Chapter 84:

When Wen Zhichu walked into the door of the building, he waved to someone, " careful."

Then he turned and went upstairs.

Wen Zhichu said, "I didn't expect him to be so generous."

He wanted to destroy someone's car before, but the other party's adult ignored the villain's fault and sent him home.

[System: Otherwise, he is the protagonist. 】

Wen Zhichu nodded in agreement this time.

[System: The task is completed, the villain value is 84%, and the reward is RMB.500. 】

The mechanical sound came to mind, Wen Zhichu staggered, his front teeth almost hit the ground.

[System: Ahhhhhh! 】

Wen Zhichu's heart was pounding because of the empty step just now, and there was a buzzing of the sky meow elf in his mind.

"what's your name?"

[System: I'm afraid your front teeth will fall out and you won't be able to scream. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It still has to be you, sweet meow.

Seeing the sudden arrival of 500 yuan on WeChat, Wen Zhichu was at a loss, "Why did I get the task reward?"

[System: Of course the task is completed. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Why?"

[System: Shouldn't you know this better? 】

Wen Zhichu nodded with a clear face, "Oh, you don't know either."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Yirenyitong was still wondering about the success of this mission, and had no idea that Wen Zhichu's goodbye broke Qin Jiashu's plan.

Qin Jiashu watched the other party's figure disappear into the corridor, feeling speechless for a while.

I thought that Wen Zhichu would ask his request again, although he refused, he would agree without hesitation, but who knew that the other party ended it too happily and without delay.

There is no way to play at all.

If "White Lotus Cheats" is a track that allows the train to run normally, then Wen Zhichu is the one who carries the train.

Totally off the rails...

In the blink of an eye, it entered November, and seeing that winter was about to begin, the weather gradually turned cold. Wen Zhichu got up early and went to school every day and put on a heavy coat.

At the same time, the No. 1 Middle School recommendation list was also released, and it was specially posted on the honor roll that you can see when you enter the campus. Wen Zhichu glanced sideways when he passed by. There are a total of eight people, and Qin Jiashu's name is among them.

Wen Zhichu sniffed the snot.

[System: What are you looking at? 】

Wen Zhichu opened his mouth and exhaled a white mist, "The recommended list."

[System: Have you never seen it? 】

"Of course I've seen it. In my previous life, our school had recommended places, but I didn't go."

[System: Why? Because you still want to continue to experience high school life? . 】

"That's not true."

Sky Meow Elf:?

Wen Zhichu smiled shyly, "Because I was not the one to recommend."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

He was thinking too much.

Wen Zhichu raised his head, standing in front of the honor roll like a goose, looking at the recommended schools behind Qin Jiashu.

Qingman University, the highest institution of higher education in the country, still has more than half a year to go before the college entrance examination. Wen Zhichu also searched the colleges on the Internet, intending to find his ideal goal. He also saw it in Qingman, and announced in July this year that he wanted to apply for a major The minimum admission score is 683 points.

Almost immediately dismissed the idea.

But he also sighed sincerely, Qin Jiashu is really powerful, leaving aside the identity of the protagonist, he is a dazzling existence.

As the cold wind blew, Wen Zhichu's nose itch and sneezed, he stopped staying in front of the honor roll, and hurried back to the teaching building.

The monthly exam is approaching, and he has to hurry up, the goal is there, and the pressure on English is getting bigger and bigger, so Wen Zhichu can only catch his breath when he has time.

Early self-study Wen Zhichu was about to write an English composition when he was patted on the shoulder by the monitor.

He looked up in doubt.

Class monitor: "Dean, I want you to go to his office."

Wen Zhichu:!

For a while, Wen Zhichu's little brain was running fast, thinking frantically in his heart, whether he had done anything during this time.

When he reached the door of the dean's office, he took a deep breath.

Wen Zhichu, calm down.

[System: What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Deceive yourself."

[System: The Chinese teacher will give you another chance. 】


Wen Zhichu raised his hand and knocked on the door, and then walked in. Seeing him coming, the teaching director got up from the office chair, and sat on the sofa in the room facing Wen Zhichu.

In the third year of senior high school, almost every head teacher would ask questions about the students' willingness to go to school. However, Wen Zhichu's situation was special, his family background changed suddenly, and he had no support. The head teacher of Class 11 came to the dean, thinking that the other party could enlighten him.

Although the psychological teacher in the school medical office is better, if the students see the psychological teacher, they are afraid of being abrupt, and the children will feel dissatisfied, so they put it aside first.

The dean looked serious, took a sip of water from the thermos, "Do you know why I called you here today?"

Wen Zhichu's heart skipped a beat.

For a while, the two stared wide-eyed.

After a long time, Wen Zhichu managed to choke out a sentence, "I ate chocolate last night in self-study yesterday?"

After the words fell, Wen Zhichu clearly saw the dean's hand holding the thermos shake.

Is not it? !

Wen Zhichu tentatively tried again: "From... self-study class pass a small note."


Wen Zhichu said, "I..."

The dean raised his hand to stop it: "Stop talking."


[System: For your own good. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The dean took a deep breath and told himself to be peaceful now, if Wen Zhichu continued, he might not be able to be peaceful.

The dean looked at Wen Zhichu seriously: "Don't be nervous, I didn't call you here today because you made a low-level mistake."

Wen Zhichu was startled: "I... violated the school rules?"


Finally, he took a sip of tea, and the conversation was able to continue. The dean slowed down his tone, and looked at Wen Zhichu kindly, almost using a gentle expression that was very contrary to harmony.

Wen Zhichu watched the dean's twitching eyelids and swallowed.

"It's like this. Now you are also in the third year of high school, and you are about to face the college entrance examination. Do you have any majors and schools you want to apply for?"

Wen Zhichu thought for a while: "There are ... majors, but the school hasn't decided yet."

"Do you want to engage in a career that you like to live in in the future?"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, as if she was a little embarrassed to speak.

"It's okay, you say it, and the teacher will analyze it for you."

Wen Zhichu glanced at the dean, "I...I want to be a teacher in the future."

As he spoke, his voice quickly disappeared.

Wen Zhichu was born in a scholarly family. His parents were both university teachers. When he was a child, he was often taken to class by his parents.

He is quiet and doesn't cry. He sits with a small toy and waits for his parents to finish class. Looking at his parents, he is full of longing and longing.

It was Wen Zhichu's dream to be a teacher when he was young, and his parents never gave up or interfered with his wishes, just like every decision he made when he was young, they gave him infinite and correct support.

But with the passage of time, this dream seems to be very far away from him now. With the death of his parents and the stuttering caused by his timidity and fear of contact with others, no one supports him anymore, even himself.

The dean nodded after listening, "It's good to have a goal, but you have to work hard."

The teaching director said very tactfully, it is good to encourage students, but it is also necessary for students to recognize the present moment.

The teacher must pass the test of Mandarin, and Wen Zhichu's current situation is obviously hopeless, and I don't know what will happen in the future.

As he spoke, he patted Wen Zhichu's shoulder, and asked the other party if there was anything else he wanted to do or yearn for, and it didn't hurt to leave him a way out.

Wen Zhichu thought for a long time but did not come up with an answer.

In the end, the dean told Wen Zhichu a lot of great people and great things, in order to let the other party know that there is nothing difficult in the world, as long as there is a heart.

After leaving, Wen Zhichu put this matter behind her. After all, if she thinks too much, she will get upset easily, and if she can't study, she will go to the activity room for tutoring in the afternoon.

In the past month, Qin Jiashu hadn't acted excessively towards him, but on the contrary, he himself was becoming more and more afraid to look at Qin Jiashu's face.

Every time you stare at it for less than ten seconds, you will turn your head away.

Apparently the same is true today.


Wen Zhichu looked away from the other party, lowered his head and said, "Listen... I understand."

Qin Jiashu was always strict and serious during tutoring. Although he was afraid of him, he was only afraid that the other party would be angry. The initial fear had long since disappeared.

At this time Mu Qing asked about Qin Jiashu's recommendation, Wen Zhichu pricked up his ears and listened, and after class, Qin Jiashu looked at him and asked, "Where do you want to take the exam in the future?"

Wen Zhichu lowered her head and was a little nervous for a moment, "I don't know yet."

Qin Jiashu looked at the fair nape of the man. The weather was cold and warm, and he was wearing a somewhat old-fashioned sweater, but it didn't hinder his overall senses.

Qin Jiashu's eyes were concentrated, he had endured enough in the past month.

With a deep and magnetic voice, "Is there any major you want to study?"

Wen Zhichu glanced at him, "I want to take the math department."



"What about the future?"

"In the future..." Wen Zhichu clenched his hands unconsciously. Even if he might be laughed at, he never wavered in his belief, "I want to be a teacher in the future."

"very impressive."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes slightly opened, and he tried his best to suppress the surprise in his eyes and looked at Qin Jiashu.

I saw the other party looking at him from the side, handsome and without waves, there was no hint of ridicule on that handsome face.

A far-fetched smile appeared on the corner of Wen Zhichu's mouth, "But...but it may not be possible to finish, I'm talking...problem..."

"Aren't you going to overcome all of these?"

Wen Zhichu was stunned, and couldn't believe what he heard.

"Wen Zhichu." Qin Jiashu raised his hand and stroked the opponent's hair flying due to the static electricity in the sweater, "There is nothing you can't do.

There was silence in the activity room for a while, and it took Wen Zhichu a long time to hold back a sentence, "Really... can it be improved?"

He didn't even have confidence in himself.

Qin Jiashu raised his hand to pinch the man's jaw, and Wen Zhichu's cheeks gathered inward. Qin Jiashu told him without the slightest hesitation, "Yes."

As he spoke, he returned to the sternness of tutoring, "You can use me as an exercise now."

Wen Zhichu looked at the other party and blushed, "But I... I stutter when I talk to people."

Qin Jiashu: "Just treat me as if I'm not human."