Chapter 60:

After a while of silence, Qin Jiashu spoke first, "This friend of mine..."

Ji Fengchang stretched out a finger to touch Qin Jiashu's lips, "Wait a minute."

Qin Jiashu was speechless for a while, his face was very calm, but he was thinking of countermeasures for the lie to be exposed.

I saw Ji Fengchang raised his hand to drink a glass of wine, with a ferocious expression on his face, and the next moment, there was a deafening bang in his ear, "You actually made friends behind my back?!"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Fengchang's eyes were 4 parts shocked, 3 parts puzzled, 2 parts sad, and 1 part with swear words.

Ji Fengchang put his face on his shoulders and shook Qin Jiashu's broad and strong shoulders, "You bitch, have you forgotten what you said when you were young?!"

Qin Jiashu's eyelids twitched.

Ji Fengchang came to Duan Hongyan Literary, "I promised to be the best little friend!"


Qin Jiashu was speechless for a moment, and he didn't know why he would pay the two hundred and five when he was a child.

Then he took a deep breath, "He can't compare with you."

Ji Fengchang: "You still compare him to me? Sure enough, you guys are all alike!"

Qin Jiashu: ...

The image of Qin Jiashu's two-faced person was already revealed when he was in kindergarten. Ji Fengchang and him naturally knew what kind of person each other was when they were young. Because Qin Jiashu has always maintained a perfect appearance, he never made true friends. Ji Fengchang Naturally, he monopolizes the position of Qin Jiashu's good brother.

In addition, Qin Jiashu's outstanding abilities are the focus, and being friends with such a person will directly double his face.

But now the **** actually told him that there were other dogs outside.

Ji Fengchang: "Who is he?"

Qin Jiashu looked away, "You don't know me."

"You have a guilty conscience."


Ji Fengchang: "Then why don't you look at me?!"

"...guilty heart."


Ji Fengchang was shocked, this **** didn't even lie to him.

Qin Jiashu sighed.

Ji Fengchang felt as if his tail had been stepped on for a moment, "Are you impatient with me?"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Co-author Now he breathes all wrong.

Ji Fengchang: "Tell me who it is."

Qin Jiashu couldn't think of a name for a while, so he invited international friends to perfunctory, "Li Hua."

Ji Feng folded his arms, "Fuck, this name sounds like a troublesome guy."

No, every day I ask someone to help me write essays on the test papers.

Qin Jiashu glanced at him silently, and suddenly felt that the other party's two hundred and five would be fine.

Ji Fengchang gritted his teeth and asked, "What's the matter with him?"

Qin Jiashu recounted today's sighting scene and the previous foggy dream.

Ji Fengchang was taken aback when he heard this, "This Li Hua is not being treated like a fish."

Qin Jiashu: "What do you mean?"

"Li Lei is on two boats, giving Han Meimei candy and Li Hua, but he gives Han Meimei more, so it means he uses Li Hua as a backup."

"Li Hua's candy was given by Li Lei when he saw him smoking." Qin Jiashu subconsciously said, "Out of concern."

Monsoon Chang: "How do you know you are caring?"

Qin Jiashu: "...he told me."

"Then your friend is quite strong."

Qin Jiashu:?

"I will comfort myself."

"..." Qin Jiashu: "Is there any solution?"

Ji Fengchang was taken aback, "What solution?"

"He doesn't understand what's going on."

"Then your friend is miserable." Ji Fengchang took a sip of his wine, "He fell in love."

Qin Jiashu frowned, "There must be a basis for what you say."

Ji Fengchang: "What is the basis for this? Dreaming is not the trigger, but it will also make excuses for Neptune, showing that he really likes him. Your friend, a zombie, would hate him even if he took a bite. Bah! Love brain."

Qin Jiashu: ...

The Elder God Ji Feng felt relieved after complaining, the little thing still wanted to fight with him, and he didn't forget to sow discord while talking, "You'd better stay away from him, maybe the love brain will be contagious."

"He wants to say that he doesn't like each other?"

Ji Fengchang waved his hand, "Listen to him farting."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Fengchang handed Qin Jiashu a glass of wine, "Persuade your friend to run away, there is still time to just dream."

Qin Jiashu reached out to take it.

Ji Fengchang's sense of justice erupts, and he only thinks of himself as a good person and good deed.

"If you wait until you have a **** dream, you won't be able to escape."

Qin Jiashu stopped holding the wine glass.

Just listen to his final stubbornness, "He really doesn't like it."

Ji Fengchang: "Do you dare to let him do an experiment?"

Qin Jiashu looked sideways.

"You tell him to go back and post a few photos of that person. If he can survive three times, he will definitely like it."

Qin Jiashu was silent for a moment after hearing this.

"Don't believe it, this is an ancient practice. After all, most men think with their lower body." Ji Fengchang: "But let me tell you, he likes it clearly, otherwise it's okay for anyone to dream about others, unless he is a pervert, you say yes no."


Qin Jiashu raised his hand and filled his throat with wine, his Adam's apple rolling, thinking carefully about Ji Fengchang's words.

"Why three times?"

"In order to prevent psychopathic excitement, the first and second shots are not credible. If the third shot is still hard, then I definitely like it. If it is soft, it may be that he can't."

"You know a lot."

Ji. Never been in love once. Feng Chang: "That's right, you don't even look at who I am, the little prince in love."

Qin Jiashu considered it for a while, but said nothing.

Ji Fengchang: "Oh, that's right."


"Your friend is as good as a dead duck, with a hard mouth."


It was past midnight when he came out of the clubhouse, Qin Jiashu returned home reeking of alcohol, came out of the bathroom and fell on the bed thinking about Ji Fengchang's words.

On Wen Zhichu's question, he is sober but can't tell the direction, the bystander is clear, maybe Ji Fengchang's words have some credibility.

The handsome brows and eyes are closed, maybe this is friendship, knowing that the other party is two hundred and five, but still believing in the other party's words.

Really touching brotherhood.

The monthly exam results are officially released today, and the school rankings will also be released. Wen Zhichu entered the class with three warm steamed buns in his arms in the morning.

The penultimate looked at the opening, "Didn't you eat in the morning?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, and took out one to the other party, " you want it?"

"Good boy, save yourself to eat, dad is not hungry."

Wen Zhichu: "Sky Meow Elf, he..."

[System: It's okay, dad isn't hungry either. "]


During the early self-study period, the head teacher walked into the class with the physics test paper and ranking list.

Standing on the podium and coughing, "Students, the results of the monthly exam have come down. This is the first monthly exam for our class after entering the third year of high school. Some students are rigorous and some are lazy. The teacher still said that, The future is yours, and you have to walk your own way! I hope that some students will stop muddling along."

Then there was a pause, "Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, "To..."

"Now everyone look at Wen Zhichu, what do you see in him?"

[System: I saw poverty. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu was called to stand up by the teacher, and he bowed his head a little uncomfortable being surrounded by his classmates for a while.

[System: Boy, raise your head. 】

Wen Zhichu didn't move.

[System: Lift it up, and I'll give you five yuan. 】

Wen Zhichu swiped her head and raised her head, "You keep your word."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Seeing that the students were silent, the homeroom teacher spoke first, "I don't know what you saw, but I saw hard work in Wen Zhichu."

"Everyone knows that in the past two years, Wen Zhichu has been telling everyone how many students there are in the No. 1 Middle School class with their grades, but now they don't know."

Wen Zhichu: ...

For a moment, he didn't know whether the head teacher was praising him or scolding him.

The bottom one in ten thousand years, the ranking is the number of people.

"Now Wen Zhichu has passed the exam to the seventh place in the class and the 60th place in the school through his unremitting efforts. If you pay, you will be rewarded. I hope everyone can learn from Wen Zhichu."

As he said that, he drummed a drum for him. Wen Zhichu was a little trembling for a while. Although he was not used to it, he was also very excited. Encouragement was a clear spring and a good medicine for him.

Sun Bin was disdainful in his seat and muttered softly, "Who knows if it was copied."

At the same table: "You keep your voice down."

"I'm not."

Then Sun Bin said, "Who knows if it was copied."

What I said before is very ambitious, but this one is even softer than before.


Since the last ranking, Sun Bin has been looking at Wen Zhichu annoyed, watching Wen Zhichu stand there and gritted his teeth.

I will teach you a lesson sooner or later.

The fourth period is physical education class. After the last get out of class, most of the students rush to the changing room to change clothes. The physical examination every semester always starts with Class 11, but fortunately, the physical education teacher of the new semester has the conscience to inform in advance. Although it is now autumn, the sun is not so poisonous when it is approaching noon, and the clothes will inevitably be sweaty after strenuous exercise.

There are three classes in the physical education class together, and there are many people in the changing room now, Wen Zhichu walked slowly behind, planning to go in when there are fewer people.

Wen Zhichu waited for a while, and the people inside were almost coming out, so she walked in with her own clothes, found an empty cabinet and opened it, raised her hand and began to take off her shirt.

Sun Bin closed the cabinet and walked out. He saw Wen Zhichu who was changing clothes there with a glance, and his eyes suddenly became menacing.

Seeing the person changing clothes, evil intent flashed across his eyes, then he took out his mobile phone and pointed it at Wen Zhichu who was undoing the two buttons on his collar, with a sinister smile on his mouth, and took a coherent photo of the person taking off his clothes .

He lowered his head to check in his hands, and planned to post anonymously on the campus forum to discuss Wen Zhichu's post later. Wen Zhichu's review was poor, no matter what the photo was, he would be ridiculed by the group.

When he was about to record another video, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by a broad and powerful hand.

Sun Bin was taken aback: "Who the hell..."

Before he could speak, he met Qin Jiashu's god-like face.

"Qin...Qin Jiashu."

At this time, the other side had the usual elegant smile, tall and tall body like a hill, sharp eyebrows but very indifferent, the mask of appearance was still on the face, "Student Sun, it's not a good habit to secretly take pictures of others."

It is obviously persuasion, but it is full of warnings.

After all, the other party is the president of the student council, Sun Bin flattered and said, "I'll delete it right away."

Qin Jiashu: "Send it to me."

Sun Bin::...