Chapter 47:

Qin Jiashu glanced at him meaningfully, Wen Zhichu hurriedly looked away and looked at the computer, "Actually, it can also be overcome."

Qin Jiashu looked at him without saying a word, Mu Qing asked concerned after hearing this: "Aren't you afraid?"

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "The way to overcome fear is... to face fear."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Mu Qing: ...

Wen Zhichu was beating his heart, forcing himself to ignore the existence of Qin Jiashu beside him, and try to behave as naturally as possible.

At this time, the mechanical sound in the mind sounded.

[System: villain task, deceive the protagonist, the villain value increases by 4% after the task is completed, the reward is 200 yuan, and the penalty of 200 yuan is deducted for failure. 】

Wen Zhichu froze in place for a moment, "Tianmeow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu wanted to cry for a while, "Why didn't you just say that?"

He had just finished deceiving. Although this lie could not stand any test and sounded false, it was also a ruthless deception.

[System: Everything is predestined in the dark. 】

Wen Zhichu put on a tiger face, "You did it on purpose."

[System: Of course. 】

Wen Zhichu couldn't believe it, "What can you get in this way?"

[System: Happy. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Eyes looking at English, mind thinking about tasks, there is no one busier than Wen Zhichu for a while.

[System: Actually, I can't blame it all. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: Who told me to call me "Heaven" Meow Elf? 】

Wen Zhichu: "My fault."

[System: Just remember to change it next time. 】


If I had known it was called Ergou at the beginning, it would never be out of date, and it is common throughout the country.

A class of English teachers looked at the three of them for a long time, and asked, "Tell me what to choose."

Qin Jiashu replied without any hesitation, very decisively, "Choose A."

Mu Qing looked a little uncertain about the answer, so she said something she thought was correct, "Choose C."

A class of English teachers looked at Wen Zhichu. Wen Zhichu was taken aback. He didn't expect that he would focus on participation and have the right to speak. It can be said that he really has a sense of participation. If he can score, he is willing to give a five-star praise, and then said: "Choose C."

A class of teachers asked first, "Why did you choose C?"

Mu Qing gave her own answer, and a group of teachers looked at Wen Zhichu again, trying to hear something from his mouth.

Wen Zhichu stammered, "Follow...follow the trend."



The first class of English teachers couldn't laugh or cry, and they often heard the English teacher of Class 11 talk about Wen Zhichu. Knowing that the child's English seemed to be lowered, and the competition questions really made him difficult, he didn't say anything.

Then he glanced at Qin Jiashu approvingly, "Choose A for this question."

Mu Qing was a little surprised, she thought that the teacher asked her to answer just now because she chose the right one, so she glanced sideways at Qin Jiashu, only to see that the other party was standing there upright, not frightened.

Mu Qing: "Teacher, can I ask why?"

"Okay, this question..."

"All the teachers come here to sign, the school is insured."

A class of English teachers hesitated to speak, and then looked at Qin Jiashu, "Jiashu, tell the two students, and the teacher will sign it."

After saying that, he got up and left, Qin Jiashu didn't show anything on his face.

Emotions changed, and he calmly began to speak to the two of them.

Wen Zhichu stood aside and listened carefully. After all, he could know a little bit, and his English score was really not good enough.

However, it changed after listening to it. He knew every word the other party said, but he couldn't understand a sentence.

After Qin Jiashu finished speaking, he looked at the two of them, "Do you understand?"

Mu Qing nodded, "Understood."

Turning his eyes, seeing people looking at him, Wen Zhichu's serious face said very solemnly: "Understood."

[System: Ding, the task is completed, the villain value is 58%, and the reward is 200 yuan. 】

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Wen Zhichu: ...

Qin Jiashu could tell at a glance that Wen Zhichu didn't understand the topic at all, but he didn't intend to explain it to others.

Looking at the competition questions on the computer, Wen Zhichu felt a little admiration for Qin Jiashu from the bottom of his heart. The other party had a bad temper, but he was undoubtedly excellent in various abilities.

After all, thanks to the other party's ability to answer this question, he won two hundred yuan.

Seeing people staring at him, Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment and used a smile to cover up his embarrassment, and said sincerely: " are really amazing."

Qin Jiashu almost subconsciously recognized it too much, curling his slender fingers slightly.

He had to admit that although the other party stumbled and struggled to listen, it didn't affect his usefulness in the slightest.

The subconscious thought made him a little upset, he was very resistant in his heart but he did not reject it in his behavior, which gave him a push and pull feeling that he could not control, Qin Jiashu's handsome face was stiff, he greeted a group of English teachers and walked away, It seemed like he didn't want to stay any longer.

Looking at the man's cold face, Wen Zhichu shrank his neck.

After reading the questions, he went back to the desk of the English teacher in Class 11. The teacher looked up at him, "Understood?"

Wen Zhichu didn't dare to lie to the teacher and shook his head in frustration.

The English teacher of Class 11 did not expect the other party to be so honest, "Then how did you say you agreed?"

Wen Zhichu: "I think... what he said makes sense."


The English teacher of Class 11 almost didn't bring it up. Wen Zhichu always surprised her when she shouldn't be surprised. Before they left, they said: "The final exam is coming soon. I hope your hard work will be rewarded. Next time I will still teach you when the third year of high school begins."

[System: Why is the English teacher suddenly gentle? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Some things can't just be shown."

Sky Meow Elf:?

"There is a deeper meaning."

[System: What's the deep meaning? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I will still be the English teacher next semester, if you don't do well in the exam, you're doomed to start school."

Tianmeow elves understand.

[System: I understand this, isn't this just saying no or no, but is the body still honest? 】

Wen Zhichu was surprised, "Can you understand?"

[System: A host often does this kind of dog thing. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It turned out to be that wonderful person.

Half a month flew by, and soon it was the final exam for No. 1 Middle School. The exam lasted for two days. After the first day of the exam, he needed to go to evening self-study.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, I packed my schoolbag and planned to go home, but halfway there, I found that I forgot the key in the table hole, so I had to go back to get it. When I walked out of the campus, there was no one around.

The bus was late, so Wen Zhichu had to wait for the next bus which was near ten o'clock.

The lights were dim, there were no people around, and the food shops on the street were all closed, Wen Zhichu stood there waiting for the car.

At this time, a man in a black hooded sweater walked over from a short distance, cursing, "Fuck, it's only ten **** dollars, it's not uncommon to go to a broken Internet cafe, and you can't even get credit."

The man looked young, that is, seventeen or eighteen years old, and then he raised his eyes and saw Wen Zhichu who was waiting for the bus not far away.

The opponent's figure is slender and lacks strength at first glance. The backpack is obediently carried behind his back, the school uniform on his body is meticulously dressed, and his face is also fair and clean. He looks like a bully.

The man stepped forward and patted Wen Zhichu's shoulder familiarly, "Student, borrow ten yuan."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback by the sudden appearance of this person, and almost subconsciously took two steps back. The other party looked at his frightened rabbit, and said in a bad tone, "What are you hiding, borrow ten yuan."

Wen Zhichu glanced at him and shook his head.

The man was a little impatient, "Isn't it, you don't have ten dollars?"

Wen Zhichu saw that the other party was not borrowing money at all but Ming Qiang, and almost turned around and ran away, wanting to go back to find the school guard on duty.

Unexpectedly, the other party saw his actions, and hurriedly restrained Wen Zhichu and dragged him to the side alley.

[System: Cub species! What are you doing! release! Let go, do you hear me! 】

The mechanical voice in his head kept shouting, Wen Zhichu's legs were weak from fright, and he instinctively wanted to call for help but his mouth was covered.

He was afraid of this, and his legs were trembling uncontrollably for a while. It was fine when his parents were there when he was a child, but when they both left Wen Zhichu in sixth grade, he became more timid and inferior.

He knew that his relatives didn't want to adopt him, but they had to keep him because of the responsibility. He was very grateful to them for giving him food, a place to live and tuition fees for him. Never fight back when scolded, and don't want to get them in trouble.

Even if he was bullied at school, he didn't dare to fight back and didn't dare to speak out about it. He was afraid that he would bring trouble to them and cause them troubles for nothing, and he had to spare time to help him solve it. , they didn't like him very much, because he was a big problem in his own right.

So he swallowed everything as much as possible. When he was in elementary school, some children said Tong Yanwuji said that he could bear it without parents, but he didn't know why, why when he changed his environment, when he went to junior high school, someone would bully him, beat him, and play with him. …

Obviously they didn't meet each other, and the other party just soaked his books into the bucket just because he didn't like him, humiliated him and laughed at him for a long time. Wen Zhichu himself wondered if he was really as bad as they said. people.

So much so that later he was labeled as a soft bun, and anyone could bully him. He thought about trying to find the teacher, but he gave up, and told the teacher that he would look for the parents. How could the teacher not answer after such a long time? Know?

Later, he had no choice but to bear it silently, thinking that he would be able to endure it from junior high school to high school, but when he reached high school, he thought that it would be fine to pass high school to university...

Looking at the person in front of him, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly in the dark alley, but his appearance could be anyone's. The faces of those who bullied him could be pressed on this face.

"Be quiet, understand, don't force me to do it."

Wen Zhichu nodded in horror.

The man let go after hearing this, "Give me ten yuan."

Wen Zhichu now only has four coins in his hand, ""

The man warned, "Don't be without me."

Wen Zhichu's mouth was trembling with fright, "No... I didn't bring it."

"..." the man cursed, "you **** bluff

Labor is not. "

Wen Zhichu was a little panicked, and wanted to take out his pocket to show the other party, "I really... really don't believe you..."


Wen Zhichu was slapped directly before he could speak. Seeing the other party faltering and struggling to speak was very annoying, coupled with the annoyance of being kicked out of the Internet cafe today, the man directly vented it on him.

Wen Zhichu stood there in a daze, this slap knocked him out of his mind.

"What the **** are you doing to me for ten dollars?"

As he said that, he went up to grab Wen Zhichu's clothes and schoolbag and wanted to find it by himself, Wen Zhichu was startled and struggled, ""

He wanted to run outside in a hurry, but was dragged by someone.

At this time, a figure walked by the entrance of the alley, Wen Zhichu almost instinctively wanted to shout but his mouth was covered.

He was very familiar with that person's tall and straight figure. Qin Jiashu was the last to leave after turning off the lights in the classroom every night. When Wen Zhichu saw him, he almost saw the light of hope.

Obviously the movement in the alley attracted his attention, he glanced in casually, and saw Wen Zhichu who was being held down on the ground.

The indifference in his eyes was terrifying, he retracted his gaze, and his figure disappeared into the alley.

Wen Zhichu felt her heart stopped beating for a moment, and was turned over by the man, "You fucking..."

Looking at the raised fist, Wen Zhichu subconsciously closed his eyes.


Hearing the man's explosion, the expected pain did not come, Wen Zhichu opened his eyes in fear, and the person who was holding his collar was curled up on the ground with his stomach in his arms, vomiting acid water, his face was ferocious and in pain, slightly Turning around, he saw the figure who had just left.

The opponent's face was extremely ugly, as if he was forced to come back.

Looking at Wen Zhichu fiercely, "If someone hits you, you **** can't run?"

Wen Zhichu stared at him blankly, the figure faced the dim lights on the street, in his eyes, he was as tall and tall as a savior, "Run...Run away."

Qin Jiashu frowned.

"No... haven't run away."


Qin Jiashu pushed his cheek with the tip of his tongue, raised his hand and pulled at the person, and pinched his hand on the person's cheek. Wen Zhichu frowned instantly in pain, wanted to speak but was afraid, so he murmured: "It hurts..."

Others were looking at the wound, while Qin Jiashu was aggravating the condition.

Qin Jiashu looked at his red and swollen cheek. Although he hated this person, it was still his favorite face.

When passing by just now, Qin Jiashu saw Wen Zhichu almost at a glance. The other party was very panicked. If it was someone else, he might have gone in to rescue him without hesitation, but if it was Wen Zhichu, he hesitated.

He has always been sober and shrewd, and the other party has obviously seen him. His departure can not only dispel Wen Zhichu's unrealistic admiration for him, but also make the other party feel disgusted and deterred from him, thus getting rid of the uncomfortable pushing and pulling feeling in his heart. .

But after leaving the alley, every step became heavier and heavier, as if he had dropped a thousand catties, he walked forward with a stiff face, his perfect appearance was given to everyone, but Wen Zhichu was not the only one.

He clenched his fist unconsciously, and a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, it was not the right time or the right time.

Qin Jiashu will always be number one in my heart.

The tall figure stopped in his tracks. Recalling this sentence made him feel extremely bored and restless. He needed to vent, and the ugly face in the alley was just right for him.

Maybe he found an excuse for himself, maybe he knew this excuse was outrageous and absurd in his heart, he gritted his teeth, turned around and walked back full of trepidation.

When he saw the wound on Wen Zhichu's face again, the accumulated anger reached its peak.

For a moment, he seemed helpless towards Wen Zhichu, but also thought it was towards himself.

After being beaten by someone, he looked submissive and timid. For a while, he couldn't understand why he turned back for this kind of person who usually wouldn't even look at him.

The man stood up with a painful face, looked at Qin Jiashu and cursed.

He was upset right now, the veins on his forehead popped up, Qin Jiashu kicked him to the ground with his legs raised.

The action is neat and very explosive.

Qin Jiashu picked him up from the ground, looked at Wen Zhichu indifferently, "Go back."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Huh?"

"Where did he hit you? Tell you to call back, don't you understand?"

I heard that people who read this book are very lucky, and your luck will be even better after sharing