Chapter 78:

Wen Zhichu stared at Qin Jiashu in a daze, swallowing the comforting words that came to his lips in an instant.

[System: Something is wrong. 】

Wen Zhichu listened to the words of the Tmall Elf, "What's wrong?"

[System: Did you notice that the protagonist exudes a faint lotus aura. 】

Wen Zhichu was very honest, "I only felt murderous aura from him."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Wen Zhichu looked at Qin Jiashu at the side with round eyes. He didn't realize that there was indeed some truth in what Tianmiao Fairy said.

"How did you find out?"

[System: Heh, this still needs to be discovered. 】

Wen Zhichu was stunned.

[System: He collided with my quotations. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Bailian Miaomiao, cracking down on counterfeiting online.

Unexpectedly, you are such a teacher Meow.

Wen Zhichu: "I didn't expect your eyes to be so vicious."

The Sky Meow elf cat raised its head.

Wen Zhichu asked curiously: "Then what kind of energy can you see in me?"

The Tianmeow Elf didn't hesitate.

[System: Stupid. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

[System: If you don't speak, are you agreeing with me? 】

Wen Zhichu: "No, I just simply don't want to talk to you."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

For some reason, the bus that Wen Zhichu took today didn't arrive on time. He glanced sideways at Qin Jiashu beside him, and felt that the other party cared a lot about Chen Chen.

Otherwise, according to the protagonist's temper, he wouldn't mention anyone in the chat.

Wen Zhichu lowered his head and looked at his toes, he couldn't help pursing his mouth, and muttered in his heart, there was no one Qin Jiashu liked in the article, and he didn't expect that the other party was so interested in Taohua.

This thought is like an expanding balloon, it gets bigger and bigger, because the skin is very elastic and will not burst, but it also becomes bigger and bigger, the small box in the body can't hold it, and it stretches the chest, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Wen Zhichu couldn't hold back any longer, and turned to look at the other party, "Qin...Qin Jiashu."

The tone that had always been submissive was a bit tough, and the latter looked down at him, looking at that fair and well-behaved little face, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

It's like a cat that only waving its paws at you, thinking that the claws are sharp, but in fact, only the lovely pads are exposed.

Qin Jiashu looked at him and remained silent.

Wen Zhichu asked sullenly, "How do you feel about Xiao Shen?"

As soon as these words came out, the handsome face suddenly darkened.

This is to fight against the green tea man.

Qin Jiashu breathed a sigh of relief, almost revealing his true nature, but now that he has not been chased, he can't act rashly, so he will endure this period of time, and when he gets it, people can do whatever he wants.

"I don't feel anything, just that he doesn't seem to like me very much." After reading the mantra in the book, he didn't forget to add, "It's also the first time we met today."

I can no longer understand what I mean.

We met for the first time today, he wants to pick you up, I don't agree, so he hates me, you have to stand by me. "

However, Wen Zhichu's attention was only on the first half of the sentence, and after listening to it, he felt a little enlightened, "It's doesn't matter, Xiao Shen is just admitting life."

Qin Jiashu: ...

To admit to being a student, he would call someone brother when he came up, so Wen Zhichu would make excuses for others.

Feeling unwilling, Qin Jiashu looked at the plants and trees around him and felt that it was an eyesore.

And those two shameless berbers on the tree~, Qin Jiashu's expression was cold and hard.

Edge bird.

The bus stopped five minutes late, Wen Zhichu waved goodbye to people, and said in a good mood: "Tomorrow...see you tomorrow."

After saying that, he turned around and met the driver's uncle's face.

"Little job, why didn't you come yesterday, did you have some kind of illness?"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly waved his hands, ""

He just simply didn't catch up.

Driver: "Then you are a little sub-healthy."

Wen Zhichu: ...

As long as he ran on the bus, he must be sick in the eyes of the uncle.

The driver smiled and said: "Exercise more, I am afraid that you will not be able to catch up today, so I came five minutes late on purpose."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, and the emotion in his heart suddenly gushed like a spring.


Passengers sitting all the way beside him said, "Didn't you turn the wrong corner today?"


Wen Zhichu: ...

The moving fountain instantly turned into a small splash.

Remember to unify the caliber next time.

Early the next morning, Ji Fengchang hurriedly walked into the class and went straight to Qin Jiashu.


Qin Jiashu raised his eyelids and looked at him.

"I was released at noon yesterday, and I **** played with those elementary school students in the Internet cafe all afternoon!"

"Did you win?"

"This... this..." Ji Fengchang was a little embarrassed when he spoke, and then waved his hand, "Don't worry about it, you can just go out with me at noon today."

Qin Jiashu directly refused, "No."


"Eat the cafeteria."

Ji Feng's long eyelids twitched, this dog has eaten in the cafeteria several times during the two years at school, he can count it with a single slap, and he insisted on eating today.

"I don't care, I have to go out at noon today and play in the Internet cafe all afternoon."

"How many people?"

Long Monsoon: "Two."

"Take me one."

"No, I'll take you more." After the words came out, Ji Fengchang froze for a moment, and the dog didn't even move his mouth.

Then the neck seemed to be stuck, and turned back stiffly.

He turned around and faced the head teacher's big face.

Long Monsoon:…

Jiu Min! !

At noon, Ji Fengchang went to the cafeteria with a face full of shit, carrying a 1,000-word self-criticism on his back.

Chewing the rice with the posture of chewing the bones, he looked up and found that Qin Jiashu's eyes were fixed on a certain place again.

Chang Ji Feng was curious, so he followed suit. This time, there was no one there, no more, no less, exactly two heads.

One is tender and naive, and the other is unknown.

Ji Fengchang quickly drank his saliva, "How about your sweetheart?"

Qin Jiashu didn't answer, nor did he deny it.

Chief Ji Feng hurriedly took another look, there were two people in total, he could use the method of elimination, Wen Zhichu eliminated it, well now only one is left.

However, something was wrong again, the other head seemed to be wearing a high school uniform.

Ji Fengchang frowned slightly, and found that things were not simple.

I'm only sixteen years old in high school.

Ji Fengchang looked at Qin Jiashu in shock, "Fuck, you bastard, this is not human, you are underage!"

Ji Feng was heartbroken for a long time, knowing that Qin Jiashu was not human, but he did not expect to be so inhuman.

Qin Jiashu frowned.

Ji Fengchang: "You **** don't want to deny it anymore, isn't that kid wearing a high school uniform?"

Qin Jiashu said coldly, "It's not him."

Ji Fengchang felt that the other party was sophistrying, "It wasn't him, could it be Wen Zhichu?!"

The surroundings were surprisingly quiet for a while, and Chief Ji Feng sensed something was wrong.

Fuck! Could it be really Wen Zhichu?

Ji Fengchang looked over there, then at Qin Jiashu, in disbelief, "Really... really him?"

Qin Jiashu didn't deny it.

Ji Fengchang was dumbfounded for a moment, what Qin Jiashu really liked was that troublesome annoying spirit!

Ji Fengchang hugged him with both hands, his shock was no less than seeing Lin Daiyu pull out the weeping willow with his own eyes.

Qin Jiashu didn't expect the other party to react so strongly.


Ji Fengchang raised his hand to interrupt, "It's okay."

Qin Jiashu:?

Ji Fengchang looked up at the sky, "On your wedding day, I will sit at the fool's table."

Qin Jiashu: ...

After Ji Fengchang comforted himself, he found that Qin Jiashu's eyes were filled with inexplicable hostility, and he looked at Gao Shengsheng again.

Good guy, he won't be a rival in love.

Ji Fengchang said dryly, "Then what's going on in Gaosheng?"

Qin Jiashu: "Cheng Yaojin."

Oh, the stumbling block that came out halfway.

Ji Fengchang had a hard time thinking about it, it was not easy to be tempted by this dog, and the person he was tempted by was quite outrageous, but it was also considered to be a long drought and nectar, and the cycads bloomed.

During physical exercise class, Chen Chen stood at the door of the third floor of the high school and planned to wait for Wen Zhichu to finish class. After the get out of class bell rang, Wen Zhichu walked out, but Qin Jiashu was by his side.

But looking at the faces of the two of them, it seemed that they were not very happy, Wen Zhichu was disappointed, and Qin Jiashu was unhappy.

The process of this tutoring session is not beautiful, and it is reasonable to suspect that some small conflicts have occurred.

Chen Chen was overjoyed, this was a great opportunity, just as he was about to step forward, he was suddenly pulled to a shadowy area by a force.

"Are you that Cheng Yaojin?"

The other party's tone was not kind, Chen Chen looked at the person in front of him suspiciously, "Who are you?"

Ji Fengchang: "Don't worry about who I am, you just need to know to stay away from Wen Zhichu in the future."

When Chen Chen heard it, how could it work, "Why?"

Ji Fengchang sneered, "Do you know who my buddy is Wen Zhichu?"


Just listen to Ji Feng's long breath, "It's his spare tire!"

Chen Chen: ...

Hearing this tone, he was quite satisfied as a spare tire.

Chen Chen reasoned, "So what, brother didn't agree!"

"You also know that you didn't agree." Ji Feng said with a smug face, "Then why don't you obediently go to the back and line up!"

Chen Chen: ...

Hearing the title of brother, Chang Ji Feng knew that the opponent was coming, and the opponent was definitely not a small character.

As a lifelong friendship, Ji Fengchang feels obliged to help Qin Jiashu get him quickly, after all, this dog is so aggressive that he might be able to do something if he gets angry.

After all, it is the son's fault that he does not teach his father, which would insult his reputation.

Chen Chen looked disdainful, and he could tell who the other party was talking about, but in his eyes, compared with Qin Jiashu, Wen Zhichu obviously cared more about him. After all, they had dinner together at noon every day, and the other party had never accompanied Qin Jiashu.

"Fair competition, why should I quit, besides, my brother likes me more."

"Fart, Wen Zhichu likes Qin Jiashu more."

"Then has he had dinner with his brother?"

The monsoon was long and I was at a loss for words.

"Has he ever been to the supermarket with his brother?"

Long Monsoon:…

"Did he take a walk around campus with his brother?"

Ji Feng's long eyelids twitched, and his health bar dropped by one hundred.

Fuck, why is this **** so pushy!

Chen Chen looked proud, "My brother and I have done these things before, and I have full self-confidence. I don't think I am any worse than Qin Jiashu."

Ji Fengchang took a deep breath and pretended to be calm, "It's not bad, I didn't hit you."

Chen Chen frowned, "What do you think we are short of?"

Ji Fengchang was also unceremonious, "It's ten centimeters away!"

Chen Chen: ...