Chapter 52:

His body was burning hot, Qin Jiashu looked at the people outside with scarlet eyes, his eyes were fiery.

He also fantasized when he was a child, if he was not outstanding, would someone simply like him and come for him.

Although this idea didn't persist, it was deeply rooted in his heart, but what he never expected was that this person would be Wen Zhichu.

Qin Jiashu said in a hoarse voice, "Aren't you afraid that I have an infectious disease?"

Perhaps because of the fever, Qin Jiashu's eyes were full of exhaustion.

Wen Zhichu blinked twice and looked at him, unexpectedly Qin Jiashu asked this question, such an arrogant person would also ask others how they feel when they take off their disguise in private.

Something is wrong, something is really wrong.

"Sky Meow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

"Do you think the protagonist is also afraid?"

[System: Why don't you comfort him. 】

Okay, Wen Zhichu said immediately, "Don't be afraid."

Qin Jiashu was taken aback.

I saw the other party smiling brightly, "Shouldn't die."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Sky Meow Elf: ...

[System: You are really good at comforting people. 】

Wen Zhichu smiled and touched his head, "That's ridiculous."

Sky Meow Elf: I'm not praising you, okay! !

You can just send him on his way.

Seeing people stop talking, Wen Zhichu tried his best to sell the buns in his hand again, "It's... very delicious, with thin skin and lots of meat, and it's also... cheap."

I'm quite satisfied with that.

The steamed stuffed bun shop in front of the school, pay for it!

Qin Jiashu looked at the people outside the door, his eyes were not distracted by the buns in their hands.

[System: Why do I feel that he doesn't want to eat buns, but seems to want to eat you. 】

Wen Zhichu: "You think too much."

Sky Meow Elf:?

"Cannibalism is against the law."

[System: What does this matter? 】

Wen Zhichu: "What kind of talk is this, Jinjiang will never allow the protagonist to be a legal coffee!"

The Tianmeow elf suddenly realized.

[System: So that's it, I thought it was still in Haitang. 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled, "Where is that?"

[System: It's a mysterious place, web searches are all 404. 】

"Then how do you know him?"

[System: My previous host was there. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It turned out to be that wonderful person.

Looking at Wen Zhichu's fascinated gaze, the Tianmiao elf was taken aback.

[System: Are you looking forward to it? 】

Wen Zhichu: "The scenery there must be beautiful."

The Tianmiao elf was speechless for a while, it was hard to say whether she was beautiful or not, but she was pretty.

[Tianmiao elf slammed his mouth: It's okay, the color of the scenery is quite single, only yellow. 】

Wen Zhichu understood that he didn't ask any more questions, after all, he might not be able to go if he asked, then he looked at Qin Jiashu with hot eyes.

Holding a steamed bun in his hand, eat one is written all over his face.

The other party's eyes were too clear and sincere, and he couldn't bear to turn his eyes away. He liked Wen Zhichu's face in the early morning, so looking at him like this at this time was really a bit of a foul.

The young man was as bright as a galaxy, looking at him expectantly, wanting him to open the door and try his buns.

At this time, Qin Jiashu's mind was a little confused due to the high fever, and his thinking and actions could not be as clear and accurate as usual, and a voice kept shouting.

Just open the door.

Obviously there is only one door in front of me, but Qin Jiashu is a little stunned.

What was the door that was supposed to open.

The hand holding the doorknob was strained with veins, looking at the people outside the door, his eyes were already bloodshot.

His voice was rough, and his broad and strong chest heaved up and down.

However, in the end, the remaining rationality defeated the brain. He knew in his heart that what he had was an infectious disease, and no matter what happened to the people outside, it would be irresponsible for him to open the door.

Qin Jiashu never allowed him to regret what he did.

But looking at the expectant eyes of the people outside the door, he couldn't refuse the other party as hard as usual for a while.

Maybe the other party really gave him kindness, or maybe he really needs Wen Zhichu at this time.

"Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu looked up at him, Qin Jiashu's voice was hoarse.

[System: This voice seems familiar. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: Your voice was the only one at the last sports meeting. 】

This mouthful of the Sahara Desert was no different from Wen Zhi's throat-breaking voice at that time.

Sure enough, feng shui turns around, and the sky will spare no one.

Wen Zhichu understood it, no wonder he felt that Qin Jiashu's gentle call to him just now was completely different from before, it turned out to be a **** mechanical memory.

Qin Jiashu: "I..."

Before Qin Jiashu could speak, he heard a loud explosion in the distance, "Student over there! What are you doing?!"

He stood inside the door, and through the glass, he could clearly see Wen Zhichu's whole body trembling.

A familiar voice came to his ears, and Wen Zhichu saw a figure in the distance hugging his face suddenly.

Dean! !

A whole faceless state.

Because she was covering her face, the bun in her hand fell to the ground. Seeing the dean coming this way, Wen Zhichu didn't even bother to check for a moment.

"Goodbye...goodbye, come on."

After leaving a few words, Wen Zhichu ran in the opposite direction of the dean.

The next moment Qin Jiashu saw another chubby figure flashing past the door.

Qin Jiashu: ...

When the dean heard that Qin Jiashu had chickenpox, he came over to take a look, but he saw other students at the door, and his heart immediately rose to his throat.

"Student over there! Which class are you in! Who is the head teacher!!"

Seeing that figure run away, the dean chased after him.

Wen Zhichu's heart suddenly rang an alarm.

The dean looked at that figure and became more and more familiar, "Isn't it Wen Zhichu!!"

Wen Zhichu was so frightened that he hurriedly rejected himself, "'s not Wen Zhichu."

[System: What are you doing, deceiving your ears? 】

In the next second, there was a loud bang, "Wen Zhichu!!"

Tianmiao shook his head when he saw it.

[System: You said you were fine, why did you lie to him. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

That explosion would definitely not be able to yell out without any internal energy, if it weren't for the walls in the corridor, it would definitely resound through the sky.

Wen Zhichu wanted to cry for a moment, but she didn't dare to stop, because if she stopped, she would die.

How could he be so unlucky.

[System: Twenty-one develops a habit, you are a little lucky about this unlucky thing. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Seeing that the dean was still chasing after him, Wen Zhichu had no choice but to use his trump card, and stopped stuttering when he was frightened, "No fighting in the corridor! The teacher leads by example!"

"..." Dean: "Little brat, don't let me catch you! Remember!"

Wen Zhichu:! !

After Wen Zhichu left, the surroundings returned to tranquility again. Qin Jiashu was about to turn around and walk back, but he glanced around and found something.

I saw the white and fat bun that Wen Zhichu was holding in his hand, now it was wrapped in a plastic bag and lying alone on the ground.

Qin Jiashu didn't move for a while, and stood there watching for a long time.

Ventilate on time, the glass windows in the school corridors are wide open, the wind in the early autumn is not enough to blow off the lush leaves on the branches, but the wind is slight but tangible, and the frivolous blowing of the branches and leaves is its trace.

The sun was shining brightly outside, and two voices came from the silent corridor.

Looking again, the bun lying on the ground alone had long since disappeared, and the tightly closed door showed signs of loosening.

Wen Zhichu was out of breath, and didn't know it, he thought it was because he met a strong opponent while participating in the marathon.

Finally, when he was almost downstairs, he shouted again that he had antibodies to chickenpox, and the dean gave up chasing him.

If you don't get it, today's ups and downs will make people go home.

[System: Ding! The task is completed, the villain value is 60%, and the reward is RMB250. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, wondering when he interrupted Qin Jiashu's speech just now.

[System: It's not you, it's roundworms. 】

"Then why did I complete the task."

[System: Because the other party interrupted because of you. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Good guy, there is such a blatant logical loophole.

Wen Zhichu looked at the electronic clock in the hall on the first floor, the opening ceremony was about to begin, and he would be late if he didn't go.

Wen Zhichu ran all the way to the auditorium, looked at the time and it was exactly 9:45, and then found the class to sit down, gasping for breath.

[System: This incident taught us to the end. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...It's started again, Teacher Meow.

[System: Human potential is infinite, just like you were chased just now. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: You just broke your own world record for 1,000 meters, which has been refreshed to four minutes. Congratulations on passing. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

That was a real joy.

The penultimate one looked at him like this, "What did you do, you're so tired?"

Wen Zhichu's face was numb, as if he didn't want to recall the fear of being dominated by the teaching director, "...challenging the limits of the human body."

Then his eyes fell to a large empty space.

The penultimate one followed his gaze and explained: "That's the position of the first class. Didn't Qin Jiashu have chickenpox? The school asked his class to go home or go back to the dormitory first. The classroom had to be disinfected. The next day Come again."

He said tut-tut and said, "I didn't expect to get a day off on the first day of school. When will this good thing come to me."

Unconsciously thinking of Qin Jiashu's burnt scarlet eye sockets in his mind, Wen Zhichu looked serious, "'s hard."

The penultimate: "That's right, you can't say what you said just now."

After sitting for a while, Wen Zhichu asked curiously, "What about the opening ceremony...why hasn't it started yet?"

The penultimate one explained: "I don't know that you came late. Wasn't it originally scheduled to start at 45 and 50? The temporary notice was delayed by ten minutes just now, and it will start at ten o'clock."


"Qin Jiashu's third year of high school represented the first bat, and he can't come now."

Wen Zhichu made a doubtful voice, "That's okay... Let the second person speak first, and it's also a note from the third year of high school."

Second to last: "Meng Yan, the representative of the third year of high school art students, contacted Qin Jiashu and went home, but she can't come."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Good guy, the house is leaking and it rains all night, if you want to get it together, you can get it together.

[System: This incident teaches us a truth. 】

Wen Zhichu: "No, Teacher Meow, I don't want to hear it."

[System: Everything must be fully prepared. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Hello, have you listened to the speech?"

[System: Tomorrow or the accident does not necessarily come first. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

as long as you are happy.