

Because his father had a bad habit of smoking, there was a big jar of sugar at home. Wen Zhichu was only five or six years old at the time, and whenever he saw his father smoking, he hurriedly ran to his father with the sugar jar in his arms.

The main reason is that when his father quit smoking and eating candy, he could rub one next to him.

Qin Jiashu's pupils dilated slightly when he heard the other party's words, and his body was obviously stiff.

Wen Zhichu began to say like a little old man: "You... less smoke in the future, it's not good for your health."

As he said that, he stuffed the two candies to the other party. He wanted to tell the other party not to smoke in the future, but it was somewhat interfering with the other party, so he changed it to smoke less.

Qin Jiashu gritted his teeth and clenched the things in his hand, his eyes were gloomy.

"I don't need you to take care of my affairs."

Wen Zhichu thought that the other party thought he was timid and took a step back, but someone grabbed his collar the next moment, and saw him looking down at him with warning eyes, "Seldom appear in front of me in the future."

Wen Zhichu was so frightened that he didn't dare to vent, thinking that the other party would hit him in the next moment, but who knew that the other party left without looking back after loosening his collar.

[System: Why didn't he hit you. 】

Wen Zhichu also had this doubt, "Yes."

[System: Now in the stairwell, there is no one else who is not monitoring, and you are a leather sandbag. The time, place and people are right, he has no reason not to do it. 】

Wen Zhichu: "...the elves of Tianmeow."

[System: What's wrong? 】

Wen Zhichu: "You seem to want me to be beaten more than him."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Seeing the figure disappear, Wen Zhichu stomped on his still weak legs, and slowly walked out of the teaching building.

[System: I advise you to hurry up. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: The bus leaves in two minutes. 】

! !

In the end, Wen Zhichu ran for hundreds of meters, and finally got on the bus when it was about to leave.

Driver: "Hey! You are very energetic today, I knew you would not miss the bus."

Wen Zhichu: ...

In the evening, Qin Jiashu opened the combination lock and opened the door to enter the house, changed his shoes at the entrance and walked in.

Qin's father and Qin's mother have been away on business for three days, and they haven't come back yet.

As soon as he entered the house, he heard someone calling: "Xiaohe, brother is back."

Within a few seconds, the little piglet with red eyes from crying popped its head from the stairs on the second floor.

His big eyes lit up when he saw Qin Jiashu, "Brother! Brother is back!"

Qin Jiashu stepped forward to pick up the child, and Qin Jiahe kicked his legs excitedly.

Looking at the people guarding the side, Qin Jiashu said, "You all go down first."

After dismissing the helper, Qin Jiashu took Qin Jiahe back to the children's room, and the smile on his face disappeared. Then he put Piggy on the bed and said two words, "Sleep."

"Brother, is something wrong?" Qin Jiahe looked at his brother expectantly with wide eyes.

Looking at the story book on the bedside made him feel unhappy.

Qin Jiashu said indifferently, "I can't read."

Qin Jiahe didn't say anything after hearing this, but stared at his brother with big eyes, for fear that his brother would run away.

Then I noticed something, "Brother, is Tiantian in your pocket?"

Qin Jiashu looked down, at this moment, a corner of the candy in the school uniform pocket was exposed.

He raised his hand and took out two lollipops in total.

Qin Jiahe's eyes instantly brightened, comparable to light bulbs.

Qin Jiashu noticed that the slender fingers fiddled with it twice, then raised his hand and slowly tore open the package of one, looked at the little piglet on the bed and seduced, "Want to eat?"

Qin Jiahe nodded honestly.

Unexpectedly, the peeled candy turned around and fell into Qin Jiashu's mouth. It was used by others to coax him, but he said in a nasty voice, "No."