Chapter 71:

Looking at the book in his hand, Qin Jiashu's face was indifferent, but complicated in his indifference.

Chief Ji Feng strongly recommended, "These are all good things, and I brought them here for you, my brother."

Qin Jiashu sat on the bed with his upper body naked, one long leg slightly bent, and his muscular arm showed a sense of strength. He casually put it on his leg, looked at the "White Lotus Cheats" in his hand, and then raised his eyelids to look at the backpack book, silent for a long time.

"How do you have these things?"

Ji Feng said honestly, "Of course I bought it."


Qin Jiashu took a deep breath, "What are you buying these for?"

The two are brothers, and Chief Ji Feng didn't shy away from it at all, "Of course it's a pick-up."

Qin Jiashu raised his eyebrows, "Is it here?"

"That's not true."

Qin Jiashu: ...

In the next moment, I saw the person put the book in his hand away and lay down on the bed again.

Chang Ji Feng glanced at it and quickly pulled him up again, "Don't take it seriously, it's a good thing if you say it, and there is a reason for giving it to you. As the saying goes, if you read it a hundred times, you will see the truth."

Qin Jiashu watched him perform quietly.

Chief Ji Feng picked up the "Cheats of the White Lotus", "What did you see?"

Qin Jiashu read the title of the book indifferently.

Ji Fengchang shouted loudly: "Superficial!"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Fengchang had a deep expression on his face, "What you see is just a book, but what I see is love. As the saying goes, there is beauty in a book."

After finishing speaking, he met Qin Jiashu's complicated eyes.

Ji Fengchang frowned, "Why do you look at me with that look?"

"What look?"

"Look at the idiot's eyes."

"Then you read that right."

Long Monsoon:…

He stuffed the book into the man's hand, "You have read so many famous books and foreign literature before, but you didn't see you chasing people down. It's because you are too impersonal, that's why. Whoever chases people with a cold face like you, The other party is afraid that you will not be able to make it in time."

After hearing this, Qin Jiashu stared at the book. Although what Ji Fengchang said was considered to be a famous aphorism, it was not very credible. However, what he said just now made the other blind cat and dead mouse guess right.

Wen Zhichu seemed to be really afraid of him.

"Just look at it, there is no harm, there are many benefits." He said and took the backpack, "I will leave you a few more copies, and I will read the rest when I go back."

After finishing speaking, Chief Ji Feng felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Zhuo! He still had a day to chat with Qin Jiashu about books, and then he shook his head conceitedly, really awesome, really awesome.

Although Qin Jiashu resisted in his heart, he decided to keep the book after thinking about it. After all, he didn't have any experience and knowledge in pursuing this aspect.

At this time, there was a rattling sound from outside the door. Ji Fengchang left the door open when he entered, and the sound from the corridor on the third floor could be heard clearly.

The next moment Qin Jiahe's chubby body was exposed. He was wearing adult slippers and stood at the door with a serious face. "Brother, can Xiaohe come in?"

Ji Feng Changhui thought about the pig squawking just now, and now he wanted to laugh when he saw Qin Jiahe, and thought this little guy was extremely interesting, "It's quite polite, come in."

But after all, Ji Fengchang said these words, Qin Jiahe glanced at Qin Jiashu cautiously, seeing that his brother didn't intend to stop him, a smile burst into his originally pouting face, and he hurriedly stepped on his slippers and walked in.

Coming to the side of the big bed, Qin Jiahe poked his head and looked at Qin Jiashu, "Brother, what is in your hand?"

Qin Jiashu paused, his handsome face was obviously stiff, and he said three words coldly, "Storybook."

Qin Jiahe's nose still had a nasal sound because of the pig squawking just now, and then he sniffed his nose and looked at the cover of the book.


"What story?"

Qin Jiashu's face remained unchanged, "Xiao En the lamb."

Qin Jiahe opened his eyes wide, apparently believing it.

Long Monsoon:…

Anyone with a primary school diploma will not be deceived like this.

Ji Fengchang picked up Qin Jiahe, "Little piggy, don't you have any doubts?"

Qin Jiahe quietly glanced at Qin Jiashu, shook his head, and waited until he and Ji Fengchang walked out of the room before saying, "Big brother."

Chief Ji Feng looked down at him, "What's wrong?"

"I know that storybook isn't Shaun the Sheep."

Ji Fengchang was startled, "How do you know?"

Qin Jiahe's small face was full of seriousness, "Because there are five words on it, and they are still pink."

Ji Fengchang swallowed his saliva.

Qin Jiahe continued with a small mouth, "So the name should be "Dora Adventures"."

Long Monsoon:…

Well a Dora loves adventure.

As he said that, he saw the little guy's face was tangled, "But don't laugh at brother, okay?"

Ji Fengchang bent over to look at him, "Why?"

"Because my brother can't read."

Long Monsoon:…

Good guy, it seems that at home, Qin Jiashu has been fooling the little piggy a lot.

After finishing speaking, the big stone in Qin Jiahe's heart fell. His brother didn't go to school today, and he could remember the fact of being illiterate for a lifetime.

After Ji Fengchang and Qin Jiahe left, Qin Jiashu got up and casually threw the few books on the table, he was a little tangled with the "White Lotus Secret Book" in the book.

After standing there for a long time, he opened the book.

First page, narration: "hello, white lotus."

Qin Jiashu frowned, saying who?

Next line, narrator: "Yes, it was you."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Qin Jiashu raised his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows, then continued to look down.

"Integrity, kindness, harmlessness, and simplicity are all synonymous with us, no! Of course not! There is only one synonym for us, and that is scheming!"

"Please remember that as a qualified white lotus, every movement of ours has been carefully designed to create charm and attract others."

"You must think, ah~ Bai Lianhua, it's not good to be so scheming. First of all, we have to remember one sentence."

"I'm lofty, I'm great, I'm trying to make others raise myself!"

(The above is only used for pure love pursuit and fair competition. Although it is abnormal, it has a moral bottom line)

Qin Jiashu: ...

White Lotus Cheats 1: Getting started is a must, look for typical White Lotus characters in life, and learn the speech characteristics of the other party (behavior characteristics are not good if you learn them too early, it is easy to be artificial), and you will find that he, she or them speak very well Take it easy, know how to please people's hearts, praise is second, and the main thing is the number of words.

Qin Jiashu looked at the examples of characters given below, raised his hand and closed the book, his face full of complexity.

Since Qin Jiashu didn't go to school on Friday, Wen Zhichu had a lump in his heart, he didn't know why he felt guilty about Qin Jiashu.

Maybe it was because he didn't want to make others sad because of himself, or maybe it was Qin Jiashu's help to him all the time that made him feel unbearable.

But he had no better way, so he could only refuse, hoping that the other party would not affect his emotions because of him.

Thanks to Crazy Thursday, what happened that day was also pretty crazy.

On Monday morning, Wen Zhichu bought the steamed stuffed bun and walked into the class. After sitting down, he said, "Tianmeow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

Wen Zhichu asked with some confusion, "Do you think Qin Jiashu will come today?"

[System: This suggestion is for me. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Seeing the tangled look on the person's face, the Sky Meow Elf spoke.

[System: Actually, it's fine if he doesn't come, so you'll be safer. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: My previous host told me something. 】

Wen Zhichu was curious, "What are you talking about?"

[System: Stay away from men, or you will become unlucky. 】

"But he and I are both men."

[System: So I have a very unfortunate life. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It turns out that we wronged you.

[System: And he also gave a real example. 】

Wen Zhichu was a little nervous after hearing this, "What example."

[System: That time, in order to do the task, he said that he had to do this shit, and in the end he overturned and had to put down his dignity and call him a father. 】

Wen Zhichu swallowed, "And then?"

[System: Then I lost contact with him for three days. After I was no longer blocked and released, he couldn't even walk. He said that the Chrysanthemum area was seriously damaged, and he lived a very humiliating life until he healed the injured. Just sneaked away. 】

Wen Zhichu was shocked, he didn't expect that wonderful person to have such a tragic experience, he was beaten to a broken bone and couldn't even walk.

"Then he must be in pain."

[System: He was injured for half a month. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

Didn't the fracture take three months to heal? After thinking about it for a while, maybe the other party is in good health and should have drunk a lot of milk.

During club activities in the afternoon, Wen Zhichu walked into the activity room with the exercise book. Qin Jiashu took him to buy two sets before, and only finished three chapters in four days.

To the extent that I don’t know, looking at the four answers to the multiple-choice questions and trying to guess one at random, I feel that guessing E is more reliable than ABCD.

The appearance of these two sets of workbooks severely hit Wen Zhichu's self-confidence.

He unfolded the paper and put it on the table, Qin Jiashu probably won't come to the activity room in the future, Wen Zhichu pursed his lips, took out the answer and planned to read the analysis by himself.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door, Wen Zhichu didn't pay attention, and looked at the answer seriously with a frown, the next moment the seat beside him was pulled away, and a shadow enveloped him.

Wen Zhichu looked sideways, and was taken aback, only to see Qin Jiashu sitting next to him.

"Qin...Qin Jiashu."

Qin Jiashu hypnotized secretly in his heart, reviewing the lotus words and lotus words that he saw. From childhood to adulthood, there was nothing he could not do well as long as he thought about it.

Take a deep breath in your heart, Qin Jiashu, it's time for you to play.

Just when Qin Jiashu turned his head and was about to explain to Wen Zhichu what he had learned last night and eliminate the previous barriers, his eyes flicked to one place, and his face suddenly darkened.

"What happened to your head?"

As he spoke, he almost subconsciously raised his hand to brush the hair from the forehead, only to see a small patch of black and purple on the fair forehead, which looked like it had been there for several days.

Qin Jiashu's face was terribly dark, "Someone bullied you?"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly waved his hands, "This... this..."

Qin Jiashu's voice was low and tinged with anger, "Who is it?"

Wen Zhichu shuddered in fright, "'s me."

Qin Jiashu: ...