Chapter 56:

Wen Zhichu held the pen tightly in his hand, and a little black ink had leaked out when the tip of the pen touched the paper.

In one class, Qin Jiashu's face was stern and terrifying, and Wen Zhichu was worried, as if the person sitting next to him was a living king of Hades, deeply afraid that if the other party was unhappy, he would draw a mark on his life and death spectrum.

After he finished speaking, he didn't dare to look at the other party, and stared blankly at the wrong question on the paper.

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook her head in fright.

Looking at the stuffed bun and ignoring him, Qin Jiashu opened his mouth to reason with him, but he didn't say anything in the end.

"After finishing this question, get out of class is over."

Although Wen Zhichu's little complaints were ignored, her voice softened a bit after all.

He was a little unhappy with the change in his tone in his heart, and his eyes turned indifferently on Wen Zhichu. He didn't know how to recite a few words, but he was pretty good at talking.

But he had to admit that he followed suit.

After the end, Qin Jiashu drew the vocabulary and grammar again.

Wen Zhichu glanced at it, and saw that the amount was not much different from last time. Although it was a lot, he also knew that the other party was kind enough to help him, otherwise the other party would not be embarrassed when he silently wrote and read the results today.

"I will... I will memorize it well."

Qin Jiashu looked down at him. In fact, the other party's grades had nothing to do with him, but the results given by Wen Zhichu challenged his desire to win, and he never gave up halfway. Putting down a stall is like a tofu dregs project.

He said in a cold voice, "I hope you're not just talking."

"no, I can not."

As he said that, Wen Zhichu took out five yuan and handed it to the other party.

Qin Jiashu frowned: "I don't charge money."

Wen Zhichu: "This... put this at your place first, next time I will write it silently, and you...give it to me again, to prove that what I said is not a lie."

[System: Young man, think it over, five yuan, that's a huge sum of money. 】

Wen Zhichu: "There will be returns only if there is investment."

[System: This is the first time I've seen someone investing in me. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Qin Jiashu looked at the banknotes falling in his hand, "Then what if you didn't write it properly?"

Wen Zhichu was a little confused when he heard it, obviously he hadn't thought about what to do if he didn't memorize it well, so he choked out a sentence after a long time, "Then I... I'll post another forty-five."

Qin Jiashu:?

"If you fake it, you will pay ten."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Finally, a consensus was reached, and Wen Zhichu watched Qin Jiashu eagerly take the investment funds and leave.

For a while, the Tianmeow Elf couldn't understand his behavior. After all, there was a high probability that Wen Zhichu would lose everything.

[System: Why are you doing this. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Knowledge is priceless."

[System: Then why don't you come up with more. 】

"But my wallet has value."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Although I don't understand it, looking at it from another perspective, it can be regarded as Wen Zhichu's encouragement to himself. After all, Qin Jiashu has no obligation to give him tutoring, but if he doesn't work hard, he will be too sorry for the other party.

Besides, there was a pile of twenty-cent bottles, and he had to get back the five yuan even if he risked his life.

Mu Qing watched Wen Zhichu walk into the class, and asked, "Why did you come back?"

Wen Zhichu: "I'm detention."

The deskmate next to Mu Qing looked at him enviously, "That's great."

Wen Zhichu:?

What does she envy me for?

[System: First exclude the English score. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

There is really nothing to envy about his grades, after all, his English grades have reached the point of being hated.

The first victim was an English teacher, and the second victim was Qin Jiashu.

The monthly exam will be in more than a week, and there are still two opportunities for Qin Jiashu to give him tutoring, so he has to make good use of it.

In order to get five yuan, Wen Zhichu memorized vocabulary to the point of becoming obsessed. When he got home and turned on the light, he saw small animals running around on the ground.

Compared with when Wen Zhichu first came to this world, the number has been much smaller. They are all survivors of several small animal belching wars.

Wen Zhichu sees everything now as words, and blurts out, "cockroach."

The Tianmeow Elf was startled.

[System: Damn, what are you talking about, it sounds so advanced. 】

Wen Zhichu stretched out one hand, "Their names."

[System: Then give me one. 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled, "Didn't you already have one?"


[System: That doesn't sound advanced, you give me a whole world that everyone can understand. 】

Wen Zhichu racked his brains, "miaomiaomiao?"

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Soon it was the day of club activities again. Although Wen Zhichu was confident about the words and grammar he had memorized this time, his pace was still very slow, and he was a little afraid of the activity room.

Seeing Wen Zhichu, Mu Qing asked, "How did you get here?"

She remembered that the other party packed up his things and left the classroom after class. Could there be some delay?

Wen Zhichu: "No...just walk slowly."

Mu Qing was puzzled, "Why, you don't want to go to the activity room?"

The tall figure at the corner stopped.

Wen Zhichu had a look of embarrassment on his face, "No, it's just..."

Mu Qing asked, "What is it?"

"It's just feels like falling in love every time I go to the activity room."

Once I said this, there was a moment of silence in the stairwell, only the sound of the footsteps of the students after class running around, and the figure around the corner had already disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Mu Qing looked at him in surprise, "Why?"

Wen Zhichu: "In the face of love, I have zero intelligence. I read English...that's how I feel too."

Mu Qing: "...then... what should I do?"

Wen Zhichu: "Endure can't divide it."


When Wen Zhichu arrived at the activity room, taking advantage of Qin Jiashu's absence, he opened the dictionary and consolidated it again, trying to get back the five yuan this time.

However, the class bell rang and Qin Jiashu did not come over.

Zhou Qing came late, and when he came in, he brought a sentence to Wen Zhichu, "Qin Jiashu didn't come because he had something to do today, and asked you to do the exercises, add the words and vocabulary together twice, and he will take the test together next time.


Before Wen Zhichu could speak, he heard a cry beside him, feeling very sorry.

Mu Qing looked at her deskmate, "What are you?"

The tablemate said euphemistically, "I feel sorry for Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu: "...Thank you."

The deskmate smiled shyly, "You're welcome."


Ji Fengchang was crazily exporting to the elementary school chicken opposite him in the Internet cafe, when suddenly there was a figure beside him, he turned his head and saw Qin Jiashu sitting next door.

Ji Fengchang was startled, "Why are you here, isn't there something wrong?"

Qin Jiashu: "I changed my mind temporarily."

"Fuck, then hurry up and get on the number, I'll pull you after I've played this one." He said showing off, "Look at how I'm playing this one, it's just that I've met a strong opponent now.

Qin Jiashu glanced, "The chickens are pecking at each other?"

Long Monsoon:…

Qin Jiashu stared at the display screen, what Wen Zhichu said in the stairwell today made him turn around and leave.

He didn't know what was going on in the opponent's head, but next time he went to the activity room, he would definitely keep his distance.

Although there was no sense of repulsion in his heart at this time, but these can't explain anything, he will definitely not let the other party leave any unrealistic illusions.

A few days later, Qin Jiashu came to the activity room again, Wen Zhichu had already sat there early, reviewing the words with his head down, turned his head when he heard footsteps, his eyes lit up when he saw Qin Jiashu.

Wen Zhichu couldn't restrain the little excitement in his voice, "You... you're here." Five yuan.

Those eyes were starry, and Qin Jiashu's face was a little stiff, and he looked away. There was no place opposite him, so he had to sit beside the person and distanced himself calmly.

Wen Zhichu took out the paper and pen very politely.

[System: Tell me now, who is ready! 】

Wen Zhichu: "I'm ready!"

[System: Who is ready! 】

"I'm ready!"

[System: Very good, wait for SpongeBob SquarePants to sue you for copyright infringement. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The Tianmiao elves relieved Wen Zhichu's nervousness by saying this. He was afraid that he might not get back the five yuan in a while.

Qin Jiashu also remembered the five yuan before, and took out the banknotes and put them on the table.

[System: Don't worry, it's your previous one, and the number on it is the same. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Good guy, it turns out that he is not the only one who cares about the money.

Qin Jiashu pretended to be indifferent and began to test people's words. After randomly selecting one hundred out of six hundred, he closed the dictionary and took the paper to read.

Wen Zhichu's nervous hands were tangled together, feeling uneasy.

Qin Jiashu took a look, Wen Zhichu was right this time.

"Take the money back."

Wen Zhichu took it back, and the elf Tianmiao spoke.

[System: Don't do this next time, it's risky. 】

Unexpectedly, Wen Zhichu disagreed, "No."

Sky Meow Elf:?

I saw Wen Zhichu's serious face, "There is no way to fall in love without spending money."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

You are quite generous in that regard.

Wen Zhichu looked at the paper and was curious about his score.

Qin Jiashu said lightly, "That's right."

Almost at the end of the sentence, a bright smile instantly appeared on Wen Zhichu's face, and those glowing eyes became brighter, "Really...really!"


Then Qin Jiashu drew some writing questions for the other party and asked Wen Zhichu to do it, but the other party stuck there and didn't move.

Qin Jiashu frowned, turned his head and met Wen Zhichu's big sparkling eyes, who blinked and looked at him expectantly.

Excessive joy made him forget his fear of Qin Jiashu.

Qin Jiashu frowned, almost subconsciously knowing what the other party wanted.

The gaze at this time is exactly the same as the last time when the other party was drunk in the car.

Qin Jiashu panicked for a moment and quickly regained his senses.

No, he will not praise him.

However, Wen Zhichu was like a sunflower, when people saw him, he even leaned forward slightly, with a cute and shy smile on his face.

As the distance draws closer, Wen Zhichu's harmless human and animal face gives people a lot of visual impact, and their eyes are unconsciously attracted.

Qin Jiashu's Adam's apple rolled down, and instead of looking away, he gritted his teeth and said, "You are great."

Damn, he's really good at acting like a baby.