Chapter 48:

When Wen Zhichu heard this, he looked at Qin Jiashu in a daze like a fool, no one had ever taught him to do this.

When I was a child, I was loved by my parents, and I was lively and lively. I was never bullied, and I never worried about these things. I just know not to do bad things, and just be a good and polite child according to what my parents taught me.

When he grew up, his parents left, he was kicked around like a football, tossed among relatives, he was bullied and dared not speak up, no one supported him and no one taught him to fight back.

Although there is no need for people to teach you how to fight back when you are beaten, many people will instinctively protect themselves, but Wen Zhichu forcibly suppressed it, he didn't want to cause trouble, if he fought back, it might be worse than he imagined a lot of trouble...

Wen Zhichu stood there for a while and hesitated.

Qin Jiashu looked at him without moving for a long time, and said in a piercing voice, "Don't want to?"

Wen Zhichu stammered and said, "No...don't dare."


Qin Jiashu was sullen in his heart, unable to go up or down, and said with a dark face, "Why don't you dare if I let you fight?"

This sound made Wen Zhichu tremble with fright, those who didn't know it thought that the two people standing together in the distance were the same.

The man's arm was captured behind Qin Jiashu's back, and he couldn't move it. When Wen Zhichu said he didn't dare, he was relieved for a moment and wanted to laugh out loud.

Wow, I met a living Bodhisattva.

"Let's report to the police."

Plop - Wen Zhichu felt his legs sink as soon as he finished speaking.

"You still punch me."

Wen Zhichu: ...

I didn't expect to be a living Hades.

The man panicked immediately when he heard the alarm, and looked at Wen Zhichu, "I'm sorry just now, I was agitated, I shouldn't, it's only ten yuan, it's such a big deal, so how about it, you hit me until you're happy Is it okay for you?"

As he said that, he was about to pull Wen Zhichu's hand towards his face, Qin Jiashu's dark eyes looked at his brows, and Wen Zhichu hurriedly withdrew his hand when he saw the flattering face, and took a few steps back.

In a society ruled by law, it is not advisable to control violence with violence.

Finally, the three went to the local police station.

The police officer on duty looked at the three young students walking in and asked, "Do you need any help, little comrade?"

Wen Zhichu looked at the policeman and was a little nervous for a while, "I was... robbed."

The policeman's eyes drifted away from the three of them, "Let's sit down and talk first."

After the three of them sat down, the policeman first asked the three of them for their personal information, and then said to the most seriously injured person, "Let me dictate the history of the case first, recall the time and place as much as possible, and state how I was robbed."

The man was speechless for a moment.

The police officer glanced at him and observed the injuries on his body. His cheeks were bruised and his forehead was obscured by his hair. The police officer thought he had injured his brain, and asked concerned: "I can't remember? Did you go to the hospital?" "

The man: "I am a robber."


"Ah, I'm sorry." The police officer looked at Wen Zhichu who had one side of his face swollen, "You..."

"I was... robbed."

"Okay, little comrade, can you calm down now?"

Wen Zhichu nodded.

"Then please state the case."

Wen Zhichu stumbled and gave a general account of the matter, which also explained Qin Jiashu's brave actions.

The police officer made a record of oral comfort, and asked: "The two...have you known each other before? Are they classmates or are they related to each other? Have there been any conflicts?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "No... I don't know."

For a moment, he didn't know whether it was necessary to talk about the relationship, so he said, "I am his plaintiff."

Police officer: ...

Qin Jiashu, who was sitting beside him with a dark face: ...

Then the police asked the two parties to contact their family members. Wen Zhichu pursed his lips and looked a little embarrassed. Qin Jiashu looked down at his hand on his lap that was holding the cloth, and his gaze sank.

The police officer thought it was because he didn't want to worry his family members, so he said, "Let's hit one, it's okay, and the parents can rest assured after they know about it."

Wen Zhichu's face showed embarrassment, and he didn't know how to speak for a while, and it took him a long time to say, "I... am an adult."

The policeman was taken aback for a moment, thinking that Wen Zhichu still didn't want to tell his parents what happened, and wanted to persuade him. When the female police officer next to him touched his arm and shook her head, the policeman understood.

"Excuse me."

Wen Zhichu waved his hand, " doesn't matter."

Wen Zhichu sat aside and waited for the result, then quietly looked sideways at the person beside him, the expression on the other side seemed to have not eased since he appeared.

Soon, a middle-aged man in his forties came in. When he saw his son, he yelled at him, and then begged the police comrades to remember that he was a first-time offender and forgive him once.

The policeman said seriously, "You shouldn't have told me that."

The man turned his head to look at Wen Zhichu who was sitting not far away with his head bowed and looking miserable, and he looked quite manageable.

Taking out a wad of money from the wallet, he was about to stuff it into Wen Zhichu's hand, "You take this."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook his head to push the money away, "I...I don't want it."

"Little classmate, my son is still young and only 18 years old this year, but you have to know that this kid has absolutely no bad intentions. He has been under a lot of pressure recently, and today's matter is definitely not his intention. Take this money and don't hurt your peace."

Wen Zhichu took a look at him, and his heart ached, if there were excuses for all the injuries in the world, would the injured deserve to admit that they were unlucky?

Wen Zhichu didn't look at the man's face, fearing that he would lose confidence in his words, "Eighteen... not too young."

The man was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Wen Zhichu was thinking.

"But... the case can be filed."

Hearing that the case was filed, the man's face instantly collapsed, and the fake smile on his face disappeared.

"What do you know as a student, what about your parents, ask your parents to come and talk to me."

Wen Zhichu's face tightened.

A voice came, "Don't be selfish, don't you understand?"

The man looked at Qin Jiashu, "It's none of your students' business."

Qin Jiashu was upset and irritable, and he stood up until he was 1.9 meters tall, making the man jump.

Afterwards, it has only passed the basic part of the oral interview, but if you do not agree to a private settlement, you do not agree.

Although he was a student, but the other party was tall and burly and had a scary face, he didn't dare to go up and be tough.

Then, seeing the bruises on his son's face, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, and asked Qin Jiashu with an ugly face, "How did my son get the bruises on his face? Did you hit him on purpose? Are you hurting on purpose?!"

Wen Zhichu panicked as soon as she heard it, she quickly stood up and stood in front of Qin Jiashu, "It has nothing to do with him, it's's robbed..."

Seeing that the panicked words are not easy to say, the police officer hurriedly stepped forward to comfort him, "Don't be afraid, little student, our country has no reason to be punished for being brave."

Said and looked at the man sternly, "I feel ashamed for you, this comrade, who made a child difficult."

Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this...

It was getting late, and the remaining case information still needed to be verified before the case could be filed. After the suspect was detained, Wen Zhichu and the others were asked to go back first.

Wen Zhichu thanked him and followed Qin Jiashu out of the police station.

After walking a certain distance, Wen Zhichu plucked up the courage to look at Qin Jiashu, and said sincerely, "Today I really... really thank you."

Looking at the brick road on the ground, "If not... without you..."

"You were beaten to death?"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback and wanted to say something, but was preempted.

"I told you to fight back just now, why didn't you fight back?"

The other party's voice was low and deep, like a string pressing on the heart, heavy and sharp, as long as it was pressed down lightly, it could cut flesh and blood.

Wen Zhichu, "In a society ruled by law, violence...violence is not advisable."

Qin Jiashu stepped towards him, with an unspeakable sense of oppression on his body, Wen Zhichu was a little embarrassed for a while, when the other's generous and strong chest touched him, causing him to hide back again and again.

Qin Jiashu raised his hand to press the person's cheek, "You deserve to be bullied just like you!"

Wen Zhichu looked at him in disbelief, with obvious pain and frustration in his eyes, but when he looked at Qin Jiashu, he dared not speak out, his brows drooping like a sad little animal.

Qin Jiashu frowned, and he looked like this again.

I don't know why the fire in his heart hasn't been extinguished since he saw the person tonight, but it's getting hotter and hotter, and his repressed emotions have reached their peak recently.

The slender fingers exerted a little force on the red and swollen cheeks, and the corners of the mouth curled up in a sarcastic arc, "Are you wronged?"

Wen Zhichu was in so much pain that he could only hide back, but the other party didn't give him a chance at all.

"It's because of your appearance that someone catches your attention."

Although Qin Jiashu is not qualified to say this, after all, he has had ridiculous thoughts about people before.

But it didn't prevent him from being angry with nowhere to appease. Looking at the person's fair face, he warned in a tone of voice, "If you don't do it this time, there will be a next time, and there will be countless times after the next time."

Wen Zhichu was frightened and speechless for a moment.

The opponent was tall and tall, compared with him, Wen Zhichu was not in the same order at all. The opponent's wide palm was as hot as a fire, and Wen Zhichu's breathing was a little disordered due to the heat.

The two of them were in a dark corner, and the dim light of the street lamp half-illuminated the corner. The other party's handsome appearance was hidden in the light and shadow, and his eyes were deep like a beast hiding in the depths.

"A person like you who dare not look at others when you talk so submissively deserves to be bullied. Do you think that if someone saves you once, there will be a second time? Who will make trouble for themselves when nothing happens."

Speaking of pinching the person's chin to force the other person to look at him, Wen Zhichu was forced to lift his cheeks, his fair neck raised a slight arc, and struggled without the strength to look pitifully at the mercy of others.

It seems that you can do anything to him at this time, and the other party will not resist, nor dare to resist.

"No one will help you without selfish desires, and no one will like a person who always causes trouble for others."

Wen Zhichu: "But I..."

"If you don't fight back, you're causing trouble!"

Wen Zhichu looked at him with trembling eyes.

"If you keep acting submissive like this, no one will like you..." Qin Jiashu looked at him sullenly, "I won't like you either, do you understand?"

Wen Zhichu nodded tremblingly, "Understood...understood, a weak country has no...diplomacy."

Qin Jiashu: ...