Chapter 51:

The nanny hurriedly took out her mobile phone, "I'll call the doctor."

Qin's mother looked at Qin Jiahe who was wrinkling his small face in pain, and it took a while for the family doctor to come, "No need, you go down and ask someone to prepare the car, and go directly to the hospital."

The morning self-study on the first day of school was very noisy, and we had a good time chatting with each other before the teacher came.

The penultimate man saw Wen Zhichu and patted him on the shoulder, "Wen Zai, have you missed Dad?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head dully.

Second to last, "Don't be shy."

"I don't."

"Look, you still don't admit it."

Before Wen Zhichu could answer, he saw the penultimate flash back to his seat in the next second.

[System: Why is he moving so fast? 】

"Maybe go back to the city."


The head teacher walked into the class, and the noisy atmosphere instantly quieted down. He stood on the podium and took a look, "Students, we are now in the third year of high school, and we are no longer children. The third year of high school is an important stage in life. The teacher hopes that you can Seize every minute and every second of time..."

The head teacher spoke passionately, and after the end, he explained that the time for today's exercise was changed to the opening ceremony, "When the time comes, enter the auditorium in an orderly manner, and no one is allowed to fight. If the teacher finds out, points will be deducted directly."

As soon as the homeroom teacher finished speaking, the mechanical voice sounded in his mind, which could be described as a seamless connection.

[System: Villain task, interrupt the protagonist when the protagonist is speaking, the task time is between 9:30 and 10:30, the villain value will increase by 6% when the task is completed, the reward will be 250, and the penalty will be deducted 250 if the task fails. 】

Wen Zhichu was a little puzzled, "Why is there a special time limit this time?"

[System: Existence is reasonable. 】

Wen Zhichu said, "You don't know either."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

After the second get out of class ended at 9:30, the students were given 15 minutes of activity time. At 9:45, they went to the auditorium to participate in the opening ceremony. Cut off the other person's speech.

Just when Wen Zhichu was puzzled, Mu Qing gave the answer.

"At the opening ceremony, Qin Jiashu will speak on stage on behalf of the senior high school students."

After Wen Zhichu heard it, there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and there was no way out for him.

Sitting in the class, Qin Jiashu looked at the test papers on the table with dark eyes. The teacher on the podium was talking about knowledge points. He raised his hand and pinched the center of his brows. The outside voice was blocked from his ears and he couldn't hear it.

It seemed that there was a huge black hole hidden in his body at this time, absorbing him endlessly, and he was a little powerless. At this moment, even a pen falling on the ground would make him feel extremely noisy.

The Adam's apple was thirsty and rolled, panting heavily, the previous natural mask could no longer be maintained on the face.

For some reason, he felt that the class was extremely long. He stared at the pointer on the wall with sharp eyebrows. He thought it had been a long time, but it was only five minutes after walking on the dial.

After finally getting out of class, Qin Jiashu stood up and wanted to buy a bottle of water, but was suddenly stopped before he could leave the classroom.

It's Meng Yan. She will speak on behalf of the art students in a while, "Jia Shu, let's review the manuscript first."

Qin Jiashu smiled, his eyes were indifferent, "There will be a rehearsal at 9:30."

Meng Yan nodded, "Okay."

As he said that, he glanced at him with some embarrassment, and found that something was wrong with this glance.

"Jia Shu, what happened to your neck?"

Qin Jiashu didn't realize it, "What?"

Apparently he didn't notice at all.

Meng Yan took a step forward, "It seems that something happened."

Meng Yan's voice was not low, and it aroused many people's curiosity for a while. Some students in the class cast their eyes on this side. Qin Jiashu was standing on the side of his seat, and a few students who were closer to him also wanted to take a look.

I saw a boy stepping forward, his face suddenly changed, "Fuck! Isn't this chickenpox?!"

There was a thunder on the ground, and the people who were still around Qin Jiashu were shocked and quickly moved away after hearing it.

Someone acted hastily and kicked over the stool directly, the sound was deafening, and there were discussions all over the place.

"Qin Jiashu has chickenpox!"

"Isn't chickenpox contagious?"

"Fuck, why did he come to school when he got chickenpox?!"

"I didn't get it when I was a child, so I won't be infected."

"Don't he know it himself?"

The seat next to him was messy, and the former object of pursuit became the target of public criticism.

Cracks finally appeared on Qin Jiashu's smiling mask, and his impeccable performance was barely shattered.

He even saw the resistance in other people's eyes. This was the gaze he feared the most when he was a child. He was panting heavily, like a patient beast, and forced himself to calm down, but his body was burning hot, and he always thought clearly. The brain cannot give any instructions.

Everyone avoided it, and a sense of powerlessness swept over his body. He couldn't even say a word, and he never thought that there would be a day when he would be reduced to this.

A piece of priceless jade, if a corner is broken, it becomes a defective product.

When a classmate went to report, the head teacher of the first class learned that he came in a hurry, and hurriedly took them to the school infirmary.

Posts on the campus forums were hung high, and it didn't take long for the news of Qin Jiashu's chickenpox to spread throughout the campus.

In the second class, many students lowered their heads and swiped their phones quietly, and Wen Zhichu had already heard four shits.

I don't know what the classmates who played with their mobile phones in class saw. Wen Zhi seemed to be jumping up and down in the field in the first day of junior high school, not knowing where the melons were.

It wasn't until after class that people talked about it that Qin Jiashu had chickenpox and was now in the infirmary.

Wen Zhichu was startled, "Shouldn't he have the aura of the protagonist?"

[System: Maybe the author is a stepmother. 】


Qin Jiashu was taken to the school doctor's office, and then took a medical mask and put it on his face. The school doctor had no choice but to call the parents.

The head teacher dialed the number of Qin Jiashu's parents, but no one answered. The school doctor and the head teacher stood outside, and Qin Jiashu stayed in the school doctor's room alone.

Although there is only one door across, it makes people feel isolated from the world.

After all, chickenpox is an infectious disease. The head teacher had to report it, and the students in Class 1 couldn't go to the auditorium for the time being. They communicated with Qin Jiashu through the door and left the phone to him to contact his parents before leaving in a hurry.

The school doctor had never had chickenpox, so he still guarded the door, leaving only Qin Jiashu inside, and was asked to sign, say hello, and leave for a while.

For a moment, Qin Jiashu's world was terribly quiet. Looking at the unconnected call records on his mobile phone, his eyes were darkened, he was restless and powerless, and felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

The voices of discussion lingered beside his ears, and those faces looking at him in horror, and disgusted gazes, just one glance was like a red iron brand on his body.

The dark shadow in the memory reappeared, and he opened his **** mouth sarcastically, "The teacher didn't say it all, if Jiashu is not excellent, no one will like it."

"If you are like this, the teacher won't like it, parents won't like it, and no one will like a child like you."


A slight & #记30340; sound of impact was caught off guard, pulling Qin Jiashu back from his memories, and looking for his reputation, he could see a figure through the glass on the door.

Qin Jiashu stepped forward, and just as he reached the door, a fluffy head popped out.

Qin Jiashu's pupils shrank, and his originally dead eyes were full of surprise.

[System: What are you doing, ghost probe. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

There are regulations on the task time, Qin Jiashu can't go to give a speech, and the original body has chickenpox and has antibodies when he was a child, so Wen Zhichu took advantage of the fifteen minutes of free time after the second period to find the protagonist.

The handsome face in the past was now covered by the mask, and Qin Jiashu's neck had already developed a lot of chickenpox, making it very uncomfortable to watch.

Wen Zhichu wanted to open the door and go in, but the door just opened a crack but was slammed shut.

Qin Jiashu's patience with his surroundings reached its limit, "Are you crazy?!"

Wen Zhichu looked at him with clear eyes, "Let me...see you."

Qin Jiashu frowned, "Let's go."

Wen Zhichu glanced at him, pursed her lips and shook her head.

"I have chickenpox."

"I know."

Qin Jiashu was taken aback.

Wen Zhichu could clearly hear a sense of powerlessness from the other party's voice, as if he was being dragged down infinitely in a swamp, Qin Jiashu at this time was different from what he usually saw.

The other party usually does everything in an orderly manner, but when he closed the door just now, he could clearly see the panic in the other party's eyes, the fierceness towards him was gone, and for a while, his usual fear of people was gone.

At this time, Qin Jiashu was very different from before, the arrogance on his body seemed to be suppressed.

"How are you?"

The other party's voice came softly through the crack of the door, but Qin Jiashu didn't know how to answer.

" must be suffering. I can see that your eyes are red."

The other party's concern directly touched his heart, Qin Jiashu unconsciously clenched his hand on the doorknob, and stared fixedly at the person outside the door.

He has always maintained a perfect appearance, never expecting anyone to like his true self in private, and even resists himself deep in his heart.

He never gave Wen Zhichu a perfect appearance, but after he was pushed away again and again, the other party appeared by his side again without hesitation.

It seems that I don't know the hardships and don't know the timidity.

The other party's eyes were a little too hot. Wen Zhichu was a little unnatural at first, but he still tried his best to talk to the people inside. People who are sick will feel uneasy to some extent. It's gone, no matter what, he will be the other party's father for one more day.

Even though Qin Jiashu's excellence often makes people ignore other things, but the other party is only eighteen years old.

He imitated the tone of his parents when he was sick as a child.

"You...don't scratch the chickenpox on your body, you know, you know, if it breaks, it will...infect it, and it will leave a scar. If it leaves...a scar, I don't really mind it, but...but it's not good-looking."

"Are you suffering? Do you want... want to eat? I still have... a bun in my pocket. If you don't mind..."

He struggled to speak, stuttered, and blushed for a long time, but he still worked very hard to pronounce the words. He looked at him with very concerned eyes. After he finished speaking, he actually took a bun out of his pocket. Bag covered.

"Do you eat meat...meat&记#30340;."

When he said this, Wen Zhichu seemed to be talking about something precious, his eyes were so bright that people couldn't move their eyes away.