Chapter 61:

Sun Bin was taken aback: "Huh?"

Qin Jiashu looked natural, "Send it to me."

"Oh, oh well..."

After all, being caught by someone, Sun Bin didn't dare not post it, so he hurriedly added friends and sent the photos and videos.

"Is it over?"

Sun Bin nodded hurriedly, "It's over."

Qin Jiashu lowered his eyes, "That's all?"

Sun Bin: ...or what?


Sun Bin shivered instantly, "That's all, this is my first crime."

Qin Jiashu nodded, "Deleted."


"Photos from your phone."

Sun Bin swiftly deleted the photo, and then raised his hand for others to see, proving that it was really deleted, then lowered his head and began to make excuses for himself, "Just this time, I won't do this again next time , after the warning from the student council president, I must change my past and start a new life.”

He raised his head and said, "See if you can..."

Halfway through the conversation, Sun Bin was taken aback:?

What about people?

I saw that the person standing in front of him had long since disappeared.

When Qin Jiashu came home in the evening, he went into the bathroom to take a shower as usual. Not long after, the bathroom door was opened from the inside, and Qin Jiashu came out with a towel wrapped around his crotch.

The broad back muscles are highlighted, and the undried water drops slide down the superior figure lines.

Qin Jiashu raised his hand and put his wet hair behind his head. He wanted to get the cigarette case when he was addicted to cigarettes, but he glanced at the mobile phone on the table and broke into his sight.

His movements froze for a moment, flashing through his head Ji Fengchang's experiment announcement yesterday, he hesitated for a while, picked up his phone and walked to the bedside.

His slender fingers moved across the screen, and he quickly found today's photos and videos.

Doubt and disdain flashed in Qin Jiashu's eyes.

It's just an experiment.

two o'clock in the morning—

Qin Jiashu looked at the toilet paper all over the place and Qin Dashu, who was in the spirit of a dragon and a horse, fell into deep thought.

Qin Jiashu: ...

In the dark night, the screen of the mobile phone was still playing the video in a loop. In the video, the boy's white body was dazzling, and when he took off his clothes and raised his hands, he showed his slender upper body and lines vividly.

I don't know how long the video has been playing. At this time, there is only 6% of the battery left, which seems to be mercilessly mocking Qin Jiashu.

Also look at it, dead pervert.

Qin Jiashu took a deep breath, raised his hand and lit a cigarette, his eyes were a little melancholy.

Maybe he didn't expect him to do such a perverted thing.

However, Qin Dashu didn't have the slightest intention of taking a rest, telling him that he was abnormal.

He casually made an excuse for himself, maybe it was because he hadn't vented for a long time, but after turning off the video, Qin Dashu's rest slapped him hard in the face.

Qin Jiashu: ...


Qin Jiashu raised his hand and squeezed the center of his brows as if resigned to his fate, took the phone and looked at it carefully, he really likes Wen Zhichu.

Later, he found that the other party had good-looking eyes, a good-looking nose, a good-looking mouth, and even the hair that looked messy when he took off his clothes was also good-looking, and there was nothing bad about his body.

Even when he stuttered, he felt that he was playing with him, and he was cute.

Then his eyes narrowed, as if he had discovered something, Qin Jiashu looked at Wen Zhichu in the photo, there seemed to be something on his fair chest, his fingers were stretched open, it seemed to be a mole, growing on his heart.

Qin Jiashu rolled his Adam's apple, obviously very interested in this mole.

I couldn’t see this one clearly, so I flipped to the next one, but the chest in the next one was still blurry, maybe it’s because of the pixel problem of the other party’s phone. After flipping through all the photos, I couldn’t see any of them clearly, even in the video.

Unknown restlessness suddenly rushed to his heart, and Qin Jiashu was stunned for a moment when he realized it.

It's **** hopeless.

Early the next morning, Chang Ji Feng was pulled up from the table.

"Ask you something."

Ji Feng was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes and looked at Qin Jiashu, "What are you asking?"

"Li Hua yesterday..."

Ji Fengchang looked at him incredulously, "You disturbed my sleep because of Li Hua?!"


Seeing the man's heartbroken face, Qin Jiashu gritted his teeth, "It's my fault."

"That's about the same." Chief Ji Feng said, "Then tell me."

"Li Hua passed the experiment yesterday."

"Then he's in good health."

"He wants to know the accuracy of this experiment."

"Of course it's 100 percent."

Qin Jiashu followed suit silently, "Is there no other result?"

"Yes, either you like it or you are a pervert."

Qin Jiashu: "...What if he is the third type?"

"That's liking and being perverted at the same time."


Qin Jiashu pushed Ji Fengchang's head back on the table, and suddenly regretted letting him speak.

But now he has to admit that he really likes Wen Zhichu.

There was a club activity this afternoon, Qin Jiashu thought about it for a long time and finally went.

Wen Zhichu was sitting in the activity room at this time writing hard, Qin Jiashu was not there, now no one could restrain him except the law, and the words that he would not write in the composition should be noted in Chinese first.

The action is very bold, which is called a fearless person.

See, this is the taste of freedom.

Looking at the appalling test paper, the Tianmeow Elf clicked his tongue.

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

[System: You are not afraid of Li Hua complaining about you, because he asks you to write essays every time. 】

"That... Actually, I don't want to..."

The Tianmeow Elf was heartbroken.

[System: Are you worthy of his trust in you? ! 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

I'm sorry, Li Hua.

But it's a real joy to write this way.

Just as Wen Zhichu put down his pen and was about to look it up in the dictionary, the door of the activity room was pulled open, and there was a pause in his eyes, and Wen Zhichu's whole body was cracked.

Wen Zhichu:! !

Why did Qin Jiashu appear? Didn't he resign?

[System: People are doing it, but the sky is watching. 】

Wen Zhichu didn't understand.

[System: It's not that you were too arrogant just now. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

He knew he was wrong.

Wen Zhichu lowered his head so as not to meet the eyes of others, and almost subconsciously pressed the composition that combined Chinese and Western languages ​​just finished under his arm.

Qin Jiashu walked in without changing his face, it was the same as every tutoring session before, it seemed no different, but his eyes were fixed on Wen Zhichu, without any deviation.

Seeing people wearing neat school uniforms, I couldn't help but think of the mole that I wasn't sure if I had it or not.

Hearing the sound of the chair beside him being pulled away, Wen Zhichu's little heart almost jumped into his throat.

Qin Jiashu noticed the strangeness of the person, but he didn't ask. In his eyes, everything was clear, what to do at what time, although he came because of the emotions in his heart, but the main action was to teach English to Wen Zhichu, and the rest I'll talk about it after class.

Looking at the test paper under the man's arm, he said two words lightly, "Bring it."

Wen Zhichu handed over the dictionary.

Qin Jiashu: "Examination paper."

Wen Zhichu: "It's better... don't read it."

Qin Jiashu looked at him without saying a word, Wen Zhichu shivered instantly, and obediently handed in the test paper.

Before waiting for anyone to look at it, he said, "I'm sorry."

Qin Jiashu: "Who?"

"Li Hua..."


After seeing the rolled noodles, Qin Jiashu's face darkened for a moment.

His eyes fell on the guilty person beside him, "You wrote it."

Wen Zhichu nodded shyly.

Qin Jiashu's tone was severe, "Why is there Chinese?"

After confronting Qin Jiashu's death, he calmed down instantly, "Because...because I won't."

Qin Jiashu looked at the test paper, "If you don't know, don't write it first."

Wen Zhichu: "But...but..."

Qin Jiashu's face darkened, "But what?"

"But...but the teacher is wrong, so don't leave it blank."


Seeing people tremblingly afraid of him, Qin Jiashu suddenly lost his temper.

What else, although he had been resisting and didn't want to admit it before, he liked it after all. After the experiment, he can't escape even if he wants to, and he can't leave it alone. .

He raised his pen to correct the composition, and then returned it to Wen Zhichu, but his face was still cold, "Ask if you don't understand."

Wen Zhichu took the question and looked down at the question, Qin Jiashu looked at him from the side, his gaze fell on the person unconsciously, and he couldn't help wondering if there was that mole on the other person.

Having moles on a person's body is a normal thing, but after seeing it yesterday, Qin Jiashu became a little too persistent.

The other party's gaze was so hot that it was impossible to ignore it, and Wen Zhichu was a little bit on pins and needles for a moment.

"What is he looking at?"

[System: Look at the beggars. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

He shouldn't have asked about it.

As get out of class was approaching, Wen Zhichu didn't ask any questions, so Qin Jiashu looked at him and said, "Is there anything to ask?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head, ""

Qin Jiashu raised his finger to a question, "How to do this?"

Wen Zhichu looked at him in a daze, then looked at the question, "Now I have...something to ask."


Qin Jiashu said with a cold face, "Why didn't you ask just now?"

Wen Zhichu glanced at him, although he didn't answer, but his eyes made it clear.

Qin Jiashu: "Don't you dare?"

Wen Zhichu nodded.

"What dare not?"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, her voice was softer than a mosquito, "I'm afraid you... will be angry."

Wen Zhichu said it very embarrassingly, as if he was really afraid that his problems would make him angry.

Qin Jiashu folded his arms and looked at him, "What makes you think that I won't be angry if you don't ask me?"

Wen Zhi took a look at him for the first time, and tentatively said, "It's a fluke... is it a fluke?"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Although the other party also called him fierce before, he will not slacken in learning and doing things, and it is the same for Wen Zhichu, so that the other party has always been afraid of him.

Strict teachers produce high-quality apprentices, the principle is there, he can't have another lenient requirement on Wen Zhichu just because of his personal feelings. remember

This is also irresponsible to Wen Zhichu.

Seeing the person who was pretending to be a quail, Qin Jiashu planned to give Wen Zhichu a severe verbal education, to let him know how stupid such behavior is, and not to give the other party a chance to do it again.

"Do you think it's right to behave like this?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head.

With a calm and handsome face, Qin Jiashu planned to preach, "You..."

But before he could speak, he met Wen Zhichu's pitiful expression.

"...Remember to change it next time."