Chapter 55:

After the words fell, Qin Jiashu's expression sank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The sharp eyebrows and eyes fell on the sentence openwater, and no emotion could be seen. Wen Zhichu felt an invisible sense of oppression in an instant, and hurriedly closed his mouth and pretended to be dumb.

For some reason, Zhou Qing didn't come today. At this moment, there were only Qin Jiashu and him in the activity room. For a while, Wen Zhichu didn't even dare to breathe, as if it was his fault to breathe now.

Qin Jiashu closed his eyes, unable to understand English for the first time.

Wen Zhichu quietly reached out his hand, wanting to take back the composition, "How about I write another one, it should be better."

Try to write something that the other party can understand.

Qin Jiashu didn't know how the other party's excellent writing could improve himself, so he held down the test paper that was slowly drawn away with his big hand, like the supreme judge, unstoppable, "Continue."

Wen Zhichu shrank her neck in fright, hooked her fingers under the table together, "Could it be... Could it be something bad."

Qin Jiashu looked at him, and the other party was also not good at writing, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Not good for you."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Qin Jiashu took a deep breath and forced his eyes to return to the test paper. He thought that the previous openwater had given him a lesson from the past, and he could accept everything that followed, but when he looked away, Qin Jiashu's eyelids twitched.

"what is this?"

Wen Zhichu glanced at him mischievously, and then said two words, "Goji berries..."

Looking at the dogup on the test paper, Qin Jiashu didn't move at all.

[System: Ding! The task is completed, the villain value is 64%, and the reward is RMB250. 】

Hearing that the mission was completed, Wen Zhichu was so guilty that he didn't even dare to look at Qin Jiashu, wishing he could find a place to hide.

The composition center revolves around the differences between Chinese and Western cultures, and the composition literally shows the combination of Chinese and Western cultures.

What a contradiction.

It is clear that the thought content wants to express as much as possible, but the simple literal English translation runs in the opposite direction, like a wild horse running wildly on the road in the opposite direction.

Wen Zhichu: "Sky Meow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

[System: Where is the intention? 】

"Make him feel better."

[System: That's not necessary. 】

On Wen Zhichu's fluffy head, there was a stamp:?

[System: If you write another article, it will be regarded as harm. 】


Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Wen Zhichu said cautiously, "Why don't...don't look, I'm afraid..."

Before Wen Zhichu could speak, she heard the other party answer: "Afraid you'll make me mad?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

Seeing the man's timid expression, Qin Jiashu said, "Look at the question."

This time, he did not continue to read the composition, but directly pointed out the main points of the mistakes to Wen Zhichu, first of all, the problem of vocabulary and word order.

Wen Zhichu listened obediently and did not dare to refute.

A class lasts only forty minutes, and more than half of it has been spent from the time the two of them met to when Wen Zhichu finished writing the composition. As soon as Qin Jiashu pointed out that Wen Zhichu hadn't given a solution to his problem, the get out of class bell rang first.

The crisp bell rings in the ears, as if hearing the triumphant song of victory, it is no better than the bell after school!

Wen Zhichu restrained his excitement, pretended to be sorry&#记30340;Looked at the other party, with regret in his voice, "It's time... get out of class is over, thank you for today."

He stood up cautiously.

"Did I let you go?"

Wen Zhichu's raised buttocks sat back in an instant.

Qin Jiashu's face was grim, as if counting nine cold days, and he didn't plan to let him go until there were two or three minutes before class.

Wen Zhichu saw that the person had finished speaking and hurriedly packed up his things, but just as he was about to pick up the dictionary, he saw Qin Jiashu mark it with a pen a few times.

"Next time."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Huh?"

Qin Jiashu frowned, "Don't want to?"

Wen Zhichu shook like a rattle for the first time, "No... no, back."

As he spoke, he wanted to cry but picked up the English dictionary. Unexpectedly, there would be a next time. There were more than 300 words and grammar ticked by the other party.

Qin Jiashu has always been serious in his work, has extremely high demands on himself, and his self-control ability is quite amazing. When he sees Wen Zhichu's appallingly bad English, he can't help feeling a little headache, and unconsciously sets his own standards on the other party.

Seeing the bewildered expression of the person holding the dictionary, Qin Jiashu was silent, "As much as you can recite."

After finishing talking, he looked at Wen Zhichu again, and went straight out of the activity room.

Seeing that class was about to start, Wen Zhichu had no choice but to go back to the classroom with his things in his arms.


[System: Young man, so young, why are you sighing. 】

The class is self-study, Wen Zhichu opened the dictionary and looked at more than 300 words and grammar, "The protagonist could have killed me directly, but he also drew the words and grammar for me."

[System: Nothing is difficult in this world, as long as there is a heart. 】

It has been half a month since I opened my eyes and closed my English, and there was no end in sight. For a moment, Wen Zhichu felt that he was the most miserable child in the world.

But tending towards the protagonist's obscenity, Wen Zhichu still memorized words honestly.

After memorizing fifty, Wen Zhichu said, "Tianmeow Elf, can you test me again?"

[System: What do you think of me, your learning machine? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Siri doesn't have that function."

[System: Start spelling now, erupt. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

After one pass, the word survival rate is only 60%.


Before Wen Zhichu could sigh by himself, he heard the person on the side help him first, but when he turned his head, he saw the penultimate one with a sad face.

Wen Zhichu was puzzled, "Why... why are you sighing?"

The penultimate: "You said it's autumn, why don't I have a girlfriend yet."

"Don't you...don't believe in love?"

"Before was before, now is now."

Wen Zhichu, oh, oh, he has no right to speak in this regard, so he didn't say anything more.

"Didn't you say that Yuelao always leads people with red strings? Why did mine disappear?"

Wen Zhichu: "'s cold, so let's knit a sweater with red thread."

second last:…

are you a devil

After three days of memorizing vocabulary and grammar one after another, it was time for club activities again. I am afraid that this time it will be him and Qin Jiashu. Wen Zhichu walked to Mu Qing's seat, "Mu...Mu Qing, are you going to the club today?"

Mu Qing and her deskmate looked at him and said, "Go, what's the matter?"

"'s nothing." He said it was nothing, but in fact he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Qing and her deskmate stood up, "Shall we go together?"

Wen Zhichu made a gregarious voice, "Okay...Okay."

As he said that, he picked up his things and left the classroom together. On the way, Wen Zhichu was apprehensive, but he thought that there were others in Qin Jiashu who would maintain their appearance and not be too aggressive towards him, otherwise it would not fit his personality.

[System: Are you not afraid anymore? 】

Wen Zhichu: "We have a lot of people."

[System: You are really not afraid of the Chinese teacher being sad. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Sorry, Chinese teacher, dare to do it next time.

Wen Zhichu went to the activity room and sat down. Not long after, Zhou Qing and Qin Jiashu also walked in.

When Mu Qing and her deskmate saw Qin Jiashu, their eyes were full of surprise, and they stared straight at him. Zhou Qing already knew the situation and was not too surprised.

In the activity room, the two long tables were side by side, sitting opposite to each other. At this time, only the seat next to Wen Zhichu was vacant, and Qin Jiashu went straight to sit down.

Almost the moment the other party approached, Wen Zhichu straightened his back suddenly, as if Qin Jiashu was more effective than Back Back Jia.

At this time, the two were close, and the elegant fragrance from the other person's body came to the tip of their noses. Wen Zhichu rubbed his face to cheer himself up, after all, he was going to face a fierce battle afterwards.

At this time, the activity room claimed to be the Three Schools, Mu Qing and the tablemate exchanged questions, Zhou Qing took out his mobile phone in the corner to watch the explanatory video, Qin Jiashu and Wen Zhichu took tutoring.

After Wen Zhichu took out the pen and paper, he began to write silently.

The other party's voice was low, and the two were so close that they seemed to be able to feel the vibration of the chest cavity, which made Wen Zhichu's ears itch.

The other party read a word he didn't know, and Wen Zhichu scrambled to write it for a long time, but he couldn't write it out, but he was afraid that the other party would see his body bent lower and lower, and wanted to block the paper.

The next moment he felt a chill on the back of his neck, Qin Jiashu lifted him up.

"You want to be on the table?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

After writing it down silently, the survival rate of correct English is dismal. Wen Zhichu looked at the red crosses, and dared not look at Qin Jiashu.

Qin Jiashu looked at him coldly, "Is this your effect?"

Wen Zhichu pursed his lips and nodded, then quietly glanced at Qin Jiashu, as if looking at a small animal that was much bigger than himself.

Feeling like crying for a while, he scanned Mu Qing, Zhou Qing and the others, and found that they were not surprised by Qin Jiashu's seriousness and indifference.

Wen Zhichu thought for a long time but didn't understand why.

At this time, the Sky Meow Elf opened his mouth.

[System: Young man, do you know that parents help children study? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I know."

[System: You are in this state now. It's not that they don't want to be surprised by Qin Jiashu's bad face, but they know your English well. 】


Good guy, it was he who restricted their imagination.

Wen Zhichu sat anxiously in his seat, clearly feeling that Qin Jiashu was in a very bad mood now.

After a class of practice, Qin Jiashu's face did not ease until the end of get out of class. Zhou Qing and the others had left the happy time after class. Wen Zhichu sat next to Qin Jiashu and wrote something and dared not leave.

After completing the questions, he showed them to others. Qin Jiashu circled the places where people made mistakes with a red pen, and then asked Wen Zhichu to talk about his thinking on solving the questions.

Wen Zhichu lowered his head, stammered for a long time and couldn't speak well, leaving only a round head.

Qin Jiashu frowned, "Look at me."

After being beaten up for a class, Wen Zhichu raised his head to look at Qin Jiashu, his clear eyes flickered, his clean face was full of grievances, his lips were pursed and he couldn't stop talking, and he said with aggrieved words: " It's too fierce."

Qin Jiashu's hand holding the pen froze, as if something had hit his heart hard.