Chapter 40:

Zhou Qing looked at the letter and was moved for a moment, "She asked you to write it for me?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "Are you moved?"

"Moved." Zhou Qing gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Wen Zhichu said, " can cry if you want to."

Zhou Qing was taken aback, and looked at the young man standing beside him with some surprise.

Wen Zhichu: "She said let her know that she is happy."

Zhou Qing: …

Very good, I will not be moved immediately.

Putting the letter away, Zhou Qing glanced at him gratefully, "No matter what, thank you."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of chocolate from the hole in the table, "You take this."

Embarrassed, Wen Zhichu waved his hand as a tactful rejection, " need, it should be."

"Is there anything wrong with this? You help write the delivery, and I'll just give you a piece of chocolate."

"It's really not necessary."

"Take it."

There is still half a year before the Spring Festival, but the scene of shirking things is staged ahead of schedule.

"no thanks."

Zhou Qing: "What's the matter, you take it, thank you for writing it."

Wen Zhichu bit the bullet, "'re welcome, I'll give you the money."

Zhou Qing: …

For a while, I didn't expect the other party to be so honest.

Zhou Qing forcefully stuffed the chocolate into Wen Zhichu's hand, "Take it, just pretend I don't know."

[System: Are you suffering from eye disease and then ear disease? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

After this little episode, Wen Zhichu came to Qin Jiashu's cabinet with the envelope containing the money, afraid that the self-recommendation letters would come out like mountains and seas like last time, Wen Zhichu gently opened a small slit, and quickly stuffed it in.

At this time, the sound of chaotic footsteps came from my ear, Wen Zhichu glanced at the time and planned to go back to class, when he bumped into a tall figure as soon as he walked out of class one.

Wen Zhichu's eyes widened for a moment, it was none other than Qin Jiashu.

Seeing each other early in the morning, Qin Jiashu was obviously surprised, but he didn't show it on his face. His downcast eyes fell on his white and tender cheeks. The red fingerprints from last night had long since disappeared with time. When he turned his gaze away, he met Wen Zhichu's terrified face. Eye.

Seeing him, Wen Zhichu suddenly remembered the fear of being dominated last night, and the words of the other party seemed to be still in his ears.

Never appear in front of me in the future.

Wen Zhichu was a little panicked for a moment, wanting to quickly get out of the opponent's sight.

Then before Qin Jiashu could warn, he ran out in a flash.

Jiang Yu and a boy in a senior year school uniform came here, talking something, the next moment he felt a gust of wind blowing in front of him, Zhu Mian recognized the person who ran out of the afterimage, and grabbed him, "Yes you!"

Wen Zhichu who was manually braked:? ? ?

"Just your **** beep—I'm **** in the woods beep—"


Wen Zhichu stood there dumbfounded, it was obviously the first time they met, but the other party didn't seem to treat him as an outsider at all.

Is this really what he can hear?

Jiang Yu raised his hand to cover the other's open mouth, "This is Xiao Mian."

Only then did Wen Zhichu regain his senses, it turned out that it was the strongest person on the surface, and the three of them stood there looking at each other for a while.

[System: World Famous Paintings. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: Couples and dogs. 】


When the two were talking, Ji Wen Zhichu glanced sideways at the door of Class 1, and was relieved to see that Qin Jiashu had already entered.

Jiang Yu glanced at the time, "Xiao Mian is going to class, you go back, remember not to skip class, I will visit you."

"You need to say it."

Talking to each other, he turned around and planned to go back to the teaching building of the third year of high school.

Afterwards, Jiang Yu greeted Wen Zhichu and returned to the class. Wen Zhichu left after seeing everyone and took a long breath.

But soon a question popped up in my mind, Zhu Mian is a senior in high school, Jiang Yu is a sophomore in high school, why Jiang Yu is called Zhu Mian Xiaomian.

[System: If you don't call me brother next year, you don't need to talk about your thoughts. 】

Wen Zhichu understood that there was still this kind of speaking skills, and it was true that the brotherhood would not deteriorate.

[System: Even if you call me brother, it's hard to tell what's on your mind. 】


After the delivery was completed, Wen Zhichu returned to class and quietly took out his mobile phone.

[Greenhouse Mushroom: The delivery has been completed, she is very touched. 】

The other party was silent, so Wen Zhichu typed a few more words.

[Greenhouse Mushroom: She said she will play with you this weekend, let me tell you first. 】

However, there was still no movement from the other party, and Tianmiao Elf was startled.

[System: The other party won't run orders. 】

Wen Zhichu smiled and said, "No way."

Finally, he took out his trump card.

[Greenhouse Mushroom: Beauty. 】

[Please call me beauty: Come on, thank you for writing~]


The Tianmeow elf silently opened the human observation diary and recorded it.

It was June, and the window panes in the classroom were wide open. Wen Zhichu sat by the window, hearing the rustling of the branches brought by the breeze from time to time.

Today's fourth quarter was originally an outdoor physical education class, but for some unknown reason it was temporarily changed to an indoor physical education class. After the class bell rang for a few minutes, the physical education teacher did not show up.

I thought that this class would be changed to self-study, but after half of the class time, the physical education teacher came in with the roster.

"Attend class!"

"Teacher, if you come later, get out of class will be over."


The physical education teacher had just been teaching for a few years, and the students often bickered and joked with him.

Physical education teacher: "Look at the way you have nothing to do. I don't know how to study first."

The students glanced at him, and then began to write things one after another.

Unexpectedly, the other party would change his mind the next moment, "Everyone, stop what you are holding."


Seeing the dumb expressions of the students, the physical education teacher said, "I have good news for you, our school will hold sports next week."

As soon as these words came out, the classroom exploded immediately.


"Is there no class for two days?"

"Fuck, there is such a good thing."

The physical education teacher wrote down the entries on the blackboard. The deadline for registration is this Friday, and you can sign up before that.

Some students couldn't wait, "Teacher, can I do it now?"

PE teacher: "Of course."

Afterwards, the class seemed to explode. The students were full of enthusiasm and Wenzhi was a little moved in the first day of junior high school, sitting on the chairs eager to try.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the penultimate one, and the other party's face was unpredictable, "Wen Zai, be obedient, let's forget it."

Wen Zhichu gave him a puzzled look, "Why...why?"

The penultimate one looked at his slender arms and legs, and his skin was as white as if it hadn't been exposed to the sun, "I'm afraid that you will become a handicapped person if you participate."

"..." Wen Zhichu was stunned for a moment, unable to understand the meaning of the other party's words. Is he looking down on me?

[System: He is doing it for your own good. 】


In fact, in the original record 340; the world school also had a sports meeting, but he hadn't participated in it, and Wen Zhichu wanted to try it again when he had the opportunity.

Wen Zhichu: "I...I think."

The penultimate one shook his head, "You will regret it."

" won't." Then he stood up.

At this time, the physical education teacher said, "There are still three kilometers left and no one will sign up. Is anyone willing to sign up?"

Wen Zhichu's **** that had just been raised fell back onto the chair immediately.

Then he looked at the penultimate one with a serious face, "I... regret it."

second last:…

Sky Meow Elf: ...

In the eyes of the students, the 3,000-meter race is not a sport but corporal punishment. As of Friday, no one had signed up for Class 11, and this event was abandoned in Class 11.

In the next week, the students were a little distracted from their studies, and they were always looking forward to practice after class. Wen Zhichu was like a salted fish basking in the sun in the class.

The day of the sports meeting came as scheduled, and there were two days of competition, and Wen Zhichu also got up early because of the excitement.

[System: The villain task, confront the protagonist, the villain's value will increase by 4% after the task is completed, the reward will be 200 yuan, and the task will be deducted and fined 200 yuan. 】

Wen Zhichu was no longer surprised by the villain mission.

[System: Why aren't you surprised? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Twenty-one days to form a habit."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Because of the square formation in the sports meeting, all students have to go to school to prepare earlier than before.

Standing in the phalanx, Wen Zhichu could see Qin Jiashu who was negotiating with the teacher not far away.

The other party is wearing a neat school uniform. He is tall, has long legs, nine heads, and a hanger figure that looks good in anything. Just a profile is very eye-catching. He has a refined temperament. Although he is pretending, he is also Most people can't pretend, standing there is the center of vision.

Qin Jiashu is excellence itself.

If possible, Wen Zhichu actually wants to be a person like Qin Jiashu, to be loved and sought after by others, to be able to chat and laugh happily with others without changing his face.

Qin Jiashu felt something, looked sideways slightly, and met Wen Zhichu's yearning eyes the next moment.

The latter quickly lowered his head when he saw it in fright, but after a while, he raised his head to look quietly again, and he was relieved when he saw that the other party was no longer looking at him.

Then the sports meeting started, and the teams of each class entered the field one by one.

The first class was the first, and the slogan shouted loudly, "The first class is the strongest! Eliminate violence and make good! Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!"

[System: Did you hear that? I want you. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Compared with the slogan of Class One, Class Eleven can be described as a large-scale showdown scene, "Ten is ten, one is one, please remember, I am Eleven!"

It was also the first time the head teacher of Class 11 heard the slogan: ...

This is the beginning of the sports meeting. The morning competitions are the men's and women's relay and the 3,000-meter race.

Wen Zhichu didn't participate in the competition, so he and the penultimate student went to buy water for the students in the class. On the way back, they happened to see the students who were about to run the 3,000 meters stretching there, and Qin Jiashu was among them.

At this time, the other party was surrounded by people, Wen Zhichu instantly remembered what the other party had said before, and asked him to show up less, so if he stood here and asked him to take a few more glances, it would be considered as completing the task.

Penultimate: "Why don't you go?"

He had a loud voice, and when he said this, many people looked at him, but Wen Zhichu didn't pay attention and said, "You... you go back first, I... I forgot to buy something, so I'll go back again."

The penultimate oh oh turned around and left.

Qin Jiashu obviously also noticed Wen Zhichu, and when he saw the other person looking straight at him, he knew that what he said was a lie, and then he pretended not to see him and turned his eyes away.

"Student Qin, I will cheer you on later, you must win!"

"Jia Shu, you will definitely be number one, come on!"

Meng Yan was also among them, "Jia Shu, come on! I believe you can get the first place."

There were words in his ears, Qin Jiashu had been tired of listening to these words since he was a child, but he still smiled and said, "Thank you."

It wasn't until the 3,000-meter inspection that Qin Jiashu broke away from the crowd, and couldn't help but glance at Wen Zhichu as he passed by.

Wen Zhichu paused for a moment, did he want to say something?

"That...that." Wen Zhichu watched him nervously swallowed, "Come on for the game."

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, he continued: "Just work hard, it doesn't matter if it's not... the first."

Qin Jiashu froze for a moment.

Wen Zhichu looked at it and thought he had stepped on a big thunder, so he hurriedly walked around and explained, "No... I don't want you to be number one. It's good to be number one, but it doesn't matter if you don't have to. You will always be number one in my heart."

That feeling of repulsion appeared again, just like the last time the other party gave him candy, "Quiet."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

Qin Jiashu looked at him with a cold face, "I warned you before that you should not appear in front of me, and I don't want to hear you talk."

" way." Wen Zhichu was too frightened to look at him, but still bit the bullet and said, "This won't hear my cheers."

Qin Jiashu suddenly felt a blow to the head, clenched his fist unconsciously, "No need."

Then he walked away.

[System: Boy, okay, dare to talk back. 】

But as soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wen Zhichu's trembling legs.

[System: Tell me, who gave you the courage just now? 】


Sky Meow Elf:?

Wen Zhichu: "He won't beat me up in crowded places."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Qin Jiashu said just now that he didn't want to hear his support, so his task now is to let him hear it.

The 3,000-meter race started soon, and Wen Zhichu deliberately picked a place close to the runway. At this time, there were many people surrounded there, and it could be said that he survived in the cracks.

"How did you come?!"

The sound was very familiar, and she turned her head to meet the faces of Meng Yan and her friend.

Meng Yan's friend opened the distance between Meng Yan and him, "You're provoking Meng Yan again."



Wen Zhichu panicked, "I'm provoke Qin Jiashu!"


The girl had an attitude of reluctance, but when the gunshots fired at three kilometers, she didn't care about the quarrel for a while, and turned her head to start cheering.

Soon the participating students came from the other side of the track, and Qin Jiashu ranked first as expected.

Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, "Qin...Qin Jiashu, come on!"

However, this sound was negligible amidst the cheers of the crowd.

There was a cheering sound louder than his, and it belonged to Meng Yan.

Wen Zhichu turned her head to look at her, and the other party was also looking at her, and the two of them immediately became vigilant.

Meng Yan: "Qin Jiashu, come on!"

Wen Zhichu's voice was louder than hers, "Qin Jiashu...Come on!"

"Qin Jiashu!"

"Qin Jiashu..."

At the end of the shouting, Wen Zhichu stopped stuttering, her fair face flushed, "Qin Jiashu!! Come on!!"

I only heard the voices of the two people getting louder and louder, breaking through the siege from the cheers of the crowd, and fighting each other.

The friend on the side:? ? ?

Under what circumstances, a lover becomes a rival.