Chapter 70:

Looking at the man's face that looked as if it had been wiped with ashes from the bottom of a pot, Chang Ji Feng felt huge doubts in his heart.

I thought that the other party just didn't vent the pressure recently, and the backlog reached the peak, so he chose today to vent. He arrived at school early in the morning and found out that Qin Jiashu was on leave and immediately made an appointment. Who knew that this **** was really in a bad mood today.

According to the past, Qin Jiashu was very good at hiding his emotions, unless he was alone, even if it was a mask on his face at home, he would always wear it and would not take it off.

This scene is rare today.

Qin Jiashu glanced indifferently at the door, didn't say anything, turned around and went back to the house, stepped on the floor with bare feet, turned his back and raised his arms, the back muscles agitated very powerfully, shoulders were wide and waist was narrow, gray trousers Hang loosely on the male dog's waist.

After walking in, he didn't pay attention to Chang Jifeng any more, and went straight back to the big dark bed.

When Ji Fengchang walked into the house, the strong smell of tobacco came to his nostrils.

Fuck it, Resident Evil.

Ji Fengchang came to the window in two or three steps like running poison, pressed the switch to automatically open the curtains, and the sun shone into the room, and raised his hand to open the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Monsoon took a deep breath.

Ah, alive.


When the deep and magnetic voice came, Chang Jifeng turned a deaf ear to it, embraced the sun with both hands, and said, "It's better to drive like this."

No more ventilation, the dog's life is gone.

However, the person on the bed was obviously a little impatient at this time, and his tone was harsh, "I tell you to close it!"

Ji Fengchang shuddered for a moment, covered his mouth with his hands, and looked at Qin Jiashu in disbelief, "You shouted at me."

Qin Jiashu: ...

"You have no heart, you bastard, I know you made an appointment when you asked for leave... No, I just came to see you, and you actually called me loud."

Qin Jiashu looked at him indifferently, "You just said you had an appointment."

Ji Fengchang had a thick skin, "No."

Qin Jiashu raised his eyelids to look at him, "I heard..."

"You heard me wrong."


Seeing the disbelief on the other party's face, Ji Feng took a step forward and looked at him heartbroken, "Don't you know what kind of person I am?"

Qin Jiashu looked at him silently.

For a moment, the air was damned silent.

Long Monsoon:…

You bitch.

But when he saw the person sitting up, Ji Fengchang went around to the person and looked him up and down. The other person's hair was messy, but because of that handsome face, he didn't lose points in the slightest, and was even very stylish. His deep brows and eyes were wrinkled, and there was a tired look in his eyes. Red blood.

Chief Ji Feng looked at him and said, "What's the matter with you?"

Qin Jiashu was perfunctory, "It's nothing."

Ji Fengchang: "Do you think I will believe it?"

Qin Jiashu was obviously not in the mood to argue with him, "Otherwise?"

"You lied to the dog?"

Qin Jiashu gave him a complicated look, and said two words, "Forget it."

Long Monsoon:…

"Leave if you have nothing to do." After saying that, she was about to nestle back on the bed.

Chang Ji Feng took a quick look at him and quickly grabbed him to prevent him from falling down again, "Seriously, tell me what's wrong, I don't need to do anything else today if you don't tell me."

Seeing that the man's mouth was not open, Ji Fengchang raised his hand and punched the man's strong arm, resulting in a sharp pain in his hand.

"Are you still a brother, don't you remember the oath you said when you were a child!"

Qin Jiashu's eyelids twitched, and he felt a headache when he heard the other party mention the declaration of mental retardation when he was a child.

At this time, Ji Fengchang's eyes were four parts curious and three parts passionate, two parts persistent and one part gossip.

Qin Jiashu looked at the fan-shaped figure in people's eyes, and was speechless for a while, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth.

"Li Hua is broken in love."

Ji Fengchang was startled, "What?"

Qin Jiashu took a deep breath and repeated, "He's broken in love."

"Damn it!" Chief Ji Feng exclaimed, "Isn't this a happy event?"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Saying that, Ji Fengchang patted his thigh and laughed, "Hahahahaha I said before that Li Hua is no good, even if a zombie bites him, it's a love brain."

"Actually, the first time you told me that he was going to fall in love, I didn't like him very much. Of course it wasn't because of prejudice, but because I simply thought that others were not good enough. Look at him, he is so stupid. He doesn't even know whether he likes the other party or not. Let's do an experiment, if you say he doesn't fall in love, whoever will fall in love."

Ji Fengchang bared his teeth and turned his head to look at the other party, wanting to find a sense of approval, and the next moment he met Qin Jiashu's black face.

Qin Jiashu folded his arms and looked at him silently.

The smile on Ji Feng's long face froze, "This Li Hua can't be **** you, right?"

Ji Fengchang swallowed his saliva, and suddenly this answer came to his mind.

No way, no way.

Wouldn't there be friends out of nothing to pretend to be himself now?


Silence instead of answer.

Fuck! Damn it is him!

Ji Fengchang retracted his bared teeth in an instant, with a deep expression on his face, "This is really a sad thing."

"..." Qin Jiashu said with thin lips, "What is sad?"

Ji Feng grew up and said without shame, "Of course it's Li Hua who is sad!"

However, after saying this, Ji Fengchang suddenly felt that he was even more pitiful. He actually believed such a clumsy excuse of making friends out of nothing.

What's even more unexpected is that Qin Jiashu, a dog who is so good at pretending to be human, will also be broken in love. Although the dog is a bit of a dog, he usually doesn't behave like a human being.

But Shanlun Qin Jiashu had the appearance of Mr. Xu in the north of the city, his tall and straight figure, and even his family background was one of the best. Not many people could match him, and he was actually rejected by others.

The other party was not usually stubborn, although he was curious, but looking at the man's black face, Ji Fengchang didn't dare to ask for a while, so he had to calm down the other party's anger first.

"He really doesn't know what's good or bad."

Qin Jiashu frowned and cast sharp eyes, "What did you say?"

Ji Fengchang changed his countenance instantly, "He is really special."


People have dumped you, and you are not allowed to say no, Ji Fengchang looked at Qin Jiashu's hopeless death, and shook his head inwardly.

I didn't expect this **** to have today.

Qin Jiashu has been the proud son of heaven since he was a child. According to his parents, a child from other people's family almost knew him when he was young. There is no parent who does not praise him full of praise. Qin Jiashu has always maintained a good appearance to the outside world, but it is the first time that he does not want to pretend to be so decadent. Once, it can be seen that the blow was not small.

Ji Fengchang looked at Qin Jiashu's stinky face, and stepped forward to comfort him, "What's the matter, life is not always smooth, look at you, you look good, you have a good family background, you study well and you are sought after by others, you take all of these , can't let you encounter some setbacks and lose love? Otherwise, it would be unfair."

"No matter how much you like the sun, it can't just revolve around you."

After finishing speaking, Chang Ji Feng pondered for a while, and found that he had no match, as if he was more pitiful than Qin Jiashu.

But who made this **** his friend.

Qin Jiashu lowered his eyes, not knowing how much Ji Fengchang had listened to.

Chief Ji Feng continued his efforts, "You can't find anything like this, why bother to fall in love, if you take someone who is pleasing to the eye, it will not be obedient to you."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him coldly from the side.

Ji Fengchang realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly changed his words, "It doesn't have to be a relationship, what's so exciting about it, it's nothing more than two people getting tired of being together every day, there's nothing good about it, we don't envy you."

After saying that, Ji Fengchang saw a different emotion in Qin Jiashu's eyes.

Monsoon Chief: ... Zhuo! This dog is heartbroken.

"It's so boring to be together every day. Even if you're in a relationship, your partner can play games and fight with you. Let me tell you that the other party likes to meddle in things when you're in love. Let alone you go out for a drink in the future. No cigarettes will let you smoke."

Qin Jiashu thought about the other party's words, imagining that if he was taken care of with Wen Zhichu's character, he would probably be soft-spoken and reasoned with him, and if he got angry in a hurry, it would be even more painful.

"If you fall in love, you will lose your freedom, just like a bird whose wings are broken, or a dog whose legs are broken. If you want to get rid of it, it will not be so easy. What's more, what you really look like behind the scenes I don't know, even if we are together, he just likes your appearance as a good man, and he can't talk to each other at all."

I thought what he said was bad enough, but Qin Jiashu was not moved at all.

In the end, I had no choice but to use my trump card, "Do you know what kind of painful price you will pay if you really fall in love?"

Qin Jiashu just glanced at him, "What price?"

Monsoon grows sonorously, "You won't be able to hang out with me anytime!!"

Qin Jiashu: "...Oh."

Long Monsoon:…

Seeing that the other party didn't listen to what he said, Ji Feng sighed, "You just want to be with him that much, can't you change someone?"

Qin Jiashu recalled Wen Zhichu's blushing cheeks last night in his mind, and said two words coldly, "No."

Ji Fengchang had a complicated expression on his face, Qin Jiashu admitted to death, what else could he do.

"Then you can keep chasing after him. You can always catch him after a year or two."

Qin Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, he really didn't think of what Ji Fengchang said before.

Seeing that the person reacted, Ji Feng quickly got up, "Wait for me for a while, I'll get you something when I go home."


Ji Fengchang patted his chest, "What your brother gave you, of course it's a good thing!"

Da has a posture of going up the mountain of swords and down the pan of oil for his good brothers.

Half an hour later, Qin Jiashu fell into deep thought while looking at the three books in the other party's hand.

"Green Tea Coaxing Rules"

"Love Manual"

"Three minutes, let a man spend one hundred thousand for me"

Qin Jiashu's handsome face was stiff, "...a good thing?"

Chief Ji Feng took it out of the backpack again, saw the three books in the other party's hand, and hurriedly took them back, "No, these are not suitable for you."

Qin Jiashu has two faces before and behind, and he can't hold green tea.

"You are suitable to see this."

As he spoke, he stuffed another book into the person's hand.

"The Secret Book of White Lotus"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Looking at the things in his hands, Qin Jiashu exuded a strong sense of rejection.

"Why did you give me these?"

Chang Feng: "Of course I want you to study."

Qin Jiashu: "Do you think I will watch?"

"if not?"

Qin Jiashu put down the book, it didn't fit his personality, "Impossible."

Ji Fengchang grabbed the other party, "Fuck, don't narrow the road."

Qin Jiashu: ...