Chapter 53:

Qin Jiashu was sitting in the infirmary. After the dean came, Qin's mother's mobile phone was connected. She was shocked to hear that Qin Jiashu also had chickenpox, and hurriedly responded: "I will rush to school immediately."

Qin Jiashu sat on the bed with his head bowed, his scarlet eyes staring at the bun in his hand, like a wounded beast lurking in a black cave, breathing heavily, obviously the fever was serious at this moment.

The memories in my mind were mixed like mountains and rivers, and my eyes went dark, as if I saw the figure of Dao.

He was tall, holding a teaching ruler in his hand, and smacked the child's immature palm one after another until the skin became red and swollen. He conveyed his thoughts to the child with plausible words.

If he is not outstanding, no one will love him. This tutor has a very good reputation, otherwise the Qin family would not have looked for him. In order to highlight his ability and reputation, only Qin Jiashu won the first place when reporting to the husband and wife who are far away from abroad. news.

His ability is recognized by the husband and wife, and his salary and treatment are naturally unusual.

But people's desires are endless, as long as Qin Jiashu is always excellent and makes no mistakes, he can get more, so the teaching ruler waving high has become a part of Qin Jiashu's growth.

Holding the recording of the call with Qin's mother in his hand, "Look, is it true that Jiashu's parents will be happy only when Jiashu wins the first place? Did parents call back when Jiashu won the second and third place?"

That little figure looked at the phone, his immature face was full of anticipation and longing in sadness.

At only five or six years old, which child does not need the love and company of his parents? At this time, the phone call from his parents is what he looks forward to the most. All the children at school have their parents to answer, but he does not.

Only when he becomes excellent and keeps taking the first place, others will love him.

This thought is like the root of a tree stuck in the ground, and it will continue to spread downward as time goes by.

Even if Qin Jiashu later figured out the ugliness of the priest's teachers, the idea that if he is not excellent, no one will love him is deeply buried in his heart, and he can't get rid of it, even if he has a cramp, he can't even try to get rid of it.

Qin Jiashu closed his eyes in pain, trying to shake off the memories, a slender figure unconsciously appeared in his mind.

He opened his eyes and looked at the steamed stuffed bun in his hand, that was the only coolness his hot body felt at this moment, just like that stubborn and paranoid thought, there was a crack at the moment he opened the door today.

Maybe that's what he needs.

Because of the chickenpox infection, a group of students got a day off on the first day of school.

This school seems to be opened, but it seems not to be opened.

Qin Jiashu also gave the school a two-week leave, and he can only come to school after he recovers and is no longer contagious.

On the second day of school, not long after Wen Zhichu arrived in class, Mu Qing came by her side.

The two looked at each other, and he saw pity in Mu Qing's eyes.

[System: Why does she seem to be pitying you? 】

Wen Zhichu: "The English teacher is looking for me."

[System: It's time to hit the road, that's pretty pitiful. 】


Wen Zhichu got up and went to the English group with a nervous expression on his face. Standing in front of the door, he was still thinking about how to organize the language.

[System: Stop organizing. 】

"When a man is judged, he has to find some excuse for himself."

[System: It's useless, anyway, I won't remember it if I get nervous for a while. 】

Wen Zhichu's face was numb: Are you so happy?

Then he took a deep breath, knocked on the door twice and walked in.

At this time, the English teacher of Class 11 was sitting there drinking tea leisurely, with a friendly smile on his face, without any sign of anger.

[System: She seems easy-going. 】

Wen Zhichu swallowed, her heart beating in her chest, this appearance was just the calm before the storm.

Wen Zhichu came to the desk and stammered, "Old...teacher."

The English teacher looked at Wen Zhichu with a smile, "You are here."

Wen Zhi was a little uncomfortable with the sudden easygoing of the English teacher in the first grade of junior high school, but she nodded obediently.

"Teacher, you... why did you drink tea instead?" He remembered that milk tea often appeared on the table of the English teacher last semester, and the drinking water was also bottled water. He had never seen drinking tea.

The English teacher looked at him with a smile, "I'm not angry with you."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Wen Zhichu wanted to cry for a moment, but he knew that things were not as simple as he thought.

The English teacher took out the English test paper at the end of last semester and slapped it on the desk, "See for yourself how many points you get."

Sixty-eight in red ink hangs high on the top of the scroll, as if this is not a test paper but Wen Zhichu's verdict.

Wen Zhichu lowered her head, "Six...sixty-eight."

The English teacher couldn't pretend anymore, and stopped drinking tea, but he raised his hand and pinched Wen Zhichu's face in anger, with little strength, it was obviously crazy to make such a move.

Wen Zhichu's skin was pale, and a red mark suddenly appeared on his face. He looked at the English teacher in a daze, "Old... Teacher, don't be angry."

"I'm not angry, how can I not be angry?!" English teacher: "Before the monthly exam was sixty-nine, the final was sixty-eight. Tell me where you lost your points?"

Wen Zhichu picked up the test paper on the table and read it from the beginning to the end. The composition lived up to expectations. The last time it scored six points, this time it scored five points.

"I lost it on the composition." Wen Zhichu said, "The teacher didn't... didn't give the paper points."

"…My fault."

Wen Zhichu's first voice: "My... fault."

The English teacher took a deep breath, "Did you apply for the club?"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, ""

Now that I am in the third year of high school, I don't understand what the English teacher means to report to the club. Logically speaking, this stage is mainly about learning, and I don't have time to join the club at all.

English teacher: "Just today you go to the English club in the third year of high school."

Wen Zhichu: "Teacher...wouldn't it be a little bad, you won't be able to study if you go to the club."

Unexpectedly, the English teacher said, "Going to the club is to let you study."

Wen Zhichu:?

Senior three club time is two days a week, and discuss with the school to set the time period for physical exercise class.

Although Wen Zhichu didn't understand, she still nodded in agreement.

Then I saw the English teacher sitting back on the office chair with a sad face, "Wen Zhichu, can you really not learn?"

Wen Zhichu pursed his lips. Hearing the English teacher's powerless words, he lowered his head in shame. How many students can get the teacher's focus on grades? How many students can there be in a class? Although the English teacher is strict with him, it is also for his own good , but his grades have not come up, but he failed the good intentions of the English teacher.

"Teacher... I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry to the teacher. Your grades haven't come up after such a long time. Maybe the teacher didn't teach well."

"No..." Wen Zhichu quickly waved his hands, " teach very well."


Wen Zhichu nodded.

"But your score has been unable to improve, and it has not increased but decreased. It is the worst of all subjects. Doesn't this mean that the teacher is not good at teaching? You can score in other subjects, but English is not good."


The English teacher looked sad, "Actually, the teacher doesn't want to ask you too much. I'm satisfied if you can get 100 points in this monthly exam."

Wen Zhichu was a little embarrassed, "Teacher... is it okay to be eighty?"

The English teacher felt dejected, "It seems that the problem is still my teaching."

Wen Zhichu had no choice but to bite the bullet, "One... one hundred points."

When the voice fell to the ground, the English teacher's expression changed instantly, and he picked up the tea leisurely, "Okay, this is nothing to do with you, you can go back."

[System: Young man, you are indeed too young. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

With a score of 100 in the monthly English test, Wen Zhichu immediately felt a mountain of pressure, but he still listened to the English teacher's advice and applied to the English club. He thought that the English club would definitely have requirements for English scores. Tell him the time of the event.

The doubts in Wen Zhichu's heart grew bigger and bigger, until Friday's physical activity class opened the door of the English club, and saw Zhou Qing sitting in it.

Wen Zhichu was speechless for a while.

[System: Isn't this your patient? 】

"The English teacher didn't lie to me, she really asked me to learn."

[System: How do you say this? 】

"Where there is Zhou Qing, there is learning."

A group of introverted kings never do anything unrelated to study.

At this time, there were three people in the English club, Zhou Qing and Mu Qing were at the same table with her, and Wen Zhichu succeeded in becoming the only male in the English club.

After getting to know Mu Qing, I realized that although it is a club on the surface, it is also a study room that is tacitly approved by the school. The physical exercise class is shared by the whole school, and the students in the third year of high school will naturally want to study hard, but the class is too noisy during the physical exercise class. , so the various associations in the third year of high school have become self-study rooms by default, and the school also turns a blind eye.

In order to score 100 points in the monthly exam, Wen Zhichu almost every day opened his eyes and closed his eyes in English. He studied English for more than half a month, and he was a little dumbfounded.

The next morning, as soon as I walked to the school gate, I saw the students who were slightly gathered together in front of me. One of them was tall and straight, standing out from the crowd.

It was none other than Qin Jiashu. Half a month had passed, and the other party's chickenpox should have been cured. At this time, people around him were asking about his health, with the same smile on his face.

The other party seemed to sense something, and turned his eyes to Wen Zhichu's direction.

The latter trembled for a moment and left in a hurry.

It is undeniable that after what happened last time, Qin Jiashu's view of him has indeed changed. Looking at the figure that hastily left, maybe he can tolerate the other party's liking for him. As long as he doesn't cross the border, he can turn a blind eye Close one eye and act as if you didn't see it. As for the response, it is impossible.

Returning to the class is naturally unavoidable from all directions. Qin Jiashu responded naturally, but Ji Fengchang kept whispering in his ears.

After all, without Qin Jiashu in the past two weeks, his game has been relegated.

Self-study in the morning and the end of the English class meant something urgent, so Qin Jiashu went to deliver the collected workbooks, and Qin Jiashu followed when he just came back, and the monsoon was full of fresh energy.

As soon as he reached the corner of the third floor, he bumped into Wen Zhichu who suddenly appeared. The other party was obviously taken aback, and the paper in his hand fell out.

Floating to Ji Feng's long feet, he picked it up and laughed instantly, "Fuck, why is your English so good, you answered with your feet?"

Wen Zhichu's cheeks flushed instantly, his eyes were flustered, Qin Jiashu frowned.

Wen Zhichu raised his hand and hurried away, for fear that others would laugh at him.

After the other party left, Chief Ji Feng didn't stop laughing, "His English score is ninety-two."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him and said indifferently, "Your English is good?"

Ji Fengchang blurted out, "I just passed the final English last time."

After speaking, the smile froze instantly.

The passing score for English is 90.