Chapter 59:

Wen Zhichu almost ran away after sprinkling the sugar, vowing to die and never look back.

[System: Why don't you take a look back, the protagonist will probably explode this time. 】

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "Real men never look back at explosions."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Wen Zhichu still has breath hanging in his heart, uneasy, if he turns his head to look at Qin Jiashu, maybe his legs will be weak and he will fall directly to the ground.

As the boy ran, a mechanical voice rang in his head: "Ding! The mission is completed, the villain's value is 68%, and the reward is RMB300."

in the cafeteria—

Looking at Qin Jiashu's colorful plate of rice, Ji Fengchang couldn't laugh if he wanted to.

As a good brother, Chief Ji Feng suppressed his laughter, coughed, and began to stir up the war between the two sides, "I can guarantee that he did it on purpose."

Qin Jiashu raised his eyes to look at him, and then his eyes fell back to the color. He always maintained an excellent and perfect appearance, but at this time he rarely showed a sense of indifference and oppression.

In the morning, Wen Zhichu followed him to the student union, although he only took a step in and pretended not to see anyone leaving, but Wen Zhichu could see clearly what he was doing inside.

With black eyes half-down, Wen Zhichu would only give him candy when he found him smoking.

Skittles were sprinkled on the plate in a mess, looking at the oval particles, the scene in front of the English office came to mind. Wen Zhichu's flustered expression when he saw him inevitably made people think deeply.

At that time, there was clearly a guilty conscience in the eyes of the other party. The tricks used on himself were also used on others when they were found guilty.

Thinking of Wen Zhichu agreeing to give it to someone else, Qin Jiashu suddenly felt disgusted, got up and dumped the things, the dissatisfaction in his heart was like a fire in a desperate place, burning more and more, endlessly, Ji Fengchang didn't touch the bad luck , Thinking about Qin Jiashu's bad mood, where to ask someone to go for entertainment at night.

Wen Zhichu ran all the way back to the dormitory for lunch break, and the moment he opened the door, he collapsed on the bed like a balloon that had been drained of air.

Because of the strenuous running just now, there was a little sweat, Wen Zhichu lifted his arms limply and brushed the black hair on his forehead, revealing his white and smooth forehead.

Wen Zhichu let out a sharp sigh. "It's better not to appear in Qin Jiashu's sight recently."

[System: Why? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Shouldn't I ask you this?"

Sky Meow Elf: ...

The task is indeed a bit excessive, but it is indeed something that a villain will do.

Wen Zhichu looked at the ceiling above his head, thinking that the other party helped him review English before, but now he still sprinkled sugar in the other party's meal, secretly spurning himself for a while.

Wen Zhichu, you are really a slave to money.

But the three hundred yuan is just enough to cover the tuition and miscellaneous fees for this semester.

There is the sound of the wind blowing through the treetops outside the window, the window is only opened a small opening, and the breeze blows in from time to time, Wen Zhichu squints his eyes comfortably, only to feel that his eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, arched and found a comfortable position to close. Going to take a nap.

When Wen Zhichu slept outside, unless he was really tired, he usually felt very light. Fortunately, the class teacher arranged an empty bed for him, and no one disturbed him.

Fifteen minutes before class started in the afternoon, Wen Zhichu got up, cleaned his chicken nest and went back to the classroom.

"Warm smash."

Turning around after hearing the sound, it was the penultimate one.

Wen Zhichu said, "What... what's wrong?"

"The math teacher told you to go to his office with Mu Qing after the first period."

Wen Zhichu was startled, "I just counted... the math teacher came?"


Wen Zhichu: "Then did you know?"

"Hey!" The penultimate one laughed and said, "Because I was the one who was called last."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu helped to inform Mu Qing, she was still a little uneasy sitting in her seat, thinking carefully about her recent performance in math class, it seemed that she didn't offend the math teacher.

It was also the first time that Mu Qing was approached by a math teacher. After class, she went to the office with Wen Zhichu, and the two hugged tightly like refugees.

[System: How do you feel now? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I feel that the travel business has increased again."

There is an English group before and a math group behind.

The two knocked on the door and walked in. The math teacher was standing there with a serious face. His face was originally fierce, but now his frowning was even more frightening. Wen Zhichu and Mu Qing swallowed unconsciously.

When Qin Jiashu came in to get the competition materials, he glanced at the slender and familiar figure, and when he saw the person next to him, his expression was a bit ugly.

The situation over there seems to be very serious at this time. The mathematics teacher of Class 11 has a pale face, with anger and hatred in his stern eyes.

Qin Jiashu glanced at the figure with his head bowed, expressionless on his face, picked up the documents from the desk and turned to leave.

"Ask you two, what is the relationship between you!"

The rough voice rubbed against the eardrums, and the two people standing there trembled in fright. The originally tall figure stopped for a moment, as if his legs had been filled with lead, and he couldn't lift his legs to take another step.

Turning around to look, I saw the two men bowed their heads, and neither of them answered. The unanswered questions tormented the body and mind repeatedly, scratching the heart and scratching the liver.

Math teacher: "Don't tell me? Do you want me to tell your head teacher about this?"

After saying that, Qin Jiashu's complexion became more and more ugly, his eyes were dark and terrifying, like a beast in the night staring at the slender and thin figure, the paper in his hand was wrinkled and deformed due to the force.

"Wen Zhichu, you answer."


Qin Jiashu stood not far away and watched coldly, and his patience was exhausted bit by bit. He thought that the other party would give the answer soon, but he saw that figure shrugged his shoulders like a child who did something wrong and was very nervous. He hesitated and uttered a word during the day.

The irritability and anger in my heart surged like a torrent and tsunami, the veins in the big and well-defined hands showed, and the handsome face looked at one place with gritted teeth.

At this moment, Wen Zhichu had nothing to say, the more truth Qin Jiashu believed in the lie, he laughed in his heart for a moment, it was a naked mockery to himself, he had stumbled on Wen Zhichu absurdly before, and he had been thinking about it for a long time Fan, can't get rid of it even at night

What the other party gave him, I don't know how many people gave it to him at the same time.

Wen Zhichu, you are so **** good.

The math teacher lost his patience, "Wen Zhichu, I'll give you another chance, what's the relationship?!"

Wen Zhichu panicked for a moment.

Qin Jiashu sneered from the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the man's trembling voice was heard, and he had no choice but to say, "They are opposite numbers!"

After the words fell, there was a sudden silence all around, and Qin Jiashu's hand holding the paper was a little stiff.

Qin Jiashu: ...

The math teacher still had a serious face, pointing at the monthly exam paper, "Then why did you choose C?!"

"Because... I didn't know at the beginning."

math teacher:…

Guys, the answer is scare.

"Do you know if there is no next time? If the two of you have this attitude in reviewing the questions, I will talk to your class teacher."

Wen Zhichu and Mu Qing nodded hurriedly.

When the math teacher let go, he hurriedly turned around and wanted to escape from the office.

However, when Wen Zhichu turned around, he froze, and saw Qin Jiashu not far away, looking at him with a complicated expression.

[System: Why does he look at you so much? 】

Wen Zhichu: "The look in the eyes of someone who might want to kill someone can't hide the arrogance."

[System: Then you must be very scared. 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "It's okay."

[System: You are so strong. 】

Wen Zhichu smiled shyly, "I can choose not to watch it."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

The best way to solve a problem is to avoid it.

Wen Zhichu cast a glance at Qin Jiashu, then avoided his gaze, and followed Mu Qing closely, as if he was a canoe in a flood and could save lives.

Qin Jiashu watched the people leave, and the extremely angry emotions just now occupied a high place in his heart, which could not be ignored at all.

When the person didn't answer, he wished he could step forward and bite off the other person's neck, but he had to admit that when Wen Zhichu said the so-called relationship, the fire in his heart was indeed extinguished for the most part, and he even breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

He didn't want to admit it, but a voice was telling him that Wen Zhichu could control his emotions, and he wanted to pull it away, only to find that the other party had planted seeds in his body earlier in the morning, and now when he found out, it had already taken root and sprouted, and he couldn't pull it away.

Qin Jiashu didn't attend the evening self-study, but went to the clubhouse with someone.

Chief Ji Feng knew that Qin Jiashu was holding fire at noon, just when he needed to vent his anger, so he ordered a lot of wine, but he didn't order any accompanying wine when he knew that Qin Jiashu was the pick.

The light in the box was dim, and the drink was pouring down his throat, but he couldn't relieve the anger in his heart.

Although Qin Jiashu needs a lot in terms of desire, he has never looked for it. It's not that he doesn't want to look for it, but that he hasn't found something pleasing to the eye.

For him, looking for someone in this area is just looking for something, and he doesn't have to be sincere to vent his desire, but when he really needs someone, he either thinks one is dirty or that is not pleasing to the eye, and he can't pick it out at all.

The only one who thought about it was Wen Zhichu's appearance, he would act like a baby according to people's hearts, and he would pick nice things to say, knowing how to be loved, but that night when the other party helped him with that kind of thing in the dream, he was extremely angry in his heart. As for later, he was not gentle with people.

When he thought of someone teaching Wen Zhichu those things behind his back, he couldn't suppress his anger, even if the other party said his name, he couldn't appease him.

Qin Jiashu didn't know where the anger came from, his eyes focused on something, and he turned his head to look at the excited Ji Fengchang who was playing.

His eyes inspected, as if he was considering something.

"The monsoon is long."

Hearing someone calling him suddenly, Ji Fengchang turned his head to look, "What's wrong?"

Qin Jiashu used his ancestral opening line, "Something happened to a friend of mine recently."

Ji Fengchang looked surprised, "I'm fine."

Qin Jiashu took a deep breath, "He's a friend of mine."

After the words fell, the box was obviously full of noise, but the air seemed to freeze.

Qin Jiashu frowned. Could it be that what he said was too obvious, the other party guessed it was him.

Monsoon Chief also frowned,

Does this **** have other friends?