Chapter 49:

Qin Jiashu was speechless for a moment, watching the person in front of him lose his temper instantly, his inexplicable irritability was gradually subsided by reason, and suddenly felt that his behavior at this time was unreasonable and absurd.

Let go of the hand that pinched the man's cheek, and the tall figure stood there for a few seconds and turned to leave, during which time he cast Wen Zhi's first glance.

With long legs and big strides, he disappeared around the corner in a short time.

Wen Zhichu stood on the spot a little dazedly, the Tianmiao elf looked at it and thought the child was stupefied by the stimulation, so he comforted him.

[System: Don't listen to his nonsense, how could no one like you, I really like you. 】

Facing the sudden confession, Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Thank you, Sky Meow Elf."

[System: What's the matter, the man's words cannot be trusted. 】

Wen Zhichu bowed her head shyly, "But you are not human."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

After all, it was a wrong payment.

Wen Zhichu looked at the corner ahead, but there was not much sadness in his heart. He knew that Qin Jiashu's words were kind, but his tone was a bit fierce.

Although he would be somewhat dissatisfied listening to other people's emotional words, but tonight he is really grateful to the other party, grateful to the other party for helping him and standing up for him at the police station. This is the first time in nearly ten years since his parents left. The person who backs him up.

It was not too early and Wen Zhichu returned home. He still had the ice pack and medical patch that he got from the policeman's sister, which saved a huge sum of money from the pharmacy.

Qin Jiashu called a car and went home, changed his slippers and went straight back to the room, took out a pack of cigarettes from the drawer, the scattered candies in the drawer were rolling in the drawer due to the force, Qin Jiashu looked at it and felt upset.

The drawer was closed with a bang, and the cigarette was stuck in his fingertips and was not lit. Qin Jiashu stared out the window, trying to give himself a reasonable explanation for what he did today.

At first he needed to vent and hit someone, but later his behavior was uncharacteristically, he was never a nosy person.

The night outside the window was silent, only the sound of the wind blowing leaves.

His reminders and warnings to people are subconscious, no matter how conscious a person is, they will inevitably be controlled by thoughts and desires. Although he is only in a small amount of time, absurd thoughts do exist.

What was he thinking? Since he has desires for people, others will have them too. He has reason and self-control not to implement them, but others may not. When he thinks that others have this idea, he feels extremely disgusting.

Wen Zhichu left people with the inherent impression of being submissive and easy to bully, that's why someone would have such an idea.

He didn't want to interact with the other party, he rejected Wen Zhichu's approach and rejected his overtures, and at the same time he didn't suppress his desire for people. He could ignore Wen Zhichu, but he subconsciously rejected people who wanted to get close to him with the same thoughts as him.

That's why he said those words, if Wen Zhichu didn't change, there would be no shortage of people around him who thought like him.

He was just reminding the other party again.

The cigarette in his hand was lit, and a wisp of smoke hovered in the air. It didn't take long for the tobacco to be consumed, but the smell still permeated the air.

Wen Zhichu went home and took a nap. When he woke up the next morning, the redness and swelling on his cheeks had disappeared, but his face still felt a little sore when he made facial expressions. He went to school and finished the final exam. He wanted to say thank you to Qin Jiashu again. , but no one was found, and I went home with my schoolbag on my back, leaving behind the fear of facing the English test paper today.

When he got home, he started planning for the summer vacation. The first step was to find a summer job. Although he had a small savings in his hands from the previous assignments, the vacation was more than a month, not to mention he still owed foreign debts.

Wen Zhichu got up at seven o'clock the next morning.

[System: Why are you up so early, you don't respect the holiday? 】

Wen Zhichu put on her clothes, "There are too many people who respect it, I can't keep it."

After dressing and washing, he went out. Yesterday, he roughly checked the recruitment software in the same city, and finally settled on fast food restaurants and milk tea shops.

Both of them are located in the city center. Wen Zhichu stopped in front of the milk tea shop. The door of the milk tea shop was half open. The staff who had just taken over saw Wen Zhichu and asked with a smile, "What do you need?"

Wen Zhi was nervous on the first day of the junior high school, "The store... the store manager."

"Sorry, the store manager doesn't buy it."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

It was the first time it met someone who could catch Wen Zhichu's words.

Wen Zhichu adjusted his language, "I applied for the job after I contacted... the store manager."

The man understood after hearing this, and then waved, "Then come in, the store manager is behind."

Wen Zhichu thanked him politely and walked in. The store manager was cleaning the utensils at this time, seeing Wen Zhichu was stunned, "You are?"

Wen Zhichu: "I'm...applied."

The store manager was taken aback, "Is there such a thing?"

"Yesterday... on the recruitment software."

The store manager remembered it now, and smiled embarrassedly: "I'm so sorry for forgetting."

Then wiped his hands, "Sit down."

Wen Zhichu sat down, the store manager was a man who looked about twenty-five years old.

"Have you ever worked in this line before?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head honestly.

"Is there a salary requirement?"

"Two thousand and five."

"Hey! Such a coincidence, the price is the same as the price I gave in my heart."

Wen Zhichu: "There is... written in the recruitment."

Manager: ...

The store manager looked Wen Zhichu up and down, he looked quiet and didn't seem like he would make trouble, but he still expressed his dissatisfaction, "I think you're having a hard time talking."

He nodded, "I...stuttered a bit."

Usually they don't accept stuttering. After all, there are many people and time is wasted, but seeing Wen Zhichu's appearance is very good, the money at the counter should also attract other people's attention.

"Let's settle the money."

Wen Zhichu thought of the cash register in front of the counter, "I haven't used it before, but...but I can learn it."

The store manager nodded after hearing this, and deliberately said in a difficult tone, "It's okay, how about you practice for a day first."

Stuttering is an exception, but if the other party doesn't practice for a day, they won't accept it.

When Wen Zhichu heard that there was something interesting, a smile appeared on his face, "Yes."

The store manager looked at Wen Zhichu's sincere eyes and told the truth, "Actually, we don't accept people who stutter like you, but you look good. If you have the courage, you should exercise more. There are many customers in the store every day. No, you have to say a few words."

Wen Zhichu nodded.

The store manager smiled and said, "You are living on your face like this."

Then he patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, you go to the front desk and learn from others first."

Wen Zhichu got up and went to the front desk.

[System: Manager, you just said that you rely on your appearance to make a living, so why are you not surprised at all. 】

Wen Zhichu looked accustomed, "It used to be the same."


The Tianmeow Elf was speechless for a while, and she really lost her face before.

Wen Zhichu and the staff who received him at the beginning & 30 Notes 340; stood at the front desk and briefly learned how to use the cash register machine.

"In fact, WeChat payment is very popular now, and this is rarely used."

[System: Then why don't they use it at all? 】

Wen Zhichu: "It is against the law to refuse to accept RMB."

The other party was a young girl who seemed to be young. After the exchange, I found out that the other party graduated from high school and also worked here as a summer job.

Knowing that Wen Zhichu stuttered, he patted the person on the back, "It's okay, you can change it, just practice more."

Facing the kindness, Wen Zhichu nodded.

During the day, there are five people in the milk tea shop. He is responsible for receiving orders and cashiers, and sometimes the people on the side will help if they find it difficult to speak.

It took half a month to do this, and I gradually got used to it a lot.

This weekend, Chang Ji Feng was bored at home, so he fished Qin Jiashu out of the house, and discussed going to the boxing gym.

"Let's go, we discussed with the boss today and reserved a space for him."

Qin Jiashu: "Why do you suddenly want to go to the boxing gym?"

Ji Fengchang: "Hasn't it been a long time since I went?"

"That's right, someone has to blow the ashes."

Monsoon Chief: ...Fucking shit.

Passing by the downtown area, Commander Ji Feng glanced sideways, "Buy some drinks before going."

As he spoke, he asked the driver to stop, but Qin Jiashu had no choice but to follow, and the driver drove to another place to wait.

Ji Fengchang saw that there were not many people in a milk tea shop and walked over, there were only three or four people in front.

Wen Zhichu was so excited to collect money at this time, he had never seen so much money in his life, a voice suddenly came from his ear, "Can I ask him to order for me?"

"of course can."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Zhichu's arm was touched, and he unexpectedly raised his head to meet a girl who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old.

Wen Zhichu was a little nervous, "Excuse me...what do you need?"

When he came out from the side, he also jumped into the sight of the two people behind. When Qin Jiashu saw him, surprise flashed across his eyes.

Chief Ji Feng was surprised, "Fuck, you're annoying!"

His voice is not loud in public. After all, it is not good to call people nicknames when they work here. If the milk tea is poisoned in a while, it will be over.

Wen Zhichu didn't notice the two of them, but looked at the girl.

The girl replied: "I want a cup of Duoman Bobo yogurt."

Wen Zhichu nodded, "Okay...Okay."

The girl continued: "No mangoes, no yogurt, just bobo."

Ji Feng stood behind with folded arms and watched, this girl had taken a fancy to Wen Zhichu, and then planned to see the other's expression.

However, Wen Zhichu's face was flat, without any change in expression, and he made a simple voice, "Bobo...Bobo is not just for sale."

Long Monsoon:…

In the end, the girl bought an original copy and left. Wen Zhichu, who was beside them when it was Ji Feng's turn, lit up and looked at Qin Jiashu without blinking.

The other party helped him last time, but he hasn't found a chance to thank the other party.

Ji Fengchang: "Buy two cups that are the same as the girl before."

After placing the order, Wen Zhichu went to the back, looked at a production staff member and said, "Can I add more bobos to a cup?"

Some people just want bobo, bobo should be delicious.

The man looked at him in surprise, "Are there any acquaintances here?"

Wen Zhichu nodded.

"Okay, brother will give you more."

Said put a few more spoonfuls.

When submitting it, Wen Zhichu deliberately gave it separately, Ji Fengchang looked at it and said, "I'll take the note together."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, a little embarrassed, but still deliberately said, "This... this is for him."

The poisoning target is very clear.

As the two walked away, Chang Ji Feng gave the cup to Qin Jiashu, "I advise you to drink carefully, it may be poisonous for you."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him, took off the bag covering the cup to throw it away, and the transparent cup wall was instantly exposed.

Ji Fengchang: "...he wants to choke you to death."