Chapter 58:

There is still a tutorial before the monthly exam next week, Wen Zhichu also worked harder than before, and went to the activity room early after class with his things.

While Qin Jiashu didn't come, he did some questions first, and waited for someone to come to ask later.

There was a friction sound when the tip of the pen fell on the paper, and the movement stopped soon.

Within a few minutes of starting to work on the questions, the Tianmeow Elf saw that Wen Zhichu had stopped.

[System: Your difficulty came too quickly. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

When Mu Qing came, she saw Wen Zhichu was distressed, she stepped forward and glanced, "Let me tell you something."

Wen Zhichu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay...Okay."

In order to make it easier for Mu Qing to read the questions, she pushed the paper aside, Mu Qing pulled the chair beside him and sat down, took out a pen and gave Wen Zhichu the idea of ​​solving the questions.

When Qin Jiashu walked in, he saw this scene. He saw the two people at the long table gathered together, talking about something. Wen Zhichu listened carefully and followed the pen in the other's hand. When the problem was solved, he smiled generously .

There is no restraint or restraint and temptation. Compared with the cautious one sitting next to Qin Jiashu before, Wen Zhichu's smile is more casual and relaxed at this time.

There is no harm without comparison, Qin Jiashu looked at the smile on the face coldly, with an unpredictable expression on his face.

Wen Zhichu smiled and noticed a figure at the door, looked up and saw Qin Jiashu.

Suddenly, the two looked at each other, and Wen Zhichu's bared teeth were instantly retracted.

Qin Jiashu: ...

Seeing Qin Jiashu coming, Mu Qing quickly got up and returned to her seat, Qin Jiashu stepped forward, and when she sat down, she pulled the chair that was very close to Wen Zhichu out to distance herself from the person.

Wen Zhichu flinched, "Is it... a bit too far away?"

Qin Jiashu said coldly, "The lecture topic doesn't need to be so close."

"What can't see?"

"I have hands."

Wen Zhichu:?

"You can take it to see."


It makes sense.

Qin Jiashu sat there with an unfathomable expression.

The Sky Meow Elf spoke.

[System: Aren't you going to ask him questions? 】

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "Now is not an opportunity, the protagonist exudes an aura of do-it-yourselfer."

[System: You are quite clear about your position. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Mu Qing gave the answer to the previous problem, and Wen Zhichu didn't encounter any knowledge that he didn't understand, so he raised his pen and continued to write.

Qin Jiashu was a little unaccustomed to the long-term silence around him. Although Wen Zhichu was originally quiet and not a noisy person, in the dream last night, the other party was too clingy, which inevitably gave people a very conspicuous feeling.

Realizing that he wanted to recall the dream in his mind, Qin Jiashu frowned, and immediately wiped away his thoughts.

Wen Zhichu stopped and stopped writing, and encountered many difficulties after reading the two articles.

Quiet Mimi glanced at the person beside her, "Qin...Qin Jiashu, how do you write this question?"

As he spoke, he pushed the paper to the side, the distance between the two of them was far away, at least one person separated them.

When Qin Jiashu saw him, he began to give lectures, his voice was deep and distant.

At this time, I saw the paper was in the middle, one was writing with his arms stretched out, and the other was stretching his neck to listen.

[System: You two can talk across the Siberian prairie. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

After writing, Qin Jiashu looked up at him, "Do you understand?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "Listen... I understand, you are really amazing."

Qin Jiashu turned his head away, "Stop talking about useless things."

Although the other party said so, Wen Zhichu noticed the stretching of the other party's brows and eyes when observing the other party's expression. I don't know if it was Wen Zhichu's illusion, Qin Jiashu seemed to like hearing this kind of words very much.

Wen Zhichu didn't say anything, and when he wrote the composition, he planned to start his creation, but Qin Jiashu rarely opened his mouth at this time.

"Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu turned to look at him.

Qin Jiashu: "The topic requirement is an English composition."

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, "He doesn't trust me?"

[System: Overthinking, just a kind reminder. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, didn't he write English compositions before?

[System: Your guluguluwater is a vernacular. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

At this stage, I have memorized a lot of vocabulary. Compared with the hard creation of wordless scriptures before, it is much easier to write essays now.

Since Qin Jiashu reminded him at the beginning, Wen Zhichu also paid great attention to the time spent on writing the composition, and this time he finished it within 20 minutes and handed it to others.

Qin Jiashu took it for others to correct. Wen Zhichu was a little thirsty and took out a few sips of the water he brought.

Because her throat was thirsty and she drank too fast, Wen Zhichu inevitably choked.

When Qin Jiashu looked at the sentence, he heard a violent coughing sound, and when he turned his head, he saw that Wen Zhichu's face was flushed from coughing, and Xiuyi's brows and eyes were tightly frowned, as if a little uncomfortable.

Qin Jiashu was speechless for a while, "Won't you drink more slowly?"

Wen Zhichu coughed a little out of breath, the end of her eyes were slightly red because of the pain, her blood-colored lips parted slightly, and her voice trembled because she was still coughing, "Drink too...too much."

As the words came to his ears, Qin Jiashu's movements were stiff, and Wen Zhichu's slightly parted lips and red eyes suddenly coincided with last night's dream.

The Adam's apple rolled, Qin Jiashu compulsively looked away from the man's face, very upset.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Qin Jiashu put down the graded paper, got up and went out without any hesitation, and after walking a certain distance, he let out a long sigh of relief, as if he had escaped some doom.

The monthly exam came as scheduled, Wen Zhichu returned home the day he finished the English exam and slumped on the sofa, like lumps of mud.

[System: How do you think you did in the exam. 】

Unexpectedly, Wen Zhichu stretched out his finger to his lips, "Let him pass the past."

[System: What if you can't make it through? 】

"Then step over."


The efficiency of the No. 1 Middle School is very fast, and the results of most of the subjects on the second day of the monthly exam that ended yesterday were out.

As expected, Wen Zhichu was summoned by the English teacher, and walked to the English group in a nervous mood.

When I entered the door and saw a cup of tea next to the English teacher, my heart suddenly became cold.


"Come on." The English teacher began to look through the papers, "Do you know how many points you got in this test?"

Wen Zhichu swallowed, but didn't answer.

The English teacher put the test paper in front of Wen Zhichu, looked down, and found a total of 103 points.

Wen Zhichu was startled for a moment, "I... mine."

English teacher: "Or mine?"

Wen Zhichu couldn't restrain a smile on his face, one small step for a human being, one giant leap for him.

"Sky Meow Elf."

[System: What's wrong? 】

"One hundred and three points in English, I never dreamed of it when I was young."

[System: Because it won't? 】

"Because I got a full score of 100 in English when I was young."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

The English teacher looked at the man's appearance, raised his hand and took out the package from the drawer and handed it to Wen Zhichu, "Here you are, work harder next time."

Wen Zhichu held a bag of rainbow candy in his hand, and smiled shyly, "Thank you, teacher."

Then he looked at the teacup on the desk, " you still drink tea today?"

"Ah, that's what happened when I judged you just now."

It may be a matter of getting used to it, but the English teacher said with a smile: "Prevent problems before they happen."

Wen Zhichu: ...

The English teacher asked Wen Zhichu to go back after a few instructions. As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Mu Qing. The other party didn't have anything in his hand, so he must have something to do with the teacher.

Mu Qing looked at the things in Wen Zhichu's hands, and asked curiously, "What's in your hands?"

Wen Zhichu unfolded it for others to see, ""

Mu Qing nodded, and Wen Zhichu was very generous and divided Mu Qing in half. From the beginning to now, Mu Qing helped him a lot in learning.

Just after distributing the sweets, Wen Zhichu was suddenly shrouded in a shadow, Qin Jiashu and a group of English class representatives came over with their things, and gave Wen Zhichu a cold look, their eyes were on the two of them before walking into the office for a while

Wen Zhichu was so frightened that he wanted to forget about telling Qin Jiashu about the grades, so he had to go back to class first.

Anyway, the other party is also a great contributor to helping him improve his English. Wen Zhichu felt that the other party had the right to know that he scored sixteen points in English composition. After the second get out of class, he wanted to find the other party. When he walked to the corner of the second floor, he saw Qin Jiashu's He quickly followed the figure, and saw the other party enter the student union's office.

Wen Zhichu knocked on the door and then pushed it open, "Qin..."

The words got stuck in his throat before he could utter them, and Qin Jiashu saw an unlit cigarette between his fingertips.

Wen Zhichu bit the bullet and pretended to be blind, "Why...why is there no one?"

[System: What are you doing? 】

"The old disease relapsed."


In the next second, a flash disappeared at the door.

Qin Jiashu's eyes were cold, then he stepped over to lock the door, and lit the tobacco in his hand.

Smoke spewed out from the man's mouth, and the fire between his fingers went out. Looking at the ceiling, he recalled the scene before the English team's office not long ago.

A feeling of unhappiness suddenly grew in his heart, Wen Zhichu really did a lot of things like giving candy to others.

At noon, I was very gentle. I first came to the cafeteria to eat, and today I was in a much more difficult mood and ordered a meat dish.

[System: Villain task, destroy the protagonist's lunch, the villain's value will increase by 4% after the task is completed, and the reward will be 300 yuan, and a penalty of 300 yuan will be deducted for failure. 】

Wen Zhichu looked at the dish in his hand, and suddenly it tasted bad.

"Can't you make me happier?"

[System: Young man, bad luck is the norm. 】


Wen Zhichu found a place to sit down to eat, and soon the task objective appeared in front of his eyes. Fortunately, Qin Jiashu didn't leave the school at noon, otherwise the task would not be completed.

At this time, the Tianmeow Elf was a little worried and said, "Will he hit you if you do this?"

Wen Zhichu: "It turns out that you also know how excessive the task is."

Then he looked at the crowd, "It shouldn't be too many people, after all, the protagonist is bound by Jinjiang's morality and can't hit people casually."

[System: Young man, may I ask what role you play in the book. 】

"The villain." After speaking, he was taken aback.

[System: The protagonist hitting the villain is not called beating people, but punishing evil and promoting good. 】


Wen Zhichu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "I see."

Whether he can live for a while depends on whether he can run fast enough.

Wen Zhichu waited for an opportunity like a hunter ready to catch at any time, Qin Jiashu was surrounded by many people, his operation could only succeed and not fail.

Seeing that the person was almost finished eating, Wen Zhichu got up, pretending to pass by the person inadvertently, in the blink of an eye, Wen Zhichu seemed to have turned on the accelerator, sprinkled rainbow candy on the person's meal and ran away.

Qin Jiashu: ...