Chapter 79:

Chen Chen was a little annoyed when he heard this, because it was a matter of a man's dignity, "Who can brag, don't exaggerate!"

Ji Fengchang's voice didn't even tremble, "Labor and capital are deceiving people like dogs!"

Chen Chen:!

Zhuo! What a vicious oath.

For a moment, Chen Chen believed it, and then he shook his head violently, insisting on himself for the sake of his brother, "Impossible! Stop bragging!"

Ji Fengchang has a candid face, with such an arrogant face that he doesn't even bother to lie to you, "As long as you have eyes, you can see this, but you just pretend not to know."

It really is old tea.

Chen Chen, who was planning to yell a few words at first, suddenly turned ugly. Qin Jiashu is tall and big, but no one stipulates that if he is tall, he must be big! !

If Chen Chen was verbally humiliated before, then Ji Fengchang is now a mental blow.

Ji Fengchang looked at the person's frustration, and before he left, he didn't forget to add, "Qin Jiashu Elementary School is the best."

As he said that, he walked away in a chic way, but he did not forget to look at Chen Chen with the victor's gaze.

I saw Chen Chen standing where he was, motionless as if the pause button had been pressed, which showed that the lethality just now was not small.

Monsoon Chang smiled confidently.

Heh, I didn't expect the opponent to be hit so badly by mere height.

Isn't 1.78 meters ten centimeters worse than 1.88 meters, and I still don't admit it!

I think when he first grew to 1.8 meters, he wished to put his height on his forehead.

Chen Chen took a deep breath, no...he won't give up, it's just a blow...

However, this burst of psychological comfort did not work at all.

Is this a **** blow? This is a **** crit! !

In this tutoring session, Wen Zhichu and Qin Jiashu had some unpleasant quarrels, so that in the second half of the class, Wen Zhichu didn't ask for advice when he did the questions.

And this is also the last tuition before the mid-term exam in the next cycle. The recent English learning and tutoring have put a lot of pressure on Wen Zhichu. The pressure comes from finding that he can't do it more and more. He is obviously working hard without a moment's slack, but The grades are still falling and there is no improvement, just like a blind man who can't see the way.

So much so that it made him a little afraid of going to tutoring classes. Qin Jiashu was not gentle during tutoring, but Wen Zhichu has gradually adapted to it after getting along recently.

Today, he accidentally said that he would go to the supermarket with Xiao Shen after class, in order to ease the serious atmosphere caused by his two wrong questions.

At that time, Qin Jiashu looked at him coldly, "If you can't put your mind right, don't learn."

I don't know which nerve he was stung by whether his mind was right, Wen Zhichu directly thought that the other party didn't want him to have more contact with Chen Chen.

Think about it too, after all, Chen Chen can be regarded as the peach blossom of the protagonist.

Normally, he would not dare to be angry if he was too courageous when he was gentle and childish, but the pressure accumulated too much, and he was aggrieved by being attacked by someone, as if his heart was held in his hands and squeezed, and his uncomfortable breathing was heavy. Some, that beautiful and innocent little face lost the cautious smile, and I didn't talk to anyone in the second half of the class.

The other party asked him if there was anything he didn't know, and he said sullenly, "I haven't written it yet."

I thought I could leave after the tutoring, but who knew that the other party followed closely, making it clear that he didn't want him to meet Chen Chen.

Wen Zhichu panicked in his heart, and it was the first time that he complained a little while being afraid of Qin Jiashu. If possible, he wanted to bite him hard.

But thinking about it is just thinking about it. After all, Qin Jiashu is no different from One Punch Man to him. If he gets hit, he will probably go to Nantianmen.

Ji Fengchang returned to the class triumphantly. During this self-study session, he just wanted to share his first blood record with Qin Jiashu, when he saw the face of the other party who owed him five million.

"No, what's your situation?"

The green tea was hit by him, and it couldn't jump for a while, and it shouldn't have disturbed the two of them in the last class.

Chief Ji Feng tentatively asked, "Did you quarrel?"

Qin Jiashu didn't answer, but obviously he didn't have a second answer either.

Smelling the scent of melon, Ji Feng asked with a long mouth, "Why?"

Qin Jiashu's face darkened, "He's a freshman in high school."

As soon as the first year of high school was mentioned, Chang Jifeng became more excited, "Don't tell me, I helped you to warn him just now, and the effect was remarkable."

But it's not right to think about it, it seems useless for him to just warn Chen Chen, the key is that Wen Zhichu also thinks about him.

Ji Fengchang was in trouble for a moment, how could he pry Wen Zhichu's brains open and throw Chen Chen out?

Ji Fengchang: "He's thinking about the first year of high school?"

Qin Jiashu responded, which was regarded as an answer.

Ji Fengchang tutted his head and shook his head, "It's because they are higher in rank than you, and your skills are not as good as others."

Qin Jiashu frowned.

"You still don't admit it." Ji Feng said forcefully: "Look at your current appearance, you have a fierce face, you should ask people to pay attention next time when they drink water, and they won't make trouble with you."

"It's for his own good."

Whether it is study or other strict requirements, it is also for Wen Zhichu not to make mistakes in the future, to improve his studies, and to get into a good university. He always goes straight to the goal in his work, and superior results are the best results.

Ji Fengchang spread his hands, "But I can't feel it."

"You have a fierce face with people every day. If I didn't know your nature, I would have thought you were double-labeled. You didn't even pretend to smile in front of Wen Zhichu. How can someone like you have a caring little green tea, call you brother, and care about brother?" You care about your brother's sleep, you feel sorry for your brother all day long, if you want me to be annoying... No, if you want me to be Wen Zhichu, I won't choose you either."

Qin Jiashu showed dissatisfaction, "Why didn't he choose me?"

"Because he's a normal person."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Fengchang looked at his stinky face, and knew that the other party had listened, and stepped forward to pat the other party's broad shoulders, "You, you are purely in love, and you can't remember anything when you meet someone. Dude, you have lived since childhood. Don't you know where your strengths are?"

As he said that, he patted the man's strong chest, "Your figure and face, what a dog!"

In terms of puberty, who hasn't been jealous of Qin Jiashu.

Looking at the hand on his chest, he looked at Ji Fengchang again.

Qin Jiashu: "Take it away."

Long Monsoon:…

There were mid-term exams on Monday and Tuesday. Wen Zhichu reviewed English for two days at home on the weekend. He was afraid that his grades would not be satisfactory this time. After all, the college entrance examination is still seven or eight months away, and now is the time to sprint for grades.

However, what are you afraid of? I failed the English test. I took the English test on Tuesday morning, and I got a score in the first quarter of the self-study that night. Looking at the score of 95 on the report card, Wen Zhichu suddenly felt cold hands and feet.

It seems to be able to predict the situation in the English group tomorrow.

The motivation to study in the evening self-study is gone, like a seedling that has been beaten by frost, nestling on the desk.

The pressure was stronger than before, and Wen Zhichu was a little confused for a while. In this strange world, studying is his only way out. If he sleeps on the street in the future, he can still change his life with a paper diploma.

But looking at the English test paper with a score of 95, I feel hopeless.

The penultimate one looked at Wen Zhichu's emo appearance, stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong, Wen Zai, why are you upset, tell dad about it."

Wen Zhichu said the truth, "The test...was not ideal."

Wen Zhichu's recent study process, the penultimate one is also seen in the eyes, very hard work, maybe because of the failure of the exam and the pressure, the string was not held back for a while and collapsed.

The penultimate thought for a while, then whispered: "Hurry up and pack your schoolbag when school is over, and take you to a place."

Wen Zhichu was stunned, "Where are you going?"

The penultimate: "Don't ask about this, good place."

Looking at the tavern in front of him at ten o'clock in the evening, Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded, "This...isn't that good."

The penultimate person took his ID card and dragged the person in. "It's nothing bad."

Sitting down, the penultimate ordered food and beer skillfully, looking at the bottles of beer being put on the table, Wen Zhichu swallowed.

"I...I don't drink."

The penultimate one patted his chest, "It's okay, the guardian is here."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu lowered his head, and the penultimate knew that the other party would not let go for a while, "Why don't you drink?"

"Difficult...difficult to drink."

This is not easy to handle, the penultimate raised his hand and asked for a bottle of orange juice.

Wen Zhichu blinked her eyes, thinking that she didn't need to drink anymore, the next moment she heard the penultimate voice: "You drink to me."


The penultimate man looked at the person still hesitating, "It's okay, just this time, I brought you here because you were in a bad mood, just drink some and think about it."

Wen Zhichu was a little moved, feeling sore and numb, and finally picked up the bottle of orange juice and poured it into the beer.

When the two came out of the tavern, it was almost twelve o'clock. Wen Zhichu couldn't straighten his legs, stretched his neck and looked into the tavern, "Still...still drinking."

The penultimate one kept hiccupping, "Don't drink."

Wen Zhichu didn't listen, and said with a smirk, "Still drinking!"

"Stop **** drinking!"


"Drink and beat you again!"

Wen Zhichu became honest in an instant.

second last:…

Seeing that the person blushed as if he had been cooked, he put the person on the bench second to last in the small park, intending to rest for a while.

He raised his hand and patted the person's cheek, "Wen Zai feels uncomfortable."

Wen Zhichu frowned and nodded.

"Wait for Dad for a while, I'll buy you some water."

When Qin Jiashu and Ji Fengchang came out of the clubhouse, they had no intention of going home, their voices were bitter from drinking, Ji Fengchang saw that there was a vending machine at the entrance of the park and planned to buy it.

Qin Jiashu stood aside and waited, his eyes swept away inadvertently, and he found a person sitting on a bench not far away.

The penultimate came over to buy water in a hurry, and then ran back.

Commander Ji Feng obviously saw it too, "Damn it, what's going on!"

Qin Jiashu went straight up with a sullen face.

"Warm, drink some water." The second-to-last straight man directly stuffed water into the man's hand, then raised his head to drink his own.

"Wen Zai, do you still remember where your home is? I'll take you home."

"I send."

A voice suddenly came out from the side, and when he looked up from the bottom, he saw Qin Jiashu. He was a little surprised. Although he was a stranger, Qin Jiashu still had a great reputation in No. 1 Middle School.

The penultimate thought that the other party was polite, "No, my brother will give it to me."

Qin Jiashu: "Do you know where his home is?"

The penultimate pat on Wen Zhichu: "Wen Zai, where is your home?"

Wen Zhichu: "?, [email protected]???"

second last:…

But Wen Zhichu had some conflicts with him before, so he pointed at Qin Jiashu second to last, "Wen Zai, do you want to go with him?"

Wen Zhichu looked at him in a daze, and asked with red eyes, "Who?"

Second to last: "Qin Jiashu."

Wen Zhichu nodded obediently, "Let's go."

The penultimate listener was relieved after hearing this, "The classmate has troubled you."

Ji Fengchang was watching the show, shaking his head.

After the penultimate person left, Qin Jiashu took a look at him, "Are you still leaving?"

Long Monsoon:…


Near midnight, the park was very quiet, except for the two, no third senior animal could be found.

Qin Jiashu lowered his eyes to look at the person, he didn't look like he had drunk well, his originally fair cheeks were flushed, and his eyes were even red from drinking.

Wen Zhichu groaned uncomfortably, Qin Jiashu picked up the water in the opponent's hand and gave him a mouthful.

This saliva drove away the bitter taste, Wen Zhichu swallowed it and turned to look at Qin Jiashu, his tender red mouth opened, wanting to take another sip.

Qin Jiashu's pupils shrank, and his mouth felt dry for a while.

Wen Zhichu felt uncomfortable, "Hurry up... Hurry up..."

However, because of people's bad intentions, the saliva was not fed after all.

Wen Zhichu was a little anxious, but Qin Jiashu said in a low voice, "Why drink?"

Wen Zhichu wrinkled her nose, and said something almost like someone asked, "No...did not pass the exam."


The words were soft, with a sense of grievance, Qin Jiashu listened to his heart.

"So drink?"

Wen Zhichu nodded.

"Vent out?"

"Blow it out a little..." But not at all, partly because I'll be called to the English team tomorrow.

Looking at the person's flushed cheeks, Qin Jiashu's dark eyes sank, terribly dark.

"I have an idea, do you want to try it?"

Wen Zhichu looked at him dumbfounded, "Drinking too...drinking?"

Qin Jiashu approached him, and circled him into his territory without any trace, "No."

Looking at the face close at hand, Wen Zhichu was a little dazed for a moment, thinking that the other party was good-looking, so she couldn't help staring at it.

Qin Jiashu looked at the blushing eyes of the other party, and asked softly in his ear: "Is it comfortable for me to kiss you last time?"

The other party's words were like a Pandora's box with infinite unknowns and temptations, and Wen Zhichu couldn't help shrinking his neck.

But the other party continued to ask, "Is it comfortable?"

Different from the previous sternness, a deep and magnetic voice sounded, and Wen Zhichu could even feel the vibration of the opponent's chest, looking at the man's ingenious face, for a moment, he seemed like a bewildered king, with his mouth open and a little speechless.

The corner of Qin Jiashu's mouth curled up into a smile, but his eyes were slyly shining.

Then she lowered her head and touched the person's lips lightly, Wen Zhichu's tender red lips sank inward instantly, and she looked at Qin Jiashu in disbelief for a while.

The slender waist on the arm ring that originally confined people in a territory is not visible on the surface, but the movements are somewhat urgent to bring people forward.

Qin Jiashu looked at Wen Zhichu with a pair of handsome eyebrows, "Do you hate it?"

Wen Zhichu couldn't speak, and shook his head after being quiet for a long time.

"I'll help you vent it." This time it was no longer a question, Wen Zhichu thought that the other party wanted to help him, so he nodded.

The next moment, the other party's lips came up, different from the first time, this time the other party obviously had some skills, and the lips were not just sticking.

Qin Jiashu watched Wen Zhichu's reaction with his eyes open. The other party seemed to be very nervous, with white hands grabbing his clothes, and his eyes were tightly closed.

The pleasure after the viciousness succeeded kept clamoring in his mind, he pried open the man's teeth, and kissed him.

For a while, the park was silent everywhere, but there was a sound of water stains from time to time.