Chapter 41:

Meng Yan's desire to win was aroused, and the school belle's face was not good. She put her hands together in front of her mouth, "Qin Jiashu! You must be the first!"

Wen Zhichu on the side refused to admit defeat, looking at the wanton and unrestrained figure on the field, he output a meal, "Qin Jiashu, you are the best!!"

"Qin Jiashu, come on!!"

"Qin Jiashu!!"

The friends on the side were completely dumbfounded. For a while, they didn't know whether it was Qin Jiashu or these two who were competing.

At ten o'clock in the morning in summer, it was hot and dry, and the two of them stood in the scorching sun and lowered their voices, shouting and smoking.

Wen Zhichu yelled till the end that no one looked at him, closed his eyes and yelled, "Qin Jiashu! Come on!"

"Qin Jiashu, you can do it!"

"Qin Jiashu!"

The voices of the two became louder and louder, and many people looked here for a while.

Seeing Meng Yan's face turned red, the friend tried to persuade her, "Meng Yan, Meng Yan! Stop shouting."

Meng Yantong blushed, and looked at Wen Zhichu who was also blushing like a big apple with an unyielding face, and pointed at him aggrieved, "But he...he..."

The friend pulled Meng Yan over, "What do you care about with him?"


"He is also cheering Qin Jiashu up again, so you can let him shout. Look at your face now. If Qin Jiashu notices you, you want to face him like this."

Meng Yan hurriedly touched her face when she heard that, then turned to look at Wen Zhichu who was screaming like a chicken possessing a body, and for a moment she didn't understand why he wanted to cheer Qin Jiashu with her.

Didn't the other party always trouble Qin Jiashu before?

Meng Yan couldn't hide her doubts in her heart, and asked her friend in a low voice, "Wen Zhichu...why did he cheer Qin Jiashu?"

This question also turned the other party down.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Meng Yan was taken aback, "He doesn't mean to interfere with Jiashu's competition!"

As he said that, he turned around and wanted to continue the battle.

The friend grabbed the man's arm quickly, and he couldn't shout anymore, and he didn't need to use his throat if he shouted any more.

"There is a reason."

Meng Yan was puzzled, "What's the reason?"

"He likes you, and you like Qin Jiashu."

Meng Yan was dazed with her pretty face, "So?"

Friend: "Aiwujiwu!"


Meng Yan covered her mouth in surprise when she heard it, and suddenly remembered the male lead in the novel she had read before, and was suddenly moved.

But the affectionate male lead is destined to be single, and the heroine is destined to be with the male lead, and then he looked at Wen Zhichu with a slightly changed look.

What a sad story.

I didn't expect that the other party liked her to such an extent that she didn't even want her dignity.

The strong competitor disappeared, and Wen Zhichu's ears finally heard voices other than the soprano.

The Sky Meow Elf looked at it and opened his mouth.

[System: Why didn't she shout? Persevere and persist and it will be over. 】

Wen Zhichu blushed, "Don't blame her."

Sky Meow Elf:?

Wen Zhichu smiled confidently, "Her opponent is too strong."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Compared with the first three months when he first came to this world, Wen Zhichu is indeed a little more confident.

The game was not over yet, and Wen Zhichu's shouting did not stop. At the end of the shouting, he felt that his throat was about to smoke, dry and sore, and his heart also chugs when he saw Qin Jiashu's chasing second place behind him.

As if he was a parent waiting for his child's college entrance examination outside the examination room, he clenched his hands excitedly and nervously, "Qin Jiashu, come on! Qin Jiashu, come on!!"

In the last lap, the boy who led the track began to accelerate, and finally rushed to the finish line with an overwhelming advantage!

There were cheers everywhere, and Wen Zhichu was also very excited. Voices cheering for Qin Jiashu came from all directions, and Wen Zhichu's voice was gradually covered up.

The young man on the field is full of heroism, with smooth shoulder and arm muscles, wild and powerful, sweat drips from his handsome face, and slides along his distinct jaw line to his neck with blue veins, his Adam's apple is thirsty from long-term running scroll.

Panting heavily in his mouth, he walked some distance and stopped, the cheers he was familiar with and what he thought of were in his ears, but at this moment the voice that had been running forward all along disappeared.

Ji Feng came over to brag to him, he took the towel in his hand and casually put it on his head, intending to leave, the sunlight was mostly blocked, but his eyes were also subconsciously glanced at one place through the cover of the towel.

The young man there looked like a ripe apple, his cheeks were full and red, his eyes were shining brightly on his side, his face was full of pride, Qin Jiashu took a look and frowned, the inexplicable rejection in his heart made him uncomfortable Push and pull feeling, don't turn your head and look away.

Standing in the stands, Wen Zhichu was tired like a puppy sticking out his tongue, but he was extremely satisfied in his heart, as if his son had been admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University.

[System: Ding! The task is completed, the villain value is 54%, and the reward is 200 yuan. 】

It was the first time for Wen Zhichu to hear the voice of Tianmeow Fairy so pleasing to the ear, just now it was the loudest he had spoken in the past ten years, and he ticked unconsciously, "Tianmeow Fairy."

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu hesitated and asked, "Did I do well just now?"

Applause rang out in my mind for a moment, Tianmiao elf sea dog applauded, clap clap clap—

[System: That's really exciting. 】

After hearing this, Wen Zhichu made a few silly hey-hey sounds, never expecting that the other party would praise him so generously.

[System: Compared with your stuttering before, the part you just said is simply rap! 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It seems that there is no praise after boasting, and it is invalid praise.

The sun was getting more and more poisonous, so Wen Zhichu felt that the moisture on his body was about to evaporate, and he was about to go back to the awning of the class, but he was patted on the shoulder just two steps away.

Wen Zhichu subconsciously turned around and met Meng Yan's extremely beautiful face, and then was taken aback, didn't the other party always avoid him?

The other party looked confused, Wen Zhichu blinked his eyes twice, and his voice was hoarse like a broken gong: "Student Meng Mengmeng, what's the matter?"

Meng Yan glanced at him, after the yelling just now, her voice was not much better than his, rustling said: "There is something."

The Tianmeow Elf listened to the voices of these two with a voice like that of the Sahara Desert.

[System: Where are you two at this patient exchange meeting? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Seeing that the other party did not speak for a long time, Wen Zhichu said: "If it's okay, I... I'll leave first."

"Yes." Meng Yan glanced at him, then gave him all the drinks in her hand, "This is for you."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, and pointed at himself in disbelief, "Me?"

Meng Yan nodded, feeling a little grateful for the other party's Ai Wu Ji Wu in her heart, she has slightly changed her view of the other party today.

Unexpectedly, after the drink was handed out, the other party didn't answer it for a long time, only to hear the boy refuse with some embarrassment, " need."

Meng Yan: "This one is for you, I also bought Jiashu's."

Unexpectedly, the other party still shook his head.

Meng Yan suddenly remembered the plot of the novel, and began to make up her mind. Sure enough, love does not need to be reciprocated.

However, the next moment Wen Zhichu opened his mouth, "I drink water...not more than three yuan."

I am afraid that if I drink it, my mouth will become drool.

"Thank you, you can keep it for Qin Jiashu." He politely rejected the girl and left quickly. If he didn't leave, his head would be smoking.

When Qin Jiashu came out of the dressing room after changing into plain clothes, Ji Fengchang grabbed his neck, "Let's go, let's go buy water."

Qin Jiashu patted the opponent's hand, and went to the school supermarket together.

Habitually took the sports drink he often drank on the shelf.

When paying the bill, Chief Ji Feng came over with a bunch of snacks, "Why did you buy two bottles of this, I don't like to drink it."

"Not for you."

"You drink two bottles by yourself?"

Qin Jiashu took a look at him and paid the bill without saying anything.

He thought of that red apple-like face in his mind, and he didn't want to owe him anything.

Ji Fengchang walked by his side, beaming with joy and said: "My cousin is back, he bought some wine from a foreign winery, will he go out for self-study today?"

Qin Jiashu's dark eyes were silent, remembering the discomfort of repelling the seesaw in his heart in the past few days, "Go, send me the address."

After listening to Ji Fengchang, "Just wait for your words, you wait until I finish contacting my cousin and tell you."

While taking out the phone, he hesitated and said, "Will you order a drink with you, this time it will be clean."

Qin Jiashu frowned after hearing this.

"What kind of expression do you have?" The words said tactfully, "Just to accompany the wine."

The wealthy people in the upper class live in luxury and luxury, and these things are naturally immersing themselves in their ears. Most of the people who go to private clubs are just for entertainment.

He and Qin Jiashu have played together since they were young, and he is very clear about what others don't know. Qin Jiashu's wild nature is not ordinary. It's too common for rich people to do these things. Ji Fengchang thought that the other party would not want anyone anymore. One is the family education problem. You have to wait until you are an adult, and the second is that you think people are unclean.

Eldest young master, how could he be used by someone before? Besides, Qin Jiashu is very possessive, and others can't do it even if he touches him.

However, the former was broken now. Qin Jiashu only went to the club to drink when he was an adult, but he never asked for it. In the final analysis, the eldest young master was not clean.

"My cousin specially chose the young model, she is pretty and clean."

Seeing that Qin Jiashu refused when he opened his mouth, Ji Fengchang said, "Don't rush to push it away, you can go and have a look tonight, I promise you won't regret it, if you don't want it, it's not too late to tell you."

"This is much more interesting than your drinking. It's just a manual shift to an automatic shift. There has to be a first time. It's just a pastime."

Qin Jiashu's eyes were deep, and he didn't say any more.

In the afternoon, there was a tug-of-war in the second year of high school, and while Chang Feng was whispering in people's ears, he went back to the playground with him.

Wen Zhichu sat back in Class 11, and the penultimate stepped forward, "Wen Zai, I just installed a horn in my throat, and I shouted so loudly."

Wen Zhichu: "...excited... just excited."

"Look at your voice, I didn't know you thought it was an old man walking in the park."

Said and took a bottle of water to him, "Drink it."

"Thank...thank you."

The penultimate one slapped him on the back suddenly, "Why are you being polite to Dad?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

"Sky Meow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

"He wants to be my dad too."

[System: It's not impossible, I'm one three five, he two four six. 】


He shouldn't have expected it.

There was a tug-of-war competition in the afternoon, and the head teacher asked the students to eat more at noon, and if they won, they would take them to eat hot pot buffet in the evening.

At this remark, the blood of Class 11 students boiled.

"Old class, you said that!"

"Old class, do you know why our grade is the last in grade?"

Class eleven teacher: "Why?"

"Because our class has a simple mind and well-developed limbs, you can stand on the podium and wait for the tug-of-war."

Teacher of Class Eleven: …

It's obviously a compliment but I can't laugh at all. It's time to talk to the Chinese teacher.

Tianmiao Elf was as speechless as the head teacher of Class 11.

[System: I misunderstood you before. 】

Wen Zhichu, who was drinking tons of water, slowly popped up:?

[System: Before your language was strange, I thought it was your own problem. 】

Wen Zhichu bulged her cheeks filled with water.

[System: I didn't know until today that you are not an alien, it is the Chinese teacher's problem. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Chinese teacher: People sit at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

Only the world where the Chinese teacher was injured has been achieved.

In the afternoon tug-of-war competition, the promotion method is adopted. The two groups will fight against each other to advance, and the opponent will be determined by drawing lots from the class teacher.

The head teacher of Class 11 pushed his glasses, raised his hand and took out a note from the lottery bucket.

I saw that there was a class written on it.

Class 11 met in silence for a while, Class 1 not only had the best studies, but also had the most sports students, what the **** was going on, the stomach that was full at noon was instantly empty, and Class 11 could never escape being smashed fate.

"Old class, if you don't want to treat guests, just say so, and you don't have to make our class feel less involved."

Before the competition started, the momentum was lost.

The homeroom teacher's hand also froze, and a strong smile appeared on his face, "The more frustrated you become, the braver you are, students."

Then the two classes played, and Qin Jiashu was placed first. .

At this moment, the girl from Class 11 raised her hand, "I have objections."

The referee looked at the evenly distributed ropes, "Say."

"Yiban is not kind, use Seshka."

Referee: "Then I will help your class issue a ban on seshka."

The girl raised her hand, "No need, you can't watch it if you can't win, it's boring."

Everyone knew who Seshka was referring to, and it was considered relaxing before the game, so they all laughed along. Qin Jiashu was also a little surprised but didn't dislike such behavior.

During the tug-of-war, the teachers of the second class stood beside them like rolling a big ball, with exaggerated postures and expressions, "Pull! Pull!"

Class 1 head teacher: "Shout slogans, boost morale!"

Just listen to one group swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, "One group is the strongest! Eliminate violence and make good! Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish!"

Class eleven teacher: "Squad leader!"

The squad leader began, "Ten is ten!"

The students in Class 11 who were dragged several meters and beaten, "Don't be ten or ten, isn't it **** embarrassing enough?!"

Teacher of Class Eleven: …

It turns out that they also know that slogans are shameful.

Under the brave persistence of Class 11, this game was lost without any accident.

The head teacher of Class 11: "Although we lost, our class is also very good. Tonight we will help you with hot pot!"

Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up when he heard it, "What a good duck!"

When school was over in the afternoon, Wen Zhichu went back to work with the team to pack up and prepare to go to the buffet. As soon as he walked to his seat, he saw a bottle of water on the table.

Retail price: $7.00.