Chapter 83:

Listening to the dean's earnest broadcast, Ji Fengchang turned his head and gave Qin Jiashu a complicated look.

If the other party knew that Qin Jiashu had coaxed someone into a puppy love, the dean would probably cry.

Those who saw it were sad, those who heard it wept, and the dog shook his head when he saw it.

After all, the dean paid by mistake.

After school in the evening, Wen Zhichu was planning to go to the bus station to report with his schoolbag on his back. He met Chen Chen who was waiting for him at the gate of the building, and they dropped by along the way.

Chen Chen looked at Wen Zhichu's distraught look, "Brother."

Wen Zhichu snapped back to his senses, "Hmm..."

"What’s wrong with you?"

Wen Zhichu waved his hands, forced a smile, "No...just a little tired."

Looking at the man's face, Chen Chen's heart was full of alarm bells, "Could it be that brother is in love?!"

Wen Zhichu blushed, and quickly explained, " is it possible, the school rules don't allow it!"

After hearing this, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Wen Zhichu turned his head and looked at him approvingly, "Xiao you always abide by the school rules and discipline?"

"..." Chen Chen felt guilty for a while, and finally squeezed out a few words, "Of course."

Chen Chen's bus arrived earlier than Wen Zhichu's. After getting on the bus, Chen Chen smiled and waved goodbye to his good brother. After the bus drove smoothly, he turned his face away.

It won't work if this continues, my brother is completely confused by Qin Jiashu, he must do something.

The next day, Chen Chen deliberately got up early in the morning. There was a half-hour difference between the morning self-study time between the first year of senior high school and the third year of senior high school.

If the weather is normal, the other party will come to school by bicycle, and Chen Chen deliberately waits at the designated place.

Soon he found the tall figure, surrounded by people, with a fake smile on his face.

Chen Chen secretly cast aside in his heart, vixen!

When a group of people were about to enter the third year teaching building, Chen Chen found an opportunity to stop them.

Chen Chen said with a serious expression, "Talk."

Qin Jiashu looked at him condescendingly, his expression unchanged.

The two came to the bathroom. It was the time for the students to arrive at school, and there was no one in the bathroom.

As soon as Chen Chen entered, he said directly: "Senior Qin, please stay away from brother in the future."

Qin Jiashu looked at him, the smile on his face when he was outside just now disappeared, his eyes were unintentional, as if he didn't pay attention to him at all.

"What if I don't?"

"Of course not!"

"Why?" A deep voice sounded from the top of his head, Qin Jiashu took a step forward, and the shadow formed by his tall and straight figure completely enveloped Chen Chen, "Because you are his good brother?"

The other party's voice was teasing, but he felt completely oppressed. Chen Chen swallowed and took a step back.

Although he was scared, he had no intention of running away, because he wanted to let the other party know that true love is invincible! !

Chen Chen pinched himself to prevent the other party from overshadowing his arrogance.

"No matter how much you pester me, my brother won't be with you. I advise you to give up early! You are not suitable at all!"

Qin Jiashu took out his phone and slid his slender fingers across the screen.

Chen Chen was still outputting like a pea shooter, and a photo flashed before his eyes the next moment.

That one was a photo of two people embracing each other. Even with a quick scan, Chen Chen could see that one of them was Wen Zhichu.

After being stupefied, he became angry from embarrassment, " forced my brother!"

"What if he volunteered?"

Chen Chen couldn't believe it, and pointed at the other person's nose, "Qin Jiashu, you vixen."

However, the other party didn't care at all.

Chen Chen regained his composure for a moment. It was very likely that Qin Jiashu was setting him up just now. If he got angry again, he would be going in the other party's way. Instead, he would use his uncalmness to highlight the other party's attitude.

The vixen is really scheming.

Chen Chen said sarcastically, "You are lofty, you are amazing, you are thinking of others, and you elevate yourself!"

Qin Jiashu listened to the words, and said in a flat tone, "You really think so?"

Chen Chen gritted his teeth and looked at him, "Otherwise?"

Qin Jiashu's eyes were meaningful, and he stepped forward. Chen Chen frowned and backed away in shock.

Seeing the other party wearing that usual fake smile again, Chen Chen's heart jumped in his throat.

Fuck, the other party won't be hit by what he said, so he will be so angry that he will hit him.

Seeing someone raise his hand, Chen Chen was so frightened that he wanted to run away, but the next moment his shoulder was firmly held down by a big hand.

"Your affirmation I accept."

Chen Chen:?

affim? What sure?

Did he admit that he was a vixen?

Before Chen Chen came to his senses, Qin Jiashu had already opened the door and walked out.

Chen Chen was left in a daze.

"White Lotus Cheats" slogan: I am noble! I am amazing! Scheming others, elevating yourself!

Wen Zhichu almost ushered in the most difficult time period in eighteen years. In the face of difficulties, the important time period of the third year of high school seemed a bit small.

The most difficult thing to decide is the English score in the next monthly exam and how to get along with Qin Jiashu.

Even if I want to smoke my brain, I can't think of an answer.

[System: Boy, what are you worrying about? 】

Wen Zhichu directly asked, "Why did the protagonist hate me?"

[System: Then why don't you just do something that annoys him? 】

Wen Zhichu asked in a daze, "For example?"

[System: Ding! The villain task, destroying the protagonist's items, the villain's value will increase by 5% after the task is completed, and the reward will be 500 yuan. If the task fails, a penalty of 500 yuan will be deducted. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Good guy, I was waiting for him here.

In the first day of junior high school, Wen Zhi ate Huang Lian like a dumb person, "Tianmeow Elf."

[System: Huh? 】

"You are so sweet."

[System is shy: It has always been like this. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

For this reason, the Tianmeow Elf explained the task carefully, and meowed in Wen Zhichu's ear.

[System: This task is mainly to make the protagonist hate you! There must be strength, so...]

"So what?"

[System: So if you want to do it, make it big. 】

Wen Zhichu humbly asked for advice, "Is it really possible? You seem to be very experienced, can you tell me something about it?"

The Sky Meow Elf was silent for a while.

[System: That's not true. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: I just stand and talk without back pain. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...


Wen Zhichu thought about it for a while, but he couldn't figure out a solution, but the scumbag set him up to be more and more plump.

In the end, he set his target on Qin Jiashu's car. If he punctured the other party's tire, it would be annoying. Moreover, he had to do this mission in front of others, without leaving any way out, so as to leave bad news for the other party. impression.

Unceasingly, Wen Zhichu found a very small paperclip as a crime tool, the advantage is easy to carry, the disadvantage is useless.

Not to mention the tires, it is a bit difficult to tie the paper shell.

[System: Are you going to deal with the ants in the protagonist's house? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

During lunch, I greeted Chen Chen and said that he didn't need to wait for him tonight.

Wen Zhichu deliberately slowed down the speed of packing up after school in the evening. He was the last one to leave the class and came to the school carport on time. At this time, there were no one around.

Qin Jiashu's car was assembled with high-end parts, so it was very recognizable. Wen Zhichu took out a paper clip, and his hands trembled for a while.

[System: Boy, what are you shaking? 】

Wen Zhichu: "I don't want to either, but I can't help it."

However, after a while of operation, it would be a little too inhuman, thinking of Qin Jiashu's face, Wen Zhichu couldn't bear it, and finally pinned the paperclip to his body and quit.

Just then a voice came from behind, "What are you doing?"

Wen Zhichu's heart skipped a beat, he turned his head stiffly to look at Qin Jiashu, he couldn't see the other party's face clearly in the night, but the other party most likely saw what he had done before.

Wen Zhichu swallowed, too scared to speak, feeling extremely guilty.

Seeing the other party raise his hand, he raised his hand and hugged his head very skillfully.

Unexpectedly, the other party went around to the front of the car, patted the front bumper, "Come up, I'll take you."

Wen Zhichu:? ? ?

In the end, Wen Zhichu was sent home dumbfounded, even she couldn't believe it.

Wen Zhichu and Qin Jiashu stood at the door of the building, not knowing what else to say for a moment.

The opponent broke the deadlock first.

"Chen Chen came to see me today."

Wen Zhichu was startled, "Xiao Shen... went to find you?"

Could it be that he suddenly realized that his peach blossom should grow on the main character's trunk?


Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, and asked curiously, "Then... did you say anything?"

Qin Jiashu was serious, "He pointed at my nose and said, Qin Jiashu, you vixen."

【System: So special~】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Seeing the atmosphere getting weird, Wen Zhichu frantically thought of an excuse, "Xiao Shen..."

Who knew that before he could make up an excuse, he heard the other party say: "It's okay."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

"I forgive him."

Wen Zhichu:?

"After all I made him act so rudely."

【System: So special~】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Miaomiao teacher, must it be like this?

But hearing that the other party forgave Chen Chen, Wen Zhichu was relieved, he didn't expect Qin Jiashu to be so generous.

However, what he didn't know at all was that what the other party wanted was his idea.

Looking at the identification pin on the cuff, Wen Zhichu felt ashamed. The other party sent him home regardless of the past. It was too much for him to puncture a tire before.

Then he looked up at the other party, asking him to drink something before leaving, there is still milk and juice at home.

"Qin...Qin Jiashu."


"Would you like to sit at my house and have a drink... something to drink."

The moonlight shone on the person, and Qin Jiashu's eyes flashed, this is a unique good opportunity.

Article 10 of "White Lotus Cheats": Remain reserved in front of the target of the strategy. Of course, we should not be too stubborn. For example, if the other party invites you, you can express yourself by pushing and pulling. Or agree to come down the third time.

Qin Jiashu smiled and said, "No."

Wen Zhichu understood that it was not too early after all, so he waved to the person, "Okay...then see you later."

Qin Jiashu:? ? ?